My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 9: The plan cannot keep up with the changes


Under normal circumstances, to enter the world of immortality and find the gate of immortality, you must first have an immortal relationship. The so-called immortal fate, Linggen is one of them. Therefore, among those who can reach the Yuhua School, there are very few people who have no spiritual roots. Not to mention that she was the first to go up the mountain, so no one suspected that she had no spiritual roots before.

The first place in the introductory assessment has no spiritual roots. This kind of thing has never happened in the entire history of the immortal cultivation world, right? In a sense, she is truly one-of-a-kind.

Yuan Zhao felt like he was being played by God, and looked at Shi Xia again, the more he looked, the more pity he became, and the more pity he looked at. Alas, there are many children, a good girl from a family who has gone through all the hardships to come here. Their aptitude, character, and character are not inferior to others, but they are defeated by fate. It is too pitiful to have been blocked from the path of immortality since birth.

"Then what... Can I ask what happened?" The eyes around her became more and more strange, and she couldn't help but ask.

"Oh... little girl, this is all God's will." Yuan Zhao sighed deeply, hesitated for a while, and then found the right words, patted her shoulder comfortingly, "You have no spiritual roots, I'm afraid... you can't... Immortal."

Shi Xia was stunned for a moment, and replied indifferently, "Oh."

"Don't you feel angry?" Yuan Zhao was a little surprised.

"I don't think so!" She answered honestly, isn't it because she failed the entrance exam and was swiped, and besides, she didn't come to cultivate immortals in the first place!

"..." What a good child, after suffering such a big blow, he has no resentment or hatred in his heart, and his mind is so open-minded, why does he have no spiritual roots! What do you want to do if you want to cry

"By the way!" Shi Xia suddenly remembered the business, "Speaking of this, old man, I have something I want to ask you."

"You say it." Poor boy, I will do whatever you say.

"Is there a spell that travels through time and space, that is, from one world to another completely different place?"

Yuan Zhao thought for a while, "You're talking about shrinking the ground into an inch, cutting through the void?"

"Really?" Shi Xia was a little excited, she could go back.

"But..." He frowned, "I've only heard about this technique, I've never seen it before. I'm afraid that only monks above the Spirit Transformation stage can have such magical powers."

"Then who can use this spell?" Please introduce!

"This... I don't know." Yuan Zhao shook his head.

"Oh..." Shi Xia disappeared immediately, and then forced a smile for a while, "Thank you! Then I'll go first, scratch everyone bye bye!"

She waved to everyone, turned and walked towards the door, without any hesitation or reluctance.

Perhaps her aptitude is too regrettable, the more Yuan Zhao looks, the more saddened she feels, and she can't help but want to take care of her, "Wait, little girl, although you can't cultivate immortals, it's not that you can't stay in Immortal Gate, although It can only be in the outer door, but my Yuhua faction has abundant spiritual energy, which is beneficial to your longevity."

Shi Xia, who had already reached the door, stopped and shook his head, "No need, I still want to go home." It seemed that Xianmen was quite friendly.

Yuan Zhao had no choice but to sigh again, "Since that's the case... then you go, there will be disciples to send you back."

"Okay, thank you!"

"By the way, little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Shi Xia."

"Oh, so you..." He paused, widening his eyes suddenly, "What's your name?!"

"Shi Xia?"

"… "

The hall was dead silent!

More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at her again, and the hall, which was still a little dull, cooled to freezing point in an instant.

Shi Xia's heart trembled for no reason, and suddenly had an ominous premonition. Is it an illusion? Why do you think there is a murderous aura in the hall

"She's Shi Xia, catch her!" Yuan Zhao, who had a kind face just now, roared, as if some special mechanism was suddenly activated. The dozen or so people present suddenly stood up in unison, and at the same time they clapped together. After a burst of jingling sounds, more than a dozen rays of light flashed in the hall, and in an instant, countless magical instruments of all kinds appeared in the sky above the hall. magic weapon. Each of them emits a piercing light, red, white, green, yellow, and any color.

Before Shi Xia could react, her face was covered with the words "Murderous Aura", and all kinds of weapons were aimed at her in front of her eyes.

What's wrong with this? What did she say wrong? Can someone please explain

"We must never let her escape." Yuan Zhao roared again, waved his hand and gave an order, and all the weapons in the sky flew towards her.

What's going on here? Turning your face so fast, does your mother know

It's a pity that she didn't even have time to protest, she could only watch the murderous weapon flying towards her, and the next moment would turn her into a hedgehog.

Holy crap, what about the friendly visit to Xianmen

Seeing that those weapons were about to fly over, there was a piercing chill from behind, and a white light came in from the door and swept directly towards the entire hall, and the many weapons that just flew towards her, as if pressing the pause button, stopped at the distance. She didn't move for a few centimeters.

She could even feel the killing intent on the weapon, and she would die. Shi Xia hurriedly took a few steps back and took a few breaths. Her legs were a little... soft!

"Tai Shizu!" Yuan Zhao was shocked, "Why are you here?"

Only then did Shi Xia realize that there was another person in front of her, dressed in white, with her back facing her. The back looked a little familiar

The man in white ignored Yuan Zhao, but turned to look at the person behind him.

Shi Xia was stunned, wasn't this the one who rescued Da Miao in the forest that day, pretending to force Tai Shizu? How is he here.

"Tai Shizu." Yuan Zhao took a few steps forward eagerly, "This person has to be removed..."

The man in white still didn't answer, just stared at Shi Xia, staring without blinking, obviously with a blank expression on his face. Shi Xia felt that it was getting colder and colder, and even the air around him seemed to freeze, as if a trace of chill was coming out of the other person's body, and the eyes became more and more terrifying.

Wouldn't this person also want to kill her, Shi Xia's heart trembled, is it too late to escape now? The conditioned reflex wanted to step back, but as soon as he lifted his leg, the person on the opposite side seemed to notice it, his figure flashed, and he picked up Shi Xia.

Leave a sentence, "This person, leave it to me!"

The next moment has disappeared, together with Xia Xia.

Leaving the hall without magic suppression, Dangdang pawned the magic weapon on the ground, and everyone who looked at each other in dismay.


Shi Xia was carried back, yes she was carried, just like she was carrying her own stupid cat, she was carried back to the house by the great master and threw it on the bed.

The bed was a stone bed. After this throw, Shi Xia felt that her ass was deeply hurt, but she didn't dare to rub it, because there was still a person standing in front of her who was obviously not in a good mood, and also had an air-conditioning effect. people.

She really wanted to talk to him about life, the importance of harmony and friendship for human beings to develop together, and to guide him to create a better future for socialism together. But she didn't dare to speak, because the other party's eyes were too scary.

She vaguely saw that in those eyes, there were knives, poking at her. And behind him, there is something called aura, which is infinitely magnifying... Zoom in... Zoom in...

Shi Xia couldn't help shrinking inward, although the man didn't speak, and there was no special expression on his face. But I couldn't help staring at her for half an hour without blinking! Even she began to reflect on whether she really did something heinous and bad to be stared at by him like this.

I heard that eyes can kill people. She didn't believe it before, but now she believes it.


Just when she thought he was trying to kill her with his eyes, he finally moved, albeit a small step forward.

But it was enough to make Shi Xia, who was already terrified, admit it for a second.

So, she made a great decision. He knelt down on the stone bed with a swipe, then bowed down to him in a posture of throwing himself to the ground, and shouted with all his life's acting skills, "Hero, I was wrong!"

No matter what you do, it's always right to admit your mistakes!

The other party's footsteps stopped, and he seemed to be stunned.

He didn't move any more, just frowned, his face a little ugly.

Shi Xia felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that her begging for mercy wasn't sincere enough to impress this boss, so why don't you come again

The other party didn't give her a chance, and stared at the same place for a while, and suddenly disappeared in place with a flash of body.

Shi Xia: …

Is this gone? What is the situation? Could it be that he brought himself back just to practice murderous aura

Is this man... ill


Shi Xia has never seen that strange Taishizu again in the past two days, but she is undoubtedly imprisoned. As a war five scum, she has no interest in prison escape at all, just thinking about when Someone will arraign her and explain to her what happened? She really couldn't figure out what she had done to make everyone who was amiable one second, want to poke a hole in her the next second.

She always believed that she was not afraid of shadows, she had nothing to say, there was no misunderstanding that could not be solved, and there was no corner that could not be dug down, eh... What's wrong

Although the Grand Master was a bit scary, he didn't look like an unreasonable person. She just needs to stay here in peace and wait for a chance to explain.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and two days later, she had to crawl out of the room.

Because she was about to starve to death, she never dreamed that they would not care about prison. The evil old society has no human rights! And after she came out, she discovered that the room had no lock at all, and she opened it as soon as she pushed it. This is simply trampling on her dignity as a prisoner!

Shi Xia suppressed her anger, and her perception of this Xiuxian Vocational and Technical College reached the lowest point in an instant. She was indignant and planned to talk to the prisoner about life, but found that there was a large grass outside the house. She turned around for a long time. I didn't see half of the figure, but I was even more hungry. Just when she thought she would starve to death here, she found that there was a lush vegetable field in front of her. #