
Chapter 20


When He Xudong received Yi Tian's call, he heard the person's voice so cold that he didn't dare to make jokes and talk about it. He hung up the phone and called Xu Ran and rushed to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital and met Liao Fei, He Xudong was stunned after getting a general understanding of the situation, "I'm stupid! What does Yi Tian mean?" After thinking about it, he still couldn't believe it, and then asked, "Muran you're talking about? Playing with pornographic photos That kid?"

"Yes." Liao Fei nodded.

He Xudong was speechless. Hearing Yi Tian's voice, he thought something serious happened, which made him rush to the hospital with his wife in a hurry. What is wrong with Yi Tian to save this person, let him die if he dies, the world will be clean after his death, and they don't have to think of such a bad person every time they see Yi Tian . Although they are quite happy to see Yi Tian's jokes, it's one thing for their own brothers to want to see jokes, but it's another thing for others to make him into jokes.

He Xudong was still wondering, and Xu Ran, who had neat short hair, grabbed his ears and sneered, "What's going on? Tell my mother clearly!" Yi Tian and Mu Ran are not something worth promoting, He Xudong I didn't take it to heart, so Xu Ran didn't know at all.

He Xudong wailed while hooking his head, "My wife, we don't bring such things, save me some face outside. It hurts... Take it easy!"

Liao Fei looked funny from the side, but on the surface he remained calm. Speaking of which, the story of Mr. He and Ms. Xu could be called a "legend".

Back then, He Xudong boasted that a vagabond would pass a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching his body. To put it bluntly, he was an unscrupulous person who changed women as quickly as changing clothes. He also preached his singleness everywhere every day, saying that there is only sex in this world. Love, most despises those who enter the grave of marriage. Later, the old man of the He family got angry, no matter how single and flirtatious you are, you have to give birth to a grandson for me! So I pressed someone to go on a blind date, and as soon as I went there, I met Xu Ran, the youngest daughter of the Xu family.

Xu Ran is also a promising person. He has a degree in psychology from the world's most famous school in country A without relying on his own connections. I wanted to continue reading, but Xu's elders quit. This girl is very good at reading and can embarrass Xu's parents, but if she continues to read like this, will she be stupid? So I tried all kinds of ways to call him back, and arranged a blind date for Xu Ran as soon as he arrived, and then met our unrestrained young master of the He family.

He Xudong had never seen any beautiful women since he was a child, and when he saw Xu Ran who was not very particular about his clothes, he felt disdainful, but his superficial demeanor and politeness were maintained extremely well. If it were a rich lady, she would probably be dazzled by his handsome appearance again. But what kind of person is Xu Ran? It's not for nothing that he has studied psychology for so many years. She can clearly see the contempt and perfunctory revealed in He Xudong's eye movements.

So after a few days of contact between the two, He Xudong took the initiative to say that Miss Xu's family is elegant, noble, beautiful and generous, she is like the bright moon in the sky. Male peacocks with their butts spread around begging for breeding are not interested.

He Xudong was stunned at the time, and he came back to his senses after everyone left, his lungs exploded with anger.

In this way, the two of them were officially connected. Who knew that it would be wrong to pinch Mr. He. In Lin Han's words, he would feel uncomfortable if he was not cleaned up by Xu Ran for a day. He Xudong was not stupid, he knew that he had been screwed, so he simply dealt with his romantic debts, put down his airs, and went after people seriously.

In the end, the wife is caught up, and even the human being has completely become a wife slave.

Xu Ran glanced at Liao Fei, who was expressionless and about to fall into a trance, coughed and let go. He Xudong rubbed his red ears and muttered that my wife really hates my wife bullying my wife, you don't love me anymore, these childish words. Xu Ran rolled her eyes, ignoring him. He Xudong curled his lips, and was about to go over to tell Xu Ran about Yi Tian and Mu Ran, when Mu Ran woke up.

Seeing Mu Ran's eyes, Xu Ran knew something was wrong with this person, so he simply drove He Xudong and Liao Fei away, leaving only himself and Mu Ran in the room, and warned no one to come in. In this way, no one came out until Yi Tian arrived at the hospital.

Yi Tian listened to Liao Fei's explanation of the situation, without saying a word, and smoked silently against the wall. He Xudong became anxious when he saw him like that, "I said what's the matter with you? Don't tell me that you found out that he is your true love until now! That kid Lin Han must kill you!"

It is a secret that everyone knows that Lin Han likes Yi Tian. For so many years, Lin Han has not been stalking and wants to be with Yi Tian because everyone knows that they are all going to get married and start a family in the end. You can go to bed with other people, you can play, but brothers can't, once you play between brothers, you can't go back.

Lin Han has been so suppressed and guarded for so many years, although Jian Ning appeared in the middle, but in the end, he and Yi Tian still have nothing to do with each other. Who knew that another Mu Ran was killed halfway, and he used such despicable means, Lin Han simply hated this person.

"I don't know." After being silent for a long time, Yi Tian threw out three words expressionlessly, and when He Xudong was about to have a heart attack, he added, "Maybe I feel guilty for him."

Does he love Mu Ran? Impossible, how could he love a person who deliberately approached him to calculate him. Yi Tian sneered in his heart, how could that person look so innocent, harmless, pitiful and careful on the surface. Thinking about it now, Yi Tian felt that he was a joke. He was deceived by that person's appearance and background for a while, and almost forgot that they, these humble and dirty mice, like to steal other people's things the most. So Yi Tian let him live, waiting to see his purpose, waiting to see his disgusting appearance kneeling on the ground begging and crying when his true face is revealed.

Who knows that three years have passed, no matter how much he insulted and scolded this person, he still hasn't left, and he hasn't asked him for a penny. Yi Tian was shaken in his heart, he didn't understand why Mu Ran. Don't mention liking, love, these illusory things, he doesn't believe it at all.

"If you feel guilty, you can just send him some money. Are you so concerned about him and still let people stare at him? Let him die if he dies, and everyone will be happy when he dies." He Xudong breathed a sigh of relief, He lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall.

Yi Tian frowned and was about to say something, when Xu Ran opened the door and came out. While flipping through the medical records in his hand, he walked quickly to Yi Tian, and said without raising his head, "auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, slow thinking, communication Disorders. Hysterical psychosis, major depressive disorder. Are you dead or alive or just crazy?"

Before Yi Tian could answer, Xu Ran sped up his speech and said, "If you think he's crazy, just pack him up and throw him in a mental hospital to kill him, then just throw him on the bed and don't find anyone to watch him. He will die within an hour." I will help you fulfill your wish." He paused here, and said with a mocking voice: "If you want him to live, you can take him home and accompany him every day to care about him and confess him like an ancestor."

No one spoke.

Yi Tian looked at Xu Ran in a daze, and He Xudong pulled her hand beside her to signal her to stop talking. Xu Ran threw his hand away suddenly, and said angrily: "I can't figure it out, he just drugged you, Young Master Yi, hit you up and took a few photos, and he hides it better than anyone else." All good! Has he harmed you in the past three years? How much did he ask you for? Or did you, Mr. Yi, feel bad about stabbing people? Besides, if you really hated him so much, you would have cleaned him up three years ago. Are you guilty of deliberately leaving him by your side to torture him, making him almost mentally broken? Do you feel pleasure or a sense of accomplishment when you do this?"

Xu Ran said so much like a machine gun, this time a group of people are stupid. When He Xudong came back to his senses and looked at Yi Tian's face, he pulled Xu Ran and ran away, comforting him while running, "My wife, let's calm down." Damn it, if Xu Ran knew about Yi Tian a few years ago Drunk, he and a bunch of brothers lured Mu Ran to the clubhouse, tied him to a chair, sealed his mouth with tape and threw them into the room to watch Yi Tian and the young master in the clubhouse roll the sheets all night, she still had to tear herself up ? He Xudong shuddered, Xu Ran should not let this matter know until his death.