Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 92: Welcome to bed


Regarding the request of "Mulan" and some prefects "on the spot" and wanting to stay for a few more days, even if Jiang Chou was extremely unwilling, he didn't dare to say that he didn't.

He Mulan didn't even think about living in the county government all the time. She bluntly said that she didn't hold an official position, so she would go back to the inn where she had just started living, and would get together every evening when a few people were not busy.

Jiang Chou couldn't help but speculate badly in his heart as to why the two met "at first sight". Thinking that Hua Mulan had been in the army for so many years, and some prefects seemed to have "learned from Han people to cut their sleeves", Jiang Chou felt a little happy.

The yin and yang weirdness and neither male nor female are a perfect match together! .

Several people came here to inquire about Zhang Bin's case. Since it was an official business, Jiang county magistrate did not dare to refuse.

Several people arraigned all the guards in the prison that day, and all of them insisted that the prisoner in the women's prison had contracted a serious disease and was covered in rashes before he received any punishment. They were afraid of leprosy or other serious diseases, so they invited Lang Zhong to see. Lang Zhong said that Zhang's wife was a severe infectious disease and needed to be held in solitary confinement, but she died within a few days.

Several people sneered after listening to their words. He is also the prefect of a county. No matter if there is a contagious patient in the prison or in the city, he will be moved to the outside of the city immediately for resettlement. Once it spreads to the whole city, the consequences are unimaginable.

But everyone insisted that the woman was dead, her bones were burned, and she was buried on the hilltop of Luojiagang outside the city. A few people could only go to check the tomb of Zhang's wife in person, and indeed dug up a handful of ashes and other mixtures and brought it back.

On that day, He Mulan personally went to the yard where several people lived to check the pile of ashes. Several people watched with trepidation as He Mulan scratched and raked in the pile of bones and ashes, almost licking it.

"Mulan, what are you looking for..." Several people shuddered. "Although this housewife was cremated, and she also took in the monks, she definitely won't be able to burn the relics. What's so good about you looking around like this?"

"I don't think it's right. This pile of bones seems to have been burned in a hurry, and the burning is not very thorough. If it has been buried for about a month, the bones should not be like this." He Mulan picked out a portrait from the middle. It's a vertebrae thing, staring at the light for a long time.

There are no instruments or any testing equipment here, everything can only be based on her experience, so she has to be cautious. ,

In this day and age, Zuzuo is a cheap servant. Seeing that He Mulan was so interested in bones, several people couldn't help persuading her: "You don't want to be a general anymore, so go to be a Zuzuo? This road is harder than fighting. You It's hard to become famous, you should cherish feathers."

He Mulan has heard people say this more than once in modern times. It's like the on-site forensic doctor is too tired and dirty. It's better to go to a judicial appraisal center or an inspection center, but she is actually quite satisfied with this kind of search. There is a sense of achievement in discovering the truth, so I have never listened to other people's persuasion.

In fact, in ancient times, He Mulan inherited Hua Mulan's martial arts and fighting instincts. If she wanted to be more powerful than Hua Mulan, it was not impossible. She is familiar with the distribution of human organs, proficient in anatomy, where is the key point, where it is easy to kill, and where it looks dangerous but not fatal, she is much better than others in this knowledge, but her personality is not cruel, I have no interest in surpassing Hua Mulan, so every fight is a stop-and-go, rarely hurting anyone's life.

Because of this, she felt a kind of hatred for Jiang Chou's disregard for human life.

"Do you see it?" Several people approached He Mulan.

In fact, he was very afraid of things like corpses and ashes. It was only because Hua Mulan insisted on taking a look, that he resisted the creepy feeling and brought it back.

At this time, he saw that Hua Mulan was really looking carefully, and while worried that his friend was addicted to the "Left Way", he was curious about what Mulan had seen.

After examining the remaining vertebrae and some fragments of the skull, He Mulan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, this is not the corpse of Zhang's wife."

"How did you find out?"

Several people glanced at the bones.

Hmm, I still can't see it, the more I look, the more I think someone will sit up from there.

"Human vertebrae have larger conical holes, and the transverse diameter is greater than the longitudinal diameter. Animals have the opposite. The edges of human skulls are round, while those of animals are triangular. This edge is so hard and straight, it must not be a human bone." He Mu Lan washed her hands in the water basin beside her.

"I couldn't see any animals at the moment, it was probably made up from the leftovers of the sheep or pigs. Yes, you came suddenly. It's not easy to find a dead female prisoner, but at this time, every family is slaughtered. After the sheep has killed the pig, it is easy to find a pair of sheep bones or pork bones.”

"Jiang Chou really hid this." Several people continued to pack the large bag of "corpses" in cloth bags. "If that's the case, then the news I've investigated is definitely good. If you find the rogue named 'Lai Hou', you should be able to find out the whereabouts of the Zhang family's wife."

"It's just how to find it. We need more staff. We're not locals, so it's not easy to find." He Mulan shook her head nervously.

"It's not easy for me to avoid Jiang Chou, and while it's still late, I'll go back first."

"Aunt Hua, how many days do we have to stay here?" A Danzhuo looked unhappy, "I don't like this Magistrate Jiang, can we go?"

"I don't like it either." He Mulan leaned into A'Danzhuo's ear and whispered, "Some of the prefects here are my comrades in the army in the past. He said that Zhang Bin's mother may not be dead, so we have to stay and find it. her whereabouts."

"Didn't Zhang Bin already go to Beijing?" A Danzhuo was taken aback, and quickly asked her in a low voice, "If his mother is not dead, why doesn't he know?"

"So there must be a problem." He Mulan patted Adanzhuo. "Jiang Chou must be watching us all day long. We have to find a way to find out."

"Who to find out?"

"Hmm..." He Mulan touched her chin, "I know someone who seems to be quite 'smart'. Maybe this is a good idea, I have to consult with a few people."


The official surname of the city gate here is Fang Mingzhen, a sergeant who participated in the Song and Wei campaigns, and was later transferred to Dongping County. This person has a smooth personality, and he does things neatly and cleanly. He never offends people easily, and he doesn't leave anyone behind. Therefore, he is responsible for the hundreds of guards in charge of the four gates, and everyone believes in him.

Fang Zhen's own skills are not bad, and he has also been taught by the Xianbei captain in archery, and can ride and shoot. He is good at martial arts, can be a man, and when things come again, the people below him are fed up with him, and Fang's performance in this position can be said to be stable.

Until yesterday, he accidentally "offended" the legendary heroine Hua Mulan.

The local people and soap officials may not know Mulan's prestige, but he does. He accepted Jiang Chou's bribes to close the city gate privately, and called the city gate guards to besiege Hua Mulan. This crime can be big or small, depending on whether the besieged person is willing to let him go.

As far as he observed yesterday, this "Mulan" is not a cunning and treacherous person, and he is quite satisfied with his response. I think it is not a big problem this time...

...isn't it a big problem

Why is this guy here again!

Fang Zhen saw that He Mulan brought the black and strong boy to the city gate to the north again, and hurriedly came down from the top of the city and stepped forward to greet him.

"General Hua, are you going out of the city?"

Fang Zhen looked behind them, there was not even a horse, so he probably didn't want to leave the city. This was a strange idea, and he didn't dare to speak rashly.

"I'm not going out of the city. Fang Zhen, I have something to ask you." He Mulan said straight to the point: "Please take a step to speak."

Fang Zhen was stunned for a moment, but he still obediently took He Mulan to the top of the city, and waited for He Mulan's orders in a corner at the top of the city.

"I hope you can help us check someone." He Mulan took out several people's tokens from her arms.

Fang Zhen is subordinate to the military and is under the jurisdiction of the prefect's mansion. This token is the seal of the prefect's mansion. As soon as he saw the token, he saluted with his fists and bent down:

"General Hua actually knows some prefects..."

"Not only do I know a few prefects, but I also know the head of the Bailu official." He Mulan said calmly, "Fang Zhen, I don't care what your personal relationship with Jiang Qiu is or what agreements you have made, you belong to the county, and you can't get along with him. The local officials are too involved, otherwise the egret officials will not let you go, and the prefects will not let you go."

Fang Zhen's face turned pale, and he lowered his head and said "don't dare".

He Mulan didn't say anything threatening. Her words were taught by a few people before she came. Fang Zhen was terrified that it was the best, so she didn't worry too much, but said her intentions straightforwardly.

"I know that you have been a city gate officer in Pinglu for a long time, and you have many subordinates. What we want you to investigate is a local snake called 'Lai Hou'..."

"Ultimate Chaos"

As soon as He Mulan said the word "Lai Hou", Fang Zhen smiled bitterly:

"General Hua, the person you want me to find is not just a local snake. If you can't get this one right, your life will be lost!"

"I don't want you to meet him directly. You just need to figure out where he is. If you find out where Lai Hou is, send a message to Changsheng Inn, and I will come to the tower to find you."

He Mulan continued with a smile, "I know that you have never been able to get promoted in Pinglu. Jiang Chou has ruined Pinglu into a 'top-middle' county, and you can't go high as a city gate official. You have done a good job in this matter. There is no need to be a city gate officer here, the prefect's residence lacks a military commander, if you want to continue to be a gate officer, the city gate officer of Wuyan in Dongping County is old now, and he is about to die..."

Fang Zhen froze when he heard the words:

"Is this the truth of General Hua?"

He Mulan smiled and threw the token in her hand. "If it wasn't for me seeing you as smart and capable, I highly recommended you in front of the prefect. He is the prefect of Xianbei, and he couldn't find anyone to investigate a rogue."

Fang Zhen couldn't help but took the token of the Prefect's Mansion, touched it again and again, looked at it again and again before putting it in his arms, and gave a cautious salute:

"The so-called seeking wealth and wealth and risk, not to mention that this matter does not need to be fought with a knife, and there are some ways to mark it in this flat land, give me three days..."

"Two days." He Mulan sighed, "After three days, some people will become suspicious."

"Yes, then two days." Fang Zhen nodded. "The bidder will definitely do it well!"

"The prefect wants to investigate this matter secretly. Don't make too much noise, and don't go directly to some prefects. I will probably stay in Changsheng for three or four days. If you have something to do, come to me directly." He Mulan took out a few beads , "I'm afraid that you will owe favor by inquiring about the news. Use these beads for flowers."

He Mulan thought Fang Zhen would take the big bead, but Fang Zhen pushed the bead back with his hand.

"Not to mention that Biaoxia is originally under the jurisdiction of the Prefect's Mansion. Even if Biaoxia is not a member of the prefecture's mansion, it will take some effort for his own future. Since he is running around for his own future, how can he dare to take the general's things... "

Fang Zhen's tone was serious: "General Hua, don't worry, this matter will be done well under the bid. Pinglu is not a good place, and the bidder has long wanted to stay, because there has been no better way to go up, and he is unwilling to just give up. Everything I finally got, General Hua gave me a future, and I will not disappoint the two adults."

If He Mulan just thought Fang Zhen was a "smart person" before, then he felt that he was a "character". To be able to think so thoroughly in an instant, as he said, can't go up, I am afraid that "there is no better way", when the way appears, immediately seize the opportunity without hesitation.

He Mulan didn't expect this to be done so easily. When she got off the city wall, she felt refreshed. After all, some people were the prefects. Maybe the people from the county government here would not give him any face, but the soldiers of the county were. Had to sell.

No wonder she went to a few people to talk about it, and some of them even said it was "suitable". I think he must have inquired a lot of news in the city for a few days, and made sure that Fang Zhen was a useful person, otherwise he would not take advantage of it. It's as easy as promised.

He Mulan left the vicinity of the city gate, returned to the prefect's mansion, took the baggage and went to the Changsheng Inn. The Magistrate Na Jiang was kind enough to keep him a few times, but He Mulan felt disgusted when she saw him, and she didn't even bother to end the friendship on the face, so she ran away with all the burdens.

Changsheng Inn.

"Dongdongdongdong..." The errand guy at the door who was responsible for taking the horses to the stables for the guests rushed into the lobby and screamed in fright.

"What dong dong dong dong, when are you going to beat the drum with your mouth!" Changsheng's store owner was calculating the account. He was angry when he heard what the guy said, and then he forgot where he was calculating, and he suddenly became furious:

"What am I raising you guys for! You can panic even with a horse! I said..."

"The shop owner hasn't seen him for a few days, but his demeanor is still the same." He Mulan entered the hall with a smile, and when she saw the shop owner's expression that her eyes were about to bulge out, her smile grew even stronger. "It's still a room, and there are two shops. I want hot water, and I also have meals in the shop."

"Yes, yes, yes. Why are you back?" The boss got her beads. Knowing that she was generous and generous, the backstage was tough, and he was naturally willing to welcome her. He hurriedly wiped the chairs and tables, and ordered the staff to clean up the room on the second floor. .

"By the way, the guy in my shop said that the boy who came with you later went south with a middle-aged gangster and a young beggar. It doesn't matter, right?"

He Mulan was stunned at first, completely unable to think who he was referring to, and then thought about it...

Wouldn't it be Airan, Chiran, and Wakaba

Middle-aged gangsters and young beggars…


A-Danzhuo and He Mulan probably thought of going together, holding their luggage silly. The atmosphere was very good for a while. He Mulan asked for a clean two-person room, and went upstairs with Adanzhuo. When he saw that there was still a hole at the entrance of the stairs, he apologized a little embarrassedly to the walker:

"I'm sorry, I was patronizing Liwei at the time, and I forgot that this is not my own floor..."

The attendant grinned and said with a smile on his face: "What did this noble say, many people heard that this happened here, and they came to our store to eat, just to see the gap on the second floor. Well. The owner said that this hole doesn't need to be filled in the future, it's just to attract guests."

"This store in your store is also interesting." He Mulan shook her head, stepped over the big hole, and walked towards a familiar corner.

The promised two days arrived in a blink of an eye, and Fang Zhen really sent an unremarkable person to inform the He Mulan people of the news they had found. He Mulan didn't dare to take A Danzhuo, so he pretended to walk out of the city to walk past the city gate, and chatted a few words with the city gate official who was guarding where he was.

He showed such humility and respect that even his subordinates didn't know that Fang Zhen and He Mulan had ever been in contact. He Mulan could understand Fang Zhen's caution and caution, because she knew that the man's house had already arrived at Pinglu, so she could only listen patiently to the cryptic words that no one else could understand.

"General Hua, I have always admired you very much. I have a daughter in my family who is only seven years old this year. I don't know if I might learn some self-defense skills from you..."

"You've won the prize. I think your skills are not weak. It's the same if you teach yourself."

"The world is in chaos now, and girls are abducted if they are not careful. I just heard a few days ago that a girl from a good family was abducted and used as a prostitute in a prostitute in Liuyunli. Learn more. It's good."

In the clouds? prostitution door

"Even a girl from a good family dares to kidnap? This thief is too courageous."

Fang Zhen whispered close to He Mulan's ear and said softly, "That's not it, I heard that this villain has something to do with the prostitutes in Liuyun, and he often lives there on weekdays."

He Mulan nodded and said loudly on purpose:

"I'm going to Pingcheng this time, and I can't stay here for long. If you really want your daughter to learn something, when she's older, send her to Yingguo Township in Yucheng, Liang County, and I'll teach her some self-defense skills. "

He Mulan's words were originally just to hide people's ears, but Fang Zhen immediately knelt down and kowtowed to He Mulan, and replied respectfully:

"I thank you for your kindness on behalf of my daughter. My daughter rarely goes out on weekdays, so I kowtow for her."

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed three times, and stood up before He Mulan could react, "When my daughter is a little older, I will definitely bring the harness to the door and let her kowtow to you as a teacher."

He Mulan didn't expect Fang Zhen to be such a person who could climb up the ladder. She felt a little unhappy about being "slaughtered", but she was used to being patient. Although she was upset, she didn't show it on her face. He asked unexpectedly:

"Although it is said that martial arts are popular nowadays, there are still very few people who practice martial arts in your daughter's family. Are you willing to let your lovely daughter learn martial arts with me?"

Fang Zhen took this opportunity to almost rely on Hua Mulan, and his heart was full of ups and downs, but the matter had already been done, he could only bite his teeth, and said almost in a mournful voice:

"Of course, no one would be willing to send their delicate daughter to practice martial arts, but my daughter was born too well. Can you understand what I mean?"

He Mulan nodded.

"It's not a blessing to grow up to be such a beautiful girl in such a humble family as me. I don't want to let my daughter out as a tool to climb up. Men have to rely on themselves to go forward. Earn, it's fine even if I bow down. But I can only guarantee that I will not go down the wrong road, but I can't prevent others from hitting her. She is only seven years old this year, and many people have come to propose marriage. I am afraid that she will be a little older. That face caused her trouble. You may not believe it. I worked so hard to climb up because of my children... "

"General Hua, I have no choice but to do this. With your reputation, at least it can scare off many rogues. When she grows up in the future, I will send her to your side, be it a maid or a disciple. , I just ask you to teach her some principles of life and self-defense, so that even if she does not marry well and live well in the future, she will not be at the mercy of others and become someone else's plaything."

He just bent over like a sinner and said something he hoped would impress He Mulan. The deep father's love is a magical light that can transform one's appearance, and it makes this slick city gate official suddenly become heroic at this moment.

Fang Zhen has absolutely no confidence that he can impress "Mulan", because a woman like "Mulan" doesn't seem to be someone who can understand "beauty is a sin", whether in legend or in reality woman.

But he misestimated He Mulan's temperament.

"I have a niece in my family who is only two years old this year, and she also looks so cute..." He Mulan smiled, "So, I can probably understand your feelings. I may have to run around in a few years, if you don't Change your mind, wait a few years, you can send it to my house. It's just that I live the life of an ordinary Tian Sheweng, and Ling Ai may have to suffer a bit..."

"No, no, my daughter is not coddled!" Fang Zhen smiled and smiled deeply, and pressed it all the way to the ground.

"Thank you for the kindness of General Hua."

"What kind of grace is this? I can only say that I have a relationship with your daughter." He Mulan lifted him up and whispered in his ear: "Some of the prefects here are my friends, if someone really covets your daughter in the future. Beauty, you might as well find a few people, just say she is my apprentice, he will help you."

After He Mulan finished speaking, Fang Zhen was completely blinded by tears and couldn't help himself.

He Mulan was also taken aback by Fang Zhen's expression and left in a hurry after leaving.

She always thought that Shi Bishou was happier, but if that person was really grateful to her to the point of tears, He Mulan would be a little embarrassed and shy, feeling as if he had gained something in vain.


It was only half a day's work, and He Mulan had inexplicably accepted a future "apprentice". It was also possible that it was an apprentice who couldn't learn any martial arts and looked a little bad.

Maybe it's because the father sees that his daughters are all beautiful embryos? What can a seven-year-old child look like

When He Mulan and a few people met at night, and when they talked about the place, several people frowned.

"The prostitute's door in Liuyun? Is Lai Hou actually hiding in such a place? It's not easy to handle."

"Otherwise, you can send someone to copy the prostitute's door directly. Fang Zhen means, this Lai Hou has been staying in the prostitute's door in Liuyunli, I am afraid it is Zhang's wife..."

"I can't raid the prostitutes here. If they don't do anything wrong, even if I am the prefect, I can't raid them. There are few prostitutes in Wei, most of them are official prostitutes, not many private prostitutes. The prostitutes in Liuyunli I am afraid that most of the people in the door are after confiscated criminals, if there is no document, it belongs to the property of the DPRK and cannot be made a second time."

"Then what should we do?" He Mulan's head was big. "Your people can't copy, you can't let me go?"

Several people touched their mustaches, and suddenly their eyes lit up.

"Of course I can't take people to copy, you can go! No, you are a woman... Then you can let that son of A'Dan Zhiqi go!"

"Several people, are you right?"

He Mulan was startled.

Adanzhuo to pretend to **? If Tuoba Huang was here, I'm afraid they would look alike without disguise.

But then again, if Tuoba Huang is here, why bother, just send the egret to search with the warrant.

Aah, He Mulan, you are degenerate, and you are actually thinking of "bullying others"!

"Listen to me, since Lai Hou lives in the prostitute's gate in Liuyunli, it must have something to do with the prostitute gate. Maybe it is to look after the house for it, or maybe it is to make a living in it. One is that Lai Hou will not sit idly by when someone smashes the scene. When Lai Hou appears, you can take advantage of the situation and ask Zhang's wife's whereabouts..."

Several people's brains moved quickly.

"I'm an official, and it's not appropriate to go to the prostitutes to investigate the case in person, but you are a woman. If you and A Danzhuo get into trouble in the clouds, Jiang Chou will definitely dispatch the yamen to protect the scene. Jiang Chou does not dare to offend you. , I also know that you are a woman, and when you find Zhang's wife or Lai Hou again, he will not dare to make a big issue."

"When the time comes, I can use this matter to inquire about Jiang Chou's guilt and put him in prison temporarily. When the news from Beijing comes down, we will definitely decide whether to kill or sentence. Chou thoroughly checked the last time. As long as you can find Zhang's wife, this is three birds with one stone. You say, is it worth your visit to the prostitute?"

He Mulan looked at several people in amazement, and it took a long time to squeeze out a word.



"Aunt Hua, are you sure I want to dress like this?"

Wearing a luxurious black fur coat, Adanzhuo used as calm a motion as possible, put his hands on the sides of his legs, and walked out slowly.

It doesn't look any different, as long as you ignore his same-handedness.

"Hands! You don't need to put your hands on your legs! It looks like a monkey, it just hangs down naturally!" He Mulan looked at the stiff Adanzhuo nervously. "It's just a change of clothes, don't you even know how to walk?"

"But these are the clothes of some prefects. I have never worn such good clothes in my life." A Shanzhuo quietly touched the fur on the clothes.

I heard that this is a mink. A mink is not very big. It is even more difficult to catch them without hurting the skin, let alone a sable. Such a large mink fur coat, Adan Chappe said he had worn it, but he had never seen it before.

"You also said that it was someone else's clothes, so why be nervous? Just return it to others after you use it up." He Mulan also felt that this mink fur coat was warm in color and looked very tall, but it was still not as good as Adanzhuo. So cramped. "You'll be the young master later, and the four and five of me and I are your servants. You go in and find the most popular prostitute. If you are picking up customers, you must specify that you want her to make trouble for me, understand? "

He Mulan has seen many movies and TV dramas in modern times. Eighty percent of the fights in the brothel or the troubles are for the courtesans or something. Ask Adanzhuo to find the hottest prostitute. At the busiest time of the night, there should be customers already, and there is nothing better to cause trouble than this.

He Mulan has always been unable to understand the psychology of the heroine in various movies and TV dramas being sold to a brothel, or when she meets the hero at first sight after visiting a brothel. It seemed strange to her to see a client as the object of love at first sight. But thanks to all kinds of messy knowledge, He Mulan can say that he still has a little understanding of ancient brothels (big fog).

Anyway, she is neither the heroine, nor is she looking for the hero.

When poor A-Dan Zhuo heard "Dian girl", tears almost flowed out.

"You still have to find a prostitute? Don't you mean that you only need to fight? I'm nervous because the fight broke the fur coats of some prefects!"

A-Danzhuo stammered: "Aunt Hua, you look like a man anyway, why don't you be this son, I'll be a man..."

He immediately realized what he had said, and covered his mouth in panic.

The four and five of the people next to him couldn't bear to look directly.

He Mulan was pierced through the heart by A Danzhuo's "You look like a man too", and then she turned her face down and laughed viciously:

"Our little brother Adan hasn't gone to open his eyes yet? He Guang's son can make soy sauce. Don't worry, Aunt Hua has nothing but a lot of money. I will find you more beautiful girls tonight. of… "

"Don't, don't, Aunt Hua, can't I be wrong? I'm wrong and I'm wrong!"

A Danzhuo wailed and begged for mercy.

He Mulan touched her face and felt that Hua Mulan was at best hermaphrodite, and it was too much to say that she looked like a man.

I heard that the prostitutes in the prostitutes have poisonous eyes, maybe they can recognize her real gender at once...

Well, does she want them to see it, or not


He Mulan slowly let out a breath, wrapped the half-old fur coat that she had specially found, and followed A Danzhuo who was riding on a tall horse.

Four of five people led the way ahead with lanterns. They are almost forty years old now, and they look steady. They have long since taken off their status as house slaves, and now they are the confidants of several people, who have been transferred by several people to accompany Hua Mulan to inquire about news.

In the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty, although there was no express curfew, there were very few people walking on the road at night. During the day, they stared at the shop owner's strange eyes and asked about the path in Liuyunli, and they walked once during the day, but at night, even if there were lanterns on the road, the visibility was very low, and they had to look at the intersection several times.

He Mulan came out once at night, and the night to explore Baoen Temple was also groping alone in a dark light. A Danzhuo's skin was already dark, and he was wearing a black fur coat. If it wasn't for the red horse he was riding, I'm afraid The whole person will disappear into the dark night.

The few people walked forward for about two quarters of an hour, and suddenly saw a low door made of wood with the word "liuyun" written on it. He Mulan and the others were shocked, and immediately led their horses quickly through the low door.

In an instant, two rows of red lanterns set off the red light in the sky, illuminating the entire road in the clouds like the sky and the world. There were more than ten times more pedestrians on the road than on the road outside. There were some women in bright clothes, watching something at the stalls on both sides of Liu Yunli.

He Mulan and A'Danzhuo were both idiots who had never seen such a scene before. They suddenly went from a dark place to a world with red lanterns hanging everywhere. Anyone would be shocked. The four of them, five of them, seemed not to be surprised, carrying lanterns and continuing to clear the way.

He Mulan looked left and right, A Danzhuo, who was riding on the horse, looked at the clothes of the people on the street, then looked at the women all over the street, quietly straightened his chest, and began to stare at him with "fierce" eyes. below.

Several brightly dressed and generously dressed women pointed at A Danzhuo who was on the horse, and then laughed at each other.

He Mulan rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

Should I tell A Danzhuo that he looks like a black bear in such a luxurious fur coat, which is really funny

She could imagine the jokes of those prostitutes were nothing more than "Look at a black bear riding a horse" or "Look, that boy's horse is so pitiful".

Forget it, let's give this young man some strength to wait until he can act.

He Mulan, A Danzhuo and the others walked straight to the prostitute gate at the end of Liuyunli on the dreamy road paved with red lanterns. Different from the buildings and courtyards written on it as He Mulan imagined, this three-story building is not very large. Only the words "Goddess Dream" are written, which makes people think that it is a brothel.

Adanzhuo got off the horse and was greeted immediately by someone who looked like a character like Mama Sang. He Mulan swallowed nervously, followed behind the even more nervous A'Danzhuo, and watched this charming middle-aged woman twist her body and walk forward.

The woman first saw A'Danzhuo, who was dressed luxuriously before, and was about to greet him with a smile, but suddenly found He Mulan, who was tall and thin behind him, and was startled.

Didn't you recognize me as a woman

So awesome

He Mulan watched the woman twist forward with excitement and anxiety, and suddenly blew like Lan in her ear: "This gentleman looks familiar, has he been here before?"


ha? !

Adanzhuo turned his head and looked behind him dumbfounded.

He Mulan burst into tears.

Why does this conversation sound so familiar

Could it be that this old bustard did not like the young master, but did he like her

"This... eldest sister is joking. A servant like me is not lucky to come here. If I hadn't come with my young master, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have the chance to touch this door!"

He Mulan giggled and shook his head as if he was afraid of Adanzhuo.

He Mulan didn't know that although the old clothes she was holding were not as bright as A'Danzhuo's, the sand fox fur was not a common material, and in terms of value, it was not under his mink fur coat. The sand fox is rare in Dawei, and it is a specialty of the Western Regions. This woman has been sent to us for so many years, and her eyes are so sharp. When I look at this tender boy with no fluff on his face, look at He Mulan and the others behind him. Four people and five people have an idea in their hearts.

But she found that she seemed to have guessed wrong.

'Hey, could it be that I'm wrong, this person is not a servant, the black-faced boy next to him who looks like a bear is the young master? But no matter how you look at it, only this person looks like a master among these people. '

The old bustard's face stiffened, but suddenly he was relieved.

'There are many people playing tricks these days, who knows if this family is playing tricks? If he wants to pretend, we will accompany him. '

"This gentleman thinks of us too high. If you want to come, I will 'sweep the couch to greet you'."

The glamorous woman leaned on He Mulan weakly and bit her tongue softly, and then blew a sigh of relief in her ear. He Mulan, who was blowing straight, stood up with goosebumps all over her body. of escaping.

The glamorous woman teased He Mulan for a while and didn't bother, and then greeted A Danzhuo with a smile on her face. She went to the door to find a few young girls and led them inside.

Adanzhuo looked at He Mulan pitifully. He Mulan was even more uncomfortable than Adanzhuo when he was blown away by this woman. The two men, one big and one small, looked at the sign of "Goddess Dream" on their heads and couldn't help but feel A wry smile appeared.

Are you sure it's a "goddess dream", not a "nerve dream"

Why do you suddenly feel that this place is more terrifying than the battlefield

He Mulan shuddered firmly.

The author has something to say: it's too late. Let's all wait for tomorrow, kindly.