My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 138: The fairyland extravaganza


Yan Qing returned to the fairy world, and her soul returned to its original place. He was higher in cultivation than Yan Shu and had no sealed memory, so he woke up first.

"My son is finally back. Did the trip go smoothly? Where is Shu'er?" Yan Yungui and Yu Qionghua asked anxiously.

Ever since they learned that Yan Shu's calamity had gone awry, the couple had been in panic all day long. Their daughter was born in the fairy world and has never experienced suffering in the world. She was well protected by them and developed an innocent, simple and kind-hearted character who is ignorant of worldly affairs.

They were originally worried that her fate would not go well, but they didn't expect that a villain would take advantage of her and change her fate.

The two of them were shocked and angry, wishing to crush the villain to ashes, but they were more worried about whether Yan Shu could come back safely.

Yan Qing comforted her parents, "Everything went well. Xiao Shu has returned to her original state now and should wake up soon."

Yu Qionghua and Yu Qionghua finally let go of their hanging hearts and breathed a long sigh of relief, "It's okay if it's okay. Your father and I are really worried. Shu'er has never left us since she was a child. This is the first time she went to earth to experience calamity. Something like this happened."

Yu Qionghua is still frightened when she thinks about it now. If Yan Shu is really lost in reincarnation and can't come back, even if they are immortals, they can't intervene and can only watch their daughter struggle in reincarnation, or even die.

"By the way, have you met that kid Xingyan? As soon as he heard that Shu'er's calamity had gone awry, he followed him in a hurry and said he wanted to protect her. He only left a message, your uncle Su Yao and the others. When he was discovered, he had already gone down.”

Ling Xingyan is the brat who chases his sister every life. He is the child of Uncle Ling Shao and Uncle Su Yao. Because he is similar in age to his sister Yan Shu, they often play together, and Yan Qing has watched him grow up.

When she was a child, Yuxue looked cute and had a sweet mouth, which made her very popular. It's just that the older he got, the more wrong he looked at his sister, and Yan Qing began to dislike seeing him.

"I saw it and brought it back with me."

Only then did Yu Qionghua feel completely at ease, "This child is also impatient. He followed the three thousand worlds of the human world without making any preparations. How can he be sure that he will be reborn in the same world as Shu'er? He also grew up in the fairy world, and his temperament Chun Shan, I am afraid that he will not meet Shu'er, but he will be in danger. Fortunately, your little master Xiyin said that he and Shu'er are destined to meet each other in every reincarnation, so we can feel relieved. "

Yan Yungui couldn't help but snorted, "Reckless! Originally, we only had to worry about one Shu'er, but he has two to worry about this time. It's not enough to cause more trouble!"

Yu Qionghua had no choice but to say, "Okay, no matter what, he is so anxious because he is worried about Shu'er, so don't put on such a bad face."

Ever since he knew that Ling Xingyan was his daughter's destined love, her husband didn't like to see the child very much. Looking horizontally and vertically, nothing is pleasing to the eye.

Yan Yungui wanted to say something more, but Yan Shu happened to come out. The couple happily stepped forward to hug her and inquire about her welfare.

After Yan Shu's soul returned to her original state, her memories in the mortal world also revived. She was very moved to know that her brother had followed her to the mortal world to protect her.

"Brother, I made you worry."

Yan Qing rubbed her head and said with a gentle smile, "I hope you're fine."

The family chatted and laughed for a while, and then Yan Qing asked about the initiator of this incident. At that time, as soon as something happened to his sister, he came down to earth immediately, and the investigation of the mastermind behind the scenes was left to his parents.

"Who did I know? It turned out to be that little bitch Bai Lianxin!" Yu Qionghua still gritted her teeth in hatred at the mention of it.

It turned out to be her!

The white lotus heart was originally a lotus in the Qinglian Pond. In the year when Yan Shu was born, Yan Yun returned home and his beloved daughter was overjoyed. As the number one rich man in the fairy world, he held a banquet in the fairy world with a wave of his hand and entertained the entire fairy world. Spiritual tea, spiritual fruit, fine wine and jade dew, and all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures were used to entertain the guests.

The place where the banquet was held was by the Qinglian Pond.

At that time, there was a white lotus in the Qinglian Pond. It was very weak and incomplete, with only half of its heart. Even if it grows in the clear lotus pond with rich spiritual energy, there is absolutely no possibility of transforming.

Yan Yungui and his wife were delighted to have a daughter, and when they were full of fatherly and motherly love, they felt pity and helped the white lotus plant to accumulate good deeds for their daughter.

They used heavenly materials and earthly treasures to repair the incomplete lotus heart, and irrigated it with fairy dew. Within a few days, the white lotus transformed into the white lotus heart.

Because they are similar in age, and thanks to the help of Yan Yungui and his wife, she and Yan Shu almost grew up together.

Normally she looks soft and frail, harmless to humans and animals, but I really didn't expect that she would harbor evil intentions.

Knowing that it was Bai Lianxin who harmed her, Yan Shu was very hurt, "How could this happen? Why did she want to harm me?"

Yan Yungui waved his hand and released a water mirror. The picture in the mirror was Bai Lianxin dressed in white. She still looked frail and lovely, but the expression on her face was twisted and ferocious. She shouted like crazy, "By the way, Why is she born with the best of everything? Her parents love her, her brothers love her, and everyone surrounds her, giving her the best of everything in the world. She can easily have what I dream of without doing anything. Things. And I was lucky enough to be transformed because of the charity from her parents. No one loved me, no one loved me. I could only get a little favor by flattering her carefully!

I'm jealous of her, I'm crazy jealous of her, I want to snatch everything from her, her love, her family affection, everything she has! Even if I am only in the mortal world, I will not hesitate! Hahaha, it's too late for you to realize now. A trace of my distraction has followed her into reincarnation. She will become my supporting role in all her life, and she will end up miserable, and she will never be able to return to the fairy world! "

Yan Qing really didn't know what to say. Was it a good fate for others or was it a mistake? This kind of blame is simply unreasonable.

His parents were also monks who ascended from the mortal realm through hard work, and everything they had was achieved through their own hard work. His father liked research and invented Taobao, mobile phones, shared aircraft, etc. in the fairy world, and thus became the number one tycoon in the fairy world.

They have earned everything through their own efforts. Is there anything wrong with giving their children better conditions? And what you want, you can work hard for yourself, so what’s the point of robbing others

"Originally, I saved her out of pity and didn't ask her to repay her, but I didn't expect that she would retaliate and almost hurt Shu'er." Yu Qionghua sighed, "It's also our fault that we don't recognize people well and didn't realize that she had already She has evil intentions. She has two faces: gentle and harmless in person, but dark and vicious in person, otherwise we wouldn’t have been deceived by a little girl like her.”

So, Yan Qing suddenly realized. No wonder he didn't recognize that the heroine in every life was Bai Lianxin. On the one hand, he was not familiar with her, and on the other hand, it was probably her Taoist heart that was split. He had never seen it before. Because of her other side.

Yan Shu was also angry, "So that's what she thought. I thought we were as close as sisters and would share half of everything with her. I didn't expect that she actually wanted to take away everything from me! I can give her anything else, dad and mom." My brother is mine and I don’t want to give it to anyone else!”

The whole family was amused by her.

"Okay, we are all yours, don't share it with anyone else."

After laughing, Yu Qionghua touched Yan Shu's head again and said sternly, "She made a big mistake by secretly changing her life. Now she has been stripped of her immortal bones and demoted to the mortal world. We will let you know about this. I also hope you will take a warning. People's hearts are unpredictable. Not everyone is a good person. We have protected you very well in the past, but after this experience, we realize that this is not good for you once you break away from our protection. , it’s very likely that you’ll suffer a big loss, so it’s better to let you see the evil nature of some people.”

Yan Shu nodded in agreement. In fact, she has been reincarnated in the human world for several lives, and she is no longer the little girl who was ignorant of the world, and she has experienced a lot of evil people's hearts. But she didn't say anything, for fear of scaring them, and she was happy to enjoy her parents' love and affection.

When the family was laughing and talking about the interesting things the brother and sister had experienced in the human world, Ling Xingyan, who had returned to his soul, also hurried over.

"Xiao Shu!"

Yan Yungui's expression quickly changed as he arrived before anyone else arrived, and he said to Yan Shu with a dark face, "Don't talk to this kid anymore."

Yan Shu and Ling Xingyan have been husband and wife for several generations, and they have become familiar with the relationship. Naturally, they also like Ling Xingyan. But she was smart enough to know that it was better not to provoke her father's anger at this moment, so she obediently agreed, "Okay, daddy."

Yan Yungui's expression softened a lot. Yu Qionghua glared at him and whispered, "After all, he and Shu'er are destined to be married. They will be a family from now on. You should be kind to him."

Compared with his father-in-law's disgust, Yu Qionghua, the mother-in-law, liked her son-in-law more and more the more she looked at him. She watched Ling Xingyan grow up. He was a good boy. Although he had a wild temper, he was pure and kind. He and her Yan Shu grew up together. They were childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and destined to be married. They couldn't be more suitable. .

It was okay if she didn't say it, but Yan Yungui's face turned darker when she mentioned it, "What kind of family, I don't recognize them!"

While he was talking, Ling Xingyan had already arrived. As soon as he entered the room, his originally excited mood immediately became a little frightening.

Uncle Yan's eyes were so scary, as if he wanted to eat him.

But seeing other people, Ling Xingyan relaxed again. Uncle Yu is still as gentle as ever; Xiao Shu is secretly winking at him; although Brother Yan has no expression, he is already kind compared to his cold face before.

Yan Qing said that considering the boy's performance in the lower world, he was quite satisfied, so he was not embarrassed about his brother-in-law. His difficult father alone was enough for him to drink a pot.

Poor Ling Xingyan originally thought he had seen the light of day, but he never expected that after passing the hurdle of his uncle and his father-in-law, he would have a long road to pursue his wife!

Complete text.

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