My Boyfriend is A Munchkin

Chapter 93: Hidden danger


Sure enough, when I asked, Murong stopped. After a pause, he looked at me with an embarrassed expression: "No, because I burned it with a talisman, so I thought it should be fine, so I didn’t take it. come back."

"I knew..." I was speechless. In fact, there is always a feeling in my heart telling me that the mirror can't stay in the back mountain, otherwise something bad will happen. I just left when I left. I should have explained to Murong that she asked her to bring the mirror back. I thought she could think of this too...

Murong looked at my expression and felt that she had neglected something, so he said to me a little apologetically, "I was careless, but the mirror was burned by the Yang Fu, so it shouldn’t work anymore, don’t worry , The big deal tomorrow I will go to Houshan and get the mirror back."

Hearing what she said, I just nodded faintly, and it can only be the case for now, and then I separated from Murong and went back to their own bedroom.

As soon as I returned to my floor, I saw Xin Rou not far away standing at the door of the bedroom, staring at her phone, looking at it. It seemed that she was waiting for me to come back, so I walked over quickly, see She didn't notice my approach, so I lightly patted her shoulder and asked, "Xin Rou, what are you looking at? You look so fascinated!"

She seemed to be taken aback when she was taken such a sudden shot. After seeing that it was me, she relaxed again: "Mu Xue, you are back!"

"I came back a long time ago, but you have been looking at the phone and didn't pay attention to me!" As I said, I deliberately glanced at the phone in Xinrou's hand, raised an eyebrow and asked: "Xinrou, are you here? Who is chatting with, so devoted, isn't it texting with my brother?"

Hearing what I said, Xin Rou blushed and immediately denied: "No, I'm watching the video I recorded before. By the way, how did you play Summoning Mirror Ghost in the back mountain? Did you really call it out? "

"Well... it's called out!"

Hearing my uncertain answer, Xin Rou looked at me with two big question marks on her head.

I smiled at her and walked into the bedroom. Xinrou followed behind and walked in. After I poured a glass of water and drank it, I truthfully told her what happened in Houshan, but because I was afraid she was worried, I just told her that Murong had already expelled Jinggui. Although she knew that there was some danger in tonight's affairs, she didn't worry too much when she heard me say that the danger has been lifted.

"Fortunately, nothing happened... By the way, a red moon really appeared tonight! Mu Xue, you should have seen it too?" Then she told me about the lunar eclipse tonight and told me She said that she took the phone to record the process. Just staring at the phone at the door was watching the saved video. She had always been curious about this before, so I didn't feel much about it.

Later, she said she wanted to show me the video. When I thought of the uncomfortable red moon, I immediately refused and said, "Forget it, I have seen it on the mountain just now, I still don't watch the video."

"That's right, then don't watch it! I don't know if Brother Mu Jin has seen the moon tonight." Xinrou said imaginatively while holding her mobile phone. I couldn't help but think of her look like she was in love. Hu Qianyi, I don't know what he is doing now, when can he come back

Thinking of Hu Qianyi, I would always raise my mouth and smirk unconsciously, then I took a deep breath, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be only two of us in the dormitory, and did not see An Qi there, so I looked at Xinrou and asked: "By the way, Xinrou, didn't An Qi come back?"

When Xin Rou heard me asking this, she recovered from her thoughts, and then she shook her head without knowing, "I don't know, I haven't seen her since the afternoon."

"You mean she hasn't come back yet?" I frowned and asked, Xin Rou looked at me and nodded faintly.

I don’t know why, when I heard that An Qi didn’t come back, I was a little worried. We met her in Houshan before, and then everyone left her halfway and left her alone. In the end, An Qi didn’t follow her. Now She didn't even return to her bedroom, and she didn't know if something happened to her!

However, when I was worried that something would happen to An Qi, the door of the dormitory was knocked gently. The people knocking on the door outside should act very lightly, so the knock on the door sounds very small. , But because neither I nor Xinrou spoke at the moment, and the bedroom is relatively quiet, it was only when we heard this sound that both of us were particularly clear.

"Who is it going to be so late?" Xin Rou said, then got up and walked to the door to open the door, and I followed her, wanting to see who came to our bedroom so late.

Originally I thought it would be Murong, because she would often come to talk to us, but after Xin Rou opened the door, we both felt a chill coming on, making Xin Rou and I couldn’t help but shiver. Then I saw that the person at the door was not Murong, but An Qi!

"An Qi?!" Xin Rou and I spoke at the same time. At this time, An Qi was standing outside the door alone, her face was not very good, her lips were a little pale, and she looked exhausted, Xin Rou saw She did this and quickly pulled her in.

And I went to the other side to help her too, but when my hand touched her sleeve, I was chilled a bit. Only then did I realize that An Qi seemed to be wrapped in a cold air. It's cool.

Xin Rou obviously felt this too, but she didn't show it much on her face. She just helped her to the bed and asked softly: "An Qi, why did you make it like this?"

An Qi looked at her and did not answer. Xin Rou saw her like this and did not ask any more. She walked to the water dispenser and poured a cup of hot water to bring it, and then handed it to An Qi: "Hurry up and drink some hot water. Warm up!"

An Qi looked at the steaming boiled water in front of her in a daze. She reached out her hand and took it before she replied: "I'm fine, I just went out for a walk, and when I came back, I found out that I had forgotten the key." Her voice seemed a little bit. Husky, after speaking, she carefully sipped the hot water that Xinrou poured her.

It may be that her body has become warmer, and An Qi's face has gradually recovered, but she still looks lacking a trace of vitality, but she looks much better now than when she first came back! When I saw her at the door just now, if I didn't feel that she still had a breath, I would almost think it was a corpse! But seeing that she was breathing, she let go of her heart.

After drinking water and resting for a while, An Qi said that she was a little tired and wanted to sleep. After seeing her come back, she didn't want to talk much. Xin Rou and I didn't ask much, and helped her cover it after she lay down. The quilt returned to his bed.

I don’t know why, I always feel that something is wrong with An Qi tonight. She was so anxious to stop us in Hou Shan before, but now she comes back and doesn’t mention anything about it. This is really true to her previous performance. Not on it!

Thinking of this, I looked at An Qi who was lying on the bed facing the inner wall at this time. I really couldn't figure it out. I remembered that she was a little embarrassed when she came back just now. It seems that something happened to me, but I don’t know what happened to her. What happened to her made her look like this.

I lay on the bed and thought about it, but didn't think of a reason. In the end, I just closed my eyes and covered my head with a quilt. I didn't want to! After closing my eyes, I fell asleep after a while, and I fell asleep until the next morning!

Early the next morning, Murong went to the back mountain quietly again, with the intention of looking for the mirror, but when she came back she told me that the mirror was missing! She searched the mountain and never saw the shadow of the mirror. The ancient mirror seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

Hearing what Murong said, my heart became more uneasy. Normally, no one would go to the back mountain, so it is impossible for someone to pick up the mirror. Since it was not taken by someone else, could it be? Did the mirror run away by itself

When I was in class, I remembered what happened last night. I always felt that the mirror was gone. There would never be any good things, and I became even more worried! But this matter cannot be told to those who have participated in this game, otherwise everyone will definitely be afraid!

Thinking of this, I turned my head and glanced at Wang Ling and other people who were working on the question, and finally sighed silently in my heart. I really hope that I think too much, so that nothing really happens.

Originally I thought the mirror disappeared, so people who have participated in this game may encounter something, or something strange will happen, but for several days, it has been calm and quiet, and no one has appeared. What's the problem, and I gradually think that the previous guess is that I am too mindful, maybe the mirror really happened to be picked up by someone!

Maybe... This thing really ended like this! I thought so in my heart.

But when everyone gradually forgot about this incident, they didn't know that the danger had already approached the people around them step by step...

There is no class this afternoon. Xin Rou and I are staying in the study room to read, because the selected position is just next to the window, and you can see the students playing in the open space downstairs. Several of them are playing badminton on the court. Everyone They also seem to be very active.

At this moment, Yiran was passing by the court, and she was stopped by the side, watching the two classmates play badminton. After watching for a while, Yiran walked over to stop it, because it was too far apart, so I couldn’t hear her. They said something, just looking at Iran, as if they were dissatisfied with the other two's style of play, so they wanted to try it by themselves.

After talking for a while, one of them handed the racket to Yiran, and then walked aside. Yiran held the racket in his hand and looked eager to try. After the person on the other side served the ball, Yiran saw the badminton fly. The direction I came was shot back with a racket.

After going back and forth like this, Yiran became more and more fascinated to play. I watched her playing so happily from the window. The badminton flew between the two flexibly. Finally, the person who played badminton with Yiran used the racket fiercely. In the first shot, the badminton flew straight towards Yi Ran.