
Chapter 77: Extra episode two


The piano teacher had just left after class, and Mu Jin sat on the piano bench and practiced a few more pieces by herself. Mu Ran walked over to look at Mu Jin for a while, and then walked around the living room a few times with an uneasy expression.

The aunt saw his nervousness, pulled him to sit down, made him another cup of calming scented tea, and said with a smile: "Mr. Mu, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Mu Ran nodded and hummed, but his brows were still tightly frowned.

After Mu Jin finished practicing the piano, she ran over to Mu Ran and asked, "Is the baby born?"

Mu Ran shook his head with a smile, touched her head again, and asked in a low voice, "Are you hungry?"

Just as Mu Jin was about to answer, Aunt Zhang over there brought over several plates of snacks and said with a smile, "Miss, eat something to fill your stomach first, and I'll cook right away."

Mu Ran stood up immediately, "I'll do it."

Aunt Zhang shook her head and smiled helplessly, "This is my job, Mr. Mu, please don't take it away from me." Without waiting for Mu Ran to answer, Auntie entered the kitchen.

Mu Ran sat down slowly, still a little worried in his heart, and was about to pick up the mobile phone on the table to call Yi Tian, when the mobile phone rang. Mu Ran saw that it was Yi Tian's number, and picked it up in a hurry. Before he could speak, Yi Tian said over there: "It's a boy. The mother and child are safe." Yi Tian knew what Mu Ran wanted to ask, so he simply called Said everything in one breath.

Mu Ran's heart was finally relieved, and he said happily, "Mother and child are safe."

Yi Tian hummed, and then continued: "I'll come back for dinner tonight."

Mu Ran thought for a while, then hesitated: "Is there anyone taking care of it? Will it be bad for you to leave?"

Yi Tian smiled and said: "There are enough people here, many of them are me." Mu Ran answered and hung up the phone. When Yi Tian came back in the evening, Mu Ran went up to him excitedly and asked, "Do you have any photos of the children?"

Yi Tian loosened his tie, shook his head and smiled after hearing what he said: "Newly born babies are like that, there's nothing to see if they're crumpled." Mu Ran let out a disappointment, and reached out to help him untie his cuff buttons.

Yi Tian held his hand, pulled him into his arms, lowered his head and said, "I'll bring the child back to show you when things are over, eh?"

Mu Ran broke away from Yi Tian's embrace in embarrassment, nodded slightly and hummed.

Yi Tian smiled, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed him.

When Mu Ran saw Yi Hang, little Yi Hang was already full moon.

Yi Hang is now taken by Yi Tian's parents, but Yi Tian's mother doesn't want Yi Tian and Yi Hang to have a strange relationship, so she decides to send the child over on weekends so that the child can spend more time with Yi Tian. Yi Tian didn't want the child to be troublesome at first, but it was Mu Ran who whispered in his ear all day long that he wanted to see Xiao Yihang, so Yi Tian agreed to take the child over on the weekend.

When the child came for the first time, Yi Tian's mother personally hugged it, and Mu Ran was a little embarrassed to see it, and was afraid of arousing Yi Tian's mother's resentment. Yi Tian saw that his eyes were fixed on the child and he restrained himself from keeping a distance, so he simply reached out and wanted to hug the child to Mu Ran.

As a result, Mu Ran became a little anxious when he saw Yi Tian holding the child, and he opened and closed his mouth to say something but was too embarrassed to say it. Yi Tian's mother was also helpless, no matter how many times he asked Yi Tian, she still couldn't hold the child, and finally the old lady got annoyed, so she simply gave the child to Mu Ran.

When Mu Ran was a child, he often helped the aunts in the orphanage with their babies, and he was very familiar with the movements. He took the child carefully, put the child in the crook of his left arm, protected the child's head with his elbow, protected the child's back with his left wrist and left hand, and gently supported the child's buttocks and waist with his right hand.

Yi Hang didn't cry, and let him hug him obediently.

Mu Ran looked at Yi Hang, and his heart softened. He sat down slowly so that Mu Jin could see the child, and said in a low voice, "Jin Jin, this is Yi Hang's younger brother."

Mu Ge looked at Yi Hang, held Yi Hang's soft and small hand curiously, and called softly, "Brother Yi Hang."

When Yi Hang heard the voice, he tilted his head slightly in Mu Jin's direction, and opened his mouth a bit.

Yi Tian's mother was about to say something, but when he turned his head and saw the focused and gentle expression on Yi Tian's face when he looked at Mu Ran, he couldn't help but fell silent, smiled and shook his head.

At night, Mu Ran tossed and couldn't sleep, worrying that Yi Hang didn't sleep well, and worrying that Yi Hang didn't eat enough. Yi Tian pulled the man into his arms, and comforted him: "It's okay, the nanny and Aunt Zhang will take care of him."

Mu Ran was still worried.

Yi Tian put his hand into Mu Ran's clothes, pressed against his lips and said in a deep voice, "We can do other things if we can't sleep..."

Mu Ran pulled Yi Tian's hand out of his clothes, got up and got out of bed and muttered: "No, no, I'd better go and have a look..." After saying that, he hurried out of the bedroom door without even looking at Yi Tian.

Yi Tian sat up from the bed, with an angry and funny expression on his face, he shook his head helplessly for a while, and followed Mu Ran out of bed.

Although Xiao Yihang only comes over on weekends, he gets along well with Mu Ran and Mu Jin.

Mu Ran always has a sense of guilt towards Yi Hang, if it wasn't for him, Yi Hang wouldn't be able to live with his father without his mother. He dotes on Yi Hang very much, almost hurting the child to the bottom of his heart. Not to mention Mu Jin, she was sensible and knew that Yi Hang was Uncle Yi's child and her younger brother, so she took special care of Yi Hang.

When Yi Hang just learned to walk, Mu Jin took Yi Hang to the garden to play and taught him to recognize the flowers and trees. At that time, Yi Hang couldn't speak clearly, but he would also babble along with Mu Jin's voice. No one could understand what he was saying, but he clapped his hands and laughed happily, with saliva running down the corners of his mouth Flow down.

In contrast, Yi Tian is much calmer.

Yi Hang's birth was not so much a blood inheritance for him as a mission. He had no emotional connection with Yi Hang's mother and Yi Hang, so he didn't feel ecstatic about becoming a father. His attitude is much colder than that of Mu Ran.

Yi Hang knew nothing when he was a child, he only knew that every weekend was his happiest day. Uncle Mu will cook him a bunch of delicious food, and sister Jinjin will take him to play.

When Yi Hang was 7 years old, he didn't know who in the family said some nonsense to him, and his attitude towards Mu Ran and Mu Jin changed. He didn't care much about people, and he didn't like to talk too much. Later, he simply tore up Mu Jin's picture album once. Mu Jin cherishes books the most, so she reached out to stop him at that time, and persuaded him nicely.

It's just that Yi Hang no longer stopped making troubles like he did when he was a child. He not only tore up the book, but also grabbed the toy train on the table to beat Mu Jin.

Mu Jin was almost 12 years old, taller than Yi Hang, and stronger than him, but Mu Jin gave way to him and was beaten several times by Yi Hang without really using his hands. Aunt Zhang in the kitchen rushed to pull it when she heard the sound, and Yi Hang simply threw the toy train and hit Mu Jin heavily.

Yi Tian had work and went out early today, Mu Ran felt a little headache when he got up, took a few medicines and was lying down to rest. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep, and he got out of bed when he heard the noise downstairs.

When Mu Ran walked downstairs, looking at the messily torn album and the toy train that fell into two pieces on the ground, he immediately became anxious, walked to Mu Jin and asked, "What's wrong?"

Before Mu Jin could speak, Yi Hang stared at Mu Ran and shouted, "I hate you! I don't have a mother because of you!" Mu Ran froze for a moment. Just as he opened his mouth and called Yihang, there was a sudden buzzing in his ears, and a blurred spot of light appeared in his vision. Mu Ran took a step forward in a panic, but he fell down on the ground because of a loss of balance. land.

Aunt Zhang and Mu Jin rushed to help, but Yi Hang was already standing on the ground in a daze, speechless.

Mu Ge even yelled "Abba" a few times, with a crying tone in her voice. Mu Ran shook his head, and after the buzzing in his ears disappeared and his sight became clear again, he slowly stood up from the ground with Aunt Zhang and Mu Jin's hands, and said to comfort Mu Jin, "It's okay, Dad fine."

Aunt Zhang helped Mu Ran sit on the sofa, and then went to get the phone to call the doctor and Yi Tian. Mu Ran wanted to stop him, but the aunt's attitude was very firm, and Mu Jin also held down his hand to prevent him from touching the phone.

Yi Tian answered Aunt Zhang's call, put down his work and rushed home. The doctor had just finished examining Mu Ran when he arrived. There is nothing wrong with Mu Ran, it's just that he has a fever, a little low blood sugar, and the momentary ups and downs of his mood, which makes him dizzy.

The doctor prescribed medicine for Mu Ran, Yi Tian walked over and touched Mu Ran's forehead, and said with a cold face, "Why didn't you tell me if you didn't feel well in the morning?"

Mu Ran pulled his hand down and said softly: "I'm fine, don't worry." Every time Mu Ran got a little sick, Yi Tian felt like facing a big enemy, and at the most exaggerated time, he simply invited a doctor to stay at home. He looked at Mu Ran all the time. Mu Ran tried to persuade him several times but to no avail. In desperation, he didn't dare to tell Yi Tian casually what was wrong with him, so as not to worry Yi Tian and make a group of people circle around him.

Yi Tian didn't tell Mu Randuo, he looked at the messy books and toys on the ground, and at Yi Hang who was standing in the distance without saying a word, and turned to ask his aunt, "What's going on."

Where did Auntie dare to hide Yi Tian, she immediately told everything. Mu Ran was worried that Yi Tian would get angry, but Yi Tian listened to his aunt quietly without any expression on his face.

After the aunt finished speaking, Yi Tian walked up to Yi Hang, looked at Yi Hang and said indifferently: "You hate this place, so I will send you back. Don't come here again."

Yi Hang looked at Yi Tian with a cold face, but there were already tears in his eyes.

Mu Ran came over and called Yi Tian's name in a panic, Yi Tian turned to look at him, frowned and said coldly: "Don't worry about it, go up and rest." Mu Ran hasn't seen such a strong Yi Tian for a long time, and for a while I dare not speak again.

Yi Tian sent Yi Hang back to the old house, briefly explained the situation to his mother, and then ignored his mother's persuasion, and left without staying for a minute.

He later found out that it was his sister-in-law who was gossiping in front of Yi Hang, so he didn't say anything, but quietly kicked out the juniors recommended by his uncle to join the company. Although those few people made more or less mistakes, those mistakes are not enough to be fired. Yi Tian's uncle noticed something was wrong, so he sued Yi Haizhao in a fit of anger.

Yi Haizhao has nothing to do with Yi Tian.

Although the old man did not pass the Patriarch to Yi Tian, seven or eight years have passed, and he has no intention of passing on the Patriarch's position to anyone else. Although the seal is still in Yi Haizhao's hands, but Yi Haizhao is getting older, and he has been unable to pay attention to many things, and Yi Tian has been fully responsible for the company's affairs. Sometimes Yi Haizhao can't control what Yi Tian does in private, so he can only turn a blind eye.

Everyone in the family knows that Yi Haizhao is the head of the family on the surface, but it is Yi Tian who really controls the Yi family.

To say that this situation is not unpredictable, if Yi Tian has no ability, can Mr. Yi come back for his personal affairs? Still negotiating terms with him? Yi Tian is not the only descendant of the Yi family. If Yi Tian was a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, he would have been kicked out of the Yi family long ago based on his attitude of wanting to be with a man. He has the ability to have connections, and a group of people who follow him wholeheartedly, even if he leaves the Yi family, he will not starve to death. On the other hand, it would be an immeasurable loss for the Yi family to lose Yi Tian.

Yi Tian's grandfather took a fancy to this, so he let Yi Tian and Mu Ran stay together without intervening to stop him.

On the other hand, Yi Haizhao himself didn't want to care about it. He was very displeased when Yi Tian's mother said about Yi Hang, but now that Yi Tian touches his uncle's people, he will naturally not interfere.

Seeing Yi Haizhao's indifferent attitude, Yi Tian's uncle also felt uneasy now, and when he went back to ask everything clearly, he immediately gave his wife a scolding.

Yi Tian's aunt actually didn't have too much evil intentions. Her own son only knows how to buy luxury cars to be a star. On the other hand, Yi Tian is in such a powerful position, she feels unhappy, so she sneers at Yi Hang. She thought that children didn't understand, but she didn't know that things would make such a big fuss.

Yi Tian's aunt is not stupid, she immediately went to apologize to Yi Tian's mother, and then specially called Yi Tian to apologize, and sent some good Cordyceps over there, saying that it was for making soup for Mu Ran Drink to nourish the body. Mu Ran didn't know anything, and kept thanking her there, and kept praising Aunt Yitian for her kindness.

Yi Tian looked at the foolish person beside him, and shook his head helplessly.

He won't let Mu Ran know what he did behind his back. With Mu Ran's temperament, knowing it would not make him feel relieved, but he would be so worried that he couldn't sleep, and then he would start to think wildly. Anyway, for Yi Tian, whoever makes Mu Ran have a hard time, he will make it hard for him.

Yi Hang has never been to Yi Tian and Mu Ran since he was sent back to Yi's house last time. Mu Ran thought about Yi Hang, but was afraid of causing Yi Hang's dislike, so he had to call Yi Tian's mother to ask about Yi Hang's situation. Mu Jin has a good relationship with Yi Hang. At the beginning, she secretly called and wanted to talk to Yi Hang, but when Yi Hang heard that it was Mu Jin, no matter how much his grandma tried to persuade him, she refused to answer the phone. After so many times, Mu Jin didn't have the nerve to call.

When Mu Jin saw Yi Hang again, it was on Yi Tian's fucking 60th birthday.

There were a lot of people coming and going on this kind of occasion, and it was just embarrassing for Mu Ran to go. He prepared gifts and asked Yi Tian to take Mu Jin to celebrate his birthday. In the past, when Mu Jin went to the old house, Yi Hang would take her around to play. This time when he saw Mu Jin, he not only ignored her, but even turned around and ran out immediately.

When Mu Jin found him, he was squatting in the garden, shoveling soil with a shovel, and next to him was a little fat man, who was playing with a model airplane. Mu Jin walked over and called Yi Hang softly, but Yi Hang didn't lift his head, and shoveled the flowers on the ground into a mess with a cold face. It was the little fat man who heard the voice and raised his head to look at her curiously.

Mu Jin squatted down and whispered beside Yi Hang, "Yi Hang, Dad and I miss you very much."

Yi Hang still ignored people.

Mu Jin continued: "It's my fault, don't be angry with my sister."

Yi Hang's action of shoveling flowers stopped, but the little fat man next to him suddenly said loudly: "You are not a sister, you are a little beggar without parents!" This little fat man is Yi Hang's younger brother, Yi Tian's younger brother My aunt's grandson often listens to his grandma's nonsense.

Mu Ge was taken aback, and before he could speak, Yi Hang threw the shovel, threw himself on the ground and beat him. That little fat man was a little smaller than Yi Hang, and he was very bulky, so Yi Hang beat him to the point of crying.

Mu Jin hurriedly got up and went to pull, and the adults in the room also ran over when they heard the sound.

Yi Hang was hugged away by the adults, and during the struggle, he even crushed the little fat man's airplane model, and the little fat man kicked his legs and rolled over and cried on the ground.

The adults didn't know what was going on, they only saw that Yi Hang was beating someone, so they reprimanded him a few words. Mu Jin walked up to Yi Hang and defended him. Before she could say a few words, Yi Hang suddenly grabbed her hand and cried, "I miss my sister, I miss Uncle Mu." Little Yi Hang has high self-esteem At the beginning, he was still angry when he was sent back, but he ignored Mu Jin's phone calls. After a long time, he began to miss Mu Ran and Mu Jin. Although he is still young, he can still tell who is sincerely good to him and who kisses him. I also vaguely feel that the nonsense words that others say are not credible.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't come to pick him up, and Mu Ran didn't call him, he thought they didn't want him anymore.

While coaxing Yi Hang in a low voice, Mu Jin reached out to wipe the tears on his face, and then led him to find Yi Tian.

In the evening, Yi Tian took Yi Hang home.

Yi Hang returned to his previous appearance, coquettishly pestering Mu Ran to play with him. He hadn't come back for a long time, so he was a little excited, and the house was turned into a mess by him. Yi Tian wanted to lecture others several times, but when he saw Mu Ran who was following Yi Hang and protecting him all the time, he couldn't continue.

Yi Hang finally got tired of playing and fell asleep on the sofa. Mu Ran lowered his head and kissed his forehead, then carefully picked him up and walked to the bedroom. Mu Jin lightened up and picked up the toys that Yi Hang threw everywhere.

Yi Tian looked at the two father and daughter, sighed and shook his head helplessly, and said, "Just pamper him."