Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 87: Fourth partner (four)


The Rouran people are indeed moving in pieces as some people imagined.

Xianbei people are not fools, so many people died in Heishankou, and the news that they entered Chilechuan must have been passed back. I don't know how many scouts there are in this Chuan, and there is a large army, which is as conspicuous and stupid as telling others to "come and catch me".

What's more, everyone wants to share the fruits of victory by themselves, and is not willing to share it with others. How good would it be to lead a single army to conquer a pastoral area? Why share cattle, sheep and horses with many people

As long as the loot is full, sneak out from the grasslands of Chilechuan, why bother to sway with a group of people here to provoke a counterattack from the Wei people

Partly out of selfishness, part to hide their tracks, these Rouran people divided into several teams and started cruising on the grasslands of Chilechuan.

The hometown of the Rouran people is also similar to Chilechuan, but their conditions are more difficult. This makes them a commonplace for this kind of thing. The fertile steppe was almost occupied by the most powerful khanate, and those who often harassed the Great Wei were those who were not very proud of the khanate, and the powerful khanate would only stop in the winter when there was not enough water and grass. Scramble south.

The Rouran people are a country formed by the merger of many khanates, and there are naturally many disputes and factions within them. As soon as they heard that they were going to disperse, these Rouran people immediately disappeared, only a few teams who got along well together, but they all had their own ideas.

If the Rouran people attack the people, they usually attack at night. There is even a legend in the Wei Kingdom that these Rouran people are animals that are crossbred with wolves. They can see things clearly at night, so they can run and march freely at night.

You must know that it is more difficult to identify the direction at night in the grasslands than in the daytime, but these people are like night owls and can always find the right path.

But this night, they hit the iron plate.

The pastoral area where the old man lived in Chida was one of the wealthiest pastoral areas in Chilechuan. Their pastoral area consisted of people from Jie people, Zahu people, Gaoche people, Xianbei people and others who didn’t know their race. They recuperate and reproduce here, relying on the defense of Montenegro and the natural barrier of the grasslands as the foundation of their existence.

But as long as there is something that others want here, those hateful robbers will always miss this place. Fortunately, God sent the generals and warriors of the Great Wei to help them defend against these shameless robbers and executioners.

"Father Chida, is it really useful?" The young hunter hiding behind the tent timidly stretched out his head.

All the fires in the tent were put out, and it was pitch black all around. He doesn't have the skills of those "wild wolves" and can't see anything.

"Fairy Wood"

"Why is that general gone?"

Won't leave them and run away

Then he also asked them to tie two torches at the gate of the tent to attract the attention of the creepy people

"He took the four generals and led the shepherds from the Baratu pastoral area to ambush." The old man Chida rubbed his hands. "Will these creeps come? We can't just endure like this all night."

"Boil it if you don't!" The young hunter clenched the bow in his hand. "Even if I stay up for a few nights, dozens of nights, I can't sleep as long as I think of squirming into Chilechuan."

"Who said no, hey, winter is coming, these beasts..." The old man Chida suddenly paused. "what sound?"

The young man fell to the ground all of a sudden, carefully bent his ears to the ground and listened.

"The earth is shaking."

He got up and ran out like a rabbit.

"Rouran is here!"

"Rouran is here." Hua Mulan held her longbow and stood in the tent closest to the door, behind a group of young people with nervous and excited faces.

Every man will be excited when he arrives on the battlefield, even a woman like her, in that kind of atmosphere, sometimes can't help herself.

But Hua Mulan never liked a place like the battlefield. Whenever she had the chance, she would send the tragic experience of the battlefield home by letter and tell her little brother what a terrible place it was.

War has its astonishingly beautiful side, which cannot be concealed, but its ugly side should also be acknowledged. One of the most unbearable things for her in the battle between Dawei and Rouran was to loot the property of the dead and cut off the head of the enemy immediately after victory.

The day after the war, the morning sun often illuminates naked, dead bodies.

These herdsmen have not been exposed to such a horrific scene, so they will be excited for the upcoming battle. This is not a battlefield, but because there are two sides at war, it is no different from a battlefield.

A thousand steps.

The entire team of cavalry, with their long knives held high, rushed forward without roaring and neighing. The ground only shook slightly, and Hua Mulan narrowed her eyes, watching the movement in front of her.

At this moment, Hua Mulan also had some doubts.

Is it really appropriate to let these young people get caught up in something like this

Five hundred steps.

The indistinct black spots have gradually appeared traces, like a group of knights that suddenly ripped apart the night sky and rushed out of the curtain-like darkness.

They are so confident that as long as they rush into this unsuspecting herdsmen's tent, they can chop off their heads and take everything they can with them, as they have done countless times in the past.

Dying unconsciously in sleep, or dying in pain, which one is more compassionate

Mulan drew an arrow from the quiver behind her.

Two hundred steps.

Rouran's stench seems to have penetrated into Mulan's nose. Their ferocious and cunning hearts have long made Hua Mulan hate them. One hundred and fifty steps, she can shoot within the range, but these young people behind her are the best at shooting only one hundred steps.

She shoved the arrows into the soil, and inserted several of the same arrows into the soil full of cow dung and sheep dung under her feet.

The skilled veterans in the barracks told her to do this. Even if she was not shot to death by an arrow, she would still struggle and die when she returned. She couldn't find any cow dung or sheep dung before, but now it's cheap.

Can a number of people's strategies succeed? Or is it just a piece of paper for young people

Rouran people are really stupid to have such a long line...


"What the hell!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Stop!"

All of a sudden, all the ugliness, all the might, turned into a ridiculous situation.

In that instant, something earth-shattering was happening in front of them.

A cracked deep ditch suddenly appeared when it was caught off guard, with its mouth wide open, it hung directly under the hooves of those Rouran people. These traps, which seem rough during the day and seem to be broken with a single stab, perform great miracles at night.

The second row hit the first row, the third row hit the front row, and the horses all stood up, fell back, and sat on their hips.

The speed of the horses' charge is astonishingly fast. The momentum generated can directly smash the pillars of the tent. At this moment, these momentums have become the cause of their unfortunate events. The horses slid down on all fours, and the Rouran people were immediately squeezed out. , or the head is broken, or the dizzy does not know the direction. Some fell into the ditch and were trampled on their hands and feet by their own horses. Suddenly, the earth-shattering screams rang out incessantly.

It's so simple.

Such a simple trap, it is so simple to let such a group of people fall outside the tent, and they can't get up.

Are the tactics and tactics of the Han people too cunning, or are the Hu people really stupid enough to just chop and chop

Today, even those knights who didn't fall into the ditch are now showing the same expressions as if there were shamans casting spells in front of them, and they stopped their horses in shock, not daring to go any further.

The herdsmen in the tent showed frenzied expressions on their faces. The men clenched their long bows and weapons one after another. The women heard the movement and stuck their heads out of the gap in the tent curiously. The palm is pulled back.

What Mulan wants is this moment of chaos!

She put the dirt-stained arrow on her bowstring, pulled it to the tallest figure she could see, let go of the string, and shot out.

Woo woo woo.

Because of Mulan's enormous strength, the arrow made a sound of breaking through the air. No one thought that an arrow would shoot out of the darkness, only to hear an "ah", and the loudest voice fell down and fell from the horse's back.

Hua Mulan heard a lot of muffled groans trying to hide her excitement. She smiled and pointed forward.

"Ten steps forward, in the direction of the tip of your nose, shoot!"

Mulan shot the first arrow to test the wind speed and the position of the enemy. Now that it has been calibrated, she immediately commands the herdsmen behind her to shoot arrows.

The herdsmen excitedly emerged from behind various covers,

Jealous, Jealous, Jealous.

Whoa, whoa!

The sound of the bowstring being released and the clattering sound of the arrows flying out can be heard incessantly. When the Rouran people are in a mess, this scattered random shooting is more likely to hit the enemy than aiming shooting. .

When a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, as long as there are enough of them, it can always hit the enemy.

It was really appalling. Those Rouran people who fell into the pit and were stunned and trampled by their own horses had their brains broken, and they were quickly caught off guard by the arrows that fell from the sky. Some Rouran people who were not caught in the trap saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned around and ran...

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A sharp arrow suddenly shot out from the flank. It was no longer a sneak attack, but a storm composed of arrow rain. In an instant, 50% of the hundreds of knights fell off their horses, and the arrow rain came. A steady command came from the direction:

"The first row discards the bow, takes the weapon, and the second row continues to shoot!"

Mulan looked at the herdsmen behind her and drew her weapon.

"Pick up your weapons! Go and show some color to the worms who want to take everything from you!"



"Kill them!"

When the morale of the army is about to be high, the defeated enemy is like a river thawing, and it falls apart in an instant. Splitting, rushing, collapsing, colliding with each other, abandoning horses and fleeing in panic, this is an unprecedented collapse.

Hua Mulan rode her own warhorse and charged out at the front of the team with her spear in hand. Behind her were a group of herdsmen who had little war experience, shouting "kill", and there might be many rookies who couldn't even cut down with a knife.

Murder must be conscious.

And this kind of awareness should not be borne by those who are not prepared.

She rushed into the trap ditch where the armor and armor had been thrown away, and wiped out those who still had the ability to counterattack. This is the first time she has let go of her hands and feet to kill people except when she rescued Adan Zhiqi.

Stab, poke, pick, shock, and soon, her spear broke, she bent, only put her foot on the pedal, bent down and picked up a weapon at will, and continued her mission.

It's a trick, it's a surprise attack, it's a surprise victory that won't work once others know it. This is not a dignified and fearless battle that overwhelms everything with strength. As long as a Rouran person escapes, these herdsmen will find it hard to be alone in the deep hole dug next time.

Killing is to save people.

Murder is to save a few people from dying in the future.

Killing is to survive.

Let these sins be left to her alone.

The ones behind her are just the kids who slaughter sheep and cook cattle the most!



After the night, the corpses were scattered across the field.

With more than 200 men in three nearby tent groups, they left behind more than twice their number of Rouran cavalry. These cavalrymen wore leather armor or other armors, and held weapons that had obviously drank a lot of blood, but they simply fell into the deep ditch and were caught off guard by the sudden arrow.

The abyss, which was not even a deep pit, was full of flesh and blood, and several people who killed the red-eyed led many herdsmen and then directly stepped on the ditch with their horses.

The war horses without their masters were grazing alone on the battlefield, and some were lying on the ground with broken legs and neighing.

A horse is an animal that will never lie down in its entire life. When it lays down, it either has just welcomed a new life or is about to die.

Many herdsmen looked at the war horses whose legs and feet had been crushed with pity, and then looked even more in awe at the few herdsmen who were wearing military uniforms and Hua Mulan.

The elders showed admiration to several people. It can be said that he planned and directed all the layouts by himself, while the young people had a reverent attitude towards Hua Mulan, who was like killing a living being born into the world. He didn't even dare to go up to her side again.

Mulan herself was also very tired. Once she enters the state of "entering martial arts", her whole body and mind will tremble. Her aura could even affect others, making people fear her.

Only at this time, Hua Mulan is the most indifferent and the least like a living person.

Several people looked at the deep ditch that could be called hell, and suddenly howled loudly.

Just like the lone wolf who finally found the wolf pack, and the beast that finally feasted after being hungry for a long time, it howled with contentment.

The cry woke up many sleeping babies. For a time, the cries of babies in the camp, the sound of mothers coaxing the children, and the sounds of animals rang out, making the dull silence a while ago. became angry.

Against the background of such a voice, several people stopped howling and laughed loudly.

The laughter came one after another, and it sounded like a loud one, making everyone laugh happily.

Listening to the baby's cry, Hua Mulan felt really lucky.

No matter what choice she makes, it always ends up going in the right direction.

Isn't this a blessing from God

She raised her eyes and looked at the terrifying scene ahead, but in the terrifying scene where Rouran people piled up into mountains, she found a long-lost peace.

This is her first time to fight according to her own wishes.

This was the first time she had fought a battle that didn't involve beheading and stripping the armor of the deceased immediately after they died.

This was the first time that she saw not the naked headless horseman after sunrise, but the scenes she could see as "people".

After laughing, several people shouted with all the herdsmen who participated in the battle.

"As you can see, as long as you have the determination to fight against it and the wisdom to do a good job of dealing with it in advance, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be slaughtered like beasts!"

"We are from Montenegro, but we can't stay with you forever, but the young people who have experienced all this tonight, you have all become true warriors. Protect your family, protect your cattle and sheep, and protect your Pastoral area, publicize what happened tonight, and tell everyone how to deal with the creepy people and protect the tent!"

Several people shouted hysterically:

"Drive those worms out of Chilechuan!"

"Get out!"

"Let these mice who only dare to attack at night die in the mouse hole!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Starve them! Tired them!".

On the way back.

"Isn't it a pity to lose such a big credit?"

Hua Mulan and a few others were very tired, but they had to get to the barracks before noon.

Time is running out, they can only set off as soon as possible.

Several people told the herdsmen that they and Hua Mulan had disobeyed the military order by coming here to help them, and hoped that they would not reveal their appearance and characteristics. If anyone asked, they would say that it was an unknown general and soldier who happened to be patrolling around here. that is.

Although the herdsmen were grateful for their help, they were even more grateful that they erased the creepy and terrifying image of the monster from their hearts.

From now on, their nights will be very peaceful, and they will no longer live in all kinds of fear.

"What's the credit? You said killing the enemy? That's our job." Several people shook their heads. "We left the team and acted privately, which was a violation of military regulations. Even if I said that I directed the herdsmen to kill hundreds of crawly people, who would believe it? We didn't know about it, but instead ran to entangle a group of herdsmen to intercept the crawly people. If our master had known..."

He wrinkled his nose.

"I have proved that what I learned from the Han people is correct. One day, I will always fly to the sky and truly lead thousands of troops into battle."

Several people laughed happily.

"I'm satisfied to be able to command a battle like this. You know, I used to command the lambs and then stumble upon the lambs. I wanted to avenge the fire chief and them, and I did too."

"What vengeance is more thorough than this kind of revenge?"

He stretched out his arms to meet the morning wind on the grassland:

"From now on, the herdsmen in the entire northern grasslands will become their enemies! As long as they are scattered, the herdsmen who gather together will give them a head-on attack, but if they want to gather, the herdsmen who find their whereabouts on the grasslands will attack them. We tipped off."

"In this battle, Crawly is no longer scary. Crawly will become the object for the herdsmen to get war horses, iron weapons and rewards. In addition to the 100,000 armored soldiers of Montenegro, they will have tens of thousands of enemies!"

He raised his arms and shouted:

"Hahahaha! As long as I think that I have done such a thing, my heart is really happy!"

"Some people..."

Looking at his crazy smile, Hua Mulan couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.


"You may really become a great person in the future."

"Haha, you too, a warrior like you, walks much easier than me."

"No, we're different people, and we've walked different paths."

Mulan took a breath of cold air.

"I think you are more amazing than me."

"Hey, what you said like that..."

Several people came up with shy faces.

"How about being my guy?"

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

How about being my guy

Mulan (rolling up her sleeves): Come on, we're talking about a fight.