Murdering Heaven Edge

Chapter 84: The past of the devil


After informing the demon king of the order of taking the three pills, the demon king didn't say anything more, but took a deep look at Chu Mo, turned around and went out, and returned to the room specially prepared for him.

In Chu Mo's eyes, the Demon Lord seemed to be always so calm, even calm and indifferent.

But after returning to the room, Mo Jun looked at the three elixir in his palm, his cold face was already full of emotion, and even... the circles of his eyes were a little red.

Although the demon king is not very proficient in alchemy, he can distinguish good from bad.

"This elixir... is actually a flawless...exquisite product!"

"The disciple I was optimistic about at first glance, unexpectedly got such an unbelievable opportunity? And it is in a place like the human world... This is God's will!"

"Unexpectedly... one day, I will be saved by my apprentice!"

"Die... can you believe it? In my opinion, a little guy who has no chance to call you mistress in this life... actually gave me such a big surprise!"

"Those of my enemies... you must never have imagined that in your hearts, the person who has been dead for many years... the person who is about to be forgotten by you will come back to you one day!"

"Butterfly... wait for me!"

The corners of Mojun's eyes were a little wet. He identified the pills in his hand and took the first pill directly.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and the taste was not good, but there was a magical power, along the demon king's throat, rushed to the dantian in an instant, and then dispersed to the meridians of his whole body.

Then... a sharp pain hit.

At this moment, a large dark green thing was attached to the demon lord's dantian, almost covering the demon lord's entire dantian!

This thing... is the culprit who almost took the life of the Demon Lord, the poison of the seven evil spirits!

The poison of the seven evil spirits is attached to the demon king's dantian, and there is no way to get rid of it. Then, little by little, it will completely occupy the entire dantian.

At that time, the Demon Lord will become a real useless person.

This is not over yet, it will continue to eat away at the inside of the Demon Lord's body, all the viscera... not let go, when the poison of the seven evil spirits completely spreads all over the Demon Lord's body, it will be the real time of death!

How could the proud devil allow himself to become a useless person

Therefore, he would rather instill the last bit of power left in his dantian, all his inheritance, into Chu Mo's brain.

Then, face death calmly.

He didn't want to linger on, and he didn't want see his fragility!

The later change was because of a concern, and that concern... was Chu Mo.

The Demon Lord wanted to see his apprentice really grow up before he was willing to leave with peace of mind, so he took the seven-rank elixir.

This kind of top-grade elixir in the fairy world still can't cure the poison of the seven evil spirits, it can only temporarily suppress it so that it doesn't spread so quickly.

Seven years later, the poison of the seven evil spirits will strike back wildly, and by then, the Demon Lord is likely to die in an instant!

But the Demon Lord was never afraid.

This proud man, after knowing that he has no hope of survival and no hope of revenge, has completely looked away, facing death with incomparable calmness!

To live another seven years is just to protect Chu Mo for seven years, so that he can really grow up!

It's just that he didn't expect that the surprise this apprentice brought him... was really too big!

The devil looked inside the dantian, and he could clearly see that the power transformed from the elixir he took was directly impacting towards the poison of the seven evil spirits in the dantian.

Like a warrior on the battlefield!

Waving the weapon in your hand, you can't stop killing the enemy!

It's just... this process is extremely painful!

Mojun felt as if his dantian was being pierced by thousands of needles at the same time, and the sharp pain made him feel so painful. But he just frowned slightly, gritted his teeth and held back, without making a sound.

This severe pain is not just for a moment, but like a tide, wave after wave, endless!

With the devil's heart, it was a little unbearable in the end. It felt like his dantian was about to explode, and all the meridians in his body seemed to be completely cut off!

But from the beginning to the end, the Demon Lord held back, not allowing himself to make a sound.

Even if he made a painful sound, no one else would hear him, but he still insisted on his pride!

As a master, you can't be inferior to an apprentice, right


When the excruciating pain reached its peak, it all gathered in the dantian... the poison of the seven evil spirits that was attacked.


A mouthful of pitch-black blood spurted out from his mouth. After the blood was sprayed out, it splashed onto the ground, and even corroded the hard rocky ground into small and deep pits in an instant!

Just this mouthful of blood is enough to kill a lot of innate powerhouses!

A mighty force erupted from the Demon Lord's body in an instant.

There was a hint of ecstasy in Mojun's eyes, but then, the ecstasy turned into horror, and he began to use his kung fu crazily to suppress this force.

Because he suddenly remembered that if he didn't suppress it and let this power rise upwards, he might not even have time to take the second pill, and he would have to break through the innate realm and be unable to stay in this world.

After wasting a long time, the Demon Lord finally suppressed his own strength and breathed a sigh of relief, but the vitality and joy in his eyes were extremely strong.

At this time, the Demon Lord looked inside his dantian, and found that there was no trace of the poison of the seven evil spirits in a large area of the dantian!

In that place, there is an unimaginable sacred power surging!

This... is still the result of the devil's desperate efforts to suppress it. Otherwise, that power will be more turbulent and stronger.

"It seems... the second and third pills, I can't take them now... this kid, hey...!" The demon king finally couldn't help it, and smiled, and there was shock in his eyes.

He believed in Chu Mo, just as Chu Mo believed in him. This kind of trust between master and apprentice does not need any reason, nor does it need any explanation.

"Thousands of catties of low-level medicinal materials, after extracting the essence, actually possess such terrifying power... However, I am afraid that this method is the only one in this world!" , the most powerful alchemy king in alchemy... I'm afraid he doesn't have such a method!"

The devil stood up and walked around the room at random. Although the poison of the seven evil spirits in the dantian was only partly removed, it gave him a feeling of being reborn!

"I just want an apprentice who can inherit my mantle, but God gave me a big surprise!" In the eyes of the demon king, light flickered: "One day, when this kid sets foot in the fairy world... what kind of situation will it cause?"

"I'm looking forward to it!" There was a smile on Mo Jun's face.

Early the next morning, the Demon Lord threw Chu Mo directly into the barrel filled with the blood of fresh primordial beasts.

Seeing Chu Mo grinning in the wooden barrel, the Mojun was in an unprecedentedly good mood. Even he himself doesn't remember when was the last time he was in such a good mood.

"Master... why are you called Demon King? Ordinarily... people with this name are usually bad people." That feeling was too painful, and Chu Mo had to find a way to distract himself. The best way was to Find out about Master's past.

In normal times, if Chu Mo asked such a question, the Demon King would most likely not answer.

However, after what happened last night, the Demon Lord's mentality has also undergone a great change.

He glanced at Chu Mo and said, "A bad guy? I am!"

As he spoke, Mojun sighed softly: "It's a very old-fashioned story."

Chu Mo endured the pain that would melt his soul, grinned his teeth, and said with a distorted expression: "I want to hear it."

"I am in the fairy world, born in a small sect, and my parents are both disciples of that sect. There are only a thousand people in that sect, and it can be said that it is not well-known in the fairy world." Mojun Youyou said With a look of memory in his eyes.

"Although the sect is small, it is very united. Everyone can live in harmony. There are no such things as intrigue. My childhood was very happy. But the good times didn't last long. When I was fifteen years old, I was with a large group of fellow sects. , to explore a cave that is said to be left by an ancient immortal. At that time, there were many people who explored that cave together, and many of them were disciples of the Great Sect!"

"In that cave, a large number of treasures were unearthed, all kinds of weapons, pills, fairy stones... The amount is astonishing, enough to make anyone who sees jealous. We are incomparable with those disciples of the big sect. We have no qualifications or ability to compete. Grab those things. But the thing of chance... whoever it wants to fall on is really destined."

The Demon Lord sighed, and said lightly: "In an inconspicuous corner, a group of us brothers from the same sect, somehow touched some mechanism, and directly entered a strange space. Everyone entered a separate space. .”

"I got the most precious thing left by that senior..." Mojun glanced at Chu Mo: "It's God's will for your cultivation!"

"Master is so lucky!" Chu Mo said.

"Are you lucky? Maybe... But, who can tell what is good and bad?" The Demon Lord sighed softly: "We disappeared suddenly, and we were naturally seen by others, but those people want to enter us again. However, they did not give up, but guarded the exit of the cave."

"To rob you?" Chu Mo's face showed anger: "It's really bad!"

"Hey... what kind of evil is this?" The Demon Lord shook his head: "The worst is yet to come. We, a group of fifteen in total, have all obtained unimaginable benefits. My brothers and sisters have all received All kinds of powerful immortal techniques. As long as they can be brought back to the sect, it may not take too many years for the sect to become a powerful sect in the fairy world."

"What's the result?" Chu Mo looked at Master nervously, because he had already seen the result that he didn't want to think about from the expression on Master's face.

"As a result, fifteen of us were ambushed at the gate of the cave, and I was the only one who escaped." The Mojun's tone was very flat, but the expression on his face began to become stiff.

"They... are all dead?" Chu Mo felt his heart go cold, and murmured: "Even if you want to rob... you don't have to kill people to silence them, right?"

"What you too simple." The Demon Lord sneered and said, "If you don't kill people, how can these inheritances become exclusive secrets?"


Chu Mo couldn't help but gasped, and murmured, "Just because of this?"

"This one reason is enough." The Demon Lord said: "I managed to escape from their siege, but I was also seriously injured. A kind girl rescued me and helped me heal my injuries."

"Is that person... the teacher's wife?" Chu Mo asked cautiously.