My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 137: The story of the Empress's later generations is about Xiao Li Wan


#Ranking of characters who most resemble time travelers in history#

no.1 Emperor Wende Yan Shu19082348[Like]

1l: Emperor Wende ranked first, no one objects, right

2l: It may be controversial who is second or third, but there is absolutely no dispute that Emperor Wende ranks first!

3l: Overthrew the Shang Dynasty and ascended the throne as emperor; discovered potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other high-yielding crops, which promoted rapid population growth; opened women's official schools, opened textile factories, and allowed women to participate in the imperial examination and become officials, which greatly improved women's social status ; Adhere to monogamy and abolish three wives and four concubines; implement a planned economy and encourage business development; encourage invention and creation, promoting the budding development of the industrial revolution; reform the military system; reform agriculture... In the early years of Emperor Wende's reign, the national strength of the Yan Dynasty It has grown unprecedentedly, with its military strength, culture, and economic level ranking first in the world. This laid a solid foundation for its later development into a maritime hegemon! In the late Wende period, the steam engine was invented. Emperor Wende began to vigorously develop maritime undertakings, built giant ships, and created the strongest navy. He began to explore the sea and discovered the New World. Through friendly exchanges, mutual trade, dissemination of culture, and dissemination of advanced knowledge, these continents were successively included in the territory. When the Yan Dynasty had the largest territory, half of the continent on the earth was our territory, and it was truly the number one overlord. At the same time, the Western world was still in the dark chaos of the Middle Ages, and the gaps in all aspects were as big as dimensionality reduction! —There is no other explanation for this cheating life except time travel!

4l: Even if you travel through time, this achievement is so shocking. Not everyone who travels back in time has such courage and courage. Can ruling half of the earth be achieved by simply traveling back in time? I can't do it anyway.

5l: That’s why she is called the Great Emperor. There are so many emperors in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, how many can be called the Great Emperor? Even among all the great emperors, her achievements are the highest!

6l: After thousands of years, I can still feel the strong pride and pride of the nation! I wish I could travel back to that era and see it with my own eyes.

9l: Yes, not only the great emperor, but also many outstanding figures appeared in that era, including Fang Jingtong who conquered the world for Emperor Wende; Yan Wujiu who was the first to sail around the world and discover the New World; the ancient who invented and created more than two hundred things in his life The inventor Song Ke; the blood-clad Hou who is ruthless but very popular recently because of his handsome appearance; and Lin Xinghan, the first emperor in history who wrote three thousand love poems to the empress in his life...

13l: The Bloody Marquis is really very popular recently. He is the main male protagonist of many historical fan novels and TV series. Cruel, powerful, beautiful, loyal to the empress, and never married. The secret pavilion he controls is the most mysterious intelligence agency of the Yan Dynasty, specializing in spying on all kinds of information for the empress. The Bloody Marquis is the master of the Dark Pavilion, and the members of the Dark Pavilion under him are called Bloody Guards. Because they all wear red clothes, red cloaks, and black masks, they never show their true colors. Even the Bloody Marquis was known to be handsome because of the Empress's words of "beautiful appearance". Contrary to his appearance, his methods are ruthless and cruel. I don't know how many corrupt officials fell into their hands, which was once terrifying.

18l: Yes, yes, the Bloody Marquis is so handsome! He is infatuated with the Empress, silently waiting for her, and willingly being driven by the Empress. What kind of loyal dog male supporting character is this! In comparison, that soft rice king who can only write poetry is not worthy of Her Majesty the Empress at all!

23l: I feel the same way. I also think Lin Xinghan is not worthy of the empress.

29l: No, why is Lin Xinghan not worthy of the empress? He was a young man from a well-established family, brilliant and talented. And his love for the empress is no less than that of the Bloody Marquis! He wrote more than 3,000 love poems for the empress in his life, and they were childhood sweethearts. After Emperor Yan got married for the first time, he became seriously ill and almost died. After recovering from the illness, he did not want to get married and was always alone, watching the empress from a distance. He waited until he was 27 years old before his lover finally got married. This was in ancient times, and he was still the only son in the family. He could persist in not getting married until he was 27 years old. How could he be like this if he didn't love her to the core? If he is not worthy, does the Blood-clothed Marquis deserve it

30l: What’s wrong with being 27? The Bloody Marquis remained unmarried all his life because of the empress!

31l: How do you know that he never married for the sake of the empress? Isn't it speculated that he is a eunuch

32l: Who speculated? Is there any evidence? There is no historical data saying that the Bloody Marquis was a eunuch, okay? If you stand in line, stand in line and don't make personal attacks!

678l: Wait, isn’t this post discussing the fact that the empress is a time traveler? Why is there such a quarrel in the crooked building? There was a quarrel of more than 600 floors over whether two historical figures were worthy of being the empress!

1779l: Oh my god! We are still arguing, and we have started to look through history books and quote scriptures. Your history teacher must be very pleased to know that you love learning so much.

2333: I just came to see how the battle was going, but the winner hasn’t been decided yet. Excuse me, please continue.

3639l: We have argued for more than 3,000 floors without any result. This is amazing.

3640l: Let me tell you that the tomb of Emperor Wende has been discovered. The latest archaeological discovery is that the Marquis in Blood is the emperor Lin Xinghan, and Lin Xinghan is the Marquis in Blood. They are the same person, so stop arguing. Link#The latest discoveries of the tombs of Emperor Wende#




3644l: There was so much noise and loneliness in the three thousand floors.

3645l: No wonder the Bloody Marquis has no name.

3646l: Suddenly, I felt that this character was a bit interesting. On one side, he looked like a beautiful imperial husband, as gentle as jade and as talented as a mountain snow lotus. On one side is the ruthless leader of the dark pavilion, ruthless and vicious, like a cold poisonous snake. He got the script for both the male lead and the supporting actor, no wonder it was so popular with Her Majesty the Queen.

3647l: +1, and don’t you think this pair is too cute? The overbearing empress and her charming little wife, no, the royal husband, I could write up a million-word romance novel in my mind every minute.

3648l: Feeling +2, good knocking +1, what kind of fairy couple are these, too over the top!

3666l: Thanks +10086, I believe in love again!