My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 12: Bai Muxue was bitten


It turned out to be like this. No wonder the police said just now that they can't handle this matter, only Chu Tianqing can! Even the police station knew about her, and Chu Tianqing was pretty good.

"Then, what do you mean is that what happened just now is a spiritual event?" Xin Rou asked Chu Tianqing with her eyes wide open.

Chu Tianqing nodded, and then Lin Zixu jumped over and asked: "Your detective agency sounds like a lot of fun! It must be very exciting to deal with Apiao often!"

Hearing that, everyone was full of black lines, and then Chu Tianqing said: "It's very exciting, you'll know if you come and try it another day, I promise, as long as you try it for the first time, you won't dare to come second. Time again."

Seeing how terrifying Chu Tianqing said, Lin Zixu changed his words again and said, "Aren't you all warlocks drawing amulets? Can you draw me two stickers to become Superman?"

"Is Superman OK?"

"Okay! Is there such a talisman?" Lin Zixu said excitedly.

"There is no talisman, but it is easy for you to change it. Just cut two salted eggs and stick them on your eyes! Pure natural, no pollution!"

"Hahaha..." There was another laughter. At this time, Murong Yun said: "Okay, don't be ashamed here!"

Hearing this, Lin Zixu curled his mouth and jumped to the side. Maybe he finally felt that the straps tied to his feet were inconvenient. After retreating to the side, Lin Zixu squatted down and began to untie the straps on his feet.

"By the way, Sister Tianqing, is that vampire the one in Tianyun City?" Murong Yun asked suddenly.

After thinking for a while, Chu Tianqing nodded, and then none of them continued to speak.

The sudden silence made me feel a little uncomfortable. What did Murong say? Could it be that vampire murders happened elsewhere


Just when I was about to ask a question, a girl’s cry for help interrupted the quiet atmosphere. After Chu Tianqing heard it, she looked at Ji Hanfeng at each other, and then ran towards the direction of the sound. , And we also followed the past to see what happened.

When I ran outside, it was dark all around, "Where did the sound come from?" Murong asked this sentence.

After a while, Chu Tianqing said affirmatively: "Over there!" Then he ran to the building on the left side of the basketball court that was going to be demolished next year!

Lin Zixu finally untied the knot on his feet. Seeing Murong Yun and the others ran out, they quickly got up and ran after him! "Yunyun, wait for me!"

Xinrou and I also followed and walked behind. I suddenly remembered that Han Yi didn’t seem to be back to school today, and I don’t know how he is now. If the Han Yi looked very powerful yesterday, he shouldn’t be. What's the matter

Then I shook my head again. Why am I worried about him again? Han Yi's mana is so powerful, how could something happen! I still care about the current situation!

When we came to the interior of the building, because the building was about to be demolished, the school asked someone to demolish all electrical appliances such as electric lights. After we entered, there was no moonlight, and everything around was even darker. can not see.

At this moment, Chu Tianqing didn't know what method was used, a small flame suddenly appeared in her hand, illuminating the surrounding area.

After looking around on the first floor, we didn't find anything. Everyone dared not speak out, and the atmosphere seemed a little dull.


Oh oh...

If there was a cry like nothing, Xin Rou leaned over and grabbed my arm with some fear, "Mu Xue, listen, is someone crying?" Xin Rou tightly grabbed my arm and whispered. Asked.

Hearing this, everyone listened carefully, and finally confirmed that the crying came from upstairs!

"Go up and take a look!" Chu Tianqing walked up the stairs slowly.

We followed behind, holding our breath, and came to the second floor. This was originally the school building, so the second floor was a classroom with many tables and chairs. At this time, there was a slight crying sound from the podium. .

Oh oh...

Chu Tianqing glanced at the corner of the podium, then walked over, we followed behind and around the table, and found a female student squatting behind the podium, her body trembling and sobbing constantly.

"What are you doing here?" Chu Tianqing squatted down and patted the girl on the shoulder. She was so frightened that she jumped up and shouted: "Ah!! Don't come here!! I don't want to die!"

The girl yelled while holding her head to hide. Seeing this, we also felt helpless. At this time I walked over, approached her carefully, and calmed down softly: "Don't be afraid, we are here to help you! I remember you, you seem to be a new student this year? You look at me, do you know me? ?"

Listening to what I said, the girl didn't look so excited. After seeing me clearly through the flame in Chu Tianqing's hand, she cried and said, "Senior sister... There is a ghost here, I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, tell us, what did you see?" I patted her arm and asked carefully.

"I saw..." Just as the girl was about to say something, before she could say it, Chu Tianqing suddenly turned around and threw the flame in her hand toward the corner of the classroom by the window!


Where the fire ball hit, a large blue flame ignited instantly! Afterwards, a burning black shadow fell down, and immediately extinguished the fire with his cloak. Then standing proudly in front of the window, through the moonlight outside, I saw his brown pupils!

Isn't this the vampire that appeared at the party just now? !

His two fangs were exposed, so it seemed a bit oozing, and when the girl saw the vampire, her emotions that had just calmed down again exploded! "It's him, ghost!!"

"Hi... I'm so annoying, isn't it just a ghost! If you are so scared, just give me sleep!" Chu Tianqing didn't know where to take out a yellow talisman and ignited it in front of the girl. In a flash, the girl fell asleep.

Then Chu Tianqing turned around and looked at the vampire and said, "I've caught you for so long, and finally saw your true face. Let's talk, how do you want to die?" Then after thinking about it, she felt that something was wrong, so she said again: " No, it stands to reason that you are already dead. Change one, oh~ yes, how do you want to disappear from this world? Huh?" Chu Tianqing had a calm look with one hand on his hips.

The vampire didn't say anything, and swooped at us all at once!

I pulled Xinrou to the side to hide, Chu Tianqing also made a beautiful turn, avoiding the vampire.

After evading a blow, I heard Chu Tianqing calmly asking Ji Hanfeng on the side: "Hanfeng, do you think this thing is afraid of Yang Fu?"

"You should be afraid." Ji Hanfeng replied, looking at the vampire warily.

Then I saw Chu Tianqing picking up a yellow talisman in her fingertips, saying something in her mouth, and then the talisman in her hand ignited a bright flame!

At this time, the vampire rushed towards them again, Chu Tianqing saw the opportunity and threw the ignited charm on the vampire!


When Fu hit the vampire, he opened his mouth and screamed, his brown eyes were full of sorrow, as if he hated everything in this world.

At this time, the vampire dared not approach Chu Tianqing anymore, because he was afraid of the spell in her hand. Turning to see our side again, and Chu Tianqing and the others were a little far away from us, so the vampire took advantage of the gap and flew to our side at once!

"Be careful!" Murong Yun hurriedly pushed me and Xin Rou aside, and then hit them with spiritual power, but the vampire seemed not afraid of Murong Yun's attack at all!

Flashing left and right came to me, I pushed Xin Rou behind me in a hurry, but I was severely choked by the vampire with one hand.

I suddenly didn't understand in my heart, why do they all like to choke people

But I didn't have time to think about this question. The vampire took me with a wave of his cloak, and even with me, broke through the window of the classroom on the second floor and flew out.

"Mu Xue!!"

"Chasing!" Chu Tianqing and the others immediately chased it out, but the vampire took me to fly, and quickly abandoned the people who were chasing behind.

He took me deep in the mountains, randomly found a cave, took me into it, and then threw me to the ground.

"Hi...Oh..." I struggled to get up, and my palm broke when I fell to the ground, and now I feel hot and painful.

Looking at the vampire again, after throwing me to the ground, he clutched his shoulder and walked to a large rock in the cave to rest.

It seems that he was also badly injured by Chu Tianqing. At this moment, he closed his eyes and took a rest. I planned in my heart. Now he will not be discovered by him when he escapes, right

Thinking like this in my heart, my feet have begun to move towards the entrance of the cave. Just less than half a meter away from the entrance of the cave, the vampire suddenly opened his eyes and came over and pinched my shoulder!

"It hurts..." I yelled in pain, and then pressed my hand on my shoulder, hoping that he could loosen it, but he suddenly opened his mouth and bit against my neck with those two sharp teeth. !

I was scared in my heart, so I shouted: "Help!!"

However, the pain in my neck replaced my fear in the next moment, and after a short while, I felt my head dizzy.

That hateful vampire just sucked my blood little by little, maybe because of too much blood loss, my eyes were blurred, I actually saw Hu Qianyi...

"Mu Xue, don't go to sleep!"

Familiar sounds come into the ears.

I looked at the distressed person in front of me, and the corners of my mouth raised slightly, and I wanted to reach out and touch that person's face.

"Qianyi, are you here to pick me up... That's great..." I said dazedly.

"Mu Xue, be sober, I am Han Yi! You won't die! I won't let you die!" With that, Han Yi picked me up and walked outside.

Han Yi? It seems that I have admitted wrong again.

When I left the cave, I didn't see that vampire was there. Perhaps, he was beaten away by Han Yi!

Han Yi, why is everything about you so like him? So like Qian Yi, before, every time I was in danger, Qian Yi rushed to save me, but now he becomes you...

If you are Qian Yi, how good it would be.