Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 82: Break out of the siege


There is nothing that can deter the enemy's morale more than standing in such a dangerous position with a weapon.

The rock is not an extraordinary soldier, and it is really waving here, I am afraid that the stairs on the second floor will be demolished.

The soap officers were all frightened, and the shopkeeper's face was not very good-looking.

Anyone who has a big hole in the floor of his house will not have a good-looking expression.

He Mulan's signature clothing of Xianbei military households is really intimidating. Even military households are divided into upper, middle and lower classes. Her fur coat is not ordinary at first sight, and the two-handed sword in her hand is obviously very heavy, and it is definitely not something that a dilapidated military family can use.

Not to mention that Hua Mulan has been in the army for a long time, and the action style of the general's camp has been completely integrated into her body. Once she deliberately releases her power and stands there, it is as sharp as a newly drawn sword.

The military households of the Xianbei people have always lived together in a clan, and if they annoyed the leaders, they would often form a hatred with the clan, and they would never die for generations. Therefore, although the status of the military households is not as good as that of many Han officials, very few people take the initiative to provoke a thriving family.

The Xianbei people's fame, fortune and wealth are all taken from the battlefield, and no one knows how many thousands of households will emerge from these military households.

"Dare to ask where this lord is from, why did you come to our Dongping?" An old-fashioned guy walked out of the soap officials, standing at the foot of the stairs and clasping his fists at He Mulan from afar.

"Who am I, where do I come from, and why should I share with you!" He Mulan glared, and the contempt on her face became even stronger. "I see you dressed up like this, and I thought it was a hero who came to learn from each other. If you want to fight, you will fight, why bother..."

He Mulan pulled out the rock with a "bass", leaving only the scabbard standing in place.

She raised the sword with one hand, pointed it horizontally, raised her eyebrows and said coldly:

"Who wants to fight me?"

Most of the weapons in the military are single swords and long spears. Military households go out, and it is inconvenient to carry guns. There are also swords, but no one will be half tired and carry an epee similar to a saber.

This kind of sword is generally used by admirals. The enemy the admiral is facing wears armor, and ordinary weapons cannot cut the slightest, so they need a magic weapon that is good for slashing. He Mulan is holding this with one hand. The light heavy sword, seeing her lifting the weight so lightly, the old-fashioned soap official was hesitant to speak:

"My lord... What do you mean? We were only ordered to ask about the situation. Your Majesty issued the 'decree to destroy the Buddha', but you entered the city all the way to find out where the Baoen Temple is. We were also cautious..."

He Mulan glanced at A Danzhuo beside him, and he nodded slightly to He Mulan.

He was standing facing the door, and he nodded, which meant that several people in the room had successfully escaped.

Once the purpose of delaying was achieved, He Mulan stopped pretending to be coercive, and actually nodded very cooperatively.

"Oh, so it is." She put away her sword. "When I first entered the city, I didn't know that His Majesty had this decree. I just heard that Bao'en Temple has a good scenery, and I just wanted to go and play."

'Liar! '

Although the soap official was surprised by He Mulan's sudden "good temper", he didn't believe him at all in his heart.

He clearly inquired for two days, and some people came to report, saying that many people went to seek grievances against him, saying that he was the Xianbei adult who came to inspect.

"If that's the case, then it's a misunderstanding. When we went out, my lord told me to invite you to the yamen as a guest..."

When the head of the Zao official said this, the expressions of the subordinates behind him were slightly unnatural. He Mulan knew that what he said was definitely not true when he saw it. "Or "tie me up if you don't want to come" or something like that.

Otherwise, there would be no need to send so many soap officers wearing armor and weapons.

"You don't need to be a guest. We are passing by. We will leave in two days. We can't stay here for a long time."

"I don't know where the adults are going?"

The soap officer followed up.

He Mulan hesitated for a while and said a place:


She really wants to pass through Pingcheng. The six northern towns are all in the north of Pingcheng, guarding Kyoto.

But whether you want to enter Pingcheng or not, you have to look again.

Pingcheng was the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty. He Mulan said that he was going to Pingcheng, and there was silence all around. The soap officials guessed in their hearts that they had kicked a hard plan, and they all complained in their hearts.

Don't take her back. My county magistrate and those gentlemen are worried that this official is really here for inspection. They have already "ceremony" first, and if they don't want to go, they will ask for "soldiers" later. But the loss in the fight is second. If this lord is really a high-ranking person, they will be completely left here, and if they die, they will die in vain.

After weighing it in his heart for a while, the soap official still had a little weight on Jiang County Magistrate's side. Offending this unknown adult is just a possibility of bad luck, and offending the man in the yamen, life is better than death.

Thinking of this, the soap official bowed: "My lord, the county magistrate of my family has an order, ordering us to 'invite' you, and the younger ones are also under orders, you must not blame..."

He shouted to the dozen or so soap officials behind him, "What are you still doing! Go and 'please' this lord back!"

The soap officials looked at each other. In any case, the identity of the other party was unknown, so it was still a psychological burden to go forward to offend. But the leading soap officer snorted and rushed upstairs directly. The soap officials behind were worried that the leader would suffer, so they also ran upstairs.

"Aunt Hua, go back to the house and pack your things, these people are handed over to me." A Danzhuo pulled out his miniature rock and took a few steps forward.

"I'm too bad in actual combat, just to hone and hone."

He Mulan stretched out her foot and kicked the leading soap officer down. The guy was kicked in the chest, fell backwards with a sound of "Oops", and was stopped by the soap officials behind him. .

"It's down this time? It's too bad for the next game, isn't it?"

He Mulan knew the depth of this group of people after a try, and no longer worried that A Danzhuo would meet them, so he pulled out the scabbard on the ground and gently gave Adanzhuo his position.

The stairs are narrow, no matter how many people come up, there are only a few who can attack the top.

She turned around and went back to the house price, packed their luggage and clothes, and picked them up. These things are not light, but Hua Mulan is naturally strong, and it is really a must-have for home travel. If there are so many things, if you change others, you have to have several people to carry them all, but she just inserts the sword into the belt of the sword Buckle up and shot, and quickly left the room with a bag in one hand.

At the stairs, because it wasn't He Mulan who was facing him, but a brawny black boy in plain clothes who came out from nowhere, these soap officials let go of their hands and feet, and took out the weapons around their waists.

Those are some very well-made great swords. A Danzhuo has been in the blacksmith shop for many years, and he can see at a glance that it is a long sword in the style of the Han Dynasty. He uses two pieces of hard steel to sandwich a tough sword heart to strike. The so-called "good steel is used on the blade" refers to this forging process.

The heavy sword in his hand is already expensive, but any sword in these people's hands can be exchanged for the two in his hand. It's just that the soap officials use such a good thing. What kind of thing is the county magistrate? It goes without saying that A Danzhuo gritted his teeth and raised his sword, grabbed their weapon, and said hatefully:

"None of the soldiers fighting at the border can use this kind of weapon. You idiots like you are using such a killer to target the common people!"

The sword and the sword collided with each other and made a friction sound, and then bounced off each other. It is very laborious to lift the epee long, and A Danzhuo does not have the strength of Hua Mulan, so he took a step forward and gently lifted the sword waved out.

"Bang!" The blade rested on the throat of a certain soap official, Adanzhuo clenched his fist with his left hand and slammed a punch into his eye socket!

When He Mulan walked out of the house with a large bag and a small bag, what he saw was the brutal scene where A Danzhuo almost burst everyone's eyeballs.

It turns out that such a straightforward and restrained child also has a bloodthirsty and violent side.

At such a vigorous age, once you see blood and you feel anger in your heart, it can really beat people to death. He Mulan was messing around here, to buy time for everyone to leave, but not to teach the dog officials and his party a lesson for Tianxingdao. Seeing that Adanzhuo was a little jealous, he immediately ran forward with two large packages. .

"Adanzhuo, you go to the backyard to lead the horse first!" He Mulan directly pushed Adanzhuo to the side, and the two big burdens danced like a hammer.

A Danzhuo was stunned by He Mulan's push. Before he could put away his sword, he saw He Mulan dance the two big bags like a meteor hammer, and the soap officials on the stairs fell down one after another.

"Aunt Hua Hua, that one can't be smashed, that's silk cloth!"

All the things were arranged by A Danzhuo. At this time, seeing his auntie Hua spoil things like this, he suddenly felt distressed: "Oh my God! There are fine noodles in there, and they are all fine noodles!"

Seeing that He Mulan was so fierce, those soap officials didn't dare to relax no matter how afraid of her identity.

It was really shameless for so many people to hit two. He Mulan was furious and jumped down from the second floor with the package.

"Get out of here!"

She swung the package with the heavy load out, and hit a man in the cheek so hard that he even popped his teeth, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground before he could stretch it out.

Adanzhuo stepped on the crowd who seemed to be run over by a chariot named "Mulan" and ran down the stairs. He Mulan threw the burden in his hand to his feet, pulled out the rock, and shouted to Adanzhuo to go Lead the horse to the door.

The store owner seemed to be about to cry, because the stairs had been tossed to the ground, and the soap officer, who was smashed to the ground by the "burden hammer", began to wave his weapon, as if aroused by anger.

He now only asks that the young man's legs and feet be faster, and he can quickly bring the horse to the door.

If there is something that the innkeeper hates the most, then "someone is fighting in the store" must be the first. Not to mention that both sides of the fight are the types that are not easy to offend.

Most of the guests in the inn ran away after the soap officers entered the door, and the rest who wanted to watch the excitement and the inn's runners hid in the barriers and corners, only staring wide-eyed at the front.

A brawl began.

I don't know if A'Danzhuo ran out to lead the horse to stimulate them, or if He Mulan had two huge burdens under his feet, and he was able to pull out pearls from his arms to make them jealous. .

"Be careful not to kill him! Magistrate Jiang is going to live!" The leader of the Zao official was kicked in the chest, and his words were a little awkward, but he still shouted.

"Caught alive?"

He Mulan took out the scabbard from her waist, inserted the rock back into the scabbard, and waved it together.

"It depends on how well you can catch it!"

Before that, whether she kicked someone or smashed a road with a burden, no one in this inn could feel any pungent smell on He Mulan's hands, but Jian Yi was caught After taking off the scabbard, He Mulan became cruel.

Because there was no worry that someone would die, she began to slap their chests, necks and other important positions.

She is a forensic doctor who has dissected countless human bodies, and her understanding of the human body is higher than most people in this world and even in her time.

Neck side, coma!

Spine, coma!

Back of the head, coma!

Behind the ear, coma!

Even with the scabbard and slashing or stabbing, none of the soap officials did not pass out after screaming in agony. He Mulan felt that these people fell on the ground a bit in the way, so he kicked them away, and then continued to swing.

No one had ever seen such a battle, so neat and tidy. The samurai's great sword seemed to have some kind of magic, as long as it touched somewhere on the enemy's body, it would fall softly and never wake up again.

They were even frightened by this terrifying scene, and they had the association of "soul-sucking" to the quaint big sword.

Seeing that the situation was not good, a few soap officials turned around and fled the inn. He Mulan didn't chase after them, but continued to beat those who dared to stab them with long spears. After a while, there was no one who could stand in the inn.

The soap officers all collapsed into a ball, choked on the ground or simply passed out. The shopkeepers and diners who were watching the lively in the inn were all squatting on the ground and holding their heads, afraid that the evil star would get red-eyed and knock them over together.

At this moment, Yue Ying's signature long hiss was heard at the door. He Mulan took out a bag of beads from her arms, grabbed five or six big ones, and threw them at the store: "Sorry, I'm sorry, If anything in the store is damaged, it will come out from here. I lived here for three days, and the rent is settled by this!"

The store owner reached out to pick it up, but only received one. The other beads made a rolling sound when they landed. When the store owner saw the beads on the ground, he didn't care whether they would break things, and immediately squatted on the ground and ran after the beads.

She walked into the empty hall, buckled the rock to the sword buckle, lifted a burden in one hand, said "I'm really sorry" in the trembling, curious or frightened eyes of others, turned and walked to the door.

Adanzhuo had already packed up all three horses. He Mulan put the two burdens on the pack horse and tied them with ropes. When she whistled, Yueying trotted to her side, and Adanzhuo also got on the horse. , The two of them squeezed the horse's stomach and hurriedly fled to the city gate.

It was a lot of fun to fight in this room, but manpower was limited after all, and it was not a modern long gun and short cannon. That Jiang county magistrate was going to send out rescue soldiers.

They hid a few people's affairs, if you really inquire about it, you can't hide it. When no one asks, even if someone sees it, they won't find something for themselves to report, but if the government asks and helps you hide it, then ask God to bless you.

He Mulan couldn't explain those people and didn't want to explain. Fortunately, this era was turbulent, and there was no way to guide them. As long as they ran out of the city gate and waited for the official road, no one could hold them.

The two of them ran wildly in the market on three horses, and it was all because of their superb riding skills that they didn't make any trouble. But even so, they also provoked countless pedestrians to stop and look at it, and some people pointed.

A-Danzhuo and He Mulan ran until they could see the gate out of the city, and their hearts were relieved.

The doorway not far away closed its mouth as if mocking them. With the closure of the city gate, a group of well-armored soldiers descended from the city wall. A few people appeared on the edge of the city tower, and there were faint silver lights flickering in the sunlight.

"There are archers. This county magistrate looks good on us!" He Mulan restrained Yue Ying, and A Danzhuo sprinted forward for a while, but he realized something was wrong.

"Wu Na Xianbei!" A high-pitched voice came from above the city tower: "We suspect that you have hidden monks who refused to return to the secular world. You have to go back to the yamen with the Zao officials!"

The city gate officials belonged to the county, and belonged to the soldiers of the county, not the officials in the yamen. But the city gate here is closed if the county magistrate wants to, and the gatekeeper if he wants to be mobilized. He Mulan was shocked and angry, and shouted coldly:

"I don't know that the general guard here has to listen to the local magistrate! Which subordinate do you belong to, I'm going to ask for advice!"

As soon as these words were said, there was no movement at the city gate for a long time, and after a while, the high-pitched voice rang again: "We are also under orders, and our responsibility is, please forgive me."

"Aunt Hua..." A Danzhuo's voice was also a little flustered.

"Behind, there are people behind..."


At this time, He Mulan was encountering the biggest crisis after her crossing, and the yamen in Pinglu County, Jiang Chou, the magistrate who was called "Jiang Papi" by the people here, was receiving a sudden visit of nobles.

"Several adults, why did you come to Pinglu, and you didn't meet with the lower officials in advance..." Jiang Chou's appearance is not sly, on the contrary, he looks very good-looking, and his eyebrows are extraordinary, and he doesn't look alike at all. He's the kind of wicked person who will waste lives and kill widows.

"Otherwise, the lower officials will definitely greet you by sweeping the couch, and bring the local squires out of the city to greet you!"

The grown-up was light-hearted, and did not show his identity. A group of people just arrived at the gate of the yamen and came to see him with the official seal, which shocked him.

I don't know how many days he has been here, if he has been there before...

broken! Could it be that it was not the Xianbei who lived in the inn who had been inquiring about Bao'en Temple and had been insinuated by many people as high-ranking officials to "frame" him, but this adult

If that's the case, that's really bad!

Jiang Chou secretly resented that the city gate official had won his money but was not alert. He clearly instructed that if a team of more than five people entered the city, no matter what, they should cross-examine the origin.

Such a group of people suddenly appeared, but no one from the city gate official told him.

Just damn it! .

The Xianbei prefect who had just arrived here had only seen Jiang Chou three times, but he had heard a lot about him. This county magistrate named Jiang Chou came from the Jiang family, a prominent family in Dongping, but he was only a side branch. He was "recommended" by an old Xianbei official, and once he took office, he was very good at studying.

For so many years, his annual performance evaluation has been in the middle and top, only to the point of staying in office, but he has never paid less taxes.

Pinglu is a medium-sized county. Because of its location on the main road, the trade routes are smooth, and it is richer than many large counties. Jiang Chou has been here for seven or eight years, and he has stayed in office for two terms. Everyone in Pinglu has complained, and no one dares to disobey him.

Unfortunately, the popularity of this person is not very good, but the official voice is very good. Great Wei did not have a salary, and this kind of "capable officials" who would "filial piety" and pay taxes every year won the attention of many adults. And this one is very good at "pulling tiger's skin to make a big flag", even if it is evil, it is well-founded and can't catch anything wrong.

Hearing Jiang Chou's polite words, the prefect of Xianbei just pouted.

"Why bother these squire elders, this official is here for business..."

Jiang Chou's heart skipped a beat.

"A few days ago, a child sent a letter to the official's prefect's house. This official just ordered the master book to record it, but the child disappeared before the official opened the court for inquiries."

The Xianbei prefect with the surname "Several" looked at Jiang Chou in a meaningful way.

"According to what the paper said, his widowed mother was put in jail, but the news of her death had been reported in three days, but the body was not sent out by the adults. I don't know if this could be..."

"My lord! This is indeed the case. The widow of the Zhang family suffered a sudden illness in prison and died suddenly. Xiaguan asked Langzhong to look at it, saying that it was a serious disease that would spread, and suggested that Xiaguan should The corpse and her clothes were all burned. The subordinate officer was worried about the spread of the disease, so he burned the corpse of the guilty woman and buried the ashes in a place to ensure that it would not be scraped by wild dogs. And spread it to people..."

Jiang Chou shook his head as he spoke.

"I'm ashamed to say that this kind of thing is too cruel for a child to die without a whole body. The lower official also has good intentions, so he never explained the reason."

Damn, he wouldn't be too lazy to talk to him if he hadn't learned from a few adults that these new prefects with several surnames are of great background!

When he catches Zhang Bin's bastard back, he will definitely peel off his skin! How dare you go to the Prefect's Mansion to file a complaint!

Go to the underground to report it!

Several prefects twitched their beards and said nothing.

He did not expect that the county magistrate was so cunning, and even made up such a lie that could not be verified.

Blowing bones to ashes, destroying corpses and destroying traces, the methods are so cruel, I don't know how much the widow has suffered in prison and how much suffering she has endured!

"Jiang County magistrate, this official heard..."

"My lord! My lord!"

A soap official kept making a loud noise outside the council hall.

'Well done, it will be tit for tat if you keep asking like this! '

Jiang Chou boasted in his heart that the soap official was clever, and begged the prefect for mercy.

"Xiaguan has official business to do, please..."

"It's okay, since it's official business, it's okay for this official to listen to it."

The prefect stood still, not even changing his expression.

"This… "

"My lord! My lord! My lord! It's urgent! It's not good!" The soap officer didn't know who was inside, so he only called from outside.

"If it's urgent, you can say it!"

The prefect suddenly shouted.

Jiang Chou did not know that the prefect roared so unexpectedly, and his face changed drastically.

The soap officer outside didn't understand who was shouting inside, and immediately shouted:

"My lord, you asked us to bring back that person. He said his name was 'Hua Mulan'! My lord, that Hua Mulan from Huaishuo!"

Hua Mulan.

Mulan in Huaishuo.

The prefect groaned in his heart and turned his head to look at Jiang Chou.

The author has something to say: there is one more update, I am coding now, and I can see it after about 10 o'clock. MU, I love you all.