My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 115: Superstar brother10


Lin Shu laughed angrily, "So, you stole my three boyfriends in a row, I should still be thanking you?"

"No need to thank me, just don't be so hostile to me." If he wasn't worried that the task of conquering Yan Qing would cause problems, Su Baicha would not pay attention to her at all.

Given Lin Shu's hostility towards her, if she tried to attack Lin Shu's brother, Lin Shu would definitely hinder him. Normally, Su Baicha wouldn't care. She believed in her own charm, and these obstruction methods might help her complete the task faster.

But this time she didn't dare to make a big deal, because this was her last chance to make a comeback, and she couldn't afford to miss it. So she had to stabilize Lin Shu first and stop her from causing trouble.

Lin Shu was disgusted by her. How could there be such a disgusting person? He actually had the nerve to say that he was helping her by stealing her boyfriend and telling her not to be hostile? !

Ah! Where is the face

He even plausibly said that those cheating men should be blamed!

Although those three scumbags were disgusting, if only one of them was snatched away by Su Baicha, Lin Shu would not hate her so much. But if Su Baicha snatched three of them in a row, who would believe that he didn't mean to target her!

She sneered, "Don't try to flatter yourself. A man who cheats is a scumbag, but it's not a good thing to seduce and have sex with a woman who wants to be a mistress even though she knows he has a partner. Especially someone like you. He robbed one after another. Is he treating mistress as a profession

But you are right about one thing. It is a good thing for me to know their true face in advance and stop losses in time. So I sincerely wish that you will always share the same bed with different dreams, have a green cloud over your head, cheat on you in both directions, and be a scumbag and a bitch locked up forever. "

After Lin Shu said this happily, she felt refreshed.

Especially when I saw Su Baicha's face turned very ugly, his chest heaving violently, and he looked very angry, it was even more satisfying.

"Host, Yan Qing came out of the lounge."

Su Baicha was about to retaliate when he suddenly heard a system prompt. Therefore, he didn't care about arguing with Lin Shu and hurriedly walked out of the bathroom, planning to create an "accidental encounter".

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, Lin Shu was stunned for a moment: Could it be that she couldn't bear the scolding anymore

"System, is there anything wrong with my makeup and clothes?"

"No problem, everything is perfect."

"That's good."

Su Baicha walked out of the bathroom passage with her head lowered as she expected, and then calculated the distance to Yan Qing through the system. When Yan Qing walked to the door of the bathroom, she also walked there.

Then he pretended not to notice and ran straight into Yan Qing's arms.

She grasped the angle, distance, and timing just right, and this collision would definitely hit her full body.

However, Yan Qing reacted very quickly. The moment she was about to hit her, she made a 360-degree turn, coupled with an extremely beautiful backflip, and retreated three meters away.

Su Baicha didn't even touch the corner of his clothes! She wanted to pull back, but it was too late. The inertia of her body's dive caused her to hit the ground straight, making a solid and intimate contact with the floor.


Su Baicha screamed in embarrassment.

Lin Shu came out of the bathroom and happened to see this scene. Then he saw his brother three meters away and couldn't help but look at him and ask:

what happened

Yan Qing spread his hands with an innocent face:

I do not know either.

That's what you fell down on, and you deserve it!

Yes, she deserves it.

Yan Qing walked to Lin Shu's side calmly. When passing by Su Baicha, he didn't look sideways and didn't even glance at her from the corner of his eye.

"Let's go, it's almost time, we should go down."

"Okay, bro."

The brother and sister left side by side as if nothing happened, as if they didn't see someone falling on the ground.

Su Baicha was dumbfounded when Yan Qing avoided her, but she quickly found a reason for herself. Maybe he didn't see clearly who it was and avoided it because of a conditioned reflex. He has a foundation in martial arts, and it is normal for him to react quickly.

So she quickly changed her strategy. Instead of getting up immediately, she looked like she had been injured and couldn't stand up.

She thought, a normal man, no matter how unfamiliar he is, if a charming beauty falls in front of him, out of gentlemanly manner, he will help her up anyway, right


What she didn't expect was that she would run into an abnormal one!

He actually left directly!

gone! !

Su Baicha almost died of anger, this Yan Qing must be a simpleton who doesn't understand the style!

"Bai Cha, are you okay?"

When Su Baicha was about to get up on her own, a male voice came from above her head.

She looked up and met Xiang Yang's eyes.

Su Baicha looked away unnaturally, "Why are you here?"

Although they broke up amicably, she still felt a little guilty when dealing with these men.

"I'm also here for the cocktail party. When I saw you coming, I came over to say hello." Xiang Yang said.

Although he had nothing to do with Yan Qing, this cocktail party was not organized by Yan Qing. There were many important directors and producers present. This was a good opportunity to broaden his network, so Xiang Yang also found someone to take the invitation and attend.

After Su Baicha came in, he saw her immediately and was also amazed by her radiant appearance today. When he saw her coming to the bathroom, he immediately followed her.

Because of this, he saw everything that happened just now.

Xiang Yang helped her up and asked, "Are you injured anywhere?"

After confirming that Su Baicha was not injured, Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily, "It's true that those two people didn't know how to help you up when they saw you fall! Forget it, Lin Shu, she has feelings for you." He was hostile, but Yan Qing walked over without any manners at all! He acted like a dog in the camera, but he was so miserable in private! "

Su Baicha believed it, but she didn't say it out loud. After all, she still wanted to attack Yan Qing, and no one knew whether the wall had ears, so she couldn't talk nonsense.

"Forget it, I accidentally dropped it myself, it has nothing to do with them."

"Even if they fell, don't they even have the spirit to help others? Just watching you, a girl, fall to the ground so pitifully, what's the difference between this and not saving anything? It's so cold-blooded! He should be allowed to Let the fans see his true face and let them know the qualities of their favorite idol!”

As Xiang Yang said this, he suddenly had this idea in his heart.

Regarding the current turmoil between Yan Qing's brother and sister, Xiang Yang has some grudges in his heart. Obviously, his reputation was not far behind that of Yan Qing before, and Lin Shu was even less famous than him. But now that their siblings have become popular, his own reputation has declined, and the newly signed company does not pay much attention to him.

And because of the evidence that Lin Shu exposed before, it also caused some of his fans to lose their followers.

He himself is getting worse and worse, but his opponent is enjoying great success. How can he be willing to do so

If this black spot is really exposed, even if it cannot shake the status of Yan Qing and Lin Shu, it will still have some impact on them, right

After "Jiang Hu" was released, not surprisingly, it received a good harvest at the box office and word of mouth. The peak era of martial arts films has passed and has long since declined. Director Zhang Ting made this film because of the martial arts dream hidden in his heart. Originally I didn't have much hope for the box office, I just wanted to make a movie that I like.

This is a film that he has been working on for three years, and the plot and content are constantly improving. But no matter how good the content is, someone must express it. Yan Qing's acting skills are explosive, and he brings the character of Lin Baihe to life.

With good content and good actors, this film has been successful. As for the box office? There are many movies that are well-received but not popular. Zhang Ting didn't have much hope at all.

But he didn't expect Yan Qing to give him such a big surprise.

Yan Qing is one of the most popular people on Weibo, with more than 100 million followers on Weibo.

Fans have been impatient since the previous trailer came out. By the time the movie was released, it was when Yan Qing became popular because of "Travel", so you can imagine how strong the fans' support was.

Especially, in this film, Yan Qing's acting skills are really not good. Originally, fans only expected his acting skills to be average, but Yan Qing showed them excellent acting skills.

The fans were extremely excited and wished they could share their treasured idols with the whole world.

Therefore, it is very rare that this film has achieved both good reputation and box office. On the fifth day of its release, the box office exceeded 1 billion.

This is already a miracle for the declining martial arts movies.

Fans were delighted, and Yan Qing and the crew were also pleasantly surprised.

It was at this time that a video suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The video was taken by a surveillance camera and looks a bit blurry. But you can still recognize who the person in the video is.

It opens with a girl lying on the ground, her hair covering her face, and it's temporarily impossible to tell who it is. Lin Shu stood aside, seemingly gloating about his misfortune.

Yan Qing came from the other side, passed by the fallen girl without looking away, and then left with Lin Shu.

The video was only a few seconds long and didn't attract much attention at first.

But soon, some unscrupulous media gave it all kinds of gimmicky titles.

What #Yanqing broke up with his girlfriend, the woman humbled herself and asked for reconciliation#, #Yanqing had a dispute with his girlfriend and pushed the woman to the ground#…

There is a picture at the beginning, and the content is all made up.

Even Xiangyang himself did not expect that the development of things would be so confusing. In vain, he even bought a navy army, and denounced Yan Qing for being ungraceful, refusing to save anyone, and being cold-blooded... In the end, no water splashed at all.

However, this kind of development is more to his liking. Even if the topic of "no grace" works, it will not have a big impact on Yan Qing. Of course, it is not as explosive as the topic of "doing things with women". Once beaten to death, it would have a great impact on Yan Qing.

So he added fuel to the fire and steered public opinion in the direction of "doing something with his girlfriend."

For a time, Yan Qing's harsh words towards his girlfriend became even more violent.

Lin Shu was so angry that she said, "Brother, is this Su Baicha who touched the porcelain on purpose? I'm just telling you how she managed to fall in front of us that day! No, I'm going to clarify it for you."

Yan Qing, however, was extremely calm and advised her, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, as long as the complete surveillance is released, it will be fine."

"But didn't the hotel say that if the monitoring lasted for more than seven days, it would have been covered?"

"Since this video has been circulated on the Internet, it proves that someone copied it before it was covered. So as long as we find this copy, don't worry, my brother will take action, there is nothing that can't be solved."

Seeing that he was confident, Lin Shu felt relieved.