
Chapter 49


After Mu Ran woke up, the time he used the ventilator every day gradually decreased. After more than a week, the doctor confirmed that all the indicators of his body were stable, and his spontaneous breathing was completely restored. Only then did he really stop breathing. The machine was transferred out of the ICU ward.

The stitches on Yi Tian's leg have been removed, but the wound is still in the healing period, and strenuous exercise is not allowed. Unless he has to go out for specific things, he almost stays in Muran's ward now. He was not idle either, he was dealing with the work at hand all day long, and he almost regarded Mu Ran's ward as his office. Although Mu Ran has passed the most dangerous time, it will take a long time for his body to recover. He is still very weak and his spirit is not good, and he is sleepy most of the time. Regarding Yi Tian's approach, he didn't have the energy to say anything.

At noon, my aunt brought white porridge and fish soup. Mu Ran had just had an operation, and he couldn't take a lot of supplements, so he could only eat some liquid food.

Yi Tian put down his work, walked over to help Mu Ran sit up, turned around and said to his aunt, "give me the bowl."

Auntie responded and poured steaming white porridge from the thermos.

Mu Ran straightened up, raised his right hand and said, "Give it to me, I'll eat it myself." He stared at the porridge, forgetting for a moment that his right hand was still pierced with a needle for infusion. Fortunately, Yi Tian was always paying attention to his quick movements, When he just raised his hand, he held his hand and slowly put it back, frowning: "Don't move around."

Only then did Mu Ran come to his senses, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Yi Tian took the porridge bowl from his aunt, scooped up half a spoonful of porridge with a spoon, blew it gently, and tested the temperature with his mouth before feeding it to Mu Ran's mouth.

Looking at his series of actions, Mu Ran felt a little sore in his heart. He didn't open his mouth to drink the porridge, but turned his face away slightly, and said softly, "I'll drink it myself, I can use my left hand."

Yi Tian didn't answer his words, didn't say anything else, just raised his hands and looked at him stubbornly.

Mu Ran said with some embarrassment: "Push up the table and put the bowl on it and I'll..." Before he finished speaking, the voice behind him became smaller and smaller. Mu Ran looked at Yi Tian who was still silent and didn't make any other moves, and felt in his heart Sighing slightly, he opened his mouth and drank the porridge.

Yi Tian didn't show any happy expression. After he drank the porridge, he withdrew his hand and lowered his eyes, scooped up another half spoonful of porridge, tested the temperature according to the action just now, and continued to feed it.

Mu Ran didn't think too much anymore, he calmed down and opened his mouth to drink the porridge.

After feeding a few more mouthfuls, Yi Tian suddenly said: "Don't eat too much, drink a bowl of fish soup later."

Mu Ran was slowly swallowing the porridge in his mouth. After hearing what he said, he nodded and gave a submissive "hmm".

Yi Tian looked at him obediently nodding, his heart moved slightly, and he leaned over and kissed him lightly on the face. When Mu Ran was sick, he took care of him every day, and the two of them were extremely close. He was used to it, and he didn't think it was a problem.

Mu Ran's eyes widened, his body stiffened, and he forgot to swallow the porridge in his mouth. He wanted to say something, but the expression on Yi Tian's face was still indifferent, as if he didn't take what he just did to heart at all. After a while, Mu Ran tried his best to smile, and said, "Yi Tian...don't do this."

Yi Tian took care of him and cared about his condition, he accepted it and understood what was going on. After all, he can be regarded as saving Yi Tian, and Yi Tian did these things just for peace of mind. If he shyly shirks his refusal again, it will appear deliberate. However, he didn't need Yi Tian to "repay his favor" in this way.

Yi Tian looked at Mu Ran's expression, and knew what he was thinking without asking. Mu Ran is not in good health and cannot have too much emotional ups and downs. He doesn't want to quarrel with him. So he didn't say anything, and continued to feed the porridge in silence.

Mu Ran opened his mouth and drank the porridge, seeing Yi Tian's unresponsive appearance, he shook hands nervously and awkwardly, thinking uneasily, what he said just now seemed a bit presumptuous.

After eating, Mu Ran's potion was finished, and after pulling out the needle and resting for a while, Yi Tian began to apply Mu Ran's hands.

Mu Ran had a lot of infusions, both hands were covered with needle holes, and bruises formed around them. After Yi Tian asked the doctor, he used hot towels to compress his hands every day.

The nurse brought 6 pieces of clean towels. Yi Tian folded the towels into cubes, soaked them in hot water, soaked them in hot water, wrung them out and gently covered them on the back of Mu Ran's hands. After 5 minutes, he replaced them with a new towel. In fact, this is a very simple matter, any nurse can do it, but Yi Tian wants to keep an eye on it by himself, and when he is not changing the towel, he gently moves and massages Mu Ran's fingers to promote blood circulation in his fingers.

After eating, Mu Ran covered his hands with a warm towel, and with the effects of some medicine, he became a little sleepy. He forcefully kept his eyes open, and after a while, the eyelids slowly closed again, and then opened again, with a dazed expression on his face, and within a few seconds, his eyes slowly closed again. After going back and forth several times like this, I finally tilted my head and fell asleep against the pillow.

Yi Tian was massaging his hands while staring at the towel, and occasionally looked up at his stupid look when he was sleepy, seeing that he finally couldn't hold back and fell asleep, his eyes showed some smiles.

After 30 minutes of hot compressing, Yi Tiancai took the last towel and threw it into the basin.

Mu Ran is now sleeping on the bed, Yi Tian walked over and hugged his neck, took off the pillow behind him and spread it, and then gently put him down to let him lie flat and have a good sleep.

After finishing all this, he didn't leave. He found the nail clippers from the drawer, took Mu Ran's hand and trimmed his nails. Mu Ran's wrist is terribly thin, from the palm to the fingers are so pale that many slightly protruding light blue blood vessels can be seen, Yi Tian moved carefully until Mu Ran's nails were trimmed round and smooth, then he bowed his head and kissed His fingers, and gently put his hands back under the covers.

Su Wenyang came early in the morning and stood by the door all the time, not daring to disturb him. After Yi Tian finished, he walked over and whispered a few words in Yi Tian's ear.

Yi Tian frowned, nodded, and followed Su Wenyang out of the ward.

When Xu Ran came over at night, Yi Tian was not there for the first time, which has never happened since Mu Ran woke up. Xu Ran sneered in his heart, and couldn't hold back his mouth for a while, and said quickly: "Some people finally can't play the leading role of the bitter drama that some people regret."

Mu Ran looked at her and smiled helplessly, "Sister Xu Ran, don't say that."

Xu Ran glanced at him without saying a word, picked an apple from the fruit plate on the table, lowered his head and began to peel it. After a while, she suddenly said, "Mu Ran, stop doing stupid things."

Mu Ran was taken aback for a moment, then was silent for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Xu Ran didn't look up, "He's treating you well, but he just feels guilty, so don't fall into it anymore. Even if he likes you, the gap between the two of you is too big, and there are too many things between you, so you always have to come out." Problematic. Not to mention..."

What's more, he doesn't like you.

Xu Ran didn't finish the rest, but she knew that Mu Ran understood what she meant.

"Sister Xu Ran, I saved Yi Tian, not because I wanted him to thank me and give me something in return. At that time..." Mu Ran smiled, "I didn't realize what was going on at the time, so I rushed over."

Xu Ran paused for a moment, looked up at the smile on his face, and there was some heartache in his eyes.

"Where do I think about those now, Yi Tian's lover is Jian Ning, I know that." If at this time, when you know that Yi Tian has a lover, you still expect Yi Tian to like you, what a shame. It's not pursuing love, it's really shameless. And even if there is no Jian Ning, he has already used three years to prove that it is impossible for Yi Tian to fall in love with him.

Xu Ran handed him the apple, and gave him a hard look: "He's really the stupidest person I've ever seen."

Mu Ran took the apple and took a bite. He didn't mind Xu Ran's evaluation, and smiled silly at her.