Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Chapter 99: Hell by day


This night, the maids in He Mulan said that her chest hurts, her nose hurts, her shoulders hurt, and it hurts everywhere, so He Mulan could only bear it and sleep with her.

But the two still parted, although they were under a quilt, they were not in the same direction.

A Danzhuo hurried in and saw the bloody maid, and was so frightened that he thought it was a ghost. When he figured out that he was accidentally injured by He Mulan, he clearly expressed his understanding.

With the vigilance of Aunt Hua, it is normal for someone to suddenly appear in the room and be beaten. It's just that Aunt Hua is too cruel, and even beats women.

Also, a man is embarrassed to beat a woman, but Aunt Hua is a woman herself, but it doesn't matter...

Fortunately, Aunt Hua didn't become the babysitter of His Royal Highness, otherwise the women in the harem would suffer. Looking at the bloody price of this maid, the harem is so complicated, it is hard to guarantee that Aunt Hua will not get angry and bleed in the harem.

A-Danzhuo was foolishly persuaded to go back to the house, and then he remembered that he went to Aunt Hua's room because he also had a naked woman under the quilt. A-Danzhuo thought more than He Mulan. His mother kept telling him that it was not his own bride, and no one could bully him, so he could only pitifully take out the fleece blanket in his luggage and spend the night in the corner of the house.

As for what the maid in her quilt will think this evening, no one knows.

Early the next morning, He Mulan, who had not slept well at all, and Adanzhuo, who had not slept at all, couldn't wait to send off the two maids and made a unanimous decision:

"Go to the market to buy everything, and climb out of this family even today!"

In a few more nights, I will be sleepy if I am not scared to death.

He Mulan felt goose bumps all over her body as long as she thought that she was being served on the toilet by someone touching things.

Big families don't wipe their butts and have someone to serve them, right

Do you still need to think about life

"The two of you think that the old man and the old grandson are not well entertained, so they are in a hurry to leave?" Lou Lao asked He Mulan and A Danzhuo a little sadly: "This is only one day..."

Hou Gailou kept muttering in his heart. Obviously, the girl who served the bed last night also took a rest all night. She went back tired in the morning, and the one who was supposed to serve at night was also very thoughtful.

Why are you leaving for just one day

"It's because Mr. Lou took good care of us, that's why we're leaving." He Mulan said with a smile, "It's easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it's difficult to change from luxury to frugality. If you get used to this kind of life, you won't be able to do it well in the future. live."

"It's just a few days of hospitality, how can it change a person's nature."

The old man disagreed.

"There will be unwillingness to compare. The nature is removed little by little." He Mulan practiced Tai Chi with him. "Not to mention that we have to visit the family members of our friends. We will feel at ease if we go earlier."

Marquis Gailou looked at He Mulan and Adanzhuo who were wearing new clothes and robes, and knew that they must be visiting friends today, so he didn't force it, he just touched his beard and showed a regretful expression.

"Well, you have something to do, and I won't leave you, but you are going to prepare the ceremony today, and you must have a guide. You already have a lot of luggage, plus gifts, a pack horse is definitely not enough, wait for me. Ask the stable to get you a cart, and then bring a groom, even if you use it first, and when your things are delivered to the place, ask the groom to drive the horse back, okay?"

He Mulan and A'Danzhuo were overjoyed when they heard the words. They were also having headaches about these issues. Unexpectedly, Lao Lao had already thought about them all for them, so they didn't refuse at the moment, and immediately thanked them.

Marquis Gailou originally wanted to accompany them to go shopping in Huguan City, but there must be some reason for them to leave in such a hurry today.

The two sides made good friends, and Marquis Gailou said that they would be friends in the future. He Mulan must come as a guest often. He Mulan promised to visit again when he returned, even if it was an agreement.

Gailou's family drove a carriage and found a steward who was familiar with Huguan City to accompany them. They first went to the market to buy a few baskets of good charcoal, and then bought some wind and sheep soup, sheep and other customs. This place is quite famous for mutton, so He Mulan thought that there was another son in the same robe's family, and the young people liked meat, so she bought more.

There are also thick ge cloth and satin that can be used to make face for clothes and shoes. I have prepared some of them, and I have filled the car with most of them. On the road, I saw a black pear seller, which looked strange, and also brought a basket.

The housekeeper was the one who was in charge of buying things in the Gailou Mansion. The things he bought with He Mulan were cheap and good. He was familiar with the way, and others had given He Mulan a lot of extras. Considering that the steward and the driver had been working hard all day today, He Mulan simply gave them all the extra money, which was considered a small profit.

You must know that there is no currency in this era, anything can be traded, and giving something is equivalent to giving money.

This time everyone was happy and worked even harder. When it was almost noon, a few people ate a little hastily. The housekeeper went back to Gailou Mansion to continue his work, and the driver led He Mulan and A Danzhuo to Xiaoshi Township.

Xiaoshi Township is in the east. There are many mountains and forests in the east, and the terrain is also high. The carriages and horses walked into Xiaoshi Township all the way through dry pine needles and brown leaves.

He Mulan relied on Hua Mulan's memory to find the place where her comrade's family once lived, but found that the house was dilapidated, and it seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time. The door was locked with an iron lock, and there was no life inside or outside the house. There was an inch of dust on the door lintel and windowsill, and it didn't look like there was any smoke.

"Did we find the wrong place?" A Danzhuo circled around the yard and behind the house, "There's not even a beast, and there must be no one living there."

He Mulan was also puzzled. The first time Hua Mulan came was ten years ago, and the last time she came was eight years ago. During this time, their family still lived here, but no one was there.

"Let's ask someone."

So a group of people drove carts and horses around the countryside of Xiaoshi Township.

It was already afternoon when they arrived at Xiaoshi Township, and it would be dark if they couldn't find a place to stay.

In winter, there is no need to go into the fields, because it is very cold outside, and most farmers do not go out. If you stay at home to keep warm, you can buy less winter clothes to keep out the cold. If you wear less winter clothes, you can wear them for a few more years. Instead of looking for someone on the road, Shan Zhuo found a house near the empty house and knocked on the door.

It's not easy to knock on the door. After finally knocking on a house, it was closed.

"Dare to ask this old man, do you know where a family surnamed 'Qiulin' lives now? He is from Xianbei. As far as I know, there is only one family surnamed Qiulin in Xiaoshi Township."

The old man was wearing a thick blue ge cloth jacket and looked very energetic, not like an ordinary ignorant old man. He Mulan said it in Chinese first, but seeing that he only looked at him without answering, he said it again in Xianbei.

The old man ignored her after hearing what she said about Xianbei, but shook his head.

"There is no family with the surname 'Qiulin' here, you must be looking for the wrong one."

"How could he be wrong? Qiulin Mozhen was once buried with the ceremony of a general, so he should have some reputation in Xiaoshi Township. I am his former comrade, and I came to pay homage to him and visit his family by the way. "

Unexpectedly, as soon as He Mulan said these words, the old man immediately blew his beard and stared.

"If I say no, there is no. There is no one with the surname Qiulin here. It's all dead, all dead!"

He Mulan's heart skipped a beat, and the whole person was not feeling well.

"How could they all die? In the second half of the previous year, I even dragged my friends over to send a lot of things, and it was fine at that time..." He Mulan's eyes widened in disbelief, "How did he die? His wife and Is your son dead?"

"What are you going to come to my door to say? Bad luck!" The old man snorted and slammed the door shut.

"Aunt Hua, how's it going?" A Danzhuo waited outside the courtyard for a while. Seeing He Mulan walking out like a sleepwalker, he quickly asked.

"Dead, it's all dead."

He Mulan lowered her head, her whole body filled with remorse.

Is it because she hasn't delivered anything in the past six months, and his wife and children starved to death

No, his son is an adult, so he wouldn't let his mother starve to death. Then why did the whole family die? Qiulin Mozhen and his brothers live here, why is this house empty and no one is there

How did he die

"How did you die? Did you get sick?" Adanzhuo was also startled, "Did you ask clearly?"

"The old man kicked me out."

"Then let's ask a few more, can we always ask?"

He Mulan cheered up a little and nodded.

"Yes, let's ask a few more."

This Xiaoshi Township is different from Yingguo Township where He Mulan lives. It is close to Pingcheng, and there are many Xianbei people. Xianbei people like bright colors, so they like to paint their houses in colors such as vermilion, grass and green. He Mulan counts on Qiu Lin is from Xianbei, and he is also from Xianbei. Seeing that he is easy to talk to on the face of his family, he chose the house of Xianbei to ask. As a result, an hour has passed. Come out and tell her to go to someone else's house and ask.

He Mulan was at a loss for what to do with this question, and even more angry, he frowned suddenly, and said angrily: "It's a waste of time, this group of neighbors are not friendly at all, the Qiulin family died so silently , it must have something to do with their indifference, or they have done something wrong and have a guilty conscience."

The rural villages in ancient times were pedantic. Maybe the mother and son had some kind of illness and were driven out to die. He Mulan shuddered at the thought of this possibility.

"What now?"

Adanzhuo looked at the coachman behind him. This coachman was even more anxious than them. He was responsible for delivering the things to the ground. He had to rush back to the Gailou Mansion before dark. As a result, he found the place, but no one was found.

"Go, go to Qiulin Mozhen's grave. I remember it's on a hillside not far from here." He Mulan gritted her teeth, "Everyone is dead, so it's safe to go to the ground? I'll go and burn some. Things, burn everything that can be burned to their family!"

She can't burn the leg of lamb, so she burns some cloth for her comrade and his family to use the head office


They drove carts, rode horses, and according to some memories of Hua Mulan, they went to find Mo Zhen's grave in Qiulin. Qiulin Mozhen was buried according to the ceremony of the general, so the cemetery occupies a huge area, including the Yang residence and the Yin residence.

It's just that Qiulin Mozhen was buried with the ceremony of a general, but after all, he was not a general, but just a general.

He Mulan originally thought that he would come all the way, so he couldn't make a trip in vain. It was still okay to pay homage and clean up the grass in the cemetery for an old friend without seeing a living person. They came prepared, they brought water, wine, paper, incense, candles, and everything. Xianbei people also liked to burn clothes, so they also brought clothes.

Because Qiulin Mozhen's tomb is bigger than the others, there is only Qiulin Mozhen's tomb in this earthy mountain. He Mulan asked the carriage to stop at the foot of the mountain, and led the horse with Adanzhuo, taking the memorial things step by step. going up the mountain.

It was getting late, and if I couldn't go back later, I might have to find someone else to stay in Xiaoshi Township, but He Mulan was completely disappointed with these villagers in Xiaoshi Township, and would rather live in Mozhen's Yangzhai in Qiulin. I am willing to use their home, so I can only move faster.

Fortunately, He Mulan was extremely powerful, and walking on the ground with a lot of things in his arms, the two of them arrived at Mozhen's grave in Qiulin, but found that the road was clean and there were no weeds at all.

"Aunt Hua, it doesn't look like it's not sorted out." A Shanzhuo looked at the white tomb not far away, and asked a little strangely.

"You said, his family is estimated to have died in the past two years. When the tomb is reopened for burial, it must be sorted out, right?" He Mulan was irritable, and he became impatient when talking to Adanzhuo. "It must be me. If only I came here for Chen Jie more than half a year ago. Even if something happens to Chen Jie, I can come by myself. I just don't care about it..."

"Wasn't Aunt Hua sick at that time?" A Danzhuo could only console palely. "This can only be blamed on God's lack of eyes, and even such a hero didn't come down..."

He Mulan didn't make a sound, and just continued to walk forward with her things in her arms. For a while, only the clattering of horses' hooves and the sound of wind whistling on the remote hills could be heard.

But even the sound of hooves still alarmed someone.

A woman in a cloth and a hairpin skirt heard the movement outside, walked out of the mansion on the ground of the tomb, looked up, and asked from a distance:

"Is the leopard back?"! ! !

Why is there a woman on the side of the tomb

Could it be a day-to-day hell

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Yes, men are embarrassed to beat women, but Aunt Hua herself is a woman, but it doesn't matter...

He Mulan: ... I'm sorry, but I don't hit men casually either.