My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 133: System brother12


The successive scourges from heaven made everyone in the imperial court panic.

Shang Liyuan's prestige in the eyes of officials has been greatly reduced. Many people have said that they are too ill to go to court. Even the imperial guards and the capital garrison under his control have begun to lose morale, let alone the common people.

Shang Liyuan was shocked and angry, but he could do nothing. Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. It seems that overnight, everything is out of control.

"Your Majesty, for the current plan, only if your Majesty writes an edict of sin and apologizes to heaven and the people of the world can we stabilize the people's hearts." Lin Wenxiu suggested.

Throughout the dynasties, there were many emperors who wrote edicts against themselves when encountering natural or man-made disasters. This can also be regarded as a way to appease people's hearts.

Because Yan Shu hasn't activated Lin Wenxiu yet, and Lin Wenxiu doesn't know her intentions, he is still doing his duty as his prime minister. Although he also criticized Shang Liyuan, he knew that if something happened to Shang Liyuan, it would inevitably cause chaos in the world, and the people would suffer. So he made this suggestion after careful consideration.

But Shang Liyuan was hesitant, because once he wrote the edict of sin, it would be equivalent to admitting that he had indeed committed a heinous crime, and that the punishment from heaven was his own fault. This was hard for him, who had always been conceited, to accept.

However, when he was still hesitating whether to write an imperial edict, Yan Qing had already made the decision for him.

At the most prosperous street in the capital, a huge stone monument suddenly appeared overnight. Three words are engraved on the stone tablet: Book of Hundred Sins.

At the bottom, there is a dense list of Shang Liyuan's crimes, no more, no less, exactly one hundred.

The mutilation of siblings, the assassination of loyal people, the indiscriminate killing of innocent people... these are not uncommon. They have been discussed before when the divine punishment appeared.

But apart from that, there is also the matter of occupying the concubine's mother in vain! And, in order to cover up his infertility, he asked his guards to visit his concubine on his behalf in order to borrow a child!

As soon as such exciting news came out, everyone who saw it was shocked.

Lian Fuli was the most beautiful woman in the world, and she had made many people lament her because she entered the palace of the former emperor. But no one could have imagined that Shang Liyuan would brave the world's disapproval and hide the lotus flowers in his palace before the corpse of the late emperor was still cold. He also doted on the harem and rose to the position of noble concubine.

Not to mention, because he was infertile, for the sake of heirs, he actually asked his guards to pamper his concubine on his behalf! !

Should he be said to be a man who achieves great things without sticking to trivial matters, or should he be said to be outrageously stupid? He actually took the initiative to let others cuckold him? !

Such behavior is simply shocking and dumbfounding.

The ministers in the DPRK were puzzled, and at the same time they thought of the divine punishment. Then, coupled with the instigation of thoughtful people, they gradually came up with some treacherous thoughts.

-A person with such bad moral character is indeed unfit to be an emperor. No wonder God will send down a warning of divine punishment.

In this case, why not follow God's will and let the emperor abdicate in favor of a worthy person

As soon as this thought came out, they could no longer suppress it, and many people began to think about the possibility of this operation.

There was a turbulent undercurrent in the former dynasty, and there were also huge waves in the harem.

The "Book of One Hundred Sins" had a greater impact on the concubines in the harem. The emperor actually asked his guards to favor his concubine on his behalf? !

Although the "Book of One Hundred Sins" said that he only chose one concubine who was easy to conceive to give birth to an heir, it still made the concubines shocked and angry.

As concubines, if something like this happens to one of them, the others will also inevitably be arranged. Before entering the palace, they were also noble daughters of aristocratic families, how could they tolerate being treated like this!

Especially Li Guiren, who was so surprised when she was diagnosed with pregnancy before, now she is so frightened. Then she was frightened and had a miscarriage.

It is a good thing to have a miscarriage. If this child is born, he is destined to be criticized by others throughout his life. It would be better not to be brought into this world in the first place.

Shang Liyuan was almost the last person to know about the "Book of One Hundred Sins" because no one dared to tell him about it.

It was because he accidentally heard the palace people talking about it that he found out about it. Then, in a state of shock, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he passed out on the spot.

The last thought before I fell into coma was - God is going to kill me...

The "Book of One Hundred Sins" lists all of his crimes, and even the secrets he tried so hard to hide were unearthed.

He didn't even have a chance to refute, because after a series of divine punishments, everyone firmly believed in the contents of the "Book of One Hundred Sins".

What's more, the child he had endured so much shame and humiliation was now miscarried. The last glimmer of hope was gone, and even if he denied it, it would be meaningless.

So after he woke up from a coma, he could do nothing but angrily put an end to these rumors.

As a result, anyone who discussed the "God's Punishment" or the "Book of One Hundred Sins" was ordered to be killed by Shang Liyuan. For a time, blood flowed inside and outside the palace.

However, the more violent he became, the more people became determined to overthrow him.

What's more, now that the time is favorable, the location is favorable, and all the people are occupied, it is destiny to overthrow Shang Liyuan.

Although Shang Liyuan has no heir, and there are no close bloodlines in the Shang clan, there are only a few clan members who are about to leave the fifth server, and they have no sense of presence on weekdays. If it hadn't been for this incident, I wouldn't have thought of their existence.

But - who said that the successor must be named Shang

Merchants also took the throne back from others. At the end of the previous dynasty, the emperor was fatuous and the world was in chaos. Businessmen rose up and established a new dynasty.

In the past, the Shang family used the guise of complying with the destiny of heaven, but now that the Shang Emperor is immoral and has been warned by heaven one after another of divine punishments, shouldn't he also comply with the destiny of heaven

As a result, undercurrents are surging throughout the government and the public, and ambitious people have begun to plot secretly.

It’s just that no one has stepped forward to make the first rafters yet.

There is a calmness about the approaching storm, only one spark is left to ignite a flame that reaches the sky.

However, before the spark could ignite, a strange thing happened in the palace.

That day, the wind was beautiful and the sky was clear. Shang Liyuan was furious again in the morning and ordered the execution of the censor who risked his life to remonstrate. All the officials were trembling with fear, as if they were walking on thin ice.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise coming from outside, and the exclamations of humans were mixed with a few clear birdsong.

Shang Liyuan looked angry and sent someone out to check.

Soon, the inquirer came back and reported that a group of cranes were flying in the sky outside and were flying around the palace.

Cranes flying

The anger on Shang Liyuan's face softened slightly, and then he thought of something. He stood up and stepped down from the dragon chair, leading all the officials out of the political hall.

Sure enough, there are a group of white cranes flying in the sky. These white cranes are graceful and surrounded by fairy spirit. They really deserve the name of cranes.

Shang Liyuan immediately became concerned.

In the past, various kinds of heavenly punishments appeared frequently, saying that he was unvirtuous and unworthy of being an emperor. So, why didn't he take advantage of this situation to add auspiciousness to himself and rectify his name

Since God can send down divine punishment, he can also send down auspiciousness, right

So, he immediately shouted loudly, "This is the auspicious sign from heaven, bless me as a great businessman..."

Needless to say, quite a few people believe it. Although I doubt that God will send down divine punishment at one moment and auspiciousness at another, and I am a little moody, but seeing it with my own eyes, there is no room for doubt.

Could it be that the Great Shang Qi has not been exhausted

Some people doubt this.

However, before Shang Liyuan could get excited, the white cranes flying in the sky suddenly dispersed to both sides, and stars surrounded a huge white crane like a moon.

This white crane has a more graceful figure and an extraordinary posture. At first glance, it is the leader.

What's even more surprising is that it held a roll of golden silk in its mouth, swooped down from the air, and placed it on the Temple of Heaven.

Then he flapped his wings, flew back into the air, merged into the queue of cranes, flew around the palace again, and then led the cranes to fly high into the sky and slowly disappeared.

It seems that their mission is to deliver the roll of gold and silk.

The stunned people gradually came to their senses, and everyone's eyes fell on the golden silk.

The Temple of Heaven is a place for worshiping heaven.

Cranes are generally messengers from heaven.

So the gold silk silk sent by a group of cranes was specially placed on the Temple of Heaven, so it is not difficult to imagine its meaning.

This is God's will.

As soon as the golden silk appeared, Shang Liyuan had a bad feeling in his heart.

When the gold silk was taken off and slowly unfolded, this bad premonition came true.

On the gold silk, there are only four large gilded characters -

The empress acted on behalf of the merchants.

The author has something to say: Sorry to keep you waiting.