My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 77: Leave a mark


Hu Qianyi looked at my aggrieved look, and a hint of sly flashed in his eyes without a trace, and then cast a winking eye: "Mu Xue, it's not early, come to sleep~" said. He beckoned to me.

I looked at him and felt my whole body tremble for some reason. I felt the hair on my arm stand up. I quickly rubbed my arm with my hand, then looked at him and said, "You know it's not early, then you Let's go back."

"Wife, don't be so cruel! Look at me running all the way to give you warmth, and you actually have to rush me back to sleep on the cold bed." Hu Qianyi said aggrieved, his eyes still vaguely lonely, although I know it was all pretended by him, but I couldn't help feeling soft.

Although I can't bear it in my heart, I can't really leave him here to sleep! At this moment, I suddenly thought of a way, so I turned around and went to the closet, and took down the small basket on the top of the cabinet.

This basket was the first time I met Hu Qianyi. When he was injured and turned back to his original shape, I picked him up and gave him a sleeping basket. Now it is covered with a thick layer of cotton! After I took the basket down, put it on the desk, and then glanced back at Hu Qianyi, who happened to be looking at me at this time.

I placed the basket and turned to him and said, "Since you don't want to go, then you can sleep in your old nest."

Hearing what I said, Hu Qianyi raised his eyebrows and supported his chin with one hand and said to me with some dissatisfaction: "You still have this. I thought you had thrown it away a long time ago."

"This is where you sleep, how could I throw it away?" Seeing his eyes were slightly narrowed, I immediately gave a light cough, and then continued to say to him in a serious face: "Since you want to stay, I won't stop. Now, but this is my room, you have to listen to me! Sleep in your nest! Don't worry, I have spread a lot of cotton in it, it won't be cold!"

"Well, my wife told me, how dare I not follow it." As he said, he slowly climbed out of the bed, then walked to my side, watching the basket crooked with disgust, I hurriedly said: "What are you doing in a daze, go in and nest!"

Hu Qianyi hummed softly, and it was a promise. Originally, I was ready to go to bed after taking a bath, but when he made such a fuss, I had been standing for a while. Now it was a big winter, and I only wore it for a while. The thin pajamas were really cold, so I thought that after he slept in the basket, I could hide in the bed with peace of mind.

I watched Hu Qianyi turn around and sighed softly to the basket. I pursed my mouth to laugh, and then I put my hands around it tightly. I really felt a little cold and couldn't help but yawn again.

Hu Qianyi looked at me, narrowed his eyes, and turned around in place. I thought he was going to become a little fox and lie down in the pile of cotton, but he turned and swayed directly to my side and raised his hand. Hugged me horizontally.

His head was dizzy, and he was already in his arms when I came back to my senses, "Hu Qianyi..." I was about to question him, but he held my hand and interrupted directly: "The hand is so Cool, do you want to catch a cold too?"

"Who wants to catch a cold? If it weren't for you to come out suddenly, I would have fallen asleep in my warm bed!" I slanted him, then pushed him and said, "You let me down!"

"Don't let go!" Hu Qianyi looked at me provocatively, with a nice arc rising from the corner of his mouth. As soon as he finished speaking, before I could speak, he hugged me and walked over to the bed. I looked at the situation and quickly asked in a panic, "Hu Qianyi, what do you want to do?!"

At this moment, I was hugged to the bed. Hearing my question, he showed a bad smile and asked, "What do you want me to do?" Then he lowered his head and sniffed on the edge of my neck. a bit.

I was so uncomfortable by his action, my heart was pounding, and even my speech became uncomfortable, "Hu Qianyi, if you do this again, I will... I..." warm breath It sprayed on my neck. After hearing my incoherent speech, Hu Qianyi raised his head and looked at me with a serious expression: "What about you? Huh?"

He just looked at me like this, and didn't speak for a long time as if waiting for my answer, but I looked into his eyes and didn't even know what to say! His face was burning with flames, and he lowered his head to hesitate and said: "I... I..." I didn't say a word for a long time, and the flustered heart was still beating restlessly.

But at this moment, Hu Qianyi leaned to his ear again and said softly: "Wife, let's round the room." After finishing speaking, I breathed in my ear, and suddenly I felt my whole body tremble.

Thinking of his words, I suddenly raised my head, just to see him smiling but not smiling. There was a bit of charm in his eyes. I was so confused, I swallowed involuntarily, and then hurriedly avoided. He opened his eyes and put his hand against his chest and said, "No... No! Qian Yi, we are not married yet!" I want to be rational, and I can't be seduce by this fox like this!

"So what? You will not be mine sooner or later, let me eat it now, it is not the same as let me eat it after marriage." After speaking, Hu Qianyi smiled, before I could speak again, he bowed his head Kissed me.

"Hmm..." At first I was struggling to push him away, but I didn't have the strength of this fox, and I couldn't get away after struggling for a long time. In the end, I was intoxicated by his passionate kiss.

Finally, he let me loose on the bed, and then pressed me over. Originally, I was a little dizzy when I was kissed. Now I have recovered some sense of my mind. I immediately raised my hand and pushed his shoulder: "Qianyi... . No!"

Hu Qianyi's eyes were a little blurred at this time, and he didn't care about my resistance. He tilted his head and said to me: "No? Nothing?" As I said, he gently breathed at me.

I bit my lip and didn't know how to answer his question, so I turned my head aside and didn't look at him.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Hu Qianyi approached a little bit and teased: "At the beginning you dared to risk your life to accompany me from death to life, why, are you scared just like this now? It seems that you don't have much courage! "

Hearing this, I turned my head again, raised my chin slightly and looked at him: "Who said I was scared!"

"Oh? Why are you so nervous? You are obviously scared." Then he sighed again and said leisurely: "But it doesn't matter, you are a girl, not like a man. , It’s normal to be afraid! That’s good, as long as you say: Dear husband, I’m afraid, you let me go! I let you go, how?"

Hearing what he said, I bit my lower lip slightly angrily, so I looked down on me and offered this kind of condition. Is it true that Bai Muxue is such a spineless person? ! ! As the saying goes, the taxi can be killed, not insulted! Don't fight for steamed buns, but also fight for your breath!

Thinking of this, I didn't know where the courage came from, staring at him and said: "Who says women are inferior to men? What you men can do, we women can do the same!"

"Really? Then you do it for me to see, let me see how my dear wife proves that men can do things you can do." Hu Qianyi looked at me with a slight smile. Three points of curiosity.

Originally, I regretted that sentence, but seeing his look waiting to see my jokes, I got energized again, so my head twitched, my hands closed on his neck and proactively kissed his lips.

Hu Qianyi didn’t resist or respond to my move. After a meeting, I suddenly felt a little frustrated, and was about to let go of him, but he held on my head to prevent me from fleeing, "It provoked my fire. Just want to escape? How can there be such a cheap thing." After speaking, he pressed me under his body, with a passionate kiss that hit me.

As he kissed deeper and deeper, I fell into confusion again. When I was breathless from the kiss, Hu Qianyi left my lips and slowly kissed my side face, and then the neck kissed more and more, and suddenly stopped. I took a bite on my shoulder, and a burst of pain made me sane. I tried to push him away with my backhand, but he held it.

"Leave my mark, you will only belong to me in the future."

Hearing him say this, I curled my lips. How could there be such a thing? It hurts me! No, I have to pay it back! I pulled out my hand to wrap around his neck, pulled my head off, and took a bite on his shoulder.

The moment I bit down, I heard a whisper in my ear: "hiss~" Then I heard Hu Qianyi say: "Wife, you are going to murder your husband!"

Hearing him say this, I loosened my teeth and looked at him triumphantly: "If you want to leave a mark on me, then I have to leave my mark on you too. In order not to let the mark disappear so quickly, so I'll just focus on it."

Originally, Hu Qianyi was a bit complaining, but after hearing this, he looked at me with a smile. Finally he fell aside and lay beside me. I wanted to get up, but he pulled me and let me lie on his chest.

"Mu Xue, I really want to marry you now." He didn't call my wife again this time but called his name directly, with a little serious tone. I was lying on him and just could hear the sound of his heartbeat. , I felt an inexplicable sense of security in my heart.

I also thought carefully about what Hu Qianyi said, and then decided to say to him: "Qianyi, the 25th of this month is my brother’s birthday. Then we are going to have a birthday party. Why don’t we just follow me on that day? Brother confess what happened to us?" Sooner or later, I have to say it, and that day was also the best opportunity.

When Hu Qianyi heard this proposal, I immediately sat up, and I followed up and looked at him questioningly. After a while, he said: "If your brother refuses to agree and refuses to marry you, I can What should I do!"

Hearing this, I chuckled: "So you will have such a time when you are not confident!"

When I finished talking, Hu Qianyi glanced at me, and then said leisurely: "I'm not unconfident, but if your brother doesn't like my brother-in-law and you are not allowed to associate with you, it will be more troublesome. If If I take you away, it can definitely be done!" At the end, he looked at me again: "It's just that I know that if I really did that, you wouldn't be happy."