My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 69: Brother Shengun11


After Yan Qing opened the door, he found that only three applicants came. He immediately reflected on himself, was it because the salary was low and only three ghosts came to apply

Damn it, I've overdone it in front of my sister. It would be a shame if I couldn't choose a qualified one!

However, his face didn't show any signs of it, and he said calmly, "You guys introduce yourselves first."

He has a good reputation. Although the three female ghosts are very good and fool the other little ghosts around, they can't help but start to feel frightened when they meet Yan Qing.

The three ghosts stood in a row obediently and introduced themselves one by one.

The first one to speak was the baby-faced female ghost, "My name is Shen Yingying. My family owns a restaurant. My father once studied under the imperial chef, and he is very good at cooking. Even though my restaurant is not big, it has a good reputation for thirty years. It is one of the top three recommended restaurants in the city. I can hold a spoon at the age of twelve, which is eight or nine points from my father. I also learned Western food and can also make desserts. Master, choose me. You will definitely not lose money if you choose me. !”

This resume sounds pretty good, much better than Yan Qing expected. However, he did not express his position, but turned his attention to the two other ghosts.

"My name is Zhou Xiran. My grandfather is the true descendant of Yushifu and founded the restaurant brand Yushifu." said the black long straight female ghost. The Yushifu she mentioned is a well-known top restaurant in China. The guests who made reservations Being able to wait until half a year later, countless gourmets are full of praise after eating it.

With the reputation of Yushi Restaurant, Hei Changzhi thought that everyone would be shocked when he said it. However, the two people present - Yan Qing was a foreigner and did not know much about local high-end restaurants; Yan Shu was a high school student and lived in daily life. It's study, and I don't pay attention to these things.

The two foreigners and the two ghosts knew it, but as competitors, how could they try to elevate others? Therefore, they all looked calm.

Hei Changzhi and Zhou Xiran had no choice but to continue, "I have learned cooking from my grandfather since I was a child, and my grandfather plans to pass on the mantle to me. So when it comes to cooking, I believe I will never let you down."

Yan Qing and Yan Shu looked at each other: This is better.

However, Yan Qing still did not express his position and set his sights on the last big wave.

Big Wave is older than the other two ghosts, about thirty years old, but has a beautiful and delicate appearance. She first raised her hand to lightly flip her hair, showing a charming smile, and then spoke:

"My name is Ruan Lintang. My family does not have a restaurant, but my family is a family of royal chefs. Not only did they cook for emperors in ancient times, but they are also special chefs for state banquets now. My dad's braised pork is a dish that must be served when foreign guests come to visit. I don't It can be said that it is 100% true to my father, but there are always 80% or 90%.”

The Yan brothers and sisters, with similar indifferent faces, looked at each other: This one is even more powerful!

"Not only that, how old do you think I am this year?"

"Thirty?" Shen Yingying asked tentatively.

Ruan Lintang stretched out a finger and waved it in front of her, "No, I'm over sixty this year, can't you tell?"

The other two ghosts finally couldn't hold it any longer, and they all had shocked faces. Even Yan Shu's usually indifferent expression showed a hint of crack. Only Yan Qing is well-informed and can be considered stable.

Ruan Lintang was very satisfied with their reaction, flipped her hair, and continued, "The reason why I can maintain such good health is because I have unique medicinal and dietary skills. Medicinal therapy is not as good as dietary therapy. I can formulate a dietary and health menu according to a person's physique. . It can be used for beauty and beauty, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging, and can even treat some difficult and complicated diseases. So Master—"

Ruan Lintang turned his attention to Yan Qing, "As soon as I looked at your sister, I knew that she was suffering from chronic malnutrition. Although the young man is in good health and it seems to have no impact, she still needs to be taken care of. I can make a formula based on her physique. Warming and replenishing plan, what do you think, Master?”

The master didn’t need to look. He waved his hand and made a decision happily, “Okay, it’s you!”

He had originally planned to take good care of his sister's body, and it would be great if professionals prepared a meal plan.

Although Ruan Lintang felt that her conditions were the best and she was sure of it, she still couldn't help but be surprised when she heard that she had been admitted. "Thank you, Master."

She was happy, but the other two were unwilling.

Zhou Xiran knew that it would be difficult to defeat Ruan Lintang in cooking. It was not that she felt that her cooking skills were inferior to hers, but that Ruan Lintang had clearly identified the master's needs.

So she asked tentatively, "Maybe... Master, do you need a tutor for all subjects? Although my family runs a restaurant, I am not bad at studying. I have a master's degree from Peking University and a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University. I can speak three foreign languages. I work as a tutor in college. Teach a top student in the college entrance examination. Do you think your sister needs a tutor for one-to-one tutoring? "

When Yan Qing heard this, it was good to have a top student to help his sister with her classes. He was also interested in the three incense sticks, so he was a little excited. But you still have to follow your sister's wishes.

"Xiao Shu, do you need a tutor?"

Yan Shu nodded, "Yes." She had been harassed by ghosts before. It was childish to disturb her study and homework at night, and even disturbed her sleep. As a result, she often doesn't get enough sleep, has difficulty concentrating in class, and her learning efficiency is not high. So even though she worked hard, her grades were always hovering in the middle.

Now that she has a brother, she is no longer afraid of those ghosts disturbing her. Of course she hopes that she can achieve good results. It’s also nice to have a teacher to help with tutoring.

The younger sister agreed, and Yan Shu said happily, "Okay, you are also admitted. From now on, you will help Xiao Shu with her homework, and the treatment will be the same as Miss Ruan."

Zhou Xiran was also happy.

Shen Yingying was the only one left who was shocked. How could it be like this? !

She hesitated for a moment, then summoned up the courage to ask, "Maybe the master's sister needs a martial arts teacher? Although my appearance is very deceiving, to tell you the truth, I have been learning martial arts since I was a child, and I also won the national martial arts Sanda championship. Female Children need to learn some martial arts to protect themselves! What if they are in danger?”

Yan Qing felt that this skill was a bit useless. He taught his sister to embark on the path of metaphysics. What she would have to learn in the future was far beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding, and fists and kicks were not needed.

But this time it was Yan Shu who was moved. When she had no brother and no knowledge of metaphysics, and was bullied by those ghosts, her biggest dream was to learn kung fu and fight off all those ghosts. Because it has been my wish since childhood, this idea did not disappear even after I came into contact with metaphysics.

So he took the initiative and said, "Brother, keep her."

Of course, Yan Qing did not disagree with her sister's request for the first time, and said readily, "Then let's all stay, and the treatment will be the same."

Thus, a recruitment process ended with a 100% acceptance rate.

Yan Qing felt that although there were only three ghosts here, he didn't expect that all of them were so good, so he could save face in front of his sister.

Finally, Yan Qing curiously asked the three ghosts, "Why are there only three of you applying? Is it because the conditions I offered are not attractive enough?"

Ruan Lintang said without changing his expression, "Of course not, it's because the conditions offered by the boss were too generous. Those ghosts felt that their abilities were not worthy of such good conditions, so they didn't dare to come. There are only three of us who are so outstanding. That’s why I dared to try so shamelessly.”

It turns out that this is the case, and Yan Qing thinks it makes sense.

Although he soon learned from other ghosts that the truth of the matter was not like this. But she wasn't angry either. After all, she was right about what she said. The three of them were indeed very good. It wouldn't hurt to resort to some tricks in order to compete.

Although Yan's house is an old and run-down residential building, it was originally home to a family of six, so it had three bedrooms. Yan Qing and his sister lived in one room each, and the remaining room was temporarily used as a staff dormitory.

At this point, the three ghosts are already very satisfied. The last time they lived in a decent house was when they were still alive. In the past, ghosts still lived in coffins, but now in the new century, ghosts live in urns. So in comparison, this place is like a mansion.

After arranging accommodation, Ruan Lintang came over and asked, "Master, when will the paper body you mentioned be ready..."

That’s right, the most exciting of all the recruitment conditions is the paper mache body!

Once you become a ghost, you no longer have a physical body, and anything you touch can only penetrate through. And the underworld does not have as much leisure and entertainment as the yang realm.

So being a ghost is really boring. The biggest entertainment is watching TV.

However, it is too painful to live in a world where you can only watch what others put on you. How can you have the pleasure of switching programs as you please

So the purpose of the three ghosts to apply for the job is not simple at all.

Zhou Xiran came to apply for the job in order to gain physical freedom to follow dramas.

Shen Yingying came to apply for the job because she wanted to play games for physical pleasure.

As for Ruan Lintang, she painted her nails for makeup. As a beauty who attaches great importance to appearance, the most unbearable thing is that her face is bare and her nails are empty!

It's like running naked!

The three ghosts looked at Yan Qing eagerly, their desire for the body suppressing their fear of the big devil.

Yan Qing was quite polite to his own people, "Okay, wait a moment, I will cut one for you."

Yan Qing took out a piece of white paper, first drew a female outline on it, and then asked them, "Do you have any requirements for appearance and clothes? It can't be too similar to me, otherwise your acquaintances will think it's a fake corpse if they see it. ”

Shen Yingying was the first to nod, "Okay, okay. I don't like my baby-faced appearance. I am always regarded as a high school student! Master, please draw me like Ruan Bingbing. She is my goddess. She looks like a high school student." She has a beautiful figure and I have always dreamed of looking like her.”

"You can't look like others. Otherwise, if people take photos of 'Ruan Bingbing' here, wouldn't that cause trouble to others? Let me combine your looks."

Yan Qing moved his brush while talking. With just a few strokes, he sketched out a beautiful painting of a beauty. The charm was indeed 50% like Shen Yingying and 50% like Ruan Bingbing.

The three ghosts were amazed when they saw it. They didn't expect that the master could even be so good at painting.

"So beautiful, I like this look very much!" Shen Yingying said happily.

Yan Qing handed the drawing paper to Yan Shu, "Take scissors and cut it from the edge."

Yan Shu took the drawing paper and followed it.

"I want someone who wears a cheongsam and high heels, something more classic, preferably as beautiful as me." Ruan Lintang said.

"I don't have any requirements for clothes or appearance, as long as I'm pretty and good-looking." Zhou Xiran also said.

Yan Qing finished the drawing quickly, and Yan Shu slowly cut it out.

Then Yan Qing didn't see any action. He picked up three pieces of paper and patted the three ghosts respectively.

The three humanoid paper-cuts slowly turned into three beauties with their own characteristics, just like blowing up balloons.

Both Ruan Lintang and Shen Yingying are very satisfied with their new bodies. Only Zhou Xiran, she told Yan Qing to do whatever he wanted, so Yan Qing drew a long, straight, black beauty in a dress.

She has a pretty face...but why is the dress pink? !

What kind of terrible straight male aesthetic is this!