
Chapter 5


Because both the bank card and ID card were lost, I had to go to the bank to make a temporary oral report of the loss, and I had to get the ID card before I could officially report the loss.

Because he was an orphan, it was very troublesome to get an ID card. After going to the Civil Affairs Bureau and the police several times, he finally got a temporary ID card. All the expenses were borrowed from Aunt Li.

Every time before I go out, I promise again and again that I will come back, but Aunt Li smiles and waves every time. I can't repay her trust. I just hope to get the new card and get the money back to her.

As for the room I slept in when I woke up, it was the home of the mute woman. She gave up the bed to me and slept in a miscellaneous room next to it. Bundles of sackcloth sacks line the wall.

How could I let her sleep there all the time, and I changed rooms with her when I woke up. At first she was unwilling, but I forced her to move here reluctantly.

In fact, I have always wondered why dumb women are so nice to me. One day I accidentally talked about this issue with Aunt Li, and Aunt Li sighed: "Axiu actually has a son, and she always has a picture of a boy on her body... I don't know the specifics, but I heard that the child died in some accident..." Aunt Li paused, "If nothing happened, he might be as old as you now."

I nodded in realization, it turned out to be empathy.

Maybe the timing of my appearance was just right, maybe I looked a bit like her child, in short, something about me probably triggered her memory of the child, so she transferred all her feelings for her son to me.

I felt a little relieved but lost. But forget it, as long as I get the money quickly and return the favor of Aunt Li and the dumb woman, I can leave with peace of mind.

On the day I got the money, I bought some vegetables outside. Because Aunt Li's wife and children were working outside, the three of us had a happy meal.

After eating and clearing the table, I handed over the money I had borrowed from Aunt Li for a long time plus 1,000 yuan. In fact, I gave 1,000 yuan to stay here for a long time, which is really very little, but Aunt Li still stubbornly insisted. After counting out the money and returning it to me, the two of them pushed and shoved for a long time. Finally, Aunt Li pushed me and the dumb woman out of the door. Before I could react, the door closed in front of me with a "bang".

"Xiao Mu, Aunt Li helped Axiu carry you in because she didn't want to show you something! Keep all the money for yourself, and spend it when you spend it!" Aunt Li yelled at me through the door.

"Li..." I opened my mouth and realized that my voice was a little choked, and I quickly cleared my throat with a cough, "Aunt Li, thank you for taking care of me this long." Aunt Li responded to me, and then gave me some advice.

I turned my head to look at the dumb woman. She was obviously confused by the series of actions of Aunt Li and me, and she looked at me stupidly. I smiled, took her back to her room, put the 1,000 yuan in her hand, pointed to the cabinet and kept gesticulating for her to put it away. Although the dumb woman is stupid, she knows how to use money, and usually collects the money from selling waste paper and plastic bottles.

She was half holding the money in her hand and still looked very confused. I was a little worried and thought I'd better ask Aunt Li to take care of it when I left later.

"I'm leaving, thank you for taking care of me during this time. Keep the money well, and don't let anyone see it except Aunt Li." Even though I knew that she might not understand what I was talking about, I still couldn't help telling her repeatedly.

Turning around to open the door again, I was about to go out but my hand was held back. I turned my head, and the dumb woman handed me the money, then pointed to the money and opened her hands to gesture desperately.

I watched it for a while and still didn't understand what she was saying. Seeing that I was still in a daze, she simply found the key from her trouser bag and turned to open the locked cabinet by the wall, then pushed aside the piles of ragged clothes and pants, groped for a while at the bottom of the cabinet, and took out a drum. The bulging yellow cloth bag came to me in a hurry, and stuffed the cloth bag to me with a happy and proud face.

I opened the bag, and what caught my eye were old and wrinkled bills of one dime.

I stared blankly for a long time, then carefully stuffed the 1,000 yuan into the cloth bag, put the bag in her hand again, turned around and walked out the door.

The mute woman ran up to me in a hurry, put the bag in front of my eyes again and again, and yelled hoarsely "ahhh".

I took a deep breath and looked at her expressionlessly, "This is yours, I don't want it. You keep the money well, and I'm leaving."

I've never talked to her like that before, and there was some hurt look in her eyes.

I was so bored, I didn't want to stay for another second, so I turned around and rushed out. After running a few steps, I was pulled back again. I couldn't help but turned my head and shouted: "I'm not your son!!! Look carefully!! I'm not him!!" The dumb woman was frightened, and then started to cry I got up, but my hand still held me tightly.

Hearing the voice, Aunt Li hurriedly opened the door and ran over, holding the mute woman's hand to comfort her. I was about to speak in embarrassment, but Aunt Li waved at me knowingly, "It's okay, Xiao Mu, you go, I will watch her."

I nodded, pulled down the dumb woman's hand cruelly, and left the place as if I was running away.

The whining sound behind me grew louder, and I gritted my teeth and ran forward. I don't know how long I ran until I had no strength at all, and then I stopped, leaning on the wall by the roadside and gasping for breath.

His face was wet, and he reached out to wipe it only to find that it was full of tears. I bent the corner of my mouth to laugh, but there was a weird crying sound in my throat... Finally, I couldn't hold it back, and I squatted by the wall, covering my face and crying.

I don't know what kind of strange reaction this is, someone treats me so well, even though she is dumb, even though she is a fool, I should be happy, but now, I feel so uncomfortable that I can't stop crying.

It must be too warm and beautiful, but this warmth and beauty is like a breeze, so illusory that I dare not look forward to it, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold anything when I reach out, and I will be sad again in vain.

So, as long as you stay away, as long as you don't have expectations, you will never be disappointed and hurt.