Mutated Pheromones

Chapter 44


The more he stared at the pile of things, he really didn't know how to complain. Seeing him asking what he meant, he asked him to find Jiang Xiao.

[Private chat] Space: He is not online.

[Private chat] Xingxing: WeChat.

[Private chat] Space: But I want to know your opinion [Star Eyes]

[Private chat] Xingxie: Why do you pretend to be a couple to eradicate the traitor

[Private chat] Space: Because you just bought a couple account, you see how many fake couples in spy movies, this is logical.

[Private chat] Xingxing: But in the end, all the rivals were eliminated.

[Private chat] Space: They did collude with others.

[Private chat] Xing Mie: The purpose of their infiltration into the gang

[Private chat] Space: Steal secrets!

[Private chat] Xing Mie: Do you believe it

[Private chat] Space: … I don’t quite believe it.

[Private chat] Xingxing: Well.

[Private chat] Space: Then let's change the eradication of traitors to eradication of suitors

[Private chat] Xing Mie: Do you believe it

[Private chat] Space: Letter!

[Private chat] Xing Mie: I'm asking, do you believe that Jiang Xiao can do such a stupid thing to get rid of his suitors

[private chat] Space: [tears] I don't believe it

While chatting, the two saw the news that Jiang Xiao was online at the same time, and Kagong ran to him to discuss. Yue didn't ask more, first logged in yy, and then controlled the character to the top of the snow mountain.

Most of the raptors in the ranger live on high mountains. The raptors on the snowy mountains are snow-singing eagles, with high attack, and the skills of storm and freezing. They are a kind of soul beast that he likes very much.

The eagles have a strong sense of territory, and this setting has not been changed in the ranger, so the snow eagles are very scattered, and you can only see one or two after walking for a long time. Especially the Eagle King, it is said that one is refreshed every week. Not only is it difficult to fight, but the time and place are also random. Not many people are willing to form a team to wander around the mountains every day. Since returning to the present, I have only seen three soul beasts forged by the Eagle King in the arena, which shows how difficult it is to get them.

So he didn't come to find the Eagle King today, but wanted to beat a few ordinary snow eagles to feed the bird that killed Matt.

The bird's attack is now comparable to that of the white lion, and it also has a knock-up skill. He originally didn't want to adjust it so as not to become disabled, but recently he suddenly thought of the snow eagle, and felt that according to the attributes of the snow eagle, hello A few just didn't matter, so I came over.

Just finished playing two, only to hear a beep in the earphone, and someone came to yy's voice room.

Jiang Xiao said, "Where is it?"

Yue Ran said, "Snow Mountain."

Jiang Xiao understood as soon as he heard it, so he came to form a team with him and accompany him to fight.

The strength of the two is there, and the efficiency is rapidly improved, but it only shortens the time for killing monsters. After killing the monsters, they still have to find it hard. Jiang Xiao faintly heard a very low snort and said, "Take a break?"

Yue Ran said, "I'm not tired."

Jiang Xiao said: "Come and accompany me to see the scenery."

Yue Ran said, "It's all white, what's there to see?"

Jiang Xiao didn't answer, wandered around, and sent him a coordinate.

Yue Ran jumped on the rocks along the coordinates, stood beside him and looked into the distance, and found that he could see most of the snow-capped mountains, and he could see a little halo like smoke.

He remembered the unpopular sights and asked, "Those places before..."

Jiang Xiao said: "I found it specially."

Yueran said: "Oh."

Jiang Xiao said, "Are you moved?"

Yue Ran said, "I'm not moved."

Jiang Xiao sighed softly and did not ask any further questions.

He glanced at him more quickly, then looked at him again a few seconds later, looking for something to say: "Have you skied on snow?"

Jiang Xiao: "Yeah."

Yue Ran: "Is it fun?"

Jiang Xiao: "Yeah."

Yue Ran: "Who did you go with?"

Jiang Xiao: "Friend."

Yue Ran: "Oh."

The awkward chat ended, and the voice room fell silent.

Yue Ran looked at him again, not sure if he was sad because of that sentence, so he turned around twice and slowly moved towards him.

Jiang Xiao was already holding back his laughter, but now seeing his little Aojiao awkwardly showing his favor, he finally stopped teasing him, clicked on the "Hug" on the emoji page, hugged him, and said, "I'll hit a few more and take you to drink milk. Xi."

The more happy: "Okay."

The two caught four or five more, and when they glanced at the time, they found that it was eleven o'clock.

After the soul beast has been ingested, it will disappear after a certain period of time. The more quickly it is opened, the soul beast will be refined, and all of them will be fed to Killer Matt. After the white light dissipates, it falls into silence.

Jiang Xiao was used to it. Seeing that he didn't move, he knew there was a problem and asked, "What's wrong?"

The more expressionless, let Kill Matt out.

Jiang Xiao looked at it and saw that there was another dull hair on the top of its head. It looked like a flower when placed together with the previous three. In addition, the tips of its claws also had a little blue pattern - a hot head and a tattoo, more and more. rebelled.

He said, "What's your name?"

Yue Ran said, "Four feathered birds."

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows: "What about the previous one?"

Yue Ran said, "Three feathered birds."

Jiang Xiao couldn't help laughing suddenly, he felt that his little soul master was cute and dead, and this soul beast alone could provide a lot of fun. Seeing that he took the bird back with more resentment, he hurriedly restrained his smile and said comfortably, "Let's go, I'll bring you a milkshake."

Yue Ran responded, simply cleaned up, went downstairs to meet him, and asked, "Where to drink?"

Jiang Xiao pulled him into the living area and said, "There is a milk tea shop over there."

t occupies a large area, and the facilities in the living area are very complete. Yueran has been in military training recently. He has not been to many places, so he followed him obediently. After a while, he saw a milk tea shop.

This store is very close to the omega girls' dormitory area. In addition to milk tea, it also sells coffee and desserts. There are sofa booths in the area by the wall and by the window, which is very suitable for chatting, dating or having afternoon tea.

When Yue Ran went in, he saw many young couples sitting in the booths, and he calmly retracted his gaze - it was no big deal, not sour at all.

Jiang Xiao was completely unaware of his subtle mood, so after buying the milkshake, he dragged him to find a place to sit down.

At this moment, when he looked up, his eyes suddenly collided with a girl not far away, he looked away coldly, and concentrated on accompanying his little soul master.

The girl was chatting with some friends.

They were all omegas, and when they met the school grass suddenly, they couldn't help but whisper: "Look, it's different when you're in love!"

"Well, who would have thought that he could come to such a date place one day."

"It is said that he fell in love with that freshman at first sight, is that true?"

"Fake, I heard that the new student is Qin Xiujie's cousin, they may have met long ago."

The girl was startled and asked, "Qin Xiujie's cousin?"

The companion said: "That's what the alpha in our class said."

The girl murmured, "It turned out to be him."

The companion was suddenly curious: "Do you know him?"

"Oh right, I heard that Jiang Xiao is playing games, are you playing too?"

The girl said, "I don't play anymore."

"Ah? Why?"


Because of being obsessed with others for a while to frame someone, it ended in a mess. Not only did it fail, but she also disappointed her suitors and ignored her.

The girl smiled bitterly: "I just don't play anymore."

Seeing her like this, her companion did not dare to ask any further questions, but hesitated: "Then..."

The girl said: "I only know that they have known each other in the game for a long time."

"Hey, it turned out to be online dating!" The companion's curiosity was satisfied, and he didn't mention it anymore. He diverted the topic with a few words, and left after a few words.

There were so many of them that they could not sit in the booths, so they chose the seats in the lobby.

It happened to be close to the bar here, and an omega girl who was ordering something listened to their words, watched them leave, and raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Have you known each other for a long time?"

The companion on the side said: "When it comes to you, Tiantian, what do you want?"

Donut said: "Nothing."

She glanced at a couple in the booth and wanted to say hello, but she saw that the handsome alpha pinched Xing Mie's face, which was too sweet, so she gave up her thoughts and didn't bother them.

She took the milk tea, took her friend's arm and walked out, secretly thinking that Xing Mie's boyfriend also played games, and the two had known each other for a long time, maybe they could find a space and ask them.

Yue didn't see her at all.

He enjoyed the milkshake, sat here with Jiang Xiao and distributed some dog food, and then went to the cafeteria for lunch with satisfaction. After the meal, the two took a walk for a while, then went back to their dormitories to rest, waiting to go out together at night.

Yue Ran slept for an hour, got up and logged into the game, and heard the private chat ringing again.

He thought it was a blank space, but when he opened it, he found that it was Yueshen—this man has been researching the five new rare species in the old area recently, and he basically made materials in the old area, and only came to the new area today.

[Private chat] Yue Shen: Have you thought about forming a team

[Private chat] Xingxing: No.

[Private chat] Yue Shen: Do you have any concerns

[Private chat] Yue Shen: Hey, you changed guild again

He looked at the first two words of "Koi Alliance", thinking that Xing Mie had been lining up with Gale recently, he couldn't help but glanced at Gale's information, and found that the two swordsmen gangs of Gale were also "Koi Alliance".

He guessed right, the two gangs merged.

[Private chat] Yue Shen: I remember that the gang in Gale Wind was all college students. Your previous gang was founded by freshmen.

[Private chat] Xingxing: Well.

[Private chat] Yue Shen: So are you from a school or a university town

[Private chat] Xingxing: A school.

[Private chat] Yue Shen: Don't tell me Gale also wants you to team up with him, doesn't he have a wife

I am his wife.

Yue Ran was silent for a few seconds, enduring a guilty conscience and turning over the reasons Jiang Xiao had mentioned before.

[Private chat] Xing Mie: He said that his wife stopped playing.

[Private chat] Yueshen: Xiaoxingxing, did I mention it earlier than him

In fact, he is earlier than you.

The more he was, he was still too guilty, and in the end he returned an "um".

However, Yue Chen knew that this matter didn't come first, so he didn't force him to choose himself. Instead, he thought that he would be fine if he avoided Mo Yang's shameless person, but he didn't expect that there would be a strong wind!

No, you have to brush up on your favorability.

He asked Xing Mie's location and rushed to Snow Mountain.

Jiang Xiao also happened to be online at this time, so he raised his eyebrows when he saw him.

Yue Shen also raised his eyebrows.

To the point, this guy is already gaining favorability, no wonder Xiaoxingxuan hesitated!

He resisted the urge to go head to head with someone, and after asking their yy, he entered the voice and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll fight with you."

Yue Ran said, "No need."

Yue Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, I just have time recently. Besides, single dogs don't need to accompany their wives. I'll accompany you for whatever materials you want these days."

Yueran: "..."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Jiang Xiao stared at the light bulb, trying to kill him.

Yueshen didn't think it was enough. In order to be more open and honest, he also called Bai Zhengyang over, euphemistically called it to enhance feelings.

Bai Zhengyang was surprised to see that they had the same gang name: "You guys actually joined the gang."

Yue Shen wanted to ask for a long time: "You have been playing in the new district, don't you know?"

Bai Zhengyang said: "I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

"Just to play with your die-hard fan?" Yue Chen said, "Are you two together?"

Bai Zhengyang immediately said, "No, don't talk nonsense!"

Yue Chen said: "I think he is very interesting to you."

Bai Zhengyang said: "We are just friends!"

Yue Chen said: "Well, as long as you are happy."

Bai Zhengyang was anxious: "It's really a friend!"

Yue Shen naturally followed him and did not delve into this issue, and began to help Xiao Xing destroy the snow eagle.

Jiang Xiao and Yue Ran then started the mode of "friends on the surface". Although this mode was proposed by Jiang Xiao, he would be unhappy when he actually tried it.

Fortunately, they only played for two hours before going offline, because the more they had an appointment with their friends for dinner.

Yue Shen watched them leave, and then discussed a major matter with Bai Zhengyang.

Bai Zhengyang was immediately frightened: "Shameless, Xiao Xingxing was found by us, and he actually cut Hu!"

Yue Shen said: "So you have to help me."

Bai Zhengyang said happily: "Sure, what's your idea?"

Yue Chen said: "I think the best way is to call my 'apprentice' back."

Bai Zhengyang said, "Does he and Lie Feng belong to the same school?"

Yue Shen said: "I don't know."

They are not familiar with the people of White Koi, but when several big gangs wanted to pull Gale into the gang, they should have collected information.

The two entered the yy channel of the first major gang and called Dongfengxue over.

Dongfengxue was very excited.

Among the five gods of Lieyang Xingyue, the best commander is Gale, followed by Yueshen and Moyang, and the worst is Bai Zhengyang. In the past, he pretended to be a star and led people to fight against this book that he had played several times, and he couldn't pick a big mistake in command, but if he was to command the world boss, 80% of the whole army would be wiped out.

Luna hasn't played in the new area recently. When they grabbed the boss of the world, they didn't take advantage of those gangs. Now that Luna is here again, he must keep him for a few days.

Yue Shen said: "Have you checked Avatar Sky before, is he and Gale Feng from the same school, we want to get him back."

"Huh? He didn't retire, did he?" Dongfengxue said, "Not long ago, Lie Shen asked me to buy a large number of low-level soul beasts from soul masters, saying that they were bought for my wife. At that time, the account of the incarnation of the sky was no longer there. I think He should have changed numbers."

Yue Chen and Bai Zhengyang were silent for a few seconds, and then said in unison, "—what?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Bazooka]: 1 sound cloud;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [hand grenade]: one lazy fish, one I love my sweet potato, one Yiwu, and one Yoyo;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [Mine]: sunny223 2; Ye Zi, Gu Yingliufang, Meow Xiaojiu, Time flies so fast, Sheep bleat, Xiaoyan, Yuanyuanyuan, Mu Shili in Xiatian Qigong, Xu Tiantian's Baibai, Junmuzhi, Yinyun, Jiuhan, Golden Horn King Taomiaomiao?, Shuishao, Suyi, Junzuo, Beiming? Xuan, I can't sleep in the middle of the night, Xihuang protects me from ssr, 1 sip, kitten, Rui Rui, Bai Lu Xanthium, arotai, I love my sweet potato;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

200 bottles of speechless; 50 bottles of reneaha; 48 bottles of kissyezz; 40 bottles of bashisho; 30 bottles of a loquat tree in front of Axi's gate; 28 bottles of zyfeel0829; 23 bottles of two points; 20 bottles of jujube and jiyeon; 19 bottles of 13906519; 18 bottles of jujube and jiyeon; suuue. 17 bottles; 13 bottles of sucre; at., not losing ten pounds without changing the name, Moshang Sang, Qiu Mu Susu, Shi Shi Shi, Lin, Yu Qi, Xiao Rui Rui, liul, Zhao Yan, Hululu, Sonia , Just a smile, the trumpet of Xiyuhua, the spicy chicken Baifeng Wan, Ye Qingyu, the flowers of Tusiqi's family, linna, s., Jinghongyoulong, drunk into ten thousand weights, grapefruit, frost cold night cool , Pingping 10 bottles; Jiuhan 9 bottles; Yijiujiu, Lili, Pan Jiafei 8 bottles; Indigo Summer, Broken Qiong 7 bottles; Liangliang, Morning Sun 6 bottles; Bihu, Snow White, White Ash, 24841996, Living Like. Huapao., Half-Life Enchanting, Counting the Beads of Beads, Early Summer, Ouu, Cheng Pipi~Fish, Shenmu 5 Bottles; I don’t know the depth of the lane, Fang Jiusi, Xuezhi 4 bottles of heart; 3 bottles of Xi Dye Ji Mo ぃ, Panda Fat Da, Mei Wu Ning Wu; Against the Water, Eyelashes Falling, Fat Orange, Mr. Zong Meng ぬ, Jinglu, Yi Jiang Nan, Blossoms in Dreams, Mistress of Lotus Pier, Muzi li 2 bottles; Chengxi Stream, 呱唧·glutinous rice, 29978913, lauringale, Xian Qingzhi, tutu, little white rabbit with red eyes, drifting ing15, Xiaoxiao Ruo listens to the rain, Beiming? Xuan, Xixi 2133 , Mr. Wang's favorite, Xiao Si Xiaoqi, blue, lazy sheep, wandering earrings, lqf(_??)?, Zaizai (`⌒?メ) super fierce, sky, acridine, Xi Qin Huang Han Wu, 1 bottle of Yibing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!