Mutated Pheromones

Chapter 51


Yue's first reaction was to get up and go back.

Jiang Xiao quickly grabbed the person and comforted Xiao Aojiao skillfully: "The pk has been opened, you have to open the live broadcast platform when you go back now, and you have to find Yue Shen's room, you must miss a lot of shots."

The more I felt it made sense, I followed the steps and stayed.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head suspiciously, and happened to meet Jiang Xiao, who had not yet recovered his smile.

Yueran: "..."

Jiang Xiao: "..."

Suddenly, there was a sense of anger and anger that his mind was exposed.

Jiang Xiao rushed to hug him before his hair was fried, leaned over to kiss him, and turned his head back: "Look, open."

After struggling for two seconds, he decided not to have the same knowledge as him, and began to concentrate on watching the battle.

The two in the arena brushed in the dark forest.

Their costumes are all dark, and their actions are very consistent after the opening. They are looking for dark places to walk, observing the surroundings while walking, and deliberately going around in a circle. As a result, one circles the left and the other circles the right, which is perfectly staggered.

[Public Screen] Fish Seven Seconds: Baby, where is it

The crowd was in an uproar.

[Public Screen] Tian Qing: Baby? Could it be that these two also have an affair

[Public Screen] Poisonous Duck: Impossible, Luna doesn't have a trumpet in Blossoming Flowers and Delusions, Fish God doesn't like to play trumpet, and he has never lined up with Luna, so there is no intersection at all, okay

[Public Screen] You used to be me: no intersection? Turn right when you go out, and look at the star that suddenly burst out.

[Gong Ping] The sun sets: Yes, these great gods didn't even have a clue before they were together.

[Public Screen] The phone is always out of power: what... To be fair to the flowers, our fish god has always been in this style of painting.

[Public Screen] Yangshen Yidui: Bah, Yangshen is locked, Yangshen is locked, Yangshen is locked, no one wants to get off!

[Public Screen] Yiguanqin: What is there to chase after outdated CPs? People should know how to look forward [smile]

The arena and the audience area do not share channels, and Yue Shen didn't know what kind of discussion a title had triggered.

He found a slightly safer place and replied.

[Public Screen] Yue Shen: Where are you

[Public Screen] Fish seven seconds: (12, 31)

[Public Screen] Yue Shen: Wait for me.

[Public Screen] Fish Seven Seconds: Come on, I'm already unbearable.

[Public screen] Seven seconds of fish: hungry [smile] thirsty

[public screen] Moon Shen: [smiles]

[Public Screen] Dogs love to lick their fur: Why do I think these two smiles are very meaningful

[Public Screen] Space: Hey oil, it turns out that the fish god is this style~

[Public Screen] Star chasing girl: I chase the fish god and my family Mo god should have a common language, this rogue fan is the same.

[Gong Ping] Feng Liuliu: As one of the victims, let me tell you in a responsible way that it is completely different, okay

[Public Screen] Come and wander: Yes, I have been played by the fish god, he is a ghost [tears]

The more I saw that the fish sent the real coordinates in seven seconds, I took time to look at the public screen, and I also had a new understanding of this great god.

At first glance, this id is taken from the "fish only has seven seconds of memory". He thought that the seven seconds of fish was a little fresh, but it turned out that his character was so distinct. He was curious: "Are you familiar with him?"

Jiang Xiao said: "I know."

Yue Ran said: "Yue Shen and they also know him?"

Jiang Xiao said: "Yue Shen should never have seen him. In his two third runner-ups, Yue Shen didn't make it to the finals."

"Oh" more quickly: "What kind of person is he?"

Jiang Xiao said lightly: "It's a neuropathy."

Yueran: "..."

He didn't even look at the PK, and hurriedly looked back at Jiang Xiao.

It seems that this is the first time he has heard Jiang Xiao comment on a person so far.

Jiang Xiao said, "I've known him before."

The more surprised.

"High school is a school," Jiang Xiao added. "Alumni, the relationship is average."

Oh, that's right.

One is cold and the other is crazy, and he didn't even play games in a server. It really doesn't look like a friendship.

The gossip was over abruptly, and he looked back at the battle situation.

Yue Shen and Yu Qi Second have already met.

The skills of the two need to be read a lot, so they walk in various positions in the woods, and it is life and death. Both sides are playing large and rare species, and the fight is very fierce, and the advantage of blood volume is almost invisible.

But this "almost" didn't last long.

Because Yue Shen quickly added a mouthful of blood to himself.

The fish's seven-second attack was sharp, and there was a trend of "how much blood you add, I'll double it for you".

On the other hand, Yue Shen saw the tricks, and brushed the blood again for himself. In the end, he finally won by a small margin. At this time, he only had a trace of blood skin left, and he could take it away with about one basic attack.

The audience was hooked, the channel news flashed quickly, and they shouted for another game.

The fish didn't seem to be hooked for seven seconds, so he got up and sent a message.

[Public Screen] Fish Seven Seconds: Open a room

[Public Screen] Yue Shen: Okay.

[Public Screen] Fish Seven Seconds: Wait for me to pull you [blow a kiss]

The audience did not leave immediately, ready to ask for a room number.

Jiang Xiao looked at the person in his arms: "Continue watching?"

Yue Ran said: "Don't look, let's play ranked."

Jiang Xiao tried again, seeing that the little soul master was not duplicitous this time, guessing that he might have been hooked by PK, so he let go of the person with a good temper and entered the ranking with him.

The two had zero points and had no game experience in the low-tier area. They quickly climbed to the third-tier level, and then met Bai Zhengyang and Qin Xiujie, who had also been cutting melons and vegetables all the way up.

Four people on the field: "… "

"Like last time, they will definitely kill me first," Bai Zhengyang said while the countdown was still on, "Don't you always advocate outwitness, come on, let me see if you win one."

Qin Xiujie said: "We really won the first few games."

Bai Zhengyang said, "That's my credit."

Qin Xiujie did not take him seriously, and complimented: "Yes, the teacher is amazing."

Bai Zhengyang said: "Don't talk nonsense, how to play this game?"

Qin Xiujie took a look.

The map is a canyon with lush woods in the valley, and there is a bridge above it that can accommodate two people side by side. Overall, it is a two-story structure. The two sides brushed on both sides of the canyon, looked up and saw each other from a distance.

He thought for a while and said, "Come across the bridge and hit directly."

Bai Zhengyang said, "What's the difference between that and last time?"

"Divide them," Qin Xiujie said, "I use pierce, and you will be dizzy."

After all, Bai Zhengyang has played a game, and he understands it as soon as he hears it.

The two then went straight to the wooden bridge, and when they saw that the people on the opposite side were also walking on the bridge, they prepared to attack and quickly met them. Qin Xiujie glanced at the distance and immediately pressed the pierce skill key.

This is a blow-to-fly skill.

According to his idea, he first knocked Jiang Xiao off the bridge, Bai Zhengyang then used the monk's stun skill to stun Yue Ran, and then the two of them could besiege Yue Ran together.

Ideals are beautiful.

Unfortunately, reality quickly gave him a set of punches.

Jiang Xiao was also playing a swordsman, and he could also use pierce, and he also used it at that moment.

In an instant, Qin Xiujie stabbed with a sword and failed. Jiang Xiao rubbed his body through, went straight to Bai Zhengyang, and hit the man off the bridge with a sword. At the same time, Yue Ran summoned the Snow Soul Beast, and "Golla" froze his cousin.

Qin Xiujie: "..."

Bai Zhengyang: "..."

Bai Zhengyang fell into the valley, suddenly lost half of his blood, and said angrily, "Look at what bad idea you came up with!"

Qin Xiujie said sincerely: "I was wrong. I should have suggested that we just admit defeat after seeing these two ids. It's useless to play with someone, unless the map is a little more special."

Bai Zhengyang said: "Can you be a little more ambitious?"

Qin Xiujie said: "Why don't you take command of them next time? If they don't think in complicated and normal directions, we may have a chance of winning."

Bai Zhengyang said: "...Are you a compliment or a derogation?"

It is increasingly unclear that the enemy channel is fighting infighting.

Righteousness killed his cousin. He and Jiang Xiao went down to clean up Bai Zhengyang and successfully won the game. They didn't stop until the fifth dan. During this period, they met experts from other districts, and the game was very enjoyable.

Yueran has elective courses tomorrow night, so I can't come to the Internet cafe, but the day after tomorrow is the weekend, so I can play all day.

He was in a happy mood, sauntered back to the dormitory, looked up and saw Lin Qianzheng holding back his anger, he couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Qian didn't answer and handed him the phone.

Yueran took it over and took a look, and found that it was a school forum again.

One of their direct seniors just bought a limited-edition bag, and when she saw that Yue was on her back, she took a photo and sent a comparison picture, complaining that every time she saw someone carrying a cottage, she was disgusting, especially a design student, she was a major. shame.

But that's not the point. The point is that the bag was a recent photo, obviously from a classmate. In addition, some people bubbled up that they were original and sold it to Deng Ling for five hundred.

- Wow, five hundred, that's a lot of money!

—Hahaha God, he is five hundred, a fool can’t sell it for such a small amount of money, right

- The point is that you can sell a show just by making a bag. It's awesome!

- No, you are sour without evidence

- Although it looks fake, what if it is real

—Yes, what if the family is a relative of the designer

-Analyze, if relatives hold a show, will they not help their younger generation

Senior Sister quickly bubbled up, saying that after checking the show information, there was no one's name at all. She asked the customer service, and they said they would help her. She was still waiting for news. If it was an accidental injury, she was willing to apologize.

The matter can actually end here, just wait for the reply.

But he couldn't stand Yue Ran's great reputation, and suddenly found a black spot in him, and a group of people were immediately poked.

—Oh, who is that? I saw his bag yesterday, and I thought it looked pretty good. It turned out to be a cottage.

- Isn't he with jx? Jx is so rich, isn't it bad to let her boyfriend buy genuine products

- They weren't together at that time, were they? Maybe it's because the ex-boyfriend has no money, and jx is handsome and rich, so he hooked up

- I saw his ex-boyfriend at noon today and cried, it was so miserable.

- It's also a good thing. I hope to find someone who really likes him in the future.

-Who, who are you talking about!

- That's what he looks like, I really don't know why Jx has a crush on him.

- I was in the same class with him. To be honest, he was usually aloof and didn't like to talk to people very much. We all took the initiative to talk to him.

- Don't understand, you are useless to him, can people take care of you

- 55555 makes sense, so heartbreaking.

- I can go to your place. It's only been a week since the school started, and I basically only know people in the dormitory. How can I be so cold

- Upstairs is this really playing

- You were poked at the sore spot and jumped

Seeing this, I understood the reason for Lin Qian's anger.

When he saw the new news, he couldn't help refreshing it. Seeing the senior sister bubbling up again, he posted a picture, saying that he was scolded by a private message, and the tone looked like the real body.

The people in the building immediately shared the enemy.

- The mouth is so poisonous, it turns out that this is his true face.

—Should show jx what kind of thing he likes.

- I hope jx will take a good look at his ex-boyfriend. Can't you see such an obvious lesson from the past

-Jx won't like you even if he doesn't like him, a bunch of rotten people!

—Huh, is it the real body again? Changed to a small one

Across a network cable, the maliciousness of the human heart is so full that it can overflow the screen. When Lin Qian saw the private message, it exploded. He grabbed his phone and wanted to curse, but was stopped.

Yue Ran said: "It's useless to quarrel, I'll just ask my mother to post a Weibo for clarification."

Lin Qian was so angry: "What about that private message?"

Yue Ran said: "Clarify first, then I will ask Senior Sister to make it clear in person, tell her that the number is not me, and then ask Senior Sister to clarify, it will be more convincing."

Lin Qian looked at it: "Aren't you angry?"

Yue Ran said, "It's okay."

He was really angry. Although he never dealt with alpha in high school, his relationship with omega was still good. This was the first time he encountered verbal violence. However, as a little arrogant, he held back in time and thought of the most direct way.

So he took out his cell phone and called his mother, and briefly explained the matter.

Deng Ling had just received feedback from his subordinates, and had just opened Weibo. He saw the private messages sent by fans earlier, and there was also a fresh forum link.

She said, "Well, I see."

Feeling very relieved, he hung up the phone.

It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion, he always feels that his tone is a bit cold.

It turned out that he was not mistaken, and at the same time as he called, there was a new reply on the forum.

Lin Qian was hooked on seeing it, and hurried over to share it with Yue Ran.

241l Jiang Xiao

Sophomore Xu, class 1 of fashion design major, since he pretended to be so good, he apologized twice for the accidental injury, so let's solve the problem of designing Ranran in the game during your summer vacation, apologize to him, and 6l, 17l , 27l, 70l, 101l are the same as the ip address of the main building, they are all derived by you, the clothing major is not suitable for you, it is recommended to transfer to the show.

In addition, the IPs of 12l, 21l, 32l, 42l, 45l, 57l, 67l, 83l, 95l, 113l, 134l, 189l, 201l, 212l, and 232l are exactly the same. The classmates who sang the white face again switched to acting.

Thirdly, that "ex-boyfriend" is Ranran's suitor. I cry today because I was beaten. Whether my family is good or not, I don't need your evaluation here.

Finally, this student Xu, I believe you have recognized my ability to investigate, report to me the id that sent you a private message, and I will help you find out who is scolding you.

As soon as the reply came out, the whole building was silent for a few seconds, and then the pot exploded.

- The real body of the trough

-real body? ?

- I have repeatedly said that the landlord is also a suitor of jx. He has also designed others in the game. Now he catches a point and kills him

- The owner is silent...

—Let me make a conspiracy theory, shouldn’t the so-called private message be created by the landlord himself

—I was pulled up by my roommates to watch, tsk tsk tsk, the reality is really bloodier than fiction.

- Who is the other one

—I'd rather know who gave her the picture of that bag.

—Di, Weibo sightseeing card.

—Weibo Sightseeing Card +1

—From Weibo, big t you guys are on fire!

—Call classmate Jiang, your mother-in-law took your picture on Weibo.

Yueran: "..."

Wait, it's a game, a fine point, a suitor, or a Weibo mother-in-law, the amount of information seems to be a bit too much.

He quickly opened Weibo and found the thing his mother posted.

The content above is simple and clear. I took a photo of the limited-edition bag directly. There is an "r" icon inside, explaining that her son is used to marking such a letter on the work. This bag was made by her son during the summer vacation. She saw that it was not bad. So I signed a contract with my son and took it to the show to make clothes, because I felt that my son had aura, but he still needed to be trained, so I didn't mention him in the show, but I didn't expect to cause a misunderstanding.

Two more screenshots were posted later, one was a comment on the forum, the other was Jiang Xiao’s message, and finally, on the school’s official blog, he said: The quality of some of your school’s students is really eye-opening, and I recommend them to go Mixed show business.

As a designer, Deng Ling has some fame, but the number of fans is actually small.

However, the fact that "scolding others for backing cottages, in fact they are the originals" is too in line with the popular point of view, so the number of retweets has increased, attracting a group of onlookers.

The school dealt with it urgently, and the post was deleted that night.

But they are all in the design circle. Deng Ling knew the dean of the school's design department. After posting on Weibo, he found him and asked for a thorough investigation. The other party also knew that Deng Ling was not easy to mess with, so he hurriedly made a promise, and only temporarily suppressed the matter.

The original post was deleted, and new posts kept popping up.

"Student Xu, carrying the designer's bag and hanging up the designer, is it sour?"

"Student Xu, what about the apology?"

"Who's the one who's got no one to pick the other up?"

"Ah, so who is the son of my goddess, I'm envious of my real name."

"Enjoyed, idol drama!"

The forum is like a Chinese New Year, and it doesn't end until midnight.

Yue Ran couldn't help but called Jiang Xiao, was silent for a while, and asked, "What do you mean by a suitor?"

Jiang Xiao said, "I'm talking nonsense."

Yue Ran said: "...Then why is he crying?"

Jiang Xiao said: "Probably moved by what I said."

Yueran: "..."

I believe you are in hell!

Jiang Xiao imagined his puffed up appearance, and his voice brought a smile: "You don't pay attention to another thing?"

Yueran said: "What?"

Jiang Xiao said: "Your parents know that we are together, when will you bring me to meet them?"

Yueran: "..."

Oh yes!

He ended the call, looked at WeChat, and found that his parents didn't even send a message. He couldn't hold back, so he took the initiative to send one to his mother: This matter, you have nothing more to say

Deng Ling: The school will check, just wait.

Yue Ran: What else

Deng Ling: No, go to bed earlier.

I'm talking about a boyfriend, and I'm still an alpha!

Yueran's fingers hung on the keys for a long time, and finally only gave an "oh", and fell asleep with the quilt.

The author has something to say: Zhou classmate will be offline immediately~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [deep water torpedo]: 1 sheep;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [hand grenade]: Golden Horn King Tao Miao Miao?, 1 Yin Yun;

Thank you for the little angels who voted [Landmine]: 9 regular moms with a girl's heart; 3 plain clothes; 2 misses, Azhizhi and Zhizhi; Rui Rui, the king of golden horns, Tao Miaomiao?, I have horns on my head , please keep the account unblocked, long drought, wish the rain falls, , eyelashes fall, sunny223, half a hibiscus, Yisheng goes back to raise a knife man to provoke qwq, Ani raises a little phoenix in Chuhe, can't sleep at night, Xiao Yishe Sun, Smoke Falling Cherry Blossoms, Fifteen Ghosts, One Thought Between Sadness and Joy, Garden Garden, All Beings, Meow Little Chirp, arotai 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

64 bottles of lalalalala; 63 bottles of clear water; 54 bottles of lime; 50 bottles of ants; 38 bottles of pears and grapefruits; , 20 bottles of Acuo; 19 bottles of Liumengyi; 18 bottles of Bailu Xanthium; 15 bottles of Xi Nei and Yuyi slightly; cactus can be eaten, kittens can eat cpa, Yixin, kejing, radish, sweet potato, wood that are addicted to sucking cats Mumu Musi, death, Ouou, "that year.", 10 bottles of beads counting beads; 9 bottles of Yang Zhi Zeng Tingyu; 8 bottles of kingkong, Feng Moumou; 6 bottles of Ah Xian, 13304332; Meow Meow, Allison, Shenmu, Acetobacter, 5 bottles of a bowl of not knowing worry; 3 bottles of zy, Yeyue Yaolou; 2 bottles of Midnight Lai, Yingying Pig, Yueban Sanjin, Kelan, 24992304; Shadow has to fight , Chi Ze, xxxzzl, eyelashes fell, Lu from the white moon tonight, Xiangjiang, Qingcao, muzili, random, Acheng is beautiful as a flower, Jubaba, Ailu, reliable adult coral, I don't know, I don't know , 36436420, lqf(_??)?, Qixian, everything random, Balala little magic lamp, Ni, 24359500, Yunying, Yanyan, Xianqing 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!