My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 76: The correct way of dealing with teachers and students


"Look, she's a humanoid!"

"It wasn't there yesterday? It suddenly appeared! I don't know what the prototype is?"

"It's not a potato, is it?"

"Nonsense, our potatoes also grow leaves, okay?"

"Is that a radish?"

"Well, it's possible! I'll take a closer look."

Shi Xia was woken up, and she faintly felt that there were many people around her, and your chirping and chattering made her a headache. Frowning, he forced his heavy eyelids to open, but the sight was pure white. Um! Too close to see clearly.

She couldn't help but hold back, only to realize that it was an enlarged face, with blue in the white face, only one eye, one mouth, and two dull and dead fish eyes as small as beans , the nose can also smell a strange radish smell. There was also a circle around them that looked like cabbage, potatoes, sheep, dogs, chickens, geese, rabbits and other creatures, but they were huge in size and strange in appearance.

"Monster!" She was startled, she wanted to run because of her conditioned reflex, but found that her whole body was stiff and she couldn't move at all.

Looking down...

Damn, who buried her in the soil

She was about to mobilize her spiritual energy, but found that the monsters in that circle were running faster than her, and disappeared in a swish, leaving her alone in the pit.

huh? What the hell are those

She was too lazy to think about it, she tried her best to get a hand out of the pit, trying to crawl out, but she was buried too deep and she fluttered a few times, but she didn't get out.

Suddenly a crisp green leaf stretched out in front of him.

"Want... do you want to help?" When he looked up, he saw a single-eyed radish slightly trembling and extending a leaf from behind the stone, looking like he wanted to help but was afraid.

Shi Xia was stunned, nodded, and grabbed the fragile-looking green leaf, but she didn't expect the leaf to be strong, so she pulled her out at once.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, patted the dirt on her body, smiled and thanked the big radish behind the stone, "Thank you!"

The radish was stunned for a moment, and bowed its head a little embarrassedly. The pure white radish's face turned red, and soon turned from a white radish to a red radish, "No... You're welcome!"

Yo! Still only a shy radish, Shi Xia lost all fear in an instant, turned his head and looked around, and found that this is a blessed land of immortal mountains, and the surrounding aura is very abundant, no wonder radishes can also become essence.

"where is this place."

"This is the mountain." Radish replied.

"What mountain?"

"..." Radish shook his head.

"How far is it from the Yuhua faction?"

Carrot still shook her head.

have to! It seems that Jingwei's IQ is not high, so he still has to ask someone.

"That..." Radish turned the leaf on his head, glanced at her with curiosity and excitement, and asked, "I'm a radish spirit, you... What kind of spirit are you?"

"I'm not a genius!" Shi Xia's mouth twitched, "I'm human!"

After the words fell, she clearly heard the hidden figures everywhere, and took a deep breath.

"Human!" The original blushing body of the radish also turned pale, the whole radish trembled, and the only big eye started to drop water beads, "You are a human, then... you, you, you. Do you eat radishes?" he asked cautiously, as if he was about to faint in the next moment.

Uh... Can she say that she ate quite a lot at the Yuhua Party! But looking at it, she shook her head firmly, "No! I never eat radishes!" Really!

The radish essence suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, and the rain turned clear in an instant. She wiped her tears with the leaves on her head, turned her head and said loudly, "Did you hear? She doesn't eat radishes!"

The next moment, in the grass, behind the big tree, and under the stone, one after another came a sigh of relief.

Then, a soft voice came first.

"Human! I'm Rabbit Spirit, do you eat rabbits?"

Shi Xia shook his head.

So, a chubby rabbit jumped over to her excitedly.

With the beginning, other spirits also sent out inquiries.

"I'm a goose! Do you eat goose? The one with white feathers."

"Don't eat!"

The big white goose came out...

"I'm a sheep essence. Do you eat sheep? The four-legged kind."

"Don't eat!"

The goat is out...

"I'm duck essence, do you eat duck? The kind that can quack."

"Don't eat!"

The big yellow duck came out...

"I'm chicken essence, you eat chicken..."

"I only eat MSG!"

"I'm… "

"I have been secluded in the valley for many years and have not eaten anything."

So all the ghosts came out.

With so many people and huge queues, Shi Xia felt like he had entered a live poultry market. Why are there so many monsters? Are you here for a people's meeting

But these spirits were still very enthusiastic, and they chatted around her and asked.

"Human, what's your name? Are you called Renjing?"

"Man, where did you come from? Why did you plant it here?"

"Man, do you like drinking dew? We have a lot in the cabbage field."

"people… "

Shi Xia had a headache, took a deep breath, and replied seriously: "First, I don't need to eat or drink dew; secondly, I fell into this pit, not planted here; and I don't call people sperm. , I'm human, I'm a woman to be precise - the kind with boobs!"

She puffed out her chest proudly.

All the spirits suddenly realized that they all looked at the Xiaolongbao in front of her, and exclaimed: "Oh..."

cough! In front of this group of flat-chested monsters, she is still quite confident! shaking legs...

"People, women..." Ji Jing stepped forward excitedly, pointed to the excited words under his neck, "I only have one piece, you actually have two!"

"… "wipe! Forgot about the chicken breasts.

Fortunately, she still won in terms of numbers, um, calm down!

"Woman, you don't eat anything, isn't that the same as the fairy on the mountain? Are you also a fairy?" Radish asked curiously.

"Immortal!" Shi Xia was stunned, "Is there an immortal here?" Could it be a monk.

"Yeah!" It nodded heavily, "The immortals live on the top of the mountain, and they come down to see us every day, ah... Look, the immortals are here, they must be here to pick you up!"

She turned her head to look, and sure enough, a person from Yujian flew from the sky. He was covered in spiritual energy. He couldn't see through his cultivation.

Shi Xia wiped his eyes, he was really a child, he looked like he was in his teens, his little face was chubby and red, and he looked so cute that he couldn't help but want to pinch him. little face. But he had a sullen face and frowned, giving the impression of a child deliberately pretending to be an adult.

He stopped in the air not far from her, with big round eyes, looked her up and down, and suddenly said, "Master wants to see you!"

"Ah?!" Shi Xia was stunned, who is your master

"You'll know when you go." Seeming to see what she was thinking, he didn't say much, squeezed a hand with one hand, raised his hand and waved at her.

Shi Xia only felt that her body was light and flew towards him uncontrollably. She subconsciously wanted to use her spiritual power to break away from his control, but found that she couldn't resist until she landed on his sword and regained control of her body. control.

This kid's cultivation is higher than hers!


Before Shi Xia could react, the child flew straight to the top of the mountain with his sword, and the spirits below were waving goodbye to her enthusiastically. In a moment they landed in front of a temple. The temple is not big, it looks old, and half of the stone carvings on the roof are missing, it looks a bit shabby.

"Kid, who is your master? Why did you bring me here?" Shi Xia couldn't help but ask, "And what is this place? Tell my sister, please, give you candy."

The child paused at his feet and looked back at her inexplicably, his little face still expressionless. After watching for a while, he didn't answer, and walked directly into the hall.

"Hey~ wait? Where are you going?" Shi Xia had no choice but to follow.

Unexpectedly, the child looked small and walked very fast, and when he caught up, the person had already entered the hall.

He first clasped his fists and bowed respectfully, "Master, I have brought people here."

Only then did Shi Xia realize that there was another person in the hall with his back to them. It looks like a man, his body seems to be surrounded by a layer of faint brilliance, he is dressed in a sky blue long gown, his long hair is scattered behind him like a curtain, and just the back looks overflowing with immortal energy, which makes people unable to help raise a kind of admiration. Feelings.

Even Shi Xia, who had seen many monks, couldn't help but be stunned. In a flash, he saw a real immortal who was not stained with dust, as if the person in front of him would become an immortal in the next moment.

The child held his fist for a while, but the man did not respond, as if he was thinking about something.

"Master, she is the person you said."

"..." There was an unfathomable silence.

"Master, you are right, someone did enter the mountain."

"..." Xianfeng Daogu was silent.

"Master, she is the only one at the foot of the mountain, and the disciple has not found any trace of others."

"..." Unattainable silence.


"… "

Shi Xia's heart is tight, is this the dismounting? I couldn't help but look carefully, and then...

Heard it for a while, one after another, the long-lasting-snoring sound!

… -_-|||

Flip the table!

Xianfeng Daogu, your sister, fall! Is this just sleeping? If you want to sleep, you won't go to bed, why is TM pretending to be standing? Sure enough, the tallness that I just saw was all an illusion! Has anyone done this, Master

Shi Xia wanted to go crazy, but the child was obviously used to it. He straightened his waist calmly, put his hand down calmly, and calmly took out a potato from his cuff, that's right! It's the kind of potato that can be eaten in many ways!

Then, he shook his hand, raised his hand, and threw it towards the back of the head who was pretending to be the opposite. The coherence of the movements, the precision of the target, and the symmetry of the strength, obviously have undergone many actual combat exercises.

Boom! A soft sound hits the target.

"Ouch!" A scream rang out.

The potato bounced a bit, and rolled back again. The child picked it up calmly, put it back on his sleeve calmly, and then calmly clasped his fists again.

He said respectfully, "Master, the person has already been brought."

Shi Xia: "..." What just happened

Is this the correct way for teachers and students to get along? #