My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 10: Dazzling girl crazy


The unknown green vegetables in the vegetable garden looked like a water spirit. She swallowed her saliva, and when she got closer, she saw that there were actually radishes.

Shi Xia shouted a few words, but no one responded. She was so hungry that she couldn't even bother to ask her master, so she pulled out a few radishes and began to nibble. This radish is not big, only two fingers thick, it is estimated that it is not yet ripe. She ate five sticks in one go, and then she felt that her stomach stopped groaning.

She still had two in her hand, so she didn't want to waste it and simply stuffed it in her pocket, so she continued to walk forward, hoping to meet someone. As a result, after walking for a long time, I vaguely saw a white figure in front of me. She was overjoyed and quickly waved her hand in a friendly manner.

"excuse me… "

Before he finished speaking, the man turned his head, but was startled, "It's you!"

"Yuanwu!" Isn't this the boy who gave her the jade card that day? "It's you, I didn't expect..."

With a ghostly expression on his face, Yuan Wu waved his hands and took a few steps back. One of them didn't stand still and fell, and he got up with rolling and crawling, and immediately flew away with his sword.

"... What are you running for?" Shi Xia touched her face and felt her heart was hurt. Is she so scary

"I can't blame him for that." A slightly sloppy voice came from behind.

I don't know when, there was an old man on the grass behind him, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"He has just formed the elixir, and he has the lowest cultivation level among the disciples of the Yuanzi generation. Naturally, he does not dare to stay in this Xiuling Peak."

Shi Xia walked over and sat on the ground like an old man, "Why? Is it so scary here?"

"It wasn't scary before." The old man smiled with crooked eyebrows and looked like an old KFC grandfather. "It's just that the situation is different now."

What do you mean

Seeing that she still didn't understand, the old man took the initiative to explain, "Little girl, have you heard of Demon Venerable?"

"Mozun?" Shi Xia was stunned, "Can I eat it?"

The old man froze for a moment and glared at her in dissatisfaction, "Of course not, the Demon Lord is the master of the Demon Cultivator. A hundred years ago, the Demon Lord was born and brought chaos to the world. It made the whole immortal world panic, and the evil he did. In order to avoid his poisonous hand, the sects had to close the mountain and lock the sect, but even so, there were still many monks who were poisoned by him. If it were not for my master, Chi Zunshang, I would have come out in time to kill him and stop him. Evil deeds. I am afraid that the current world of immortal cultivation is not like this."

"Could it be..." Shi Xia was startled, "Mozun is near here?"

"Yes, no!" The old man looked mysterious.

Shi Xia's mouth twitched, will he die if he doesn't pretend? Is it a traditional feature of the ancients to talk about half of it

"Don't worry? Listen to me slowly." The old man continued, "Although this devil is not as good as my master, he is insidious, cunning, inhuman, and uses despicable methods. My master has been chased by him many times. Escape. But people always have their weaknesses, even the Demon Venerable is no exception. And his weaknesses..." He paused, a smug smile appeared on his mouth, and his face was written, "Ask me, ask me."

Shi Xia has a black line, well, I know you are going to start pretending to be traditional.

"What's the weakness?"

Only then did he continue, "It is said that the Demon Venerable has a younger sister who is very protective of her, and there is no room for anyone to be disrespectful to her. Back then, the disciples of the Yu Ming Sect only said a few words of gossip. The Demon Venerable destroyed the Yu Ming Sect that day. Even the Qishan sect and Yanzhu sect, which are friends with Yuming sect, were poisoned by him, and most of the disciples in the sect were killed and injured. The daughter of the head of the Qishan sect was even arrested by him, and she has not been seen since."

"Oh." It seems that this Demon Venerable is a deep sister-in-law. "And then?"

"After this incident, the whole world of cultivating immortals knows that Demon Venerable has a jewel-like sister, which is his only weakness." The old man frowned, "There are also monks who want to seek revenge and want to threaten this, but Demon Venerable will His sister is hidden too deep, and no one has ever seen what Mozun's younger sister looks like. Until Mozun disappeared, Xiuxianjie's understanding of his sister was limited to the name he kept talking about all day."

Shi Xia's heart froze for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "That name can't be called Shi Xia, right?"

"Yes, that's the name." The old man nodded.

What the hell! No wonder those people in the hall, when they heard her name, wanted to make her a hedgehog without saying a word, and dared to have the same name as Mozun's sister.

"The Demon Venerable has disappeared for a hundred years. All the sects thought that there was one less scourge in the Immortal Cultivation World, but I didn't expect that two days ago, the witch named Shi Xia actually broke into my Yuhua Sect." The old man said with an indignant expression. , "Fortunately, it was captured in time, and now it is locked in this Xiuling Peak, so the disciples of the middle school do not dare to stay on this peak easily."

"Aren't you afraid of catching the wrong person?" She was wronged! It's true that she has a brother, but when she traveled through that time, the bastard also injured his hand from cutting vegetables, lying at home and showing sympathy? Otherwise, he wouldn't have coaxed her to go to the supermarket to buy cat food for him.

"She admits that she is Shi Xia, how can she be wrong?" The old man looked at you with a relieved expression.

"But there are many people with the same name and surname all over the world. It can't be only one summer, right?"

"But the whole world also knows that Mozun's sister is called Shi Xia. No matter how blind parents are, they won't give their children such a name, right?"

"..." The words made sense, but she was speechless.

"Besides..." Laozi changed his words and said with a righteous face, "My master has confirmed it. With his old man's cultivation, how can he identify the wrong person. He said yes, that person is naturally!"

"Your teacher's honorable surname?" Shi Xia wanted to cry, you can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense!

"My master is naturally the Grand Ancestor Houchi of the Yuhua School." The old man said proudly, "It's him who brought the witch back in person."

Catch her back... The madman who used her to practice murderous aura? !

"Where are the others?" I explained to him clearly.

"Master, his whereabouts are uncertain, and even I don't see him often."

"..." That is to say, before his next appearance, no matter how you explain it, it can't change the fact that she is Mozun's younger sister? Shi Xia felt that her whole life was dark.

"Don't worry." The old man patted her shoulder to comfort her, "The little girl always has a chance if she wants to see the ancestor. I understand the feelings of you juniors who worship the strong. Although my master is a bit fierce, he is serious. A little bit, a little bit bad-tempered, a little bit violent, a little bit high-strength in cultivation, usually not talking, but a little bit poisonous when he speaks, but other than that... he's basically a good person."

(¬_¬) Are there any other advantages

Tucao is so hard, are you really a mentor? She is even more uneasy.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She took out the radish from her pocket, biting it as if to vent her anger, and asked her to eat a radish to calm down.

The old man continued to comfort him, "You have to believe in my old man, you must see it... Huh? Why is the carrot in your hand so familiar."

"Do you want one? I'll give you one." Shi Xia took out the other one and handed it over.

"The little girl is sincere and kind." The old man took it with a smile, "This radish looks unique!" It looked like the purple jade ice ginseng he planted in the medicine garden in front of him. He couldn't help but take a bite. The taste is not bad, "By the way, what's your name, little girl, where did you find this radish?"

"Just in front, that vegetable garden was pulled!"


Freshly bitten radishes squirted out.

"By the way, I am Shi Xia."

puff puff...

He felt a mouthful of old blood spurting out, and for a moment he seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.


The person Houchi hated the most in his life was definitely one of the former Demon Venerables. He has been obsessed with practicing since he was a child, and his only interest is to practice various spells. He rarely pays attention to other things, and that's why his cultivation has improved very quickly. When he came back to his senses, there was no one who could fight him in this world of immortal cultivation.

He has a hunch that it won't be long before he can break through the shackles of this world and break out of the void. His immortal journey went very smoothly, of course... if he hadn't met that Demon Venerable.

Unlike the legends in the Xiuxian world, he did not trouble the Demon Venerable, and the other party brought it to the door himself. And because of getting lost, for such a strange reason, the first time the two met, there was no endless fierce battle. At most, it is a way to ask, a guide.

And since then, this Demon Venerable didn't know what to do, and often came to challenge him. If he couldn't beat him, he started talking, and the content was all about his sister. That's right, the legendary Demon Venerable who does all kinds of evil is actually just a fool who shows off his sister every day.

"Yo, brother, I heard that you are the first person in the world of immortals, but you must be a single dog, right? Have you found a girl? Oh, what's the use of you saying that you are so good? Don't say that you are a girl, even a younger sister. No! But it doesn't matter, you don't have a sister, I do!"

"..." Who is rare.

"Tell you, do you know my sister Shixia? You must not know, she is so beautiful. Especially when I was a child, she was the most beautiful little girl in the world, with a round face and a very good hand feeling when you squeezed it. , seems to be able to squeeze out the water. Very obedient, I like to follow behind me the most, soft and cute called 'brother', the voice... tsk tsk tsk, you must not know this feeling."

"..." What's the matter with him

"Let me tell you, my sister, Shi Xia, has been very caring since she was a child, especially her brother and I. When I was five years old, I stepped on the small bench and said that I wanted to cook for me. Is it warm? Intimate? Oh, you don't have a sister, I don't understand."

"..." Who wants to understand

"Let me tell you, my sister Shixia likes to listen to my stories the most. She can't sleep if she doesn't hear the stories I tell every day. Have you ever told a story to your sister? nothing."

"… "no, what happened

"Let me tell you, my sister Shi Xia is smart. No matter what you learn, you will never have to teach it a second time. No one else's kid is as smart as her. Even if you have a sister, It must be better than my sister."

"..." Who wants to compare with you

"let me tell you… "

enough! #