Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 155: Trial of life and death


"There he is! Found him!"

"It's Chu Mo!"

"Yes, it's him!"

"Unexpectedly, he has the guts to wait for us there?"

"I think there is no way to escape, right? It's really difficult for him to escape such a long distance. After a while, everyone should be careful, and don't accidentally get killed."

These people in the first echelon are almost all the golden elders of Qinglongtang.

At the same time, these people also felt a little strange, because they didn't see Fulong's figure.

"Why is Elder Fulong missing?"

"Could it be that I was chasing the wrong way? Was it lost?" Someone said gloatingly.

"It's very possible, Elder Fulong is flying in the sky, maybe he flew too far." Someone echoed.

The interior of the Azure Dragon Club is not as united as imagined. Especially in the face of such great interests, everyone wants to take a bite.

Zhao Qing, the elder of Tianjianmen, looked coldly at the figure of the young man on the opposite mountain across the valley, and said mockingly: "You are so young, you know how to bluff people. Who are you sitting there to scare?" ?”

The others couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

Guo Xing of the Golden Knife Sect said with a smile: "This child, probably read too many legends, thinks that in such a pose, he looks very tall!"

Wan Zhi from the Raging Fire Sect said: "He doesn't think that there is a valley across the way, so we can't get through it?"

"Hehe, he probably thinks that we have to go down this valley and then climb over. In this way, he will have time to continue running away." Zhao Qing mocked, "Just like when he left the city last night."

"Hahahaha." Several people couldn't help laughing.

For a distance of more than a thousand miles, thousands of people chasing Chu Mo were divided into more than a dozen echelons.

And there is a long distance between them.

Several people chatted happily here, and the person closest to them was also hundreds of miles away.

"Okay, the group of people behind are also in a hurry. Let's get down to business first." Zhao Qing's face turned serious, and he said loudly to Chu Mo, who was sitting cross-legged on the opposite rocky mountain: "Little guy, Get that inheritance ready, your Grandpa Zhao will come and get it from you!"

This valley, with brown stone mountains on both sides, looks very desolate, but also gives people a sense of grandeur.

In the deep valley below, it is lush and full of towering trees, exuding a strong breath of life.

The valley was about seven or eight miles wide, and Zhao Qing's confident voice reached Chu Mo's ears. Chu Mo also just smiled faintly: "Let the horse come here!"

"Little thing, you're pretty crazy!" Zhao Qing said, rising into the air.

The sixth floor of the yellow rank, the peak of the Golden Stone Realm, although it is difficult to fly long distances. But the distance of seven or eight miles is not a problem.

When Zhao Qing's body moved, Guo Xing, Wan Zhi, and five other sixth-level masters of Qinglong Hall all followed suit.

In their eyes, Chu Mo at this moment is simply a gleaming golden mountain!

And this golden mountain will soon belong to them!

These people seem to have seen the bright future of the future, and the excitement in their hearts is simply indescribable.

Although they are all masters of the sixth floor, they have all had a hard time over the years. The few resources in his hands are all used for cultivation.

The sixth floor of the yellow class, in the secular world, is known as the strong man in the world. Enough to gain great glory and wealth. But in the sect, it is really nothing. There are a lot of people who are stronger than them!

Who doesn't want to be looked up to? Who doesn't want to stand in a higher position to see the scenery

Today, this opportunity finally came!

They knew very well that even if they got the inheritance of the Misty Palace, they would not be able to monopolize it all. But this is a great achievement after all! At that time, the rewards from the hall master will be enough for them to rush to the heart training stage!

Only when one enters the stage of refining one's mind can one truly enter the hall!

He is a real cultivator!

Zhao Qing couldn't help letting out a long howl in mid-air, his figure was like flowing clouds and flowing water, extremely smooth. As if the fish are in the water and the birds are in the sky!

Guo Xing couldn't help but praised: "Brother Zhao seems to have reached the edge of the heart training period, and this movement method is becoming more and more pleasing to the eye."

Zhao Qing smiled reservedly: "It's just a small way, it can't compare to brother Guo's calmness, brother Guo is only half a step away from the heart training stage, right?"

Wan Zhi said at the side: "Brother Guo, seven or eight years ago, he was already a half-step mind-training power, and now he must be only a little bit short of a real breakthrough!"

"Our brothers are actually similar, so don't flatter each other!" Guo Xing said with a smile on his face, excited.

The other five golden elders of Qinglongtang glanced at the three with some envy.

Although they are both golden elders, there is still a big gap in the strength of these people. The status within Qinglongtang is also different.

But it doesn't matter, this time he captured Chu Mo and got the inheritance of Piaomiao Palace. It's all thanks to everyone!

Therefore, even if there are treasures from the hall master, it will definitely be covered by rain and dew, and no one will be short!

Seeing these people flying over at high speed, a cold light flashed in Chu Mo's eyes.

Everyone regards me as a piece of fat, everyone wants to take a bite, right

After a while, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Chu Mo closed his eyes slightly, and began to exercise the will of heaven, my will, and his mind, and his heart calmed down instantly.

He knew very well in his heart that this time, it was a real big test after apprenticeship!

Although the Demon Lord is here, he has already made it very clear to him before. It will suppress the realm of these people, and suppress the realm of these people to the fourth level of the yellow rank, just like him.

But never to help!

This is not one or two people, let alone ten or eight, but thousands of people!

Among them, how many masters with incomparably rich combat experience are there

Even if the realm is suppressed to the fourth floor of the yellow level, it is still a terrible opponent for him.

And the devil also said that every time you fight, you don't necessarily have to fight him alone.

Even if Chu Mo knew in his heart that the master would not really see him in danger, but facing thousands of opponents of the same level at the same time, the psychological pressure is really not something ordinary people can bear.

"Just treat it as... this is a trial of life and death!"

"I must pass this level!"

"Otherwise, why are you going to find Xiao Yu?"

Chu Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and two sharp rays of light shot out from those pure eyes.

Coincidentally, at this time, Zhao Qing, Wan Zhi and Guo Xing had also landed on this side of the valley, less than a hundred feet away from Chu Mo!

The other five masters of the Qinglong Hall who were in the Golden Stone Realm followed closely behind and also landed there.

The five people quickly dispersed and surrounded Chu Mo in a fan shape.

Although it was almost certain, Chu Mo had no way out. But be careful, there is no big mistake, they have already reached this point, and they don't want any accidents.

Zhao Qing looked at Chu Mo and said lightly: "Chu Mo, do you still have to resist now? To be honest, your performance has already surprised me. I even have a feeling that I want to recruit you into Qinglongtang The idea of handing over the inheritance of the Misty Palace, I will give you a happy time!"

Chu Mo looked at Zhao Qing, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes: "You want to kill me?"

Zhao Qing sneered: "Son, why are you so naive? Who do you think will let you continue to live?"

Chu Mo glanced at Guo Xing and Wan Zhi beside Zhao Qing.

For some reason, Guo Xing and Wan Zhi felt creepy when they were caught by Chu Mo's eyes.