My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 102: The champion brother18


"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is primitive..."

In a small room, a group of children with sallow faces and skinny muscles were sitting. There are boys and girls, the oldest is thirteen years old and the youngest is seven.

Each of them had a sand table in front of them, holding a branch in their hands, and practicing writing on the sand.

Yan Shu was dressed in men's clothing, with her hair tied up, and stood in front of the classroom with her hands behind her hands, teaching these children to read and write seriously.

Just like her brother once taught her.

As long as she can remember, she has been a loser who is not liked by her grandparents at home. Although she has not been punished like several other cousins, she moved her family to the county seat, and she has not really been harmed much. But just because she was a granddaughter, the malicious looks of disgust and harsh words left an indelible impression on her.

Later, my brother went to school. After he came back, he began to teach her how to read and read. She knew the meanings of those wonderful words, as well as the stories and characters in the books.

It turns out that the world is so vast, and there are so many wonderful things outside, all kinds of people, and weird things, which aroused her yearning for the outside and freedom.

She longed to be like her brother when she grew up, carrying a bookcase to school every day to learn more knowledge.

However, when she really grew up, she discovered that women could not go to school at all, let alone take the imperial examination!

All they can do is stay in the back house, take care of their husband and raise their children, and they can only be trapped in that small world for the rest of their lives.

Disappointed? Resentment? There seems to be.

But this world is like this, and all women are like this. They are born to be the vassals of men.

If she is different from them, she is deviant and will be criticized and criticized by everyone. And it was not only herself who was criticized, but also her parents and brother.

Especially her brother, his academic performance is so outstanding, if it is affected because of her, then she will definitely feel guilty and blame herself.

So she suppressed her nature, carefully stayed the same as everyone else, and stopped thinking about those unrealistic dreams.

However, after leaving the capital and coming to Qing County, the people here are simple and simple, and the rules for women are not as strict as those in the capital. So the seed in her heart sprouted again.

And what she never expected was that her brother actually supported her! He also said it was very meaningful.

She knew that her brother was different from those arrogant men outside!

She was inspired to do it more seriously. Then he opened this school and brought all the children together to study.

Although the conditions were difficult, even paper, ink, pens and inkstones were not provided to them. But they studied very seriously, and everyone cherished this hard-won opportunity.

Even if you can't take the scientific examination, if you can read and write, you will have more opportunities in the future.

For Yan Shu, this is also a hard-won opportunity, so she will do her best to do it well.

"Why are you here?"

Yan Shu came out of the school building and asked in surprise when she saw the people outside.

Liang Maoxing couldn't help but laugh when he saw her surprised look, "I'll come find you!"

His straightforward words made Yan Shu's ears turn red. She looked away and said a little unnaturally, "I mean, why did you come to Qing County? Aren't you not allowed to leave Beijing at will?"

"That was before, but now I can't go back to Beijing at will."

Yan Shu was stunned and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"It's not a big deal. I've settled in advance. Qing County and the two neighboring counties are my fief. I specifically asked my father to let me retire in advance." Once he's settled, he will have to be recalled.

Of course, this went so smoothly thanks to his good brothers who served as assists.

Some of them should have gone to Tibet, but they tried their best to stay in the capital. What for? Aren't they just trying to get the best of them first, and perform well in front of their father so that he can see them more

Therefore, when the crown prince is undecided, leaving the capital to go to Tibet is a very stupid act, which is equivalent to being deprived of the possibility of inheriting the throne.

That's why Liang Maoxing repeated his old tricks and instigated his brothers to "drive him out" of the capital, so it went so smoothly.

Yan Shu could guess what impact his behavior would have on him, and she felt worried and complained at the same time, "Why are you so impulsive?"

Liang Mao

This idea coincided with Yan Qing's. He praised, "It will do more good than harm to you in advance. You did a good job."

Being praised by him, Liang Maoxing actually felt flattered, and his smile became even stupider for a while.

"Now that you're here, if nothing goes wrong in the palace, just stay here. It just so happens that I'm going to lead the people of Qing County to start a sideline business to increase their income, so you should come and take a look."

Yan Qing wanted to let him see more things, so he asked to keep him.

Liang Maoxing didn't agree, so he immediately expressed his intention to stay.

Since pumpkins caused a stir among the people, Yan Qing, as the first person to discover and promote pumpkins, immediately became famous among the people.

The people of Qing County actively cooperated with whatever policies he wanted to implement.

Therefore, many mountain forests have been transformed and fruit trees have been planted.

Of course, it will take some time to wait for the fruit to set, but the preliminary preparations can be done.

Yan Qing taught the people how to brew fruit wine, how to make and store preserved fruits, and how to make cans.

What Yan Qing wants to teach them today is how to make cans.

In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient. It would take a month to travel from Qing County to the capital at the normal speed of a horse-drawn carriage. Coupled with the bumps and bumps on the road, it is difficult to transport fresh fruits from the south to the north.

If it can be made into cans and the storage time can be increased, it will not only bring huge income to the people of Qing County, but also allow northerners to eat fruits from the south, and at the same time promote economic and cultural exchanges between the two places.

The benefits are many.

But canning is not an easy task.

In the production of cans, the most important thing is sealing technology. The level of craftsmanship in ancient times was backward, and glass bottles could be replaced by clay pots, but this sealing technology was a bit troublesome.

But it's not irreplaceable.

The first thing is to refer to the ancient sealing of wine jars, first seal it with cloth, and then paste it with mud.

This cost is the lowest.

However, during the actual operation, Yan Qing found that this method did not work because the canned food must be steamed at high temperature to sterilize and remove oxygen to increase the storage time. So sealing it with mud is completely out of the question.

Then Yan Qing thought of the cork of red wine, so he used a wooden stopper instead. Make the diameter of the can slightly smaller, make the cork slightly larger than the diameter of the can, and then put it in cold water. When the cork shrinks when it is cold, it can fit into the diameter of the can.

Then when the cork is steamed, it expands when exposed to heat, completely sealing the mouth of the can.

This is the tightest sealing method Yan Qing has ever experimented with.

It just takes too much wood.

After all, the red wine cork has to be made as big as the mouth of a can.

However, the structural texture of the wood product is not completely sealed like the iron cover, and a small amount of air will still enter.

"You can add a layer of beeswax." Liang Maoxing looked at it for a long time and understood that Yan Qing wanted to seal the thing completely, otherwise the canned fruit pulp would be damaged if air was introduced. So I made this suggestion.

Yan Qing thought, "This is a solution."