Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 9: Sharpener brother


When Dugu Nuo saw Hua Mulan coming to help him, he didn't stand up directly or in a vain way like ordinary people. He actually raised his arms to protect his head and face, but He Mulan's half-stretched hand suddenly froze.

Shrimp situation

She just wanted to reach out to help him.

Behind Dugu Nuo, there was a sudden burst of puffs and puffs, and most of the laughter were Xianbei soldiers in armor. Dugu Nuo probably also realized that he was embarrassed, and immediately put down his hands and his face was full.

"General Hua, the last general is sincerely asking for marriage!"

The memory fragments of Hua Mulan in He Mulan's mind were all broken, and she couldn't recall anything without seeing a familiar scene.

These Dugu Nuo and Hua Mulan were not from the same army, but when Emperor Wei Tuoba Tao fought alongside Hua Mulan when he personally fought for Rouran, there was probably something else in the past that He Mulan couldn't find out.

Mulan probably didn't take him to heart, so she didn't have any unforgettable memories.

But this Dugu Nuo looks like it should be twenty-seven or eight. It is very rare that he has not married at this age. The Xianbei have more men than women, and they marry much later than the Han people, but there are no twenty-seven unmarried people, so She asked him in a very low voice, "What about your wife?"

When Dugu Nuo heard this sentence, he immediately nodded with joy.

"General Hua, the last commander's wife thought it was boring, so he asked to reconcile himself last year and returned to the clan!"

Uh... Xianbei people are really open, and women's status is really high.

But also the wife dislikes her husband and goes home after a divorce.

Speaking of which, why was he so happy to be dumped by his wife

His wife is ugly

"Okay, don't make a fuss, where did you get the news and come here to ask for a kiss? And... and make such a big battle... " Seeing that there were more and more people watching the fun outside, He Mulan couldn't help but scalp for a while. tingling.

"You don't kneel there, and talk to me in there."


As if the stimulation to the crowd was not enough, the carriage brought by Dugu Nuo and the Thirteen Knights was finally driven to the door of Hua's house by the shaggy wrestlers. On the carriage were bright Ayala, a whole piece of beautiful fur, brocade like clouds, and boxes and boxes of things.

The most common thing these villagers see all year round is linen. Some people can’t wait to see a foot of silk and want to pass it on. At this moment, seeing so many precious cloths piled up on the car like rags, they all immediately expressed that their hearts couldn’t bear it.

There were four white horses behind the carriage. There was no stray hair all over their bodies. The Xianbei people regarded the white horse as a good thing. The horse's shoe was actually made of gold, and he was immediately amazed. I wish there was a daughter like Mulan in the family, and it would be better to get married.

Zahu were the people of the alien tribes conquered after the wars in various regions of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and most of them acted as warriors and slaves. Some of these Hu people were born in the icy and snowy places in the north. They are tall and sturdy, and their whole body is full of energy.

These tall hulks drove the carriage to the Hua's courtyard, and stunned the courtyard where they could run horses. When Father Hua saw that it was indeed a team of cyclists who were escorting and transporting luggage in the army, he was immediately angry and relieved.

Annoyed that they used the army's chariots indiscriminately, but gratified that it was the "chariot generals" of the first army who were in charge of the carriages. The general agreed. His daughter even cited Shangguan to make an exception for her, which shows her prestige and reputation in the army.

For an old soldier, it is a pity that Hua Mulan is not a man, she has already met Hua Hu's highest expectations for future generations.

Led by Dugu Nuo, who is tall and tall, fourteen people filed in. The main room of the Hua's house is not small, this group of people squeezed in, and there was no place to sit down.

Because he lived in the same room, He Mulan felt how oppressive this group of people was.

She has been in the police force for a long time, and she often contacts strong criminal police and armed police, but now many of the men in front of her are Xianbei men. The Xianbei people are a complex group, belonging to a multi-ethnic group whose blood has been mixed. Among the men in this room, there are Central Asians with high noses and deep eyes, and there are yellow-haired and green-eyed Caucasians of Gaoche bloodline. There are also a few handsome men.

For a time, a room of handsome foreigners, elegant and handsome Han Chinese, and sturdy and handsome men in the army stood together. He Mulan could hardly open his eyes and opened his mouth a few times, but he didn't know what to say.

How did Mulan spend those twelve years in the army

Or is she more unlucky, and the comrades she meets are all crooked melons and cracked dates, so she is not moved at all

Hua's father and Hua's mother didn't know where to put their hands and feet. Fang's daughter was so frightened that she burst into tears, but Fang's only wanted to watch the fun, so she could only carry her daughter out of the main room and go to the next bedroom to coax the child.

If you have friends from afar, can you still eat

The younger brother of the Hua family walked out of the room with a dull look, thinking in his heart how many pigs and how many sheep the fourteen big Hanjia outsiders were going to eat.

The food grown by his family is to be handed over to the army!

How do these twenty people cook

When they come to ask for relatives, they don't know that they will bring a lot of trouble to other people's families!

Nothing to do so tall, eat more than others!

The younger brother of the Hua family, who was just seven feet tall, went to sharpen his knife in a murmur.

Dugu Nuo listened to the sound of sharpening the knife outside, and bursts of toothache chrysanthemum tightened.

No one in the Hu Ben Army and Ying Yang Army knew about Hua Mulan's force. When she was in charge of the military training, countless good men in the army were beaten by her to the point of crying...

Now when he sees the relatives of the Hua family, all of them have a simple and kind-hearted appearance. He just praised in his heart that General Hua turned out to be the mutated one in the family. It turned out that he was not the murder weapon of the family. Off to sharpen the knife.

Is it to disarm them

Was it to tell them that if they wanted to marry his sister, they had to be prepared to be wiped

He Mulan also got goosebumps from the sound of sharpening knives in the courtyard, and she couldn't speak properly at all.

Looking at it again, Hua's father has already held the hands of Yulin Lang one by one and asked him which clan he was from, which subordinate he was on duty, enlisted in the army for a few years, but had never been in battle, and even began to count their superiors based on seniority. He wasn't a soldier with him, He Mulan stood with his forehead on, she was speechless.

Hey, hey, why don't you ask your old man for a kiss, you are there to reminisce about the past and do the magic horse!

"My main room is a little small, and my grandmother is timid. Well, you should go to my room with me." He Mulan felt that it was a mistake to keep them here, so she lifted the curtain and took them to her high-tile house.

Because Hua Mulan is taller than ordinary men, the house over there is very spacious.

When passing by the courtyard, a group of soldiers looked at Hua Mutuo who was sharpening the knife, staring at him until he couldn't help shivering a few times.

"Sun and Moon"

"Adi, what are you doing?" He Mulan couldn't help but asked.

"Sharpen knives, kill pigs, entertain guests."

Everyone felt relieved when they heard the words, and Dugu Nuo said with a hearty smile: "You are welcome, little brother of the Hua family. We have brought dry food with us this time, so don't bother..."

"That's great… "

Little brother Hua was overjoyed when he heard the words. He raised all the pigs and sheep in the family. It was hard to fatten them at the end of the year, and he was waiting for the killing at the end of the year. It was early winter.

He was about to throw the knife after hearing Dugunuo's words, when he walked from the house to the door and reluctantly called out to Hua's father, "There is no reason to eat dry food when guests come. Although our family is not rich, it's okay to be full."

Who wants to eat dry food when there is hot soup to eat? Hearing Father Hua's words, the Fourteen Knights immediately smiled, thanking the old man Hua for his hospitality first, and then looking at the younger brother Hua, he couldn't stop saying "It's work."

All these men in the army are actually thick-skinned!

Brother Hua, who had a stiff smile on his face, and Mrs. Fang, who had just coaxed his daughter to go to the soup stove to boil water, could not wait to thump and cry when they saw this scene.


There is no such big pot at home for so many people's meals!

He Mulan's room was much larger and simply furnished. In the main room, apart from a few small benches that He Mulan asked someone to make, there was only one desk.

The Fourteen Knights took off their boots at the door, entered the room and sat on the floor, looking around curiously.

It can be seen that in the eyes of these people, they are very dissatisfied with the living environment of Hua Mulan, especially a few high-class children with gorgeous clothes, except for a little more look at the stool, their expressions are all "Ah, I am. Wipe this house is really where Mulan lives?" I read that right."

He Mulan sat down in front of them and began to ask:

"I have already disarmed and returned to the field, but the old Paoze and his comrades are still serving in the army. I once told me not to come to the countryside to find me if I have nothing to do. It is just right to protect your family and the country. Where did you get the rumors from? , why did you make such a big battle to come to me?"

He Mulan disarmed and returned to the field at the age of thirty. She is one of the few generals who "retired" so early in the army, and none of her comrades in arms is a woman. Repelling Rouran is naturally a reward for meritorious service. There is a good future in the army.

Now that they, including Dugu Nuo, are either serving as the guards by Emperor Wei's side, or they should be guarding the border gates. It must have been a premeditated plan for them to recruit a bunch of handsome guys.

She didn't believe that just a few people in the Xianbei army were at this level!

If everyone was so handsome, burly and slender, with such a good bearing, women in the army would already be full of women disguised as men, and it would be her turn to be a "heroine"!

"General Hua, when the rumors first came out, General Hua Kehushen received a letter from the family. But because you didn't seem to care at that time, the brothers didn't come to cause trouble for you." Dugu Nuo raised his brows and said, " But later on, the spread became more and more excessive, and even the head of the place wrote a letter and brought it to Beijing, and now the brothers can't sit still."

He pointed to the thirteen knights behind him.

"These people are all nobles from the six towns, and there are also the sons of the Han people. They all admire General Hua's character and martial arts, and sincerely come to ask for marriage."

"I didn't use force to coerce them, and I didn't have the ability to coerce them, so General Hua..."


Seeing He Mulan looking at him with a half-smile, Dugu Nuo immediately realized what she was laughing at, and immediately called out, "I, I, I, of course, are sincere! I'm also wifeless now!"

"Why don't you have a wife, you have a wife who doesn't think you are boring."

He Mulan smiled and presented a good person card.

She is not a good wife.

The Thirteen Knights laughed when they heard the words, Dugu Nuo blushed and stared at the Yulin Langs behind him.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, if you smile like General Hua'er, you will be able to like you! General Hua doesn't want me, and I definitely don't want you!"

"Pfft, General Dugu, even if I don't want us, I don't want you first."

"That's right, we didn't get a wife, we didn't run away when we got a wife."

"People say that 'people have five strengths, but there must be one weakness'. General Dugu, are you a little short, so Mrs.-in-law doesn't want you, and Heli went home?"


Because He Mulan was dressed in men's clothes and spoke humorously and witty, the nervousness of these people suddenly flew away, and the atmosphere became more cheerful, and they even dared to open up some dirty jokes.

He Mulan smiled, as if back in the past when she sat and joked with a group of police friends.

But after a while, He Mulan couldn't smile anymore.

Dugu Nuo first noticed that He Mulan's face was wrong, and quickly asked her with concern:

"General Hua, what's wrong?"

He Mulan shrugged, making sure she smelled right, then pointed to the boots at the door, raised her eyebrows, and said:

"Then what... there are not so many rules in my house... "

"You better put on your shoes first."