
Chapter 4


When I woke up again, I found myself lying in a dilapidated room, with some old cardboard and newspapers piled on the floor, and a woman not far from me was packing something with her head down. I was a little confused, struggling to sit up from the bed, when I felt a sharp pain in my head after moving, I couldn't help but groan.

The woman heard the noise, turned her head to look at me, and saw that I woke up and rushed to the bed, with an excited expression on her face, and a hoarse and strange "ah" sound from her mouth.

I was startled by her and shrank back.

Seeing my actions, the woman even pursed her mouth to show aggrieved look. She looked at least 40 years old, and I was so baffled and bewildered by this childlike expression.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and an older, plainly dressed woman walked in. Seeing that I woke up, the woman hurried over and smiled, "Boy, are you awake? Are you all right? Does your head still hurt?"

I nodded at her, then looked at her suspiciously.

The woman smiled and explained to me, and then I figured out what was going on.

It turned out that when I went to the hotel to find a place to stay that day, I probably met some kind of gangster who robbed me. After being knocked unconscious, my things were robbed and I was thrown to the garbage dump at the entrance of the alley. The dumb woman who picked up the garbage, the one I saw when I first woke up, rescued me and carried me back. And Aunt Li, who is explaining this to me now, lives not far from the mute woman, and always takes care of her when she sees her pity.

"Her?... Carry me back?" I glanced at the thin woman and asked in surprise.

"That's right! I was terrified that day. How did you carry a big man back so well! We just put you on the bed, and Axiu fell to the ground with limp legs." Aunt Li shook her head and laughed when she said this. laugh.

I was speechless for a while, if it wasn't for the dumb woman, I don't know how many days I would lie in that garbage dump. But even if I die there, no one will care.

"Thank you." I nodded my thanks to the mute woman, she looked at me with a smile, and suddenly reached out and touched my head.

I stood there in a daze, Aunt Li quickly came over and took her hand, looked at me a little embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, Axiu has some problems here." She pointed to her head.

The mute woman looked at Aunt Li with some displeasure, and tried her best to break free from the held hand. She didn't seem to understand what she had done wrong, and it seemed to her that touching her head was just a sign of intimacy and liking. I don't know why I feel very sad. Why is the fate of such a good person so harsh on her? Why do these kind and simple people live at the bottom of the society and in the most difficult environment

Thinking of this, I laughed at myself in my heart, what kind of superior attitude should I take to sympathize with them. My life is actually worse than theirs.

"Young man, I have a phone at home. Why don't you send a letter to your family and ask them to pick you up?" Aunt Li said beside her.

I froze all over, "It's okay... I... My family is from another place, so I won't let them worry about it." I suddenly understood, "Thank you very much, I'm sorry for interrupting you for so long, I'm leaving now." I lifted the quilt and wanted to get up, but I was so dizzy that I stopped when I just sat up.

Aunt Li and the dumb woman rushed over at the same time and pushed me back, "Don't worry! You don't have a penny on you now and you can't go anywhere! You still have a swollen lump on the back of your head, lie down and take it easy. Aunt Li sighed, "People always have difficulties, so don't worry. I'll get you something to eat first." I smiled gratefully at her, but my heart felt bitter.

After Aunt Li went out, the mute woman watched over me, her eyes full of worry. I was a little sleepy, the initial shock and uneasiness receded, and now I felt tired for some reason.

"I'm fine." I smiled at her.

She stared at me blankly, and I forced myself into a "thank you" mouth shape, and finally fell asleep again drowsily.

When I woke up again, it was already dark outside, and the whole room was so quiet that no sound could be heard. It was probably midnight. I was so thirsty that my throat was burning dry. After thinking about it for a while, I got up slowly and prepared to find water. I was really embarrassed to wake up others at this time. My head still hurts badly, and my whole body is a little dizzy. If those people beat harder, I don't think I will be able to wake up.

He groped his way to the table in front of the bed, and there was a kettle on it, and when he picked it up, he found it was empty. After looking around, I was sure that there was nothing related to water in this room, so I had no choice but to open the door and go out. With the light outside the house, I saw a faucet on the side of the wall at once. After a few steps, I turned on the switch, and the water gushed out. I rejoiced in my heart, stretched out my hand to hold some water and before it touched my lips, my hand was pulled away suddenly, and the water shook out.

I looked up in surprise, and the dumb woman was standing in front of me, shaking her head desperately at me. I patiently pointed to the water at her, and made a gesture of drinking water by circling my hands in the shape of a cup. She still shook her head at me, then tightened the faucet, pulled me into the room, turned on the light, and walked out by herself.

I sat on the bed a little depressed, not knowing how to make her understand that I wanted to drink water.

After a while, the mute woman came in again, holding a water glass in her hand. She walked up to me carefully, handed me the cup, and I took it in a daze, only then did I realize that she didn't want me to drink tap water just now...

After drinking a large glass of water in one breath, I feel a lot more comfortable. I handed the cup back to her, and before I could say thank you, she hurried out again. I had a premonition that she would definitely come back, and then I stared at the door expectantly.

Sure enough, she came in with a small pot, pulled a chair and sat in front of me, and opened the pot. Only then did I see that there were three boiled eggs inside.

She put the pot on the table next to her, took out an egg from it, and knocked on the edge of the pot. After the egg shell cracked, she began to peel it seriously.

I just stared at her blankly. She actually looks pretty, but there are some fine lines around her eyes and her skin is rough. At this time, her expression was so focused that I didn't dare to disturb her.

When people are sick, they always want some care and attention.

It is obviously just a very small and insignificant pain and discomfort, but because of the caring and caring eyes of the people who care about you, those pains are infinitely magnified. You have to be wronged, act like a baby and cry, and then enjoy more tolerance with peace of mind.

When I was with Yi Tian, I suffered from migraine for a while. I got up at 6 o'clock every morning to cook Chinese medicine and drank it for three months. Still haven't gotten a single question of concern. In fact, it’s not a big deal, and I don’t have the qualifications and position to accuse Yi Tian of being indifferent to me, but I just looked at this woman who I’ve known for less than a day and now she’s sitting in front of my bed and peeling eggs for me, I was so sad that I couldn't speak.

The dumb woman peeled off the top shell of the egg, leaving only a small ring where she held it, and handed the egg to me. I took it from her, but the eggshell was still warm. I think she boiled the egg and then boiled the water, and kept the egg in the hot water to keep it warm.

I took a bite, and she stared at me without blinking, and I quickly gave her a happy smile. I ate two in a row, and took the last one and peeled off the shell and handed it to her. She happily took it, took a bite and raised her head to show me a silly smile, with some egg yolk still on the corner of her mouth.

I held back for a long time and finally couldn't help laughing. When she saw me laughing, she actually laughed more happily, but when she smiled like this, she looked even more silly, and I couldn't stop laughing... This cycle continues, it is two people looking at each other and grinning silly, think about that picture all stupid.

It's just that I haven't been this happy in a long time.