My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 86: Seems like an old friend came


"Sister Lanzhi, I know what's in your body. But it's definitely not the good thing you imagined." Shi Xia said seriously, "The reason why it gives you the illusion of rebirth is because it is burning your soul, If you don't get rid of it in time, you'll be blown away."

"Impossible!" Yang Lanzhi shook her head vigorously and took a few steps back.

"Don't you have any doubts about those extra memories?" She continued to persuade, "Are you sure that the so-called past life really existed? What is happening now and the future you know is true? Is it the same?"

"How can I remember everything in such a long life!" she argued, "but the things I remember, it's all the same. It was my previous life, and I'm sure I went through it."

"What about me?" Shi Xia asked, "Did you approach me on purpose because I have the same memory as you in your previous life?"

"You..." She was stunned, her eyes suddenly a little unsteady.

"What kind of role did I play in your past life, have I also appeared?"

She was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "You... You are the younger sister of Dayuan Tianzun, and... you are a monk in the Mahayana period."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, including Shi Xia. She is a Mahayana monk, how could she not know

"Sister Lanzhi..." Shi Xia shook his head, "I don't know Dayuan Tianzun at all, let alone her sister, and... I'm not a Mahayana person, as you can see I'm just an ordinary golden core. "

"It's impossible!" She became more and more disbelieving, "You obviously won the gold core leader, if you didn't hide your cultivation base, how could it be possible..." Her current cultivation base is only the early stage of Jindan, how can she easily win those mid-term and A full circle monk. After the match that day, she had seen her from a distance, and she was completely unscathed.

"Uh... I think your junior brother knows better about this issue." Shi Xia looked at Yun Lin who was behind her, "The reason why I was able to win was because the victory flag appeared next to me in the preliminary round, so I just took it easy..."

"Even so, what about other competitions?" she asked stubbornly.

Shi Xia sighed, it seemed that to convince her, she had to shake out a basket of black history.

"The top five is because I got a bye by lottery, and the top three is because a winner was seriously injured during the game, and in the last game, the opponent fainted as soon as he came on stage." She scratched her head, "I won the top spot. Good luck, not because of hidden cultivation."

"Impossible... Impossible..." She shook her head vigorously, as if she could deny her words in this way, and turned to look at Yun Lin next to her.

It's a pity that Yunlin also nodded, "Although I don't understand what you are talking about? But... That's right, Senior Sister, she really won the leader in this way. That's why I want to fight her and truly decide the outcome."

"If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself." Shi Xia stretched out her hand and let her test her cultivation.

But she hesitated, looking straight at her arm, she didn't come forward for a long time, and the hand by her side trembled slightly.

"Actually, you can find out after a little inquiries about this kind of thing. You really didn't find out that the top three of Jindan this time, and the last two were made up by the fourth or fifth?" Shi Xia continued, "You are for the previous life. Is the memory too trusting, or is it because... you have already noticed that something is wrong, but you refuse to admit it?"

How could it be so easy for an imposed memory to become real? Yang Lanzhi is such a sensitive girl, it is impossible not to notice that there is something wrong with the so-called previous life. It's just that she is too addicted to the state of being a prophet, and she doesn't want to wake up, so she insists on rebirth.

"Shut up... shut up!" She was still in disbelief, with some resentment in her eyes, "I have been reborn, even if some things are different from what I remembered, it is possible. Those memories are all real, Yes! I won't... How can I let the tragedy of my previous life happen again. This is a chance given to me by God, a chance for me to do it again, this is what God owes me!"

The more she talked, the more excited she became, the more fierce she looked, as if she had fallen into some kind of madness. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and she looked at her with guard and hatred in her eyes, "You... do you want to rob it? That's why you say this, you have ulterior motives!"

"Sister Lanzhi!" Shi Xia frowned and sighed, "Yes! I do want what's on you, because it came out of my hands. It's not like you think, it will Makes you go crazy."

"Humph! You are really lying to me! What a savage soul, you are nothing more than trying to deceive my magic weapon!" Her expression instantly became fierce, as if she had finally figured out something, her face slowly cooled down, "Don't dream. No! I don't care who you are, why would you know about me. I won't give it to you unless I die."

"Lanzhi girl..."

"Shut up!" She glared at her fiercely, and immediately called out the sword, "I thought you were different from others, but I didn't expect you to be a raccoon dog. I used to be a single water spirit, so I was bullied arbitrarily. , even Shimen..." The hatred on her face deepened, as if remembering something, she sneered, her words were full of desolation, "You know... just because I used to be Shui Linggen, My beloved master actually sent me to Huo Ming's beast's bed/bed. I was tortured to death by him all my life! How can I not hate it?! What did I do wrong? Just because of me You are born with roots of water, so do you deserve to be spoiled?"

"… "

"But it's different now! I'm Huo Linggen now, and I don't even have to worship such a disgusting person as my teacher!" She shook the sword in her hands, and her expression became more and more crazy, "I'm a disciple of Lingle School, No one can despise me anymore!"

It turns out that the fire has changed her spiritual roots.

But... those are not true!

"Your so-called past life doesn't exist at all, it's just a possibility in the future, you can't be because of something that doesn't exist..."

"Shut up! Shut up!" She shouted even more frantically, "Those are all real, all of which I have experienced. My spiritual roots have changed, I am not the same as before! I will never be the same as before. That way, I won't give it to you!"

"Tinder is not as simple as you think! Although I don't know the specific reason yet, its existence is used to repair the world. If it is kept with you, the whole world may collapse."

"Don't... you know what it is?" She stopped in the middle of her words and slowly put down the sword in her hand, "What you said is true!?"

"I didn't lie to you, whether it's going to make you go crazy, or its original purpose. Everything I said is true." Shi Xia immediately raised his hand and swore, I know now that the fire has melted into your body , only I can help you take it out. "

"This world is really going to collapse? Then... what's the use of me wanting it...?" She frowned, her face tangled, and after a long silence she gritted her teeth, "How do you take it out?"

Shi Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and finally made it clear, and took two steps forward, "It's very simple! Just..."

Just as she was about to explain, Yang Lanzhi, who was still confused, suddenly waved her palm.

Shi Xia only felt a pain in her chest, and her whole body was knocked out. She opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Before she could react, a gust of wind came from behind, and the overwhelming Lingwei came towards her.

"Sister Xia!" Xia Yuxin exclaimed, her face pale for a moment, she directly pinched a tactic and drew a wind blade to attack Yang Lanzhi. Instead, she flew up, disregarding the bottomless crack beside her, and quickly condensed a wind shield behind her to block the menacing attack.

But the attack was too violent, the wind shield was instantly broken, and the aftermath hit her heavily on the back. Suddenly, a heart-piercing pain spread throughout the internal organs, as if the whole person was about to be torn apart.

The figure became lighter and fell straight towards the bottomless abyss in the crack. Only then did she see clearly Huo Ming, who rushed past angrily, while Yang Lanzhi had disappeared.

Depend on! She thought she had done the ideological work, and instead of destroying the world, Yang Lanzhi chose to give up this golden finger that could kill her. Unexpectedly, she was pretending! Just to use her to block Huo Ming's attack, so as to buy time to escape.

Damn, the speed of turning face and not recognizing people is too fast! It's a pity that she sent a good person card to the other party before, she was blind!

Therefore, rebirth is the most difficult thing to do. You were good sisters just a moment ago, let's keep you a dog!

Shi Xia's eyes turned dark, and the whole person fell into the canyon. The moment before he lost consciousness, he faintly saw Xiao Xia's loli girl, and jumped down with her without hesitation.

Is this little loli stupid


At the moment of waking up, it was pitch black all around, and only a small bundle of spiritual flames lit up above. A worried girl sat beside her. Seeing her wake up, she rubbed her eyes hard and leaned forward to check.

"Sister Xia, you're awake! How's it going, is there any discomfort? Does your chest still hurt? Are your hands and feet able to move? Is there something else that I haven't noticed?" She began to panic. Looking at it, she looked anxious for fear that she would die in the next moment, completely losing her previous noble and glamorous ice fairy temperament.

Shi Xia sighed and pulled down her panicked hands, "I'm fine, Niuniu!"

She was stunned for a moment, her whole figure seemed to be frozen for a moment, she stared at her blankly, her eyes widened, she seemed happy, excited, surprised, and deeply attached...

Tears poured out of her already red eyes, like water bursting from a dyke.

" remember..."

Shi Xia's heart softened, and she couldn't help rubbing her head, "Silly girl, in this world, besides you, who else would call me Sister Xia."

She finally couldn't help it, and threw herself into her arms and burst into tears, "Wow! Sister! Sister... You know me! You know me... Niuniu thought she would never see you again. Sister! Sister..."

"Okay, okay! Let me go first?" Shi Xia patted her on the back.

"I don't..." She played a small temper, "I want to hug my sister!"

Shi Xia's mouth twitched, "You can hug me! But would you please let go of my chest?"

She was so excited that she caught people's breasts, why didn't she change it!

It's still small, please leave it alone? #