My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 33: The embarrassed Wu Ma


Where are they

Seeing me coming down, Han Yi walked over and said dissatisfied: "Why come down like this, so I am not afraid of catching a cold?"

Indeed, I wore cotton pajamas, but I still told him: "It's okay, I'm not cold at all!" Although it was the end of November, I didn't feel cold at all. Maybe it was because I was accompanied by Han Yi. Because of me, so you don’t have to be afraid of the cold if you feel warm in your heart!

Hearing our voice, Wu Ma walked out of the kitchen: "Miss, why did you come out? This is just right, don't catch the cold again."

"Wu Ma, how can I be so delicate! Do you think I am okay? By the way, what about them?" I was referring to Xinrou and the others, and Han Yi pointed to the outside and said: Outside."

"Oh!" I was about to go out, but Han Yi stopped me, then put his coat on me, "It's cold outside, what should you do if you get a cold when you go out like this?"

Wu Ma saw Han Yi's move, her eyes were full of clear smiles, she stopped saying anything, and went back to the kitchen to work for dinner again. I was moved to smile back to Han Yi, and then went to the open space with him. As soon as I came out, I saw Murong pointing outside the door and saying something to Xin Rou.

"Xinrou, let me tell you, I have set up a circle of protection outside here, except for people, those little monsters can't get in!" Murong said with his hands behind his back and said quite proudly, and Xinrou also said very cooperatively. : "So amazing!"

As soon as I arrived, I heard the two of them talking about fairies and protections. I wondered, is it because some fairies are going to break into our house

"Murong, what are you doing?"

Hearing my words, both of them turned around. After seeing Han Yi, Xin Rou obviously hid behind Murong. "Hey, Mu Xue, why don't you have a good rest, why are you running down?" Murong didn't care so much, and after seeing me, he enthusiastically came over and took my hand.

"I'm all well, don't you treat me like a sick number! By the way, what were you doing just now? You haven't told me yet!" I asked again, and Murong explained it to me.

It turned out that she set up a layer of protection on the periphery of the villa, except that people can pass freely, but the fairies can't get in. This is also to better protect my safety. .?.?.

"This kind of protection, I can open it casually." Han Yi stared at the looming protective cover outside the gate, and hit Murong mercilessly.

I saw Murong’s expression stiff, and then stared at Han Yi dissatisfiedly: "I know you are better than me! You can crack a small spell like me with just one finger, but with my heavy protection, Those little monsters will never come in!"

"Even without your heavy protection, I can protect Mu Xue by myself."

"You! What do you mean by that I'm nosy?"

Han Yi glanced at her: "Isn't it?"

"Hey, I have a violent temper!" Murong rolled up his sleeves and was about to start a fight with Han Yi. When I saw that something was wrong, I quickly pulled the violent Murong to the side, and then let her go: "Okay, Murong. , Don’t be familiar with him! Don’t you know that he is like this, besides, you can’t beat him, think twice... think twice!"

After hearing my reminder, Murong slammed his eyes twice, seeming to think that she was not Han Yi’s opponent, so he patted his sleeves to save face and said, "Cut, for your face, I won’t I care about him! Xinrou, let's go, let's see if Lin Zixu's idiot has come." Then she took Xinrou to the gate and waited for Lin Zixu.

I watched Murong and the others go out, shook my head helplessly, walked back to Han Yi, and accused: "Why are you hitting Murong so much!" Although Murong Yun's ability is not as strong as Han Yi, it is after all hers. Kindly, always take into account her self-esteem.

Who knows, Han Yi said to me indifferently: "She will know how to strive for progress after a proper blow."

Uh... Thinking carefully, what he said seems to make sense!

Lin Zixu ran over until the meal was over, and then stayed to have dinner together, but Han Yi said that he was going back.

"Aren't you staying to eat together?"

Han Yi glanced at everyone, then took my hand and said, "I have something to do. You can eat it."

"Then when will you come back?" I don't know why, when I heard him say to leave, I was worried and scared in my heart, afraid that he would disappear again, so that I could not find him.

Seeing my reluctant eyes, Han Yi hugged me tightly, "Soon, some things will be done sooner and you will be more at ease, wait for me to come back!" After saying that, he let go of me, took two steps back and turned away. .

I looked at his back until he disappeared from the corner of the door, and then I sighed slightly and went back to the living room to prepare for dinner. As soon as I stepped into the dining room, I heard Lin Zixu complaining: "Yunyun, look at how other people Muxue complained to her. How nice a boyfriend is! When you say that you're apart for a while, your eyes are full of tears! Why haven't you been infected with her infatuation after you have lived with Mu Xue for so long?"

Murong Yun hurriedly pinched a piece of braised pork to her mouth and hadn't eaten it. When she heard Lin Zixu's words, the corners of her mouth twitched, and put the braised pork in the bowl in front of her, revealing a'gentle' Smiled to Lin Zixu and said, "You want me to treat you like Mu Xue's infatuation with Hu Qianyi?"

Lin Zixu nodded vigorously expectantly, and Murong put down his chopsticks and squeezed his fist in his palm: "You! Certainly! Certainly!?"

Realizing that the situation is not good, Lin Zixu hurriedly smiled: "Uh... hehehe... I just thought about it again. It is not good for my eyes to cry often! It is still the cutest like our Jia Yunyun! Come on! Come on, let’s eat and eat, Yunyun, let me tell you, you have lost weight recently! Eat more!" Lin Zixu kept trying to please Murong.

Only then did Murong snorted and said, "It's okay to look for trouble!"

Xin Rou and I looked at each other and smiled, and they were no stranger to their performance.

After dinner, Mother Wu packed up the dishes and came over with a somewhat embarrassed expression, as if she had something to say, but she couldn't speak. "Mother Wu, do you have anything to say?" Looking at Madam Wu who has something to say, I couldn't help but ask her.

When I asked, Mother Wu said: "Miss, I don't know how to tell you something."

"Just talk about it!" I was also very curious in my heart. What made Wu's mother so embarrassed

After much deliberation, it seemed that she had made up her mind, and Ma Wu said everything!

It turned out that someone called Ma Wu this afternoon, saying that her aunt was going to be dying, and there was no one to look after her. Ma Wu’s family was left with such a relative, so she wanted to take a one-month vacation and go back to take care of her. 'S aunt. But because I suddenly fell ill, and this month my brother told me to stay at home and rest instead of going to school, so Madam Wu was afraid that no one would take care of me after she left, so she became confused.