My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 132: System brother 11


Yan Shu knew that the matter of divine punishment would make Shang Liyuan very anxious, but she did not expect that it would force him to do this.

She has a system in her hands, so she knows everything that happens in the harem.

Letting the secret guard dote on the palace maid on his behalf is something that you wouldn't even dare to write in a storybook!

When Yan Shu heard the system tell her this, she was stunned.

"Is he mentally ill? What does the child born like this have to do with him?"

"It's true that he is mentally ill, and it's also true that he can tolerate things that ordinary people can't tolerate. The people in the business are a bit cruel, and his grandfather killed all his brothers in order to get the upper hand. The same goes for his father. When it was his turn, he didn't give in too much, so The merchant royal family is the weakest. Except for the princess and the concubine, there is no male. In this situation, he can't give birth, and he doesn't even have the option of adoption. Jiangshan Sheji, can't you make this decision? After all, this is his heir," Yan Qing said.

Yan Shu was speechless for a long time. After a while, she finally remembered, "Then this child is really born and is made a prince. What should we do? If he insists that this is his child, there is such a legitimate person. Heir, we are passive."

"It's okay. I'm really not afraid. Are you afraid of a fake one? Or we should just hurry up and give him a few more punishments to let him go down early."

The more Yan Qing thought about it, the more he realized it was feasible. Anyway, everything was ready, all he needed was the east wind.

"Doesn't God's punishment depend on the timing? There have only been floods in the south recently, and I haven't heard of disasters in other places."

The divine punishment mentioned by the system is actually using the disasters that happened in reality to create some strange phenomena and point the disaster at Shang Liyuan. Such as this flood.

"It's okay. Even if there is no disaster, it can still cause divine punishment. And it's more targeted."

Li Guiren in the palace is pregnant.

As soon as this shocking news came out, there was an explosion inside and outside the palace.

This is the first time someone in the harem is pregnant since the emperor ascended the throne.

And after Concubine Shu was dismissed, could it really be the magic of witchcraft that affected His Majesty's heirs

In any case, if someone is pregnant, it means that His Majesty is not incompetent. Moreover, even Fu Rui had almost monopolized His Majesty before, and no one else had a chance to conceive. Now that Li Guiren is pregnant, that's a sign.

Suddenly, more and more people went to the imperial garden to meet and intercepted on the way.

Even Fu Rui was confused. In fact, she knew more than others. Since that pulse diagnosis, Your Majesty has killed all the imperial doctors and dealt with all the people around her.

She had a suspicion in her mind that His Majesty must have some hidden illness.

Since she had not been able to conceive in the past few years, she had already begun to suspect that His Majesty was infertile.

She specifically consulted the imperial doctor about her body, and there was no problem. If she has not been pregnant for so many years, it cannot be her problem, it can only be His Majesty's problem.

So now that someone in the palace is pregnant, her first reaction is that Li Guiren has cuckolded His Majesty.

But soon, His Majesty generously rewarded Li Guiren without any sign of anger. Moreover, Li Guiren was not guilty at all, but rather proud.

Lian Fuli was even more confused. Was her guess wrong

If Li Guiren is really pregnant, doesn't that mean there's something wrong with her

And His Majesty actually got another woman pregnant! His Majesty once promised her personally that he would never touch other women. Those women were just decorations and had to marry because of the power behind them. He would only have her, but now...

For a moment, Lian Fuli didn't know whether she should be disgusted or suspect that there was something fishy in it.

The emperor finally has a daughter, even if she is not born yet, it is a great joy.

When the floods were over, some officials suggested holding a ceremony to thank God for his blessings.

Shang Liyuan readily agreed.

On this day, it was cloudless and sunny. The Ministry of Etiquette prepared the sacrifice ceremony. Hundreds of officials stood on both sides, waiting solemnly. The scene was extremely solemn and grand.

Shang Liyuan was wearing court clothes, standing on the altar, holding incense and worshiping.

Everything went smoothly.

Then at this time, a thunder appeared in the clear sky and exploded directly above Shang Liyuan's head.

No one was killed, but his hair and clothes were burned, and Mian Yu was also blown up. His hair is disheveled and he is embarrassed.

In full view, everyone saw it.

The officials were stunned, the guards were stunned, and the maids and eunuchs were all stunned.

Some people remembered the previous theory of divine punishment.

If it is possible to fake the stones by the river, then who can fake the thunder

Moreover, neither early nor late, impartially, but at the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, he struck straight at Shang Liyuan. This is definitely a punishment from God, right

Now no one doubted that Shang Liyuan had definitely been punished by God.

For a time, people were panicked and officials were talking about it.

"First there was a flood warning, and now there is a thunderbolt from the blue. Your Majesty is really being punished by God!"

"What did your Majesty do that is so outrageous? He actually provoked God to punish him!"

"Do you still remember that on the day the Yan family's father and son were killed, His Majesty saw a ghost and said that he killed Yan Qing? It couldn't be because of this, right?"

"Crueling loyal people is one of them. Your Majesty was very dishonorable when he came to power. Crueling brothers and sisters is also one of the crimes, right?"

"Three years ago, he killed more than a dozen imperial doctors and many palace residents in a rage. I heard that the palace was filled with blood that day."

"Has Your Majesty killed too few people over the years?"

"Then what should I do?"

Shang Liyuan couldn't hear these discussions. He was unconscious and was carried back.

After I woke up and thought about what happened, I was suddenly shocked and angry, and at the same time a little scared.

Even he himself doubted himself. Could it be that he had really lost his conscience and done all kinds of bad things, so that he was punished by God

Although he framed his brothers to seize the throne, killed loyal ministers to gain military power, and killed many imperial doctors and court officials to keep the secret of infertility, and dealt with other corrupt officials, he considered himself a Good emperor. Everything he did was what an emperor should do.

Moreover, since he came to the throne, he has been conscientious, diligent and caring for the people. He has not carried out any large-scale construction projects or preyed on the people. Compared with other fatuous tyrants in history, he has been kind and diligent enough. Why did he suffer divine punishment when those people were fine

While Shang Liyuan doubted himself, he strictly ordered not to spread the news, otherwise he would be killed without mercy.

But can this kind of thing be forbidden? Especially since so many people have witnessed it with their own eyes.

The more banned it is, the faster it spreads. Together with the last flood, it quickly spread throughout the capital and then continued to spread outwards.

Not to mention, not long after, there was an earthquake coming from the northwest.

This time, before Yan Qing had time to use the Divine Punishment skill, someone spontaneously placed this name on Shang Liyuan, and they believed in it.

Shang Liyuan could do nothing but be incompetent and furious. He could not stop the rumors and the officials from fearing him.

Yes, everyone is convinced that he has been condemned by God, and they are even afraid of being implicated. Some people are planning to resign to save their lives. If Prime Minister Lin Wenxiu hadn't stabilized them, Shang Liyuan would have truly become a loner.

Even Yan Qing didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. He underestimated the ancient people's superstition of ghosts and gods. Any modern person would scoff at this matter, but in today's environment, it is indeed enough to confuse the world.

"The effect is so good, it will be easier when you take over."

Yan Shu was puzzled, "Are you referring to those auspicious things? I know some, such as Empress Zhang in history. When her mother was pregnant with her, she dreamed that the moon flew into her arms, and she later became the empress. And There was the founding emperor of the Li Dynasty. When he was still a commoner, one day he dreamed that a red dragon was possessed, so he rebelled and later became the real dragon emperor.

There is also the red light in the sky when I was born, meeting the guidance of an immortal, dreaming of the reincarnation of an immortal... These auspiciousness may not make people respect me as an emperor, right? After all, the words were empty, and it was the first time in history for a woman to be emperor. How could others believe me just because I said what I dreamed about? "

Yan Qing smiled, "Of course it's not such a childish thing. Don't worry, the products produced by the system must be high-quality. The auspiciousness I am talking about is definitely the kind that people can believe in, and it is more powerful than Shang Liyuan's Divine Punishment. That kind of thing.”

Yan Shu's curiosity was aroused, but the system refused to say anything, so she could only look forward to it.