My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 2: The richest brother 2


Yan Qing's family was also in bad debt. After his father, Yan Changlin, married He Li, their family of four became harmonious and beautiful, while the original owner became a poor little man whose father did not care for his mother.

Although you won't beat or scold him openly, there are many ways to teach a child.

For example, Yan Ziyue's sister and brother each have a bedroom, but the original owner lives in a room converted from a utility room. There was barely room for anything except a bed.

For example, the Yan Ziyue siblings keep getting new clothes and shoes all year round, but the original owner hasn't bought any clothes in three years. At the age when I'm growing taller, I can no longer wear my old clothes, so I can only wear school uniforms or Yan Zichen's old clothes.

If they were close brothers, it wouldn't matter if they wore each other's clothes, but to the original owner, Yan Zichen was his enemy, and the two had always been incompatible. Let him wear Yan Zichen's old clothes, which is a great humiliation for a young man with strong self-esteem in adolescence.

So he would rather wear school uniforms than Yan Zichen's old clothes.

For another example, he often "forgot" to pay him living expenses, often "forgot" to take him when going out to eat, and "forgot" him at home when the whole family went on trips without leaving a penny or a penny for food... And He Li would go to the hotel from time to time. Eye drops, the teasing and ridicule of Yan Ziyue's siblings may seem like a small thing, but over time it can make people go crazy.

For the original owner, this home was a cage of despair and a suffocating quagmire. In such a depressing environment, it is normal for him to want to escape.

His plan was to leave when he turned eighteen, and he worked hard to save money for this. Although playing games may not seem like a serious job to others, it is the only way he can think of to make money.

One month, one month before he could leave, but he suddenly died in the Internet cafe and never woke up.

Although the original owner had his own reasons for such a tragedy, it was mostly due to family factors.

It can even be said that everyone in this family is the executioner who "forced" the original owner to death.

However, although the original owner resented them, he never thought of retaliating against them. After all, he still had the gift of procreation. He just wanted to leave this home, draw a clear line with them, and go live with his mother and sister.

Therefore, Yan Qing plans to continue the original owner's wishes and leave this family as soon as possible.

Yan Qing had just stepped into the house when he saw something flying towards him out of the corner of his eye. He turned slightly, and a glass hit his face and hit the door, breaking into pieces instantly.

"Little bastard! How dare you hide! Let's see if I don't beat you to death!" Father Yan was furious and grabbed a glass and threw it at him. "I worked hard to support you in school, but you skipped class and played games, and you're still outside. What a shame! Why did I give birth to such a scoundrel?"

Yan Qing sidestepped again and said calmly, "I am a little brat, a scoundrel? Then who are you who gave birth to me?"

Yan Changlin became even more angry, "You bastard! You still dare to talk back? What a disgrace! If I had known you were such a thing, I should have strangled you to death when you were born! I would have saved you from embarrassing me now!" "

Yan Qing frowned slightly and cursed twice in a row to show his disgrace...

He glanced across the living room, where his stepmother He Li was standing far away at the door of the bedroom with a fake smile on her face. The two siblings, Yan Ziyue and Yan Zichen, were watching the fun with gloating. There was a laptop placed on the coffee table in the living room, and the page that opened was the post on the game forum.

Yan Qing understood that it was not enough to make him bad in the game, but also to add fuel to the fire in reality.

"Dad, although it's wrong for my brother to skip class and play games, I really don't blame him for homosexuality. Some experts have said that sexual orientation is innate and cannot be changed."

"That's right, Dad, although everyone can't accept such people and think they are aliens. If a family has such a person, the whole family can't hold their heads up and have their spines poked, but this is indeed a normal sexual orientation. My brother doesn’t like men on purpose. We should understand him. Even if it affects my marriage with my brother in the future, there is nothing we can do about it, because he is our brother. "

The Yan Ziyue siblings pretended to be persuading, seemingly speaking for Yan Qing, but in fact they were adding fuel to the fire.

Yan Changlin gasped and his eyes were red with anger, "What is the normal orientation? How can a normal man like a man? This is a pervert! It's embarrassing! You still speak for him! This bastard has brought shame on our old Yan family. It's all a shame! How can I behave in front of my colleagues? "You actually believed Yan Qing was gay.

The more he talked, the angrier he became. At the end of the sentence, he pointed at Yan Qing and said angrily, "Get out! Get out of here! I don't have a son like you!"

He Li's eyes flashed, and she stepped forward and advised, "Lao Yan, calm down, don't let the anger destroy your body. Yan Qing will only turn eighteen next month. Such a young child is ignorant and playful. , I’m curious about everything, I’ll be fine when I grow up.”

She didn't say it was okay, but Yan Changlin made up his mind even more when he said, "You are still young when you are an adult at eighteen years old? Ziyue and Zichen are a few months younger than him, why haven't you seen them being such bastards? Don't worry about this kid. This bastard is broken from the bottom up! This family can't tolerate a bastard like him. Get out and do whatever you want, don't hurt us!"

He Li sighed helplessly, "Oh, I can't control it anymore. It's hard to be a stepmother. What else can I do if you, my biological father, don't care about you?"

After saying that, he turned to Yan Qing to persuade him, "Yan Qing, apologize to your father quickly. How can father and son have an overnight feud? You have caused so many troubles in the past, and it was your father who solved them for you. He worked hard outside to make money. It’s not easy to support this family. Please be considerate and considerate of him and don’t make him angry again.”

Facing Yan Qing's half-smiling gaze, He Li's heart tightened, feeling that her thoughts were nowhere to be seen in front of him.

Only then did she realize that her stepson, who used to be restless and explosive when provoked, seemed to be extraordinarily calm today. His expression was calm from beginning to end, without the slightest emotion, and he watched the farce with a cold eye as if he was staying aloof.

He Li was shocked and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What's that look in your eyes? Your Aunt He kindly advises you, who are you showing that look to?" Yan Changlin became angry again and wanted to hit someone with something, but there was nothing handy around him, so he was so angry that he wanted to use his belt. Whip him.

Yan Qing then said calmly, "I agree."


"Didn't you say that you want to drive me out of the house and disown me as your son? I agree." Yan Qing said as he took out two pieces of paper from his school bag, "Now, this is the letter of severance of relations, in duplicate. Yes, I have already signed it, and it will take effect once you sign it. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other.”

One sentence shocked everyone in the living room.

After a brief moment of shock, Yan Changlin grabbed Yan Qing's letter of severance, read it once, and tore it into pieces angrily, "Okay, you unscrupulous son, it turns out that you no longer want to recognize me as your father! You have even written the letter of severance." Okay, you’re very good!”

Yan Qing very calmly took out two more sheets from his schoolbag, "It's just to be prepared. If you don't mention it, I will never take it out. Now that you have spoken, I am not such a ignorant person. Now that it's over, Then break it off and save yourself from regretting it later. After all, my tuition, living expenses, medical expenses, and compensation for fights are a lot of money. If you sign this agreement, you won’t have to pay for me anymore. It cost money.”

Yan Changlin was so angry that he almost fainted. He stared at Yan Qing with his eyes wide open and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay, okay. If you have strong wings and want to overthrow the sky? I will help you!"

He snatched the agreement from Yan Qing's hand and looked back for a pen to sign.

Yan Qing handed one over very considerately.

Yan Changlin's heart throbbed and he almost had a heart attack.

He signed the agreement with a few swipes and threw it to Yan Qing, "Get out! Get out of here! Don't step into this home again!"

Yan Qing took the agreement, carefully folded it and put it away. He finally showed his first smile since returning home. It was very light and faint, but it made people clearly feel his pleasure. "Of course, this is exactly what I hope for."

He only picked up his schoolbag and turned around to leave without taking anything else.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around, "By the way, although we have nothing to do with each other anymore, I still want to clarify that I am not gay. What happened online was caused by someone deliberately throwing dirty water. As for who it is, I checked the IP address. I found our home address at that time, do you think it was a coincidence? "

Yan Ziyue's sister and brother's expressions changed and they looked unnatural, "How is this possible? Don't talk nonsense. Is there someone in our family who deliberately framed you?"

"Who knows?" Yan Qing stared at the two of them calmly, clearly without any emotion, but it made Yan Ziyue and Yan Ziyue feel more stressed.

Fortunately, Yan Qing quickly retracted his gaze, "Oh and also, I recorded the whole process of what I just said, so you must not go back on your word, as this will make it difficult for me."

After he finished speaking, he left calmly and neatly.

Yan Changlin fell down on the sofa angrily, "The traitor, this traitor..."

Although He Li felt that Yan Qing was a little strange today, the troublemaker was finally driven away. Her long-standing wish finally came true. She was so happy that she wanted to celebrate, so she didn't care about the abnormality.

She suppressed the joy on her face and pretended to be worried, and persuaded Yan Changlin, "Don't be angry. You can't control the child when he is older. When he goes out to suffer some hardships, you will know that you are wrong. When the time comes, he begs for mercy, and you can't control him anymore." Forgive him, we are still a family."

"Dreaming! Look at him like that, how do you take me as my father seriously? Since he has cut off the relationship, let's cut it off completely. I want to see if he can survive without this family!"

"Oh! Why are you so angry with a child?" Although she said this, she couldn't suppress the joy on her face.

Brother and sister Yan Ziyue also came to their senses and went back to the room to whisper, "Is what he said true or false? Did he really find our home address?"

"Whether it's true or not, so what if it's found out? Anyway, he has been kicked out now."

"That's right. Even if he wasn't kicked out, dad wouldn't believe him."

Yan Qing did not argue with Yan Ziyue and his brother today, not because he let them go easily, but because he was afraid of causing trouble.

Leaving the Yan family is the most important thing, other things can be discussed later.

Moreover, for these siblings, the best revenge is to stand at a height they can only look up to. Their jealousy will make them self-destruct.

After all, there is precedent for this.

The original owner was not a delinquent boy who skipped classes, fought, and played games at the beginning. He was once a good character and academic, had excellent grades, and was once "someone else's kid."

His parents' divorce and his father's remarriage did not affect his grades.

Why did he fall down later

Whenever the original owner's grades were better than those of Yan Ziyue's siblings, he would be in various situations: his books and assignments would disappear for no reason, his clothes and quilts would be soaked in water, and his living expenses would be lost inexplicably. Even his father would be instigated to scold him every day... and there would be no peace all day long.

Forget it if it happened once or twice. If it happens every time, the original owner will understand that it is the fault of the siblings.

He also wanted to go against them. The less he wanted him to do well in the exam, the more he wanted to do well in the exam and piss them off. But what they got in exchange was an intensified frame-up.

In the end, the original owner became exhausted mentally and had no choice but to hide his weakness in exchange for a stable life. Then slowly, hidden clumsiness also turned into true clumsiness.

Therefore, Yan Qing does not need to fight with them. Even if he lowers his tone, it will have no effect. There is absolutely no shame or remorse in these two men.

As long as he becomes a wealthy family according to his own plan, these siblings will make him angry to death.