My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 67: Brother Shengun 9


After getting in the car, Yan Qing and Ling Rui sat side by side in the back seat to facilitate conversation.

Shao Yang was squatting in the gap between the two seats in the front row. His tall body looked very aggrieved squatting there. But he has turned into a ghost, so he can't be squeezed.

The reason why he chose this position was because he was greedy for the cigarette in Yan Qing's hand. Not only was he greedy, his hands also touched it quietly.

But no matter how he touched it, his hand could only pass through the smoke.

"Oh! It's even more uncomfortable to see that I can't smoke." He said dejectedly.

Yan Qing waved the cigarette in front of him, "Want to smoke?"

Shao Yang didn't realize at first that Yan Qing was talking to him and thought he was asking Ling Rui.

Similarly, Ling Rui on the side also thought that Yan Qing was talking to him, after all, there was no one else in the car except him.

"Thank you, I don't smoke." He said considerately, "If you want to smoke, you can just smoke in the car, don't mind."

Although he himself does not smoke, the police are under great pressure in handling cases and his colleagues often smoke, and Ling Rui has become accustomed to it. However, he rarely lets people smoke in his car, with the exception of Shao Yang, because that guy is always playful and has a very thick skin, and he is not the type who says he won't smoke unless he is allowed to smoke.

Yan Qing shook his head, "I'm not talking to you, but to this person."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the car was stunned.

Ling Rui followed Yan Qing's gaze and looked ahead. There was clearly nothing there but air.

When Shaoyang saw Yan Qing looking at him with a smile, he finally reacted belatedly.

"Fuck! Can you see me?"

"Of course, otherwise why would you go out of your way to buy the cigarettes you like?"

Shao Yang is stupid, so this is not a magic stick but a real master

Under Shaoyang's shocked eyes, Yan Qing burned two packs of cigarettes to him with a smile.

He didn't use ordinary fire, but a hand seal. Flames burst out of the palm of his hand. In the blink of an eye, two packs of cigarettes were swallowed up by the flames and appeared in Shao Yang's hand.

What Ling Rui saw was the two packs of cigarettes disappearing in the fire in the blink of an eye. But just by the special effect of Yan Qing bursting into flames out of thin air, Ling Rui knew that this person was no ordinary person.

"You...who were you talking to just now?" Ling Rui's voice was trembling. As a policeman, his keen observation ability allowed him to quickly connect the previous events together. Yan Qing said that he had found someone when he was in the hotel, and now he said that he bought cigarettes that he liked.

And the brand of cigarette is the one Shaoyang often smokes...

He already had a vague guess, but he didn't dare to believe it.

Yan Qing smiled and said, "Yes, it's just what you thought. Shaoyang is here. Do you want to see him?"

"I can see him?!" Ling Rui couldn't believe it. Although he had guessed that Yan Qing had special abilities, he never thought that he could see ghosts and let others see them!

Shao Yang reacted faster, "You said you could let Ling Rui see me? Then what are you waiting for? Come on, come on, I have something very important to tell him, please help me."

He was so excited that he didn't even care about the cigarettes he finally got.

Yan Qing did not give in, and temporarily opened the spiritual orifice for Ling Rui, so that he could see Shaoyang's soul and hear him speak.

"You guys talk slowly, I'll wait for you outside." Because what they want to talk about must be a confidential case, and they probably can't reveal it at will. Yan Qing was afraid of being embarrassed by them, so he voluntarily avoided them.

In fact, the two of them were too excited to even think about these things.

The dead undercover agent turned into a ghost and came back to give clues. Who would believe this

In the carriage, Shaoyang had jumped down from the gap and sat side by side with Ling Rui.

Their eyes met, and there was an unspeakable silence for a moment.

Seeing his former companion again, Ling Rui's eyes instantly turned red. He quietly looked away, wiped away his tears, and gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard, didn't you tell me to treat you to a drink when you get back? I've prepared the wine for you, but where are you! Where have you gone!"

Shao Yang still had the same careless look, grinning without any formality, "I thought you were going to default on the debt. Since you still remember, that's great. When the Qingming Festival comes, remember to sprinkle it on my grave. ! Look, I can get it, so don’t try to default on it!”

He shook the cigarette in his hand and said.

When Ling Rui heard this, his eyes turned redder.

Shao Yang quickly changed the subject, "Let's get down to business first. Before I died, I found part of the evidence and hid it in a place. You have to find it as soon as possible."

When talking about business, Ling Rui also became serious and temporarily put aside his sadness, "Please tell me carefully what happened to you there."

Shao Yang then told Ling Rui everything that happened after he was infiltrated into the drug lord group.

At first, everything went smoothly. Shaoyang was born with a gangster temperament that was not stingy, and he quickly became familiar with the people inside. And because he was smart and good with his hands and feet, he was promoted to be a bodyguard for a small boss.

"This man's name is Jichang, and he has a boss above him, known as Brother Hei. Brother Hei is one of the four most respected subordinates around the drug lord Li Wenjin. He is responsible for the drug transportation route.

The other three are Brother Long, who is responsible for purchasing raw materials, and Brother Xiao, who is responsible for manufacturing drugs. There is also the most mysterious "secretary" who is responsible for sales. This secretary is very mysterious. No one among them has ever seen him. Only Li Wenjin seems to know who he is. "

"Mr. Secretary?" Ling Rui frowned, "This is information that we didn't have before." In the past, they only knew that Li Wenjin had three very important subordinates.

"Yes, I heard about this person by chance, but I only heard a name. I didn't even know what he looked like. It was because of this person that I was exposed." Shao Yang said angrily.

"What's going on? Can you tell me clearly?" Ling Rui asked quickly.

"Originally, I was with Ji Chang, and he trusted me very much. And Ji Chang was a subordinate that Brother Hei valued very much, so I followed him and found out their transportation route. I originally wanted to take this clue The news came out first, but I accidentally heard that Mr. Secretary was coming to find Brother Hei. I wanted to know the clues about Mr. Secretary, so I followed Brother Hei a little bit and was discovered. "

The consequences can be imagined. They tried their best to interrogate him, but he never let go. Seeing that he couldn't chew this hard bone, they killed him and threw him into the sea to feed the fish.

Ling Rui knew the methods of those people and knew without asking that Shaoyang must have suffered inhuman torture during his lifetime.

He was silent for a long time, and the guilt and sadness in his heart became heavier and heavier.

However, Shao Yang said in a relaxed tone, "It's not a gain at all. I saw the back of that secretary. As long as I see this back again, I will definitely recognize him!"

Then he said with great regret, "If I had known that I had become a ghost and could still continue talking to you, I would definitely run to Li Wenjin and get more information. I don't have to worry about being discovered even if I become a ghost. I can do it openly and honestly." It was okay in front of them, how wonderful! Unfortunately, I floated on the sea for seven days, and I drifted back home during the first seven days, and then I found that I could never leave this city again. The ghosts are under the control of the city god, so they can’t visit randomly! Why doesn’t the underworld keep up with the times? It’s so old that you need a pass to go out of the city. This is not conducive to cultural exchanges and economic prosperity in various places!”

He still had that playful smile on his face and liked to play tricks and make jokes. Ling Rui felt even more uncomfortable when he saw it.

Shao Yang was very disgusted and said, "Look at you, why are you crying like a big girl? Isn't this good for me? Everyone is going to die, I just came to the underworld in advance to queue up! Recently! The underworld is full, and you have to wait in line for reincarnation. Maybe when you die, I won't be in line yet! And a ghost told me last time that if someone like me sacrifices for the country, I will be able to be reincarnated in the next life. Good luck! Brother, you have to be happy for me! I might live in a wealthy family in my next life!"

Ling Rui finally showed a smile, "Well, you will definitely be rich and live a long life in your next life."

Shao Yang also laughed, but then said, "Where did you find such a master? He actually has real skills! Hey, I didn't know he could see me before, and I even scolded him in front of him. As a result, he Not only was he not angry, but he also bought me cigarettes. How embarrassing do you think this is?"

Ling Rui also thought of Yan Qing at this time and quickly got out of the car to find him.

"Sorry to trouble you, but I asked you to wait outside."

Yan Qing waved his hand and said indifferently, "It's okay. Your work must be kept confidential. I understand. Are you done talking now? Do you need my help? To be honest, although I am just an ordinary person. He is a wonderful political teacher, but if it comes to feudal chaos, I won’t be able to settle it!”

"Really?" Shao Yang said in surprise, "Can you give me a pass? I want to find someone in other cities. As long as we find him and find out his sales network, we can definitely wipe out this drug trafficking gang!"

Moreover, it has been three months since the transportation route he got, and he doesn't know if those people have made any changes. It would be better if he could confirm it again to make sure everything is safe.

The more accurate the information, the more sacrifices his colleagues can make when taking action.

Not only him, but also Ling Rui looked at Yan Qing expectantly.

Yan Qing did not disappoint them and nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you."