My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 58: The missing partner


After putting the blood jade away, Hu Qianyi walked back and put his arms around my waist and said, "Close your eyes."

"Why close your eyes?" I asked in a puzzled way. When Qianling brought me here before, he didn't let me close my eyes! With a flick of her jade flute, why did Hu Qianyi let me close my eyes? Could it be that he used a different method from Qian Ling

But he raised his head and looked at me and said, "Then you can't close it?"

I curled my lips, "Okay." Although I didn't know what he was going to do, I still closed my eyes obediently.

Seeing that I closed my eyes, he smiled triumphantly, then bent his head and kissed the corner of my mouth lightly, "Hey, we're here."

Hearing this, I opened one eye and looked at it, and it was indeed back to Luoyun Mountain, "So fast!" I didn't feel anything after closing my eyes, it was just a blink of an eye!

"Of course, it doesn't matter who I am!" After narcissism, he looked forward in confusion and said, "How do you feel that there is no one in front of you?"

I followed his eyes and saw that not far in front was the place where we were camping before. After walking over, I realized that there was no one. I thought they were asleep, but when I walked into the tent, I saw nobody!

"Strange, where are they?" Looking at Hu Qianyi in confusion, he only spread his hands and said that he didn't know.

Then I saw the fire that was made before we left, and it has now been extinguished. This shows that everyone has been away for a long time. Could it be that they are looking for us? If you think about it, this is the only possibility.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps. Hu Qianyi and I turned around and saw a figure walked out of the woods. When the man approached, I looked through the moonlight and found that it was squad leader Qin Lang. !

He was also taken aback when he saw the two of us, and then he asked, "Han Yi? Mu Xue? You are finally back, I thought you were missing!"

I glanced at Hu Qianyi. The latter shrugged me and made an indifferent expression. He had always been in school as Han Yi before. Although he has now recovered his memory, no one else knew it. Can't tell the identity of Hu Qianyi, so it is better for him to use the name Hanyi in front of other people.

I looked at the monitor behind and no one else followed, so I asked: "Squad monitor, why are you alone? Where are Murong and Xinrou?"

As a result, when I asked, the monitor looked at us strangely and asked, "I still want to ask you, aren't you together? Why didn't Murong and the others come back with you?"

When asked by him, Hu Qianyi and I looked at each other and realized that something might not be right. Then I asked the monitor what was going on, but the monitor said that when I went to step on mushrooms with Xin Rou, he left thinking I went to pick up some dry wood and used it to cook with fire, but when he came back, he found that everyone was gone. After waiting for a while, he didn’t see everyone back, so he went to look for it nearby and still couldn’t find everyone. , So I had to go back to the camp to have a look, but when I came back, I saw the two of us here.

After listening to the squad leader, I thought of two possibilities. The first is that after Xin Rou returned to the camp, she told Murong about the fact that I was dragged away by the trolls, and then they went out to look for me, but on the mountain The road is too complicated, so I got lost and haven't come back yet!

The second is to go out to look for us, but what kind of dangers are encountered. After all, I have encountered human cannibals before. Who knows if there will be other mountain spirits and wild monsters

But I think the second one may be relatively small, because among the three of them, Murong will cast down demons, and ordinary fairies can't help her at all. Unless you encounter a monster like Hu Qianyi or Han Ruo that has been cultivated for more than a thousand years, Murong may not be able to deal with it.

But if there is such a monster in Luoyun Mountain, how can the school rest assured to let us camp here? But no matter what, it is a fact that everyone is missing now, we have to look for talents quickly, otherwise, if something really happens, we will suffer!

At the same time, there is another thing that I find very strange, that is, what happened when we saw the red sky here on the water ridge just now? I don’t know why, but I always feel that someone deliberately made a signal to draw us back, because we came over immediately when we saw the red signal, but now look again, where is there any red

Thinking about this, I turned my head and looked at Hu Qianyi, and saw that he seemed to be thinking about something. Seeing that he kept silent, I touched him lightly, "Hu..." I realized that Qin Lang was still here. , So he swallowed the three words of Hu Qianyi again, and changed his words: "Han Yi, what should we do now? Do you want to find Murong and the others?"

Hu Qianyi glanced at me, just about to say something, when he swept across the big light bulb of Qin Lang, he smiled and said: "What are you looking for? The three of them won't just disappear out of thin air. It is probably hiding somewhere to enjoy the night view. "After speaking, he stretched lazily, his eyes flickered and said to Qin Lang: "Squad leader, it's so late, are you not going to rest?"

Originally, the way Hu Qianyi looked at him, Qin Lang's eyes were a bit strange, because it didn't match the cold Han Yi before. When he heard Hu Qianyi asking him, he was stunned and reacted and said, "There are still three people. Come back, how can I rest assured to go to sleep?"

Qin Lang's words clearly implied that Hu Qianyi didn't care about his classmates, and even if his partners were missing, he could still think about sleeping!

Of course, Hu Qianyi could hear this meaning, but he was not angry, he still said with a full smile: "The monitor is really responsible, and he cares so much about his classmates." While speaking, Hu Qianyi's pupils suddenly appeared. A hint of purple.

"Classmates should have cared for each other! It has nothing to do with being responsible." When speaking, the monitor inadvertently met Hu Qianyi's lavender eyes, and then he was so stunned, looking at Hu Qianyi with a dull gaze. s eyes.

Hu Qianyi's mouth was lightly raised at this time, and he said lightly to the monitor: "Qin Lang, Murong and the others have already returned."

Qin Lang looked around, then nodded stupidly, and then responded to Hu Qianyi: "They're back."

Hu Qianyi's smile grew stronger at this time: "Yes, I'm back, and now you can go to bed, or your mother will beat you if she knows!"

Hearing what Hu Qianyi said, I saw Qin Lang's originally dull eyes showed a look of fear, and then I saw him immediately turning around and returning to his own tent.

After Qin Lang entered the tent, Hu Qianyi's eyes returned to their original black color.

"Hu Qianyi, what did you do to him?" I looked at Qin Lang who was so obedient, and couldn't help asking Hu Qianyi. Then he smiled calmly and said, "No, it's just a little use of ecstasy on him. After all, he is an ordinary person, if he sees what he shouldn’t see, it’s always bad."

"Oh, then he now..."

"As you saw just now, he went to sleep."

I glanced at the tent where the squad leader was, and said that Hu Qianyi’s ecstasy was too powerful, and I didn’t see what happened to him. It was just a few words, and Qin Lang went to bed obediently. If he applies this trick to other people, doesn't he ask them to do what they do? Thinking of this, I felt a chill in my heart, and then I was very thankful. Fortunately, Hu Qianyi is not that kind of person, otherwise it would be really terrible!

Hu Qianyi didn't know what I was thinking. After seeing my strange expression, he asked curiously: "What are you thinking?"

"Uh... it's okay, how do we find Murong and the others now?" Covering up this topic, and then trying to find Murong and them, in fact, I don't worry much about this problem, because I believe that Hu Qianyi must have a way. , Otherwise he would not distract Qin Lang.

Sure enough, just as I asked, Hu Qianyi opened his palm, and a paper crane with a light green light stood firmly on the palm of his hand. As his palm was raised, the paper crane flew with wings. After spinning around the camp a few times, he flew towards a remote path.

"As long as we follow it, we should be able to find the little girl and the others." After that, Hu Qianyi took me to the direction where Qianzhihe flew away. After a certain distance, Hu Qianyi remembered something and turned to face The camp waved his hand, and an invisible barrier appeared around the camp.

I watched his move, thinking that he was probably worried that Qin Lang was captured by the fairy while he was asleep, so he set up a heavy barrier to protect him. I thought he was very thoughtful, but he was at this moment. But he turned his head and said helplessly: "It would be bad if he was taken away by the beasts in this mountain after we were gone, so we don't have to worry about it now!"


As far as I know, there are no beasts in Luoyun Mountain. If there are, the school will not let us camp here! This fox is really...

Without further entanglement with this question, we walked in the direction where the paper crane flew, passed through a forest, and then came to a mountain wall, and the paper crane fluttered in front of the mountain wall a few times. After that, it fell to the ground.

Hu Qianyi walked over to pick up the paper cranes, and then looked around. I also looked around and found that it was relatively empty and there were weeds everywhere. The paper cranes did not move when they searched for it. , Could it be that this is where Murong and the others last appeared? Then why don't you see their figures

Thinking like this, Hu Qianyi seemed to have discovered something and shouted to me, "Mu Xue, come and see, there is a cave here!"

Hearing Hu Qianyi say that there is a cave on his side, I quickly walked over, and then saw him poke some weeds away with his hand, and a cave opening about two meters high appeared on the mountain wall, because Covered by the surrounding weeds, so I didn't notice it before.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, I could feel a gloomy mountain breeze blowing out of it, which made me shiver. At this time, I asked, "Will Murong and the others be in this cave?"