Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 96: The good man spares his life


After Lai Hou woke up, he revealed some evidence of Jiang Chou's crimes without much means, including exchanging all the money he had collected over the years for salt, grain and iron, and using Lai Hou's channels to send it out.

As for the place where it was sent, it was all over the north, south, east, and west. Whether it was sent for resale or for some other purpose, Lai Hou does not know.

The Great Wei did not prohibit private people from buying swords and armor. After all, there were a lot of soldiers in the government, and the power of the suzerain was even greater. If it was completely banned, it would be impossible, and it would cause a lot of trouble. Not only samurai, but even scribes wearing swords is a custom, and sword shops can be said to be spread all over the major cities and towns.

But buying in large quantities and then transshipment is very thought-provoking.

Jiang Qiu tried every means to make money. Over the years, he has indeed made a lot of unjust, false and wrongful convictions. As the leader of the local rogues, Lai Hou has also done a lot of extortion, kidnapping and intimidation.

Later, Lai Hou already realized that the situation was wrong, but he couldn't stop. Jiang Chou didn't want to let him go at all, and he was also afraid that Jiang Chou wouldn't do anything to kill him without end. The two of them had been cooperating with each other in such a good-natured way, and that's why the matter of Zhang Li's family happened later.

Several people felt bad when they heard that Jiang Qiu had smuggled swords and grains.

Dongping County is in the middle of the Great Wei Dynasty, with convenient transportation from north to south, and the salt field is connected to the east, otherwise Pinglu would not be so prosperous back then. You must know that Buddhist temples require people to support them. Most of the Buddhist temples are built in peaceful and prosperous places. There are three large temples in Pinglu County.

At the moment, a number of people wrote the warrant to let people go to the county to transfer people, and they planned to report it by themselves. This is not a trivial matter, especially Jiang Chou has been Cui Hao's disciple before, which is even more worrying.

Fang Zhen and this group of city gate officials were originally gatekeepers, and now they are temporarily maintaining local security in Pinglu.

Because Jiang Chou's soap officers were all raised by Jiang Chou himself, as soon as Jiang Chou was caught, the birds and beasts scattered, and almost all of the yamen officers had human lives in their hands. They were signed together and sent to Wuyan County, the seat of the county seat of Dongping County, to await judgment.

In this way, Pinglu has no yamen and two officials, and can only rely on the local county soldiers to maintain law and order. Fang Zhen and these city gate officials have made great achievements in arresting Jiang Qiu, and they will wait for a new county magistrate or a deputy magistrate to take office. , they will all be upgraded to one level, and they will go to the Prefect's Mansion to wait for assignments.

Everything is a great joy. There is a letter from He Mulan to the Egret official, and he left a record in front of the emperor, and he is accused of smuggling knives, guns, food and grass. Jiang Qiu will never end well in the future, let alone. Said he was beaten to death now.

Several people went to Xinyao County Center to transfer 300 soldiers from the county to prepare to escort Jiang Chou to the prison of the prefect's house. And he had to wait here for about half a month, and he would not set off until the county soldiers arrived.

Jiang Chou had a lot of secrets to be dug up, and there were also many unjust, false and wrongful convictions here. Several people were planning to reopen the lobby of the county government office, and while waiting for the county soldiers, they would sort out the corruption and lawlessness that Jiang Chou had done one by one.

Several people are new prefects, and they have little connection with the various forces here. The relatives and sisters are concubines in the palace, and the Dugu family is standing behind them. It can be said that they have deep roots. As soon as the news of "a number of prefects ascending the hall to ask the case" came out, countless snowflake-like cases flew into the prefecture's mansion. The writers who wrote letters for others in the streets and alleys made a lot of money, especially those who knew how to write letters. of.

He Mulan naturally couldn't stay here for half a month. Several people were protected by Fang Zhen, and there were more than 20 Xianbei warriors as personal guards. After Li entrusted it to several people, he and Adanzhuo wanted to say goodbye.

"You and I have met friends. We haven't talked a few times before, and we're leaving?" Several people said in surprise: "You don't have an official position, so what's the point of staying there for a few more days and less days?"

"You keep going to the hall every day, and I can't help you much. And I went out this time to visit the family members of the next Paoze, but I stayed here for too long. If the delay is too long, I will I don't know when I can go home." He Mulan explained with a smile, "I promised my grandmother that my sister-in-law must go back before giving birth."

Several people showed regretful expressions.

"I also want to talk to you about other good children in the capital..."

"Forget it, it depends on my mood. How can I have such a mood now." He Mulan waved her hand, "By the way, you have bald me a few pieces of that fur coat, you won't want me Compensation?"

He Mulan felt very sorry for letting the other party cut off some hair inadvertently during the fight.

"It's nothing, just take it out and use it. I still have a few pieces of that kind of fur coat." Some people didn't care, "Ms. Zhang Li is going to sew. She said that her sewing was good, and Jiang Chou was taken into custody. My wife and daughter are still officials, and I also need someone to handle some private affairs, so she really helped me a lot by staying."

"She... she said she wanted to meet you and thank you."

Several people did not say that what she said was "I want to be a slave and a maid, and thank the strong man for his kindness".

He was extremely unbalanced. It was clearly his plan, and he sent people to respond. He sent Jiang Chou to prison. Why did they want to make Hua Mulan a slave and a maid

Even if I am grateful, it should be for me who handled Jiang Chou properly in the face of danger!

In terms of looks, he is also more handsome than Hua Mulan!

"Where does she live now?"

"I arranged her in the small courtyard where you and Adanzhuo stayed last time."

As a death row prisoner of "resurrection from the dead", Zhang Li's experience made many people sigh. She is the only "criminal evidence" that several people can really grasp. Whether it is Lai Hou's testimony or the local people's case for vindication, Jiang Chou cannot be completely convicted until definite evidence is found.

Several people were just prefects, not emperors, nor authorized egret officials. Before they had collected all the evidence, they could only put Jiang Chou in prison, and had no way to kill a court-ordered official.

Therefore, the Zhang Li family must be properly settled.

When He Mulan saw her, she was carefully patching up a sable coat.

I don't know how she did it. The bald hair in the sable coat became a little more plump. When He Mulan got closer, it turned out that she used a method similar to the "hair transplant" of later generations, filling it up little by little. .

"It's so troublesome, your fingers aren't ready yet, so it's best not to do it. Several prefects have great careers, and he won't care about this fur coat."

"This dress is broken because of me, I have to..." Mrs. Zhang Li was carefully sewing, and he replied unconsciously, suddenly realizing who was speaking, and raised his head:

"My benefactor, it's actually you!"

She stood up and was about to kneel immediately.

He Mulan couldn't stand this, she reached out and lifted her up. For the second time, Mrs. Zhang Li knew how strong the man in front of him was. Before his knees hit the ground, he was lifted with a force, and then he couldn't bend down.

"Don't kneel with me. I'm also white, and I'm not an 'adult'." He Mulan was a little flattered. "It's some adults who saved you. I just went in to find out about you, and I'm not a benefactor."

Zhang Li didn't bother, but also kept silent. She lost countless teeth in her mouth, her speech leaked, and her teeth were sore. It was very difficult to even eat. It took half an hour to eat a meal, and as long as the gruel and rotten rice touched the broken teeth, she would feel unbearable pain.

Not to mention the wound on her finger.

In this way, she was still delivering meals to the wives and daughters in Jiang Chou's prison, and sewing clothes for several people. He Mulan admired her strong and noble heart and refused to treat him like an ordinary woman.

"I couldn't hold on at that time. If you came later, I'm afraid I've already found a shortcoming."

"I was originally a person who should have died in prison. Even if I was stolen from the sky, I can't use my previous name and my previous identity. So what's the difference between me and death?" Zhang Li stooped slightly, "So, you saved me twice."

As if thinking of something, she continued to say sincerely: "No, not twice, you saved me three times. Several adults said that my child was also saved by you. Bin'er is my life, you saved my life. I'm three times, how can this kind of grace be thanked in words..."

He Mulan was already blushing because of her praise.

"If the hero doesn't despise me for being a wreck, after Jiang Chou subdues the law, please let Bin'er and I serve you as slaves and maids, and repay your kindness..."

"There's no need to say that."

"...You don't show such an expression, it has nothing to do with you, I don't like the status of a slave." He Mulan shook his head, "You said that I saved your life and identity, so that you don't have to live secretly. Going down shows that you are also a person of integrity. Since you have just gained freedom and dignity, why put you and your son into such a cage again?"

"Your future is still long-term. Zhang Bin is a brave and resourceful child with perseverance and tenacity. He will surely achieve a career in the future. Do you want his mother to be a slave in the future?"

"But your kindness..."

"Is it also called grace to save people? Don't you also see that the master of compassion and suffering is in trouble and save it? This is the cycle of karma, and good people have good rewards."

"Don't say this..."

He Mulan took her hand and looked at her nails.

"Although it will be very painful, you should find a good man to pull out all the nails, and the nails will continue to grow. Otherwise, when the weather is warmer, your hands will be useless."

Zhang Li withdraws his hand silently and just nodded.

If this adult has no intention of her, why should he take care of her so much? First, ask some adults to take care of her, and then ask him to pay attention to Zhang Bin who may return, so that their mother and son can be reunited...

She has nothing to repay at all.

But the meaning of this hero seems to be a little effort. Even the gesture of holding her hand was very natural, as if she was a familiar friend or someone with a very close relationship.

But she was still a woman after all, a woman who had been widowed for a long time.

Mrs. Zhang Li's face was hot with He Mulan's gentle actions, she could only withdraw her hands and remained silent, trying her best to calm her restless heart.

Unlike the filthy and disgusting guards in the prison, the gentleness with which this adult held her hand made her want to cry.

Powerful and gentle exist at the same time, this person is already a Buddha-like existence.

Zhang Li lowered his head.

How can the Buddha be desecrated, and how can it be so easy to follow

"This hero, I don't know your name yet..."

Zhang Li lowered his head, and after struggling for a while, he finally asked.

"I will set up a longevity tablet for you at home in the future, and pray for you."

"Hey, didn't some of the prefects tell you who I am?" He Mulan thought that several people had already said it. After all, ordinary people always ask who the person who hugged them out was.

Some people wanted He Mulan not to get involved too much in this matter. If there were other terrifying forces behind Jiang Chou, it would be easy for He Mulan to fall into danger, so he didn't even inform Zhang Li of her life, except Fang Fang. Zhen and a few officials, and many people in Pinglu also regarded the Xianbei nobles who went around to inquire about the "Baoen Temple" at the beginning and himself who punished Jiang Qiu as one person.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhang Li looked down and waited, He Mulan reported her name.

"I'm Hua Mulan, Huaishuo, and I live in Liang County now."



Zhang Li seemed to hear a broken voice.

She is not an ignorant woman, her brother is a craftsman who walks the streets, and naturally sometimes he will tell her some new things at home.

that one...

Zhang Li raised his head in disbelief: "Yes, but..."

"Isn't Hua Mulan a woman?"


He Mulan looked up at the sky helplessly.

It's hard to see, but...

"I am indeed a woman."

Zhang Li was ashamed and wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury it.


After leaving several people and Zhang Li's family, He Mulan did not stay here with A Danzhuo. She left Dongping with the warm welcome of Fang Zhen, several people and the rest of the people, especially the owner of Changsheng Inn. County, toward their original goal of Shangdang County.

"Mulan, if you really go to Pingcheng, you'd better not see Your Majesty." Several people thought over and over again, but before He Mulan got on the horse, they whispered in her ear: "It hasn't been a few years since the peace, Your Majesty wants to use troops again. ."

"Isn't the north already settled..." He Mulan replied suspiciously, suddenly thinking of the actions of the prince Tuoba Huang and Di Yefei in Chen County, frowned and asked him, "It's not the north, but the south? "

Do you want to use troops against that huge Han country

"It's good that you know it, you don't need to publicize it."

Several people nodded.

"We fought back from the south more than ten years ago. After that, the two countries signed a covenant, and it was peaceful for more than ten years. It's just that the south has become more and more prosperous now. I heard that they have too much food to eat, and no one can leave it outside. Stealing, the price of food is cheap. The merchants over there frequently secretly send people into Dawei to sell food in exchange for good horses and weapons of our country. They have been caught by the egret several times. Your Majesty thinks that he will not send troops in these few years, and wait for the south to grow stronger. , it will be more difficult to fight in the future.”

"What does that have to do with me?" He Mulan was inexplicable.

"If you really want to attack the south, it will be a tough battle. All the generals who have attacked the Liang Kingdom must be reactivated. Moreover, some courtiers in the court suggested that it is..."

He made a somewhat ridiculous expression.

"It's said that the south side despised women and sent a woman as a vanguard to fight them, throwing away their armor and armor, which can greatly frustrate their morale. But this proposal was pressed by Your Majesty."

"They really care about me. If I lose, wouldn't it be shameful and thrown abroad?" He Mulan felt amused when she heard this proposal.

"But Cui Situ and several Han ministers all think that 'to attack the army', this method can be used. If the opponent's generals can't even match a female general of our country, then there is no need to fight, everyone will be discouraged. This is probably the idea." Several people shook their heads. "It's not fair at all. Even my Great Wei, the generals who can rival you, are only the most brave ones in the Central Army and the Suwei Army..."

"It's really boring." He Mulan snorted. "Aren't they afraid that my generals in the Wei Dynasty feel that there are no generals available, and they have to use a middle-aged woman as their general? If they think so, it will shake our morale!"

"Huh?" Several people were dumbfounded. "If you say that, it seems like..."

"You are sincere." The "you" He Mulan said here refers to the Xianbei people. "Han Chinese debaters are famous all over the world. Back then, how domineering they were, they wanted to accomplish something, and they said they would survive. You spent so many years in the military commander's tent. Could it be that you didn't know their tricks to persuade people? If you think about it in reverse, you can basically put their words back."

He Mulan jumped on his horse and bowed to several people.

"Thank you anyway. I will be careful and enter Pingcheng without revealing my identity. If His Majesty really finds it, it would be my bad luck, and no one can blame others."

"Hahaha, you are really funny." Several people laughed. "I said Hua Mulan, in fact, you are very suitable for an official position. It would have been better if you didn't reveal your identity as a woman. I think even if you are a woman, there are a lot of daughters who are willing to marry you..."

"And then, marry me and be a widow?" He Mulan smiled wickedly.

"There were still many people in the army who said that I had a broken sleeve, and maybe there were a lot of 'men' willing to marry me."

"You..." Several people coughed uncomfortably.

"Although you are a woman, some of me will always treat you as a brother. I said, you often walk around my prefect's mansion on weekdays. I don't think you seem to be able to cultivate yourself at home."

He Mulan nodded and shook the reins: "Got it. Dan, let's go!"


The two of them ran away with three horses, carrying the gratitude of the common people.


"Here, Shangdang." He Mulan couldn't help but jump up when she saw the boundary monument standing on the road. "Adanzhuo, if we work hard for a while, we will have a place to live."

They had had enough these days. In ancient times, traveling on the road was by no means the same as in modern times. There were inns on the roadside where you could eat, and hotels everywhere. Once you missed the place to stay, you would encounter wolves in the middle of the night in the wild.

A few days ago, when they were sleeping in the wild, they were almost trampled on the tent by a wild boar. If He Mulan hadn't woken up, Adanzhuo would have been trampled to death.

Wild boars are more terrifying than wolves. When running at full speed, their fangs can pierce people's stomachs. If they are stepped on, they will be disabled. Many hunters were not injured by wild beasts, but they were killed by wild boars. They were not old hunters, and no one would provoke wild boars at all.

After a while, He Mulan felt that he could rub mud on his body like the Lushuihu people. I don't know if there is any smell on my head, but I can't smell the smell of the hat I'm wearing anyway.

She originally had several hats to change, but she took two of them for Airan, and now there is only one.

She didn't know how Hua Mulan survived in the army before, but now she just saw the boundary monument and felt her face burst into tears.

Traveling to so many uninhabited places can really drive people crazy.

At this point, Adanzhuo was much more comfortable than He Mulan. Even if he didn't change his socks for half a month, he wouldn't feel any discomfort, but He Mulan would force him to sleep farther at night.

"Which direction does the adult's family live? From a small town fifteen miles outside of Huguan City, he is a Han Chinese?" After reading the paper in his hand, A Danzhuo put it back into his arms, shaking his head repeatedly. "We don't know about the south, south, and northwest. We have to find someone to ask."

"I'm not a Han Chinese, but my comrade married a Han family, just like my grandfather and my mother. Last time I came from the north, this time from the south, I really don't know the direction. So, let's Go to Huguan City, take a rest and wash up, find out where my Paoze family members live in Huguan, and then visit."

He Mulan searched her memories and found that the last time Hua Mulan came here was six years ago. She came all the way south from Montenegro to deliver her relics. The direction and time were different. It was really difficult to find the path.

A-Danzhuo always listened to He Mulan in everything, and he didn't have any opinion at the moment, so the two went to Huguan.

The terrain of Shangdang is much higher than other counties, and it has been a strategic place since ancient times, because "the land is extremely high, and the sky is the party, so it is called Shangdang". Shangdang is an extremely important county in Bingzhou, with Yanmenguan above it and Tongguan below it. Bingzhou Iron Cavalry was once famous during the Three Kingdoms period, and even now, there are many military households in Bingzhou.

Therefore, although it is not like the six northern towns where more than half of them are military households, it is not uncommon to have hundreds of Xianbei or mixed hus migrated to live in one township.

Hua Mulan, a general in the right army with her, was ambushed when she attacked the royal court of Rouran, and unfortunately died for her country. Hua Mulan tried her best to not save him, but saved many soldiers under him.

This incident should have dealt a big blow to Mulan back then, because according to Chen Jie, this person was almost impossible to mention in Hua Mulan, except for Mo Huaier and A Shan Zhiqi, the Lang Jiang's family was Mulan is the one who needs to give relief even if she tightens her belt.

He Mulan didn't know if she didn't send anything to this comrade's family for more than half a year, and it would have any bad influence, so she had to come in person to feel at ease.

A-Danzhuo has come all the way from Wuchuan, but this family has never even sent a letter.

The terrain of Shangdang is steep and complex, and they often travel between the highland and hillsides, which is extremely hard.

This county is a highland surrounded by mountains. It is not easy to open the road, and the official road is narrow. It is also responsible for transporting materials from north to south. If you encounter an escort vehicle from the government, you must avoid it. He Mulan and A Danzhuo avoided it a few times. When the convoy from Chaozhong passed by and found that it was dark, from then on, they simply took a shortcut in the right direction.

Different from the calm Chen Jun and Dongping of Yima Pingchuan, He Mulan and A Danzhuo misunderstood the embarrassing situation caused by the complicated terrain, and also misestimated the "sturdy folk customs" of Shangdang County. Met a robber robbery.

He Mulan didn't realize that he had met a robber at first, but when they rode their horses halfway, they suddenly found that a log had been inserted abruptly in the middle of the road.

In this barren mountain, a standing tree with branches cut off appeared, and Hua Mulan's heart suddenly filled with unease.

Before Adanzhuo asked what was going on, a strong man in a leopard skin shirt and a knife around the head appeared from behind the wood.

The so-called strong man refers to a strong and violent person. A strong man may be a robber, a horse thief, or a wicked man. At first glance, this young man who appeared out of nowhere was not a good person to talk to. Although Adanzhuo was also burly, his appearance was simple and honest. At first glance, he looked like a child who grew up in a peaceful family.

This leopard-clothed man had a ruthless look on his face, his eyes were long and narrow, and by the color of his hair, he should be a Hu man, and he was the kind of guy who grew up fighting and fighting bravely.

He Mulan didn't dismount or talk to her, thinking about how to deal with it in her mind.

Since she was a child, she has never met anyone who robbed the Dao. Even if her family was robbed, she would steal it. The Ranger in Liang County was even more polite to her.

Such a large piece of wood would never be carried by this person alone, and there might be an ambush around it. But if it wasn't for the ambush all around, but the man in the leopard clothes was pretending to be mysterious and cheating people of money, if they turned around and fled for another way, they didn't know how long they would be delayed.

It's past noon now, and after a while, it's time to pitch a tent in the mountains at night.

What a joke, Shangdang is connected to the Taihang Mountains. In this era, there are really leopards and tigers! Otherwise, where did the leopard skin on the man in the leopard suit come from

When the man in leopard clothes saw He Mulan's face was solemn, and there were special packs behind him, his eyes lit up, and Hengdao shouted:

"this… "

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree?"

He Mulan spat out in bitterness.

"What? I have met my peers today?" The leopard-clothed man widened his eyes in surprise and shook the knife: "But I am not opening a mountain, and I am not planting a tree, I want to ask for something to help plant on the road. Come out with some trees for everyone to cool off."

"The cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, what's the coldness?" He Mulan gave A Danzhuo a wink, not wanting to linger here any longer. A-Danzhuo received a wink, and immediately caught his belly. Relying on the fact that the man in the leopard clothes was walking, the two were ready to forcibly rush over...

He Mulan's shadow-crossing speed was extremely fast, and she had already reached the man in the leopard suit in one sprint. Her sword was still hanging on the horse, and she couldn't draw it at this time. The workhorse clears the way.

The man in the leopard clothes didn't panic, he picked up a single sword and stabbed the horse, and he was about to slash at the head of Yueying's horse. He Mulan's whip was like a shadow. Unexpectedly, just as soon as the whip touched the knife, a strong force hit him, and his mouth hurt, and the knife in his hand could not be held at all, and it fell directly to the ground.

This man is very strong, not mediocre!

The man in the leopard clothes was shocked!

He Mulan succeeded, and immediately rode his horse and ran quickly beside him. A-Danzhuo followed behind with his knife raised. Seeing that the two riders were about to leave the place over the wooden pillar, the man in the leopard clothes couldn't help shouting. up:

"The idea is hard, the horse is fast, brothers, come out quickly!"

In an instant, in the grass, on the hillside, a group of strong men came out, each with a fork and a knife, some dressed like hunters, some like butchers, and some with bows and arrows in their hands. He Mulan glanced roughly. There are at least forty people.

With two enemies and forty, the opponent still has bows and arrows, and he still doesn't know if there are traps or tripping ropes on the road, He Mulan is crazy to go straight. A Danzhuo can't run fast with a pack horse at all. If he shoots a few arrows at Liu Yao, he might get tetanus and die inexplicably.

"Wu that man, we won't hurt people's lives easily, as long as you leave the pack horse, our brothers will let you be obedient..."

He Mulan pulled the reins, turned around decisively, and ran towards the path where he came.

The man in the leopard suit met the man on the horse, and the big knife in his hand was thrown to the side. He was already secretly shocked. Although many people said threatening words, He Mulan, who was riding a black horse, had already started to fight. of fear.

Before he finished speaking, he saw He Mulan handsomely pull the reins, turned the horse's head, and rushed towards him!

What a joke, this horse is a great horse, not one of those short-legged packhorses! Not to mention that if you can't run it, if you are stepped on, you will die!

When the man in the leopard clothes saw He Mulan's movements, he was so frightened that he ran up the hillsides on both sides. A'Danzhuo was already dumbfounded. Seeing the group of ambush robbers waving their weapons and rushing up, he was even more panicked than the man in the leopard clothes. Riding the horse also ran back to the road.

Fortunately, these people with bows and arrows are not capable of shooting arrows while running. Adanzhuo rode a horse to avoid a few crooked arrows, and he was three horses away from them.

In an instant, the scene on this road was hilarious. He Mulan, who was riding a dark horse, chased the man in the leopard coat, while A Danzhuo followed He Mulan to hide from the strong men behind him. Panting, but unwilling to give up, sweat followed.

The man in the leopard clothes ran forward while roaring his throat. He Mulan didn't want to back off and take a detour, and he didn't want to fight with these robbers, so he could only outsmart it. She rode the horse at full speed, and Yue Ying avoided the stones and potholes on the road like eyes with eyes, and quickly approached the man in the leopard.

He Mulan pulled out the rock beside the saddle and swung the heavy sword in the desperate eyes of the man in the leopard coat!


He Mulan swept the man out like a baseball!

Seeing that the man in the leopard coat coughed out a mouthful of blood, he rolled a few times and fell into the grass. He Mulan restrained the horse's head, and before the horse could stop, he jumped down and rushed to the man in the leopard coat. Pull him up, put the sword around his neck, and push forward.

He Mulan deliberately tilted the sword's edge when he drew out the sword, and swept the back of the rock's sword across his body, so the scene of "breaking in two" in everyone's imagination did not appear. Even if it has an unfavorable edge, it is more than enough to cut off a person.

He Mulan hadn't made a move since leveling the land. This move was immediately shocking and resolute. It only took an instant from turning the horse's head to catching the leopard-clothed man.

At this time, A'Danzhuo had already brought the poor packhorse, who had already run out of the speed of the war horse, to Yueying's side. Seeing that He Mulan was not there, the bandits behind him were about to meet him. He was so anxious that he even had a heavy sword on his waist □□ ready to fight with them.

The panting and dying robbers found that Adanzhuo suddenly stopped running, and even the middle-aged man disappeared, leaving only one horse. They were overjoyed and shouted:

"That black-faced boy, don't resist, brothers don't want your life!"

"Good horse, good horse, since the horse has no owner, why don't you give it to us!"

"That kid is not bad either!"

"Has the dark horse ever been gelding? Let's take a look under it later, if it doesn't stir up, maybe there will be another litter of cubs..."

"Hey hee hee hee..."

Yue Ying snorted when he heard the words, raised his front legs and was about to rush over to trample this group of daring humans to death. Several robbers were scared to death when they saw Yue Ying raised his hooves and slapped his nose.

"Yueying, stop!" As soon as He Mulan walked out of the grass carrying the half-dead man in leopard clothes, she found her arrogant horse going wild and hurriedly stopped.

"Aunt Hua!" Seeing He Mulan returning safely, A Danzhuo exclaimed in surprise.

"Who said they wanted my horse?" He Mulan put the sword on the neck of the man in the leopard coat, walked to the mountain road step by step, and swept over the crowd with sharp eyes:

"This is a war horse in the army, and there are marks on the buttocks. You have the courage to take it, and you have to ride it with your life."

He Mulan's words made the man in the leopard clothes, whose back was soaked with pain, tremble in her heart and struggled.

"be honest!"

He Mulan pushed the sword forward and told Adanzhuo to dismount and lead Yueying and the other two horses.

"If you don't want him to die, just let us go."


After a while.

"What should I do, Seventh, for the sake of that packhorse, you will die." A group of robbers laughed and teased the poor bastard in He Mulan's hands.

The poor bastard called "Old Seven" rolled his eyes and said with a hoarse voice, "This man's hands are so poisonous, my internal organs will be shattered with a single blow..."

"Go ahead and talk about it. I think you're very neat. Last time you said you were too tired to get out of bed, but the next day, it wasn't the widow who lived by the river..."

"Do you believe that if I die and become a ghost, I won't let you go?"

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm so scared, but you're going to become a ghost, the widow who lives by the river..."

"Fourth Brother!"

"Okay, okay, you kid is really, pitiful. In the future, there will be another lonely person in the world. I don't know who can go to the river..."

"Fourth, and the seventh is going to kill himself by hitting his sword!"

He Mulan inexplicably looked at a group of robbers who were still very happy after being threatened, and couldn't help feeling a little bored.

Could it be that this group of people is the kind of ruthless people in the legend, because they have already sacrificed their lives, so even if they are killed, they will not blink

"Whether you give way or not, I don't want to talk nonsense."

He Mulan's arms were like iron hoops, holding the leopard-clothed man firmly in her arms. She was taller than the leopard-clothed man, so it was effortless to restrain him.

He Mulan simply pressed the sword further in, and a red line snaked down from the neck of the man in the leopard coat. The fear of death was of course a conditioned reflex of human beings. The man in the leopard coat shrank slightly, and His back was attached to He Mulan's body.

Just be afraid of dying.

"Oh, if one kills, we can kill two and make money. And you should have a lot of things right away? It's even harder to ride a tiger now that we are pointing at it with an arrow?"

The fourth brother, the man dressed as an hunter stared at He Mulan with a grin.

"Then I'll use this guy as a meat shield and kill him all the way."

He Mulan's shoulders trembled slightly, and she was about to press the sword inside!

"Fourth brother! I fuck you eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"The hero spares his life, we let it be!"

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

He Mulan's arms were like iron hoops, holding the leopard-clothed man firmly in his arms.

Di Yefei: (gritting his teeth) I killed him.

Several people: (smiling) I knew you weren't joking when you said you cut your sleeves.

Gai Wu: (grieved) Why did you hug him and beat me