My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 55: Lift the seal!


But I don't have time to study these now, I have to find out where Hu Qianyi's inner alchemy is! I am walking in the old water ridge, this huge place, where can I find it

At this moment, a place suddenly flashed in my mind, "Will it be..." I thought of a possibility, so I immediately searched for the past based on the path in my memory.

I don't know why, the closer I get to the place I was thinking, the surroundings seem to become colder and colder, and at this moment, a weak-sounding voice came from the front: "Mu it you." .. "

"Qianyi..." Even though the voice sounded a little erratic, I could tell right away that it was Hu Qianyi's voice! But... shouldn't he be by the lake? Why does it appear here again

It just couldn't allow me to think too much, and the voice came again: "Mu Xue... come and help me out... here... it's so cold..."

When I heard this sentence, I suddenly remembered the half-true dream that I had before! "Qianyi...It's Qianyi!" I immediately ran to the direction of the sound source regardless of the source of the sound, bypassing a few paths, and soon I came to the lake in front of Shuiyue Cave.

When I came here before, the entrance of this cave was covered by a waterfall. If Xiao Nuo hadn't noticed that I had come and brought me in a year ago, perhaps I would never have known that there was a cave here! But now because there is no water supply here, the waterfall has long disappeared, so I can see the location of Shuiyue Cave at a glance.

At this time, it can be seen that an extremely deep lake in front of the entrance of the cave has also dried up, showing a huge pit six or seven meters deep, and the bottom of the lake is also covered with many water chestnut sharp stones. With a little anxious mood, I stepped cautiously on the stone pillars erected from the lake. Although there is no water in the lake, if I accidentally fall down and bump into those rocks, it is estimated that I will not die. Wounded!

Finally, I finally came to the entrance of the cave. Watching the white light reflected by the moonlight reflected on the lake surface scattered at the entrance of the cave, it looked like a dream. The only flaw was that I stood outside and could feel the inside. There was a biting chill.

I couldn't help but wrap my hands around my body, "It's so cold, how come it's so cold here..." It's so cold when I stand outside, and I don't know what it's like when I go in! However, Han Yi's inner alchemy and fox body are likely to be inside. No matter how difficult it is, I have to go in!

With determination, I walked into the Shuiyue Cave step by step, as I thought, as soon as I entered, I felt like walking into a large ice cellar. The more I walked inside, the stronger the coldness!

Originally I thought it would be dark when I came in, but to my surprise, not only was the inside bright, but also brighter than the outside. When I walked inside, I would find that the stone walls on both sides were gradually covered. A layer of white frost!

When I walked to the stone gate leading to the stone chamber, I was surprised to see that the entire stone gate had been sealed by ice, and the whole was a big block of ice!

"Mu Xue..." Hu Qianyi's voice came from Shimen. I walked over with joy and shouted to Shimen: "Qianyi, are you inside?"

"Mu Xue... I... I'm so cold."

"Qianyi, wait a minute, I'll save you!" After I finished speaking, I pressed my hand on the frozen stone door and tried to push it away, but it was just as soon as my hand touched the stone door. There was a tingling sensation, and then my hand was frozen on it. Watching the spreading frost, I hurriedly pulled my hand back again, and when I pulled it back, I saw a thin layer of ice on the palm of my hand. , And my entire hand, below the wrist, lost consciousness, it is probably numb with cold.

Fortunately, I pulled my hand back, otherwise my whole hand might be frozen on it in a while!

I can’t take care of my own hands anymore. It’s been nearly an hour now, Qian Yi is still waiting for me to find the inner alchemy and go back to save him, so I have to find a way to get in quickly!

But... I glanced at the Shimen in front of me, how do I get in!

And just when I was unable to do anything, I suddenly saw the place where I was holding my hand just now, and a faint light was emitted, and there seemed to be something in the luminous ice layer. I got closer and took a closer look. There was light inside. It turned out to be the colorful fairy stone chain I left here!

Seeing the light flashing, it seemed to want to break through the ice layer, but I felt a little strange, why didn't it shine just now? But when I looked again, Mu Ran found that there was a trace of blood where I was holding it just now. My hand was pulling too hard just now, tearing the skin to the trace of blood left on it.

Is it because it senses my blood to have this kind of reaction

Seeing this situation, I thought to myself that maybe I could open the stone gate with a fairy stone chain! So with the mentality of trying it out, I stretched out my index finger, put it in my mouth and bit my heart, and then dripped blood on the place where the fairy stone chain was.

I saw where the blood dripped, and several cracks appeared in an instant, and then I heard the sound of the ice cracking. I hurried back some distance, listening to the cracking sound becoming denser and denser. With a sound, the entire Shimen was broken into pieces.

At this time, the colorful fairy stone chain also flew out of the pile of broken pieces, floating in front of me, emitting a multicolored light, I looked at it, and then stretched out my right hand, and the bracelet fell obediently on my hand. .

As soon as I got this bracelet, I felt a warm current, and the feeling of coldness disappeared in an instant, and my left hand, which had been numb, gradually regained consciousness. So I quickly put the bracelet on my wrist so that I don’t have to be afraid of the cold!

After putting the bracelet on, I stepped on the pile of broken stones and walked into the stone room. As soon as I went in, I saw that the whole stone room was white, and the walls were covered with a thick layer of ice, crystal clear. Clear, and in the center of the stone room is a huge block of ice. At this moment, there are bursts of air-conditioning! Come to think of it, this is the source of all air-conditioning!

It's just that after seeing the ice cube, my heart suddenly seemed to be dragged by something, and I couldn't help but approach the past. As a result, I got closer and saw that there was a snowy little fox inside that was frozen inside! And above the fox is a small white ball.

That should be Qian Yi's fox body and inner alchemy! Sure enough, they are all here, but how should I take it out? Do you want to bring the entire ice cube

I looked at this ice cube the size of my entire room, and suddenly felt that the method of taking the ice cube out was not feasible, because I simply couldn't do it!

So, I put my hope on the bracelet of my wrist again. I closed my eyes and tried to find the way to use this bracelet in my memory. Suddenly, my eyes opened, and then I raised a smile, The bracelet was placed in the palm of the palm, and I searched around. Finally, I picked a sharp ice cube from the ground, gritted my teeth and cut a deep hole in the palm of my palm, and immediately dripped blood, the fairy stone chain After touching my blood, it sucked my blood as if alive, and then emitted a dazzling light.

Just now, I desperately searched in my mind for the memories that belonged to my last life Linger. Although my memories have become more and more obscure over the past year, fortunately, this time it still reminds me that this bracelet was given to me by Hu Qianyi before. At that time, he told me that the immortal stone on this can not only protect me, but if something happens, it can cut through the palm and control the spiritual power on it with the blood of the palm.

But this will hurt your vitality. Qian Yi reminded me that when it is not a last resort, it is best not to use it.

And now, it is the moment of last resort!

Looking at the colorful light, even though I felt a little dizzy, I still held up and held the bracelet flat in front of me, and then said: "Use the blood as a guide to break its seal!"

Then, the bracelet flew to the top of the ice block, reflecting a colorful beam of light shrouded in it, watching the bracelet fly out, I fell to the ground feebly, because I lost the protection of the bracelet, the biting chill came over again. The whole body, but I can't control that much, as long as I can save Qian Yi... Then, with a face that had become pale due to excessive blood loss, I watched that the ice cube was melting rapidly little by little.

Finally, after another ten minutes or so, the ice had almost melted, and Hu Qianyi's fox body and inner alchemy were both revealed. The fox body fell on the ground at the moment, and the inner alchemy was hanging above him, exuding Faint white light.

Thinking of sensing that I was here, Hu Qianyi's inner alchemy immediately flew in front of me and slowly landed on my lips, and then the cold of the body was swept away in an instant.

This is Qianyi driving away the coldness in my body...

After driving away the cold for me, he fell into the palm of my hand. I was moved to hold Qianyi’s inner alchemy tightly in my hand, then stood up and walked to his fox with difficulty, and hugged the little fox. , And the bracelet returned to my hand at this time, I brought it back to my wrist, and then walked out of the Shuiyue Cave with my weak body.

At this time, Qianling and the others by the lake were trying their best to help Hu Qianyi gather the spirits. Han Ruo, who was trapped aside, looked at them coldly at this time, and then when they concentrated on helping Qianyi maintain the spirit body, She secretly melted the mysterious blood jade from the palm of her hand, and then broke through the confinement under the Qianling Cloth.

It's a critical juncture now, so even knowing that Hanruo broke through the imprisonment, Qian Ling and Yan Qing have no time to take care of her, and Hanruo knew this well, so she didn't run away immediately, but slowly faced the three people in front of her. Go...

Qian Ling and Yan Qing both felt her coming, but they didn't dare to be distracted, "What do you want this vicious thing to do?" Qian Ling stared at her and said fiercely.