Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 49: Huge foodies


In the next few days, everyone stayed in the Haoyue tribe.

Princess Baolian's method is really clever.

Thunder, rain, dew, kindness and majesty combined, almost without too much effort, they completely subdued the entire Haoyue tribe. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the death of Elder Haoyue and his three sons.

The group of dragons had no leader, and the remaining people couldn't summon up the courage to resist Princess Baolian.

Not to mention that Princess Baolian has made all the crimes of Elder Haoyue public.

Many of those crimes were known to the Haoyue tribe for a long time, but dared not to speak out, so there is no doubt about their authenticity!

Plus, there's more they don't know!

The crimes one by one directly nailed Elder Haoyue... this heroic figure on the grassland to the rack of shame.

It is estimated that you will never want to turn over.

All of a sudden, the entire Haoyue tribe set off a wave of condemnation against Elder Haoyue. Among them... How many of them want to express their loyalty and stand in line with Princess Baolian; how many of them are really expressing their inner anger, it is not known.

Anyway, after seven or eight days, the entire Haoyue tribe, from the inside to the outside, looked completely new!

The banner at the gate of the tribe has also been replaced with the banner of the Grassland Royal Court!

Here, it seems to be the second royal court on this grassland!

With the great seal of the royal court... the real royal court!

Most of the people sent by Princess Baolian to appease the soldiers of the Haoyue tribe also brought back good news. Almost all the generals immediately expressed their willingness to obey Princess Baolian's orders when they saw Princess Baolian's token.

But there were also those who did not know how to live or die. One of the generals, after seeing Princess Baolian's token, immediately ordered to kill the royal knight who delivered the letter.

As a result, seeing that the situation was not good, the royal court knight ran away directly, and got four or five arrows on his body. I don't know whether it was intentional by the people over there, or the aim was not good enough. Anyway, he saved his life and escaped back.

Princess Baolian immediately ordered other generals who had sworn to surrender to lead troops to encircle and suppress.

This battle was fought without the slightest suspense... because the general who ordered the rebellion was beheaded by his subordinates before the troops of the brigade arrived, and was hung on the flagpole, waiting for the brigade to be recruited.

A turmoil disappears invisible.

Princess Baolian's reputation and prestige on this grassland can be seen from this!

After victory comes harvest.

The wealth of the Haoyue tribe is beyond Chu Mo's imagination. After years of accumulation, the wealth of the Haoyue tribe has reached an astronomical figure. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is as rich as an enemy. They were all the resources that Elder Haoyue was preparing to build a country, and now they have fulfilled Princess Nayi and others.

Apart from other wealth, Chu Mo was stunned by the reserve of primordial stones alone. Before that, Chu Mo had never imagined that so many primeval stones would be stored in a secular small country and tribe. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even if others told him, Chu Mo wouldn't believe it.

This is an amazing fortune!

But Princess Baolian didn't even bat an eyelid, and gave it to Chu Mo directly.

Chu Mo was naturally embarrassed to accept all the primordial stones, and finally, under Princess Baolian's insistence, Chu Mo accepted half of them. The remaining half will be used as a reserve for Wang Ting to train Yuanli fighters in the future.

In fact, Princess Baolian is not satisfied with this result, what she hopes most is that Chu Mo can accept all of them!

Because of this, she is more confident of keeping Chu Mo!

Don't look at her being fierce and courageous in facing all kinds of things on the grassland. She is completely a female hero, a heroine. But facing Chu Mo, this great benefactor, her methods are completely useless, and there is nothing she can do.

These days, I don't know how many times Pang Zhongyuan came to explore Chu Mo's plans, but even in the face of Pang Zhongyuan, a compatriot of Daxia, Chu Mo also did not reveal the slightest bit of information.

He only said that after his experience was over, he would return to the teacher's door and continue to practice.

Chu Mo wants to regard everything that he experienced on the grassland as a memory, an experience, because his heart is not here.

Nayi seldom came to see Chu Mo these days, not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't leave her. As the princess of the royal court, she is currently the only one who can stand up and become the spiritual leader in everyone's mind. Nayi has no way to escape, nor can she escape!

This is her responsibility!

She couldn't get away from her busy side, but Chu Mo was also happy to have a leisurely time. He took the giant Gao Yingjun and wandered around every day. Because he promised to detoxify Gao Yingjun.

The Haoyue tribe had a large amount of medicinal materials, but there were still a few types missing, so Chu Mo took Gao Yingjun and went out to look for them by himself.

Speaking of Gao Yingjun, a big guy with a name that doesn't match anyone at all, Chu Mo scratched his head a little.

Although this big man with a huge stature is infinitely powerful, he possesses natural supernatural power, and his combat power is extremely amazing.

But at the same time, his appetite... is also amazing!

On the day when Elder Haoyue was killed, after many things had settled, Gao Yingjun, who had been crying for hunger, was brought by Chu Mo to the kitchen of the Haoyue tribe. Because the entire Haoyue tribe had a big banquet that day, there were still a lot of meat in the kitchen at that time. Those meats are at least enough for hundreds of people to have another meal.

As a result... under Chu Mo's watchful eyes, this big man was alone, and ate more than half of the meat! Chu Mo was almost scared to death.

In the end, Chu Mo kept reminding Gao Yingjun: "Eat slowly...don't hold on, you haven't had a full meal for too long...don't eat so much all at once!"

While eating, Gao Yingjun said to Chu Mo: "Don't worry, son, I know what I know. I'm not stupid. I've also studied. Up to now, I've only eaten half full. You can let me Eat, I'm hungry."

Chu Mo was speechless on the spot, so he could only watch the giant eating wildly there.

In the next few days, Gao Yingjun's appetite directly shocked the entire Haoyue tribe and became a topic of conversation among people.

Because before this, Elder Haoyue had never given Gao Yingjun a full meal. The food given each time is only the amount of two or three people, allowing this giant to barely maintain its life.

Now when he let go, everyone was completely stunned.

Fortunately, Elder Haoyue left behind a large amount of wealth, so that Princess Baolian and others did not have to worry about not being able to afford food for this giant.

The poison in Gao Yingjun is much lighter than the poison in Princess Baolian. Elder Haoyue came all this time, only wanting to completely control this giant, but never thought of killing him. So, a few days later, Chu Mo took the lead in finding all the medicinal materials to detoxify Gao Yingjun.

After collecting all the medicinal materials into the jade space, those medicinal materials were directly swallowed by the big bluestone under Chu Mo's gaze, and five pills appeared on the big bluestone in an instant.

This speed... is simply unheard of!

Moreover, Chu Mo was also puzzled as to how the big bluestone directly turned the medicinal material into a elixir.

On this day, taking advantage of the opportunity to help Princess Baolian find medicinal materials, Chu Mo brought Gao Yingjun out, took out the elixir, and gave him one first.

"Take one pill first, don't eat too much..." Chu Mo is not an alchemist after all, and he doesn't know how many pills can completely dissolve the toxins in Gao Yingjun's body. So let him try one first, anyway, he can use jade to know the specific situation of Gao Yingjun at any time.

"I know." Sitting there, Gao Yingjun was still more than half taller than Chu Mo, so he could only stretch out his huge palm and let Chu Mo put the elixir in his palm.

That pill, which was not too small, looked like a grain of millet in Gao Yingjun's hands.

Afterwards, Gao Yingjun swallowed the pill in one gulp, smacking his mouth. Two people, one big and one small, just sat there in a daze.

"Do you feel anything?" After a long time, Chu Mo looked at Gao Yingjun and asked.

"I don't feel anything." Gao Yingjun shook his head.

After a while, Chu Mo asked again: "Do you feel anything?"

Gao Yingjun shook his head again, and said, "Is it because I eat too little? I have such a big physique, or... I can try to eat it all?"

"Uh... let's wait and see!" After all, this is not a elixir to enhance Yuanli, you can take a few more at a time, and if you are poisoned again, it will be lively.

Just when Chu Mo was about to ask for the third time, he saw that the dark face of the big man tightened suddenly. The expression seems to be a little painful.

Chu Mo was startled, and was about to speak.

I saw Handsome Gao suddenly... standing up with a level of agility that didn't match his figure at all, then took big strides and ran towards the distance.

Crash... Crash... Crash!

The sound of iron chains hitting each other kept ringing.

boom! boom! boom!

Gao Yingjun's every step made the ground make a muffled sound and tremors. In the blink of an eye, he ran hundreds of feet away, and he was about to disappear from Chu Mo's sight.

"Hey... what are you doing so fast?" Chu Mo shouted from behind.

"Bad stomach!" The big man's voice, like thunder, came from afar.

"..." The corners of Chu Mo's mouth twitched, and he cursed in his heart: If such a big man has a bad stomach...will it fill a big hole

Whether Gao Yingjun has filled a big hole, Chu Mo doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know, anyway, this big guy has been tossed all day long, until the afternoon, when the sun was setting, he came back listlessly to find Chu Mo, the first time we met The sentence is to cry hungry.

"Young master, I'm starving to death, let's go back to eat!"

"..." Chu Mo couldn't help but rolled his eyes and looked at him: "How are you?"

"Hehe, it's all right! Young Master's medicine is really effective! It's just too overbearing, and almost killed me... Fortunately, Young Master insisted, if I take two or three pills, I will be miserable." Gao Yingjun laughed. Get up, with a happy face: "So now my stomach is empty, I'm starving to death!"

Chu Mo was really speechless towards this big guy, he wanted to eat after pulling... I don't know what to say about him.

On the way back, Gao Yingjun suddenly asked, "My lord, are you leaving?"

Chu Mo glanced at him in surprise, um, he could only see the guy's two tree-like legs, if he wanted to see his face, he had to tilt his neck.

"how do you know?"

Gao Yingjun smiled foolishly: "I can see that, the little princess of the royal court, I can see... obviously interested in you, but you are lukewarm to her, which clearly means that you don't want to stay here for a long time!"

"Yes, there are too many fetters in my heart, I can't stay here." Chu Mo said softly, thinking of Na Yi's bright and moving face, and the infatuated and resentful eyes when he looked at him, Chu Mo's youthful In my heart, I was also somewhat melancholy.

But he can't stay here, and Nayi... can't leave here either!

What's more, deep in Chu Mo's heart, a beautiful image has been imprinted.

"Well, wherever the young master goes, I will follow, but the young master has to take care of the food!" Gao Yingjun looked down at Chu Mo seriously.

Chu Mo's head was full of black lines, and he said: "Isn't it good for you to stay here? At least, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. I believe that Princess Baolian and Nayi will also treat you very well!"

"I won't do it!" Gao Yingjun stared at Chu Mo with two eyes bigger than bull's eyes, and said insincerely, "Does the young master dislike me for eating too much? Or should I... eat less in the future?"