Mutated Pheromones

Chapter 28


In order to strengthen the lion, he removed a few materials with the opposite properties and used almost all the good materials with the other properties, and ended up in such a situation.

He stared at the chicken and had the heart to eat it alive.

Jiang Xiao didn't see him move for a long time again, so he had to ask.

[Private chat] Long Jian Wuying: Have you added materials

The more do not want to speak.

[Private Chat] Long Sword Wuying: After adding the materials or not adjusting them

Yue continued to be silent.

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows.

[Private chat] Changjian Wuying: Is it still there

[Private chat] Killer: Yes.

[Private chat] Killer: I'll do it tomorrow, go to bed, good night.

[Private Chat] Long Sword Shadowless:

Jiang Xiao only had time to post a question mark before watching the little soul master disappear in place.

He always felt that something was wrong, so he took out his phone and sent a WeChat message: Are you okay

The more stubborn: Well, Ann.

Jiang Xiao looked at the "An" who didn't want to say more, and once again determined that something was wrong, guessing that the lion might have been abolished by him, so he planned to ask again tomorrow.

On the other side, Yue Ran held his heart for a while and didn't sleep for a while, but contacted his cousin and asked him to go online at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to send him materials.

Qin Xiujie agreed, put the phone away, and looked at a certain soul master in the game with a smile. When he saw that he wanted to go offline and go to sleep, he stopped him in time.

[Private chat] Crying City: Wait a minute, Xing Mie Da, I have something to tell you.

Bai Zhengyang took a breath.

Shouldn't it be as Mo Yang guessed, this iron fan wants to soak in him, right

[Private chat] Xingxing: Is it important

[Private chat] Crying City: Well, let's go to the arena and open a room.

[Private chat] Xing Mie: Just say it here.

[Private chat] Kuchengshang: No, this matter is too important. In order to express my sincerity, I want to tell you about it.

Bai Zhengyang: "..."

It's over, I really want to confess to him!

Did this die-hard fan have impure motives when he first approached him, or did he slowly get along with him because he had a certain affection for idols

[Private chat] Kucheng Shang: I won't tell you today, but I will tell you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so just listen.

Yes, escaping is useless.

Bai Zhengyang gritted his teeth and agreed. He entered the nearest arena with him with a heart hanging on it. He heard a nice male voice, very softly: "Da, can you hear me?"

[Public Screen] Xingxing: Well.

Qin Xiujie smiled and sighed deliberately: "Actually, I have always kept a secret in my heart. I wanted to tell you several times, but I was always hesitant to think about it. I really don't want to hide it from you today."

Bai Zhengyang: "..."

"I recently learned how to operate from you, and I have long regarded you as the most respected teacher in my heart. I am very afraid that you will ignore me or even get angry with me after I finish talking," Qin Xiujie said softly, "You... can you forgive me first? ?"

Bai Zhengyang was very uncomfortable.

This iron fan was brought up by him from a rookie. He was a little bit ruthless towards him. Besides, people just like him, what's wrong? Isn't he still hiding a big thing from others

So he turned on the mic and said solemnly, "I forgive you."

Qin Xiujie said, "Will you continue to teach me?"

Bai Zhengyang said: "Yes."

Qin Xiujie said with a smile: "Then I said, I'm Xing Mie's cousin, I approached you at first to expose your fake Xing Mie, but then I knew that you were not malicious, so I didn't do anything, I'm sorry Yangshen, only now. to be frank."

Bai Zhengyang: "I..."

I fuck!

Qin Xiujie said, "But I didn't lie to you. Except for Xing Mie, I quite like you and Gale Feng, but not to the extent of being a big fan."

Bai Zhengyang said: "Goodbye, good night."

Qin Xiujie watched him leave the room, holding his forehead and laughing lowly.

Hearing Mo Yang's speculation just now, he realized that it was a good time to confess. Bai Zhengyang really forgave him in advance, and the dignified god would never go back on his word.

He slept happily, and the next day he logged on to the account of his deputy gang leader, and delivered materials to his cousin as agreed, and saw that he was in the Wasteland Continent.

[Private chat] Yiguanqin: Do you want to get another lion to make it stronger

[Private chat] Killer: Hmm.

Yue Ran would not say that he fed the last lion to chickens, and then went to hunt tigers and cheetahs after collecting the materials.

Qin Xiujie was curious about his finished product, so he played with him and waited for him to synthesize it. Learning from yesterday's lesson, this time carefully check the properties of the materials, carefully place them into the smelting formation, and click OK.

The white light dissipated, and in the center was a majestic white lion.

Although his favorite thunder attribute was gone, the water attribute was strengthened, and the attack was much higher than before, so he finally stopped refining.

He suddenly let out a sigh of relief, feeling that his little heart, which had been depressed all night, was redeemed.

He will definitely keep it away from that chicken in the future.

When I mentioned that chicken, I was so angry yesterday, as if I haven't seen the new skills after it has been refined.

He clicked on Little Fat Chicken's attribute page, and found that the attack had been strengthened again, and the original single attack had become a group attack. The little fat chicken has three attributes of water, fire, and thunder, so it can spray three air at one time, causing damage to the enemy respectively. In addition, there is an additional skill below, called Rolling Ball.

Curiously, he moved the mouse to "Rolling Ball" and saw the detailed description: his body formed a ball and rushed towards the enemy, knocking the enemy two meters away and causing 100 points of damage.

100 damage, I thank you.

For the sake of looking at the two meters, Yue Ran reluctantly left it alive and closed the page with a blank expression.

Qin Xiujie waited for a while, and when he saw the screenshot he sent, he opened it and frowned slightly.

[Private chat] Yiguanqin: I don't think it's strengthened much, and the thunder attribute is gone.

[Private chat] Yiguanqin: Let me get you some more materials and try again

You don't understand, this is already good.

Only when there is a comparison can we know how to cherish it better.

[Private chat] Killer: No, that's it.

Qin Xiujie thought he had other plans, so he didn't persuade him.

Yue Ran then parted with him, brushed a few five-person notebooks, and silently filled his hollowed-out warehouse.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiao went online and contacted Yueran immediately. He thought he was going to continue refining soul beasts, but he heard that he wanted to pk.

He followed Yueran into the arena, and finally saw his new soul beast. After checking the attributes, he found that there was no training disabled. What was wrong with the little soul master last night

Is this a new practice

I went through this question once in my mind, and felt that I couldn't ask it. The little soul master was so arrogant, I was afraid that it would be frustrating to ask.

Jiang Xiao pretended not to know, and seriously accompanied him to pk.

Both Mo Yang and Yue Shen belong to the bed-riding type. Bai Zhengyang usually goes online quite early, but for some reason he didn't come today, so there are only the two of them all morning, which makes Jiang Xiao very satisfied.

The more focused he was on preparing for the battle, he temporarily put aside the question of whether to soak or not, and played several games with Jiang Xiao happily. slaughtered.

Jiang Xiao only felt that the condition of the little soul master was getting better and better, and praised without hesitation: "The Star God is amazing."

Yue Ran let go of his fingers to rest and asked, "How many games have you played with Yin Juxing? How is his strength?"

Jiang Xiao said: "His hand speed and reaction are not as fast as yours."

Yueran said: "Really?"

Jiang Xiao said: "Well, as long as his sixth soul beast doesn't restrain you, your win rate will be higher than his."

This judgment was quickly recognized by Yue Shen and several others.

In the afternoon, Yueshen and the others accompany Yueran to practice their hands, and they all felt that he should be fine.

Mo Yang said: "Relax and worry about Xiaoxingxing, we all hit the gale in the last game unfortunately and didn't make it to the finals, otherwise that kid might not be able to get the second place."

Yue Shen said: "I have the video of his game here, and I will pass it on to you later."

Bai Zhengyang said: "Are you still fighting? Come again."

Silently glanced at Bai Zhengyang, not knowing what kind of stimulation he was getting today.

But if the other party wanted to fight, he naturally accompanies them, so he played with them a few more times before it was over.

The next day, Yue Ran watched the video of the game in the morning, warmed up with Jiang Xiao in the afternoon, and then waited for the fight in the evening.

Their story has long been rumored in the new area. After 7:30, the players stopped what they were doing one after another. They did not type or do tasks. They all stood at the teleportation port of the arena, waiting for the room number to be announced. grab a seat.

Yue Shen and Mo Yang were going to live stream at night. They originally wanted to delay it for a while and wait until after watching the pk before starting the broadcast, but they heard Yue Yue said that they could start the broadcast and watch it directly.

The two of them changed their minds and quickly understood.

According to Yin Jupiter's urination, if he wins this time, 80% will be known to everyone, but if he loses, not only will he not say anything, but he will find a way to save face. Xiao Xingmian was forced to fight, so naturally he couldn't hold his breath, so he also helped him fire a round.

Furthermore, even if Xiao Xingmian really loses unluckily, with them commenting on the side, at least it can let people know that he is not good, and save Yin Juxing from saying anything ugly afterwards.

Wanting to understand this, Yue Shen and Mo Yang started a live broadcast.

Both of them have friends of Silver Jupiter, so they don't have to fight with other players for the auditorium, just let Silver Jupiter drag themselves in, and then introduce the history of things in the live broadcast room, saying: "They will start playing in a while, let's watch it together. ."

Bai Zhengyang logged on to the Monk number he recently got in the new district, added Yin Juxing's friends, and started broadcasting after entering.

Jiang Xiao followed suit, bought a new account at will, whether it was a swordsman or not, quickly logged in to the new area and started broadcasting.

The two popular gods started broadcasting at the same time, and several servers were shaken again.

So far, this pk game has stepped out of the new area and moved to the whole game.

Silver Jupiter soon received the news.

Since they were all invited by him, he pretended that these great gods were here to support him, and he was immediately excited and nervous. He was excited because he had face, and nervous because he was worried that he would really lose.

But after the game, he quickly adjusted his state.

Last time his equipment was not good, and he was careless and ended up in a mess. This time, as long as he pays more attention, he should not lose.

After thinking about it, he waited for the killer to also invite relatives and friends, and then trumpeted to announce the room number.

In an instant, the room was filled with spectators.

The players who didn't grab the spot wailed twice, and soon heard that several great gods had live broadcasts, so they hurried over and planned to watch from there.

This time, I asked Silver Jupiter's wishes, whether it was two wins in three games or one game.

There are too many uncertain factors in one game, so Silver Jupiter chose three games to be safe, and promised to play all three games because he wanted to win three games in a row.

Yue Ran had no opinion on this. After setting the game mode, he pressed the prepare button.

Silver Jupiter also followed suit, and the two were teleported into the map at the same time, waiting for the countdown to end.

The moment the map was swiped, the audience was in an uproar.

The two of them were also taken aback, because this seemed to be a lore map.

To be fair, they tick a random map.

The game just went through a round of updates. Recently, players have a high probability of being ranked on the new map, and they hit it at this moment.

In front of you is a long and narrow mountain road, with a mountain wall on one side and an abyss on the other side, with no shelter in the middle.

The good thing is that the mountain road is three meters wide. As long as you are careful when walking, you will not fall off.

It is a lore map, but it is not a difficult lore map, it just compresses the battle space.

Unless... you have the ability to knock people into the air.

It is not clear whether the sixth soul beast of Silver Jupiter has this kind of skill, but he does.

He has a rolling ball.

So taking advantage of the non-war status, he immediately canceled the sixth soul beast's white lion, changed it to a small fat chicken, and rushed forward.

Silver Juxing would no longer let him freeze himself. Seeing that he had summoned the Snow Soul Beast, he summoned his sixth Soul Beast, Black Flame Bird, and let it rush past the Second Snow Soul Beast.

Yue Ruan didn't hide at all, and when he saw the Black Flame Bird spit out flames, he saw the opportunity and pressed the Freeze skill.

In an instant, the two skills collided. Due to the high attack of the Black Flame Bird, the freezing of the Snow Soul Beast not only did not work, but was instantly killed on the spot.

Silver Jupiter was instantly at ease, and was about to attack the next round, when he suddenly saw a figure flashing—the killer did not retreat as he imagined, but rushed to him without any hesitation under the cover of the light and shadow of the undissipated skill. I don't know when there is a little fat chicken around.

The little fat chicken was chubby, as high as someone's knees.

It is snow-white all over, with three dull hairs on its head, the middle one is white, one purple and one red on both sides, it looks very stupid. Silver Jupiter was slightly startled, and before he could recover from the thought that "the sixth soul beast of the killer is not a lion", he saw that it quickly formed a ball.

The next moment, I saw the meat ball slamming straight forward.

Bang, knocked the silver Jupiter down.

Silver Jupiter: "… "

Everyone: "… "

It's bowling!

Yue Ran saw the words "victory" pop up, slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down.

The little fat chicken hopped over with him and watched with him.

Yueran ignored it, looked up at the setting sun in the distance, tasted the short-lived loneliness after victory, and said coldly, "Chicken, I forgive you."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Bazooka]: 1 Jiuhan;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [hand grenade]: the girl of Ishizhi is Aili, 1 chantllin;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Landmine]: Mu Shili, Ann, Rui Rui, 2 in Xiatian Qigong; Mobao~, Beiming? Xuan, prosperous trance, monsoon climate, Lulu is under me Shou, Golden Horn King Tao Miao Meow?, Panyu, すずみやさらこ, half a hibiscus,, flowers with smoke, fighting jiji, Yisheng is very tired from driving today, leaves, Xuanbaoer, eyelashes fall, love sugar , Hanyuebai, Yuanyuanyuan, Cangji, Huahua, lqf(_??)?, Spicy Crayfish, Can't sleep at night, Sajia is a lady;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

375 bottles of Muyue; 50 bottles of jujube; 46 bottles of Yalana Yika; 30 bottles of Snowflake Hawthorn; 20 bottles of Susu, Acha Xiaobao, Sanqiu, Yijin Strawberry, Jianyuan, Jiuhan, Huahua; Xiaotao , 15 bottles of Fusang half; sufnhbnm, on the water side, Mengxin designer, Yue, Junzi Yize, Yimuyan, may, .-., Xirui, Yier, Yi, Baiyueban's guardian, Hanyue Bai, Junxi, Fengjiang, half a lime, young 10 bottles; 27033592 9 bottles; 丨 Yu Sheng丨, 8 bottles of oranges; Fuchen Yimeng, 6 bottles of Xishan North; Mo Yu, Yi Yi, I have one Box of Butterfly Crisp, Waiting, Digo, Beiyu's Mengmeng, Thorn Fox, Lulululi, Wangyouran, Hyun, Chenchen, Once upon a time there was a little yellow chicken 5 bottles; 4 bottles of minibus; 3 bottles of cactus and light drink ;hanxu_x, Linli, I will look at it without speaking, Snow Heart, Yiling, Ye Zibo 2 bottles; Yuzai, Muzili, Yangyang, puka, the world's most lovely, Mu Ze, Yang Muyang, this flower blooms and no more flowers , black and white cat, green fish jade, crxc, blue, alice, fleeting year, wandering earrings, a piece of dark chocolate, No. Lust is obsessed with novels, long summer barren years, pigpig pig, Dudu don't want to be a dog, late night, Chinese white good strategy, roe deer, 28295698, yoko, last adrenaline, Zai Zai (`⌒? メ) super fierce, gintoki , Fake, it's all fake, Dark Demon King, Sweet Tea, Yinlian Qianqian, Orange Yellow Orange Green, if you draw it again, you'll buy it! ! , Reliable adult coral, Xiaoxiaoqing, Silenci do not speak, Xixi 2133, 1 bottle of a round roll;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!