My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 123: System Brother 2


Yan Shu was startled, "Who is talking?"

A palace maid came in quickly outside the door, "My Lady, what are your orders?"

Yan Shu asked her in surprise, "What was the sound just now? It was so weird!"

The palace maid was confused and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't hear any strange noises just now. I have been guarding the door and no one has come."

Yan Shu was about to say it was impossible, but she had clearly heard it all, and then she heard that strange voice again:

"Don't be surprised. Only you can hear my voice. If you don't want to be thought of as crazy, don't scream." The system said quickly before Yan Shu shouted.

"Also, you don't need to say it out loud when you talk to me, just think about it in your head."

Yan Shu was horrified, and a thought flashed through her mind subconsciously, "What is this? Is it a human or a ghost?"

"I am neither a human nor a ghost, and you may not understand what a system is. I am high-tech from the future. You can think of it as a mechanical housekeeper."

I can actually hear her thoughts! For a moment, Yan Shu became even more frightened. She had an instinctive fear of such things of unknown origin.

"W-what do you want to do?"

"I'm here to help you and be your exclusive butler. You can choose different system modes. If you choose the palace battle mode, I can help you dominate the harem; if you choose the empress mode, I can help you ascend to the throne. ; If you want to wander around the world, I can also help you become a hero... I have many functions. As long as you complete the tasks I publish, you can get various magical rewards, such as eating one to whiten your skin. Beautiful beauty pills, map navigation to check the emperor’s whereabouts anytime, anywhere, as well as military strategies, martial arts secrets, magical elixirs, etc. I have everything you want, how about binding me?”

Ascension to the throne as emperor, wandering around the world, magical elixirs... This system is too shocking!

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, but perhaps the tone of the system's speech was quite friendly and in a consultative tone, which made Yan Shu relax a little and calm down quickly.

Although the conditions it mentioned were very tempting, Yan Shu was unmoved and declined politely, "I'm sorry, I don't need these things, and I'm just a weak woman who doesn't know anything. I'm afraid I can't do it for you. Said task."

Before she could figure out the origin of this system, Yan Shu didn't dare to reject it too harshly, because she didn't know what the consequences would be if she angered it.

As for the benefits it says

She never believed that there would be good things like pie falling out of the sky for no reason, especially such strange and unbelievable things with unknown origins. Her words were also very seductive, as if she was afraid that she wouldn't be fooled. She is not that stupid to agree to be bound to it.

This is simply a bewitching monster in a fantasy novel!

The system looked at Yan Qing aggrievedly, "Boss, what should I do if she doesn't agree?"

Yan Qing was lying on the imperial concubine chair, with her left leg half-bent and her right leg crossed. She was holding a handful of melon seeds and cracking them, looking relaxed and relaxed.

Hearing this, he said without raising his eyelids, "Then you can think of a solution yourself. Aren't you more experienced in making systems?"

"Then... I am forced to bind?" the system asked weakly.

"You want to die for bullying my sister?"

Yan Qing glanced at it, which immediately made the system shudder.

"Forget it, you predict two things with her, and when they come true, she will naturally believe you."

"What two things?"

"The first thing is, tell her that Lian Furong is Lian Furong."

After receiving the instruction, the system immediately complied with it.

Yan Shu was shocked, "Lian Furong is Lian Furong? How is this possible?"

But in her mind, she immediately recalled all the suspicious signs from the past.

For example, Lian Furong and Lian Furong have extremely similar looks.

Before she came out of the cabinet, she had met several cousins from her uncle's family. There was only one legitimate daughter, Lian Fuli, who was the same age as her and only a few months older than her. She rarely saw other concubines, but the few times she saw them occasionally reminded her that the one named Lian Furong was a concubine in the third line of work. She was frail and sickly, as thin and small as a bamboo pole.

Although her appearance is similar to Lian Fuli's, it is definitely not as stunning as Lian Fuli's.

I didn't see her for several years. I heard that she was seriously ill and couldn't go out.

Later, Yan Shu got married, and Fu Rui also entered the palace.

After Lian Fu entered the palace, she was never favored and her status was low, so Yan Shu had no chance to see her. The impression of her appearance has always been when she was twelve or thirteen years old.

So when Lian Furong entered the palace, although she was shocked by the overly similar looks between Lian Furong and Lian Furong, she really didn't connect the two. Plus Lian Furong said:

"It was seven years ago that my sister and I last met. At that time, my sister had been sick, her body was so thin, and she was so sick that she no longer looked like a human being. Now it should be said that she has undergone a transformation, but she looks more and more like her as she grows older. Big sister Fu Rui.”

Although Yan Shu was a little suspicious, she didn't have too much doubt, because if Lian Furong was Lian Furong, then the things involved would be too terrible.

As a result, this person called the system swore to tell her that the current Lian Furong was Lian Furong, and the real Lian Furong was the one who died of illness in the late emperor's palace. Someone used a trick to switch the two of them.

How could this not shock her

"If you don't believe it, wouldn't you know it by testing it yourself? There should be some kind of birthmark on Lian Fu's body."

Yes, Lian Fu has a lotus-shaped birthmark on her left shoulder, so she was named Fu. Yan Shu also heard about this from her mother, and not many people knew about it.

So just look at whether Lian Jieyu has this birthmark on her shoulder, and you can know whether she is Lian Furong or Lian Furong. She can also know whether this weird thing called the system is lying to her.

So, the next day, when the concubines came to pay their respects, the palace maid accidentally spilled the tea all over Lian Jieyu.

Yan Shu immediately reprimanded the palace maid, then comforted Lian Jieyu and said:

"Is Lian Jieyu okay? These palace maids have just been transferred here and are not ready for sex yet. They are rough-handed and rough-footed. I will definitely teach her a lesson later! Fortunately, the tea has been cooled in advance, otherwise Lian Jieyu was burned.

However, the weather has turned cold now. Wearing wet clothes may not be good for your health, and the journey back to Qinglian Palace is not close. I have a fine Yun Jinxiu skirt there. It was newly sent from Yuyifang. I gave it to Lian Jieyu before I even put it on. This is my apology. Lian Jieyu should go and put it on first. "

Lian Jieyu subconsciously felt that there was some conspiracy, but when she saw the two palace maids following her, they were both sent by His Majesty. One was proficient in medical skills and the other was proficient in toxicology. They would also report everything around them to her in detail. His Majesty. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the queen will take the opportunity to frame her.

"I would like to thank you, Queen Mother."

After being led to the room in the side hall by the maid of Fengyi Palace, someone quickly delivered a set of exquisite clothes.

Lian Fuli's maid took the clothes and said to the maid in Fengyi Palace, "You go out first. The master doesn't like outsiders when he changes clothes."

The maid of Fengyi Palace was very sensible and immediately bowed and left.

Biyu and Bichun immediately checked their clothes, as well as the incense and various utensils in the room, then shook their heads and said, "Master, everything is fine."

Lian Fuli laughed and said, "The queen is not that stupid to do such obvious tricks in her palace. But what happened today is really weird. I don't believe that the palace maid really just had shaking hands. Let's change clothes first. As long as she has a purpose, it will be revealed sooner or later."

The master and servant changed their clothes and went out. They chatted with the concubines in the main hall for a while, and then left Fengyi Palace with everyone. It was calm all the time, nothing happened.

"Are we overthinking it? The Queen really has no purpose?" Biyu asked doubtfully after returning to the palace.

Lian Fuli chuckled, "I probably already know her purpose."

"Master, what is her purpose?"

Lian Fuli shook her head and said nothing.

If her guess was correct, the queen must have been suspicious of her identity, and she did this today just to verify her identity. Although only close family members knew about the lotus mark on her shoulder, it was possible that the queen knew about it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't find an opportunity to let her take off her clothes.

However, even if the Queen found out that she was not Lian Furong, but Lian Furong, she was not in a hurry, but had been looking forward to this day.

She wanted to know how Yan Shu would react if she knew that he was just her substitute

Once, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but she entered the palace to accompany the old emperor who had stepped into the coffin, and her status was low. However, Yan Shu, who was not as good looking as her, married a young and handsome prince as his concubine.

At that time, the sisters in the family sarcastically said that she had the reputation of being the most beautiful woman in the world, but the result was not as good as Yan Shu's marriage.

But who would have thought that the person the fourth prince really wanted to marry was her! He was even willing to risk the disapproval of the world to replace her from the late emperor's palace!

As for Yan Shu, she was chosen by the fourth prince just because she looked like her.

He's just a stand-in for her.

How jealous she had been, how happy she felt the moment she knew the truth.

So every time she saw Yan Shu displaying the queen's genealogy aloof, she felt it was ridiculous. At the same time, I also want to tell her that everything she has is just because she is his substitute.

Now, is it finally time for the truth to be revealed

Moreover, Lian Fuli realized that His Majesty was already planning to attack the Yan family. Therefore, not only was she not afraid of exposing her identity, but she hoped that Yan Shu could use this identity to make some fuss. This would annoy His Majesty and might even destroy her as the queen.

Fengyi Palace.

"Did you read that correctly?"

"My servant can clearly see that Lian Jieyu has a lotus-shaped birthmark on her left shoulder."

The palace maid replied with great confidence. At that time, she was hiding in the dark room of the room where Lian Jieyu changed clothes and could see the situation in the room clearly.

Yan Shu had no choice but to believe this shocking secret at this time.

Lian Jieyu turned out to be Lian Fuli!

Even my family doesn’t have the guts or ability to do such a deceitful thing! Once found out, it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor!

The only one who can do such a thing is His Majesty.

Yan Shu was momentarily shocked by such shocking news.

After being stunned for a long time, she slowly came back to her senses.

In fact, she had already noticed that His Majesty had a person hidden in his heart, because once when he was drunk, he said to her, "Don't laugh, you won't look like her when you smile."

Although it was only once, Yan Shu remembered it clearly.

But she thought it was a dead person. Otherwise, as the fourth prince, who else could he not get

Since then, her feelings for him have slowly faded.

Who can not have expectations for their future husband? She was no exception, especially since her future husband was so handsome. So she was full of longing when she got married.

But this girlish feeling was slowly worn away by his indifference and ruthlessness. Then after knowing that he had given her sterilization drugs, she had no feelings for him at all.

He was afraid of the Yan family and did not want her to give birth to a child with Yan family blood, so he deprived her of her right to be a mother.

She couldn't help but feel resentful.

But for the sake of her father and brother, she could only play the role of queen well.

So she actually didn't care at all who he favored and liked. But no matter what, I never expected that this person was actually the late emperor's concubine. Even though the late emperor had never favored her, she was still rebellious.

"Do you believe me now? Are you willing to bind me?" the system asked again.

Yan Shu came to her senses and still declined. She still couldn't believe something of such unknown origin.

"Well, let me tell you one more thing - your family is ruined."