My Brother is a Big Shot

Chapter 94: The champion brother10


Although the family is separated, Song Fubao's family still lives in the original house and has not found a place to move out yet.

So Song Hai and his wife printed books to sell, but they were rejected. She soon found out.

When she heard about this, she felt an indescribable emotion in her heart, as if something that should belong to her had been taken away.

In fact, when Song Yanchang went to study, she found that they did not have printing technology here and the books were all copied by hand. I don’t know whether it’s because their place is too small and backward that they don’t have this kind of technology, or whether it’s because the whole world doesn’t have it.

She originally thought that when she grew up, she would inquire carefully, and if she really did not have this technology, she could create printing technology. This is something that is beneficial to scholars all over the world. It can not only gain fame, but also make money.

But she didn't expect that before she could do it, printing technology had already come out.

She asked the Wang family indirectly why they suddenly thought of printing books.

Mrs. Wang spilled the beans and said she saw it from the fourth room.

Four bedrooms? How could Sifang have such technology

Did they learn it from others, or did they develop it themselves? If it's the former, that's fine, but if it's the latter, is it...

Song Fubao suddenly had a terrible guess. Could it be that someone in the fourth room also traveled through time? !

No, this is impossible! Time traveling is not a big deal, so how could there be so many time travellers? And none of the people in the fourth room look like they have traveled through time. Let’s not talk about Song Chi and Miao Guihua. They are definitely natives of the ancients, and they are both lazy and mean. Zhu Zhu and Si Ya looked like ordinary children, nothing special at all.

So, it must be just a coincidence, right? Even if they have this kind of technology, they probably learned it from others.

Song Fubao thought this, but she still felt a little uneasy. She planned to inquire about the people in the fourth room next time she met them.

But for now, she should think about how to make a fortune.

Thanks to her love of reading novels, she had read a lot of ancient time-travel novels before she traveled through time, and even studied the "essential skills for time-travel".

Soap, glass, perfume... these are the most basic and common. Among them, soap and perfume, she has also experimented with them herself.

But when she was doing it, she had all the tools and mostly used semi-finished products, so it was easier to get started. But now it still needs to be studied in the real ancient context.

The first is the most critical lye, which is not readily available and can only be extracted from plant ash.

Song Fubao remembered that a solution of mixed plant ash and water could produce lye, but he didn’t know the specific ratio, so he could only keep experimenting to find out the ratio.

At this time, if her previous good luck is still there, and with the blessing of the good luck buff, she may be able to get the correct data through one or two experiments. But now her luck is not so unfavorable, and she is just a little better than ordinary people, so she failed more than ten times, and just when she was about to give up, she finally succeeded!

Obtaining the lye is only the first step. Next, the lye needs to be heated to remove water to purify the concentration of the lye. Then add the boiled lard in proportion, keep it at a certain temperature, and stir continuously until the saponification reaction is completed.

The ratio of oil to alkali, the temperature and time of stirring all required her constant exploration to determine.

A lot of lard and firewood were wasted, which made Xu and Song Jiang very sad. Even when Song Fubao wondered if her steps were wrong, she finally succeeded in the experiment and made her first soap.

The smell is not that good, but the stain removal ability is okay.

Mrs. Xu was very curious, "This thing called soap is really easy to use. I use it to wash my hands and clothes, and my clothes are much cleaner! But can I sell it for money?"

It took her daughter two months of tinkering to come up with such a thing. Seeing the waste of lard and firewood made Mrs. Xu heartbroken, but Fubao had a big idea, and she, the mother-in-law, couldn't stop what she decided.

Fu Bao said with certainty, "Mom, I can definitely sell it for money!"

Xu said no more.

They still live in the countryside. Although Fubao has repeatedly asked to rent a house in the county, the Xu couple are reluctant to part with the crops in the fields. They always want to take back this season's grain and rent it to others.

So Fubao had no choice but to compromise.

After the first batch of soap was made, Song Fubao started looking for buyers.

She is only eight years old. No matter how old she is in her heart, to outsiders she is just a little girl. So it's not very reliable to ask her to negotiate business with others.

But both Mrs. Xu and her father Song Jiang are very dull and honest, not business material at all.

At this time, Song Fubao felt for the first time the disadvantages of his family member Ding Shao.

In the end, she had no choice but to follow her father to negotiate the business and ask him to do everything according to her instructions.

The first batch of soap totaled 50 yuan, priced at 30 yuan a piece, and was sold to a powder shop.

Originally, Song Fubao wanted to open her own shop to sell, but she didn't have enough start-up capital. After the family split, she only had eighteen taels of silver, and she couldn't do anything with this little money. As a last resort, Song Fubao could only use this method to save funds.

Soap is indeed a good thing, so it was widely praised as soon as it was launched. The powder shop quickly ordered a second batch of goods from her.

So Song Fubao continued to process soap with high spirits.

Living in a courtyard, the movements in their room could not be hidden from the other two rooms.

When Dafang failed to invest in the printing industry, it was when they were most distressed. Seeing that Sanfang had such a way to make money, they immediately took up their idea again.

The second house is no less generous. Who wouldn’t be greedy for a way to make money

Then Song Fubao encountered two obstacles before his business started.

Yan Qing doesn't care about these things. He has sealed Song Fubao's luck-absorbing physique. Now she has restored her original luck, but it is just a little better than ordinary people.

But what she did before to attract people's luck was not a serious approach. Without the protection of those luck, she would naturally suffer some backlash. No matter how many people she sucked, she would suffer backlash. Sooner or later, she would have to pay back what she had eaten.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to get rid of the entanglement of the first and second houses in a short time.

After all, she mainly sucked the luck of the Song family before.

Their fourth room had the most sucks, but Yan Qing didn't want to have anything to do with her, so knowing that she was not doing well, he felt at ease and didn't need her compensation.

After the county examination, he began to prepare for the government examination in April. You have to take the prefecture examination in Fucheng. In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient, so you usually went there one or two months in advance. Basically, you can set off once the county examination results are out.

Yan Qing rejected his father's proposal to accompany him and just asked them to wait at home.

"Isn't Yan Chang going to take the exam too? Do you want to wait for him to go with you? It would be nice to have someone to look after you on the way." Song Chi asked Yan Qing's opinion.

Before Yan Qing could say anything, Miao Guihua became angry, "What are you waiting for him to do? The last time he came back to our house, he came empty-handed, ate our food and lived in our house, didn't even say a word, and even secretly imitated our family. of typography!”

When she thought of this, Miao Guihua became so angry that she wanted to rush back to her hometown and point her nose in them and scold them.

"If it weren't for Yan Qing's critical moment now, see if I don't go back to Old Song's house and scratch their faces! How shameless! Bah!"

"Forget it, don't be angry, didn't they take advantage too?"

Because the day after he stole it, Yan Qing taught this technology to several bookstores he had cooperated with for free, and then reported it to the magistrate of the county. Not only does it spread the technology, it prevents one company from owning it, and it also brings some benefits to itself.

The county magistrate, Mr. Gu, was kind enough and did not take credit for his work. He reported the matter truthfully, but no news has come back from the court yet.

Miao Guihua felt a little better when she thought about the big house stealing chickens but losing a lot of rice, working in vain and leaving nothing behind.

"Hmph! Anyway, they will never be allowed to come to the house again in the future. They are such evil-hearted things!"

Song Fubao was so angry that she had known for a long time that both the first and second houses of her family coveted her soap business, and she had always been on guard against it. But she didn't expect that she couldn't guard against it, and they still took advantage of her!

It's okay if she just goes to study. Anyway, she can't meet the market demand by herself, so just pretend that everyone is getting rich together.

But I didn’t expect them to be so short-sighted and sell the formula! !


What's the difference between this and killing the chicken to retrieve the eggs

And it was sold behind her back.

If she hadn't gone to deliver the goods to the powder store today and the other party didn't want it, and then she found out, she wouldn't have known that the people in the two houses could do such shameless things!

When Song Fubao went to question them, they actually said, "Isn't the price they gave me high? A piece of soap only cost thirty cents, but they offered me five hundred taels. How long will it take for us to sell it to five hundred taels?" ?”

"That's right, and if someone buys the formula, it won't stop us from continuing to sell it. We can still continue this business!"

Song Fubao was so angry that she lost her temper. She gritted her teeth and said, "What about the money? This is my prescription. Shouldn't the money from the sale be given to me?" She thought, since it has been sold, no matter how much she says, it will be enough. If nothing can be done, it is better to get the money, and then get away from them as soon as possible, whether it is moving to the county town or renting a shop.

Wang started to shirk the blame, and said to him, "As you know, your Brother Yan Chang is going to Fucheng to take the exam. It costs a lot to go back and forth, so Auntie will use the money first."

Ms. Chen also said, "Brother Yan Wen is going to get married soon, and it's not possible without a house. Second aunt will use this money to buy a house first."