My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 116


While listening to Lian Wenbai's complaints, Wen Xin paid attention to the old guardian spirit above Lian Wenbai's head.

She has long since discovered that the guardian spirits are transformed along with the souls of the cubs. When they are cats, the guardian spirits stay on the cat’s head and brush their fur from time to time; on their shoulders.

Even Wen Bai was talking, and the guardian spirit sighed bitterly:

"Cub, why can't you be firmer! Go your own way, no matter what others say, you son, how can I rest assured that you will grow up."

Compared with Qi Zheng's stubborn and old-fashioned guardian spirit grandfather, even though Wen Bai's guardian spirit also wears long robes and has a gray beard, his behavior is very fashionable.

Wen Xin has no doubt that Lian Wenbai's idol experience has deeply affected him.

From the previous information, we can know that the guardian spirits control the life and death of cats whether they are adults. Different guardian spirits have different opinions and do not affect each other. This is why the conditions for each cat to reach adulthood are different. .

If we say, for Qi Zheng, the condition offered by the guardian spirit is: "Marry."

So for Lian Wenbai, the condition for the guardian spirit is: "Follow your own path firmly!"

Wen Xin, Qi Zheng's adult condition, is helpless, but here at Little Milk Tea, Wen Xin might as well remind him a little bit. What's more, Wen Xin himself felt from the bottom of his heart that Little Milk Tea, also known as Lian Wenbai, needed to truly break free from the shackles his parents had placed on him.

Wen Xin glanced at the sweaty trainees on the stage, and had an idea in her mind.

"If I remember correctly, Brother Wen Bo, you also made your debut in the draft, right?" Wen Xin said.

"That's right, two years ago..." Lian Wenbo was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Wen Xin suddenly brought up this matter.

"It's nothing, I just feel that it's not easy to go from a trainee to a debut." Wen Xin smiled, looked in the direction of the stage, her eyes were full of emotion: "I am already one in a million to be able to come to this show." , everyone worked very hard and were very talented, but in the end, they all left one by one.”

This is the rule of the talent show, but also the cruelty of the talent show.

The younger brothers worked very hard, Wen Xin wanted to stay in every one of them, but the reality was that in the third episode of the show, more than half of the trainees left the show sadly.

"However, even if it is eliminated, it is a very good memory." Lian Wenbo recalled the time when he participated in the competition, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose slightly.

Wen Xin interrupted him: "Have you ever thought that if you had chosen to quit at the beginning, then someone else would have realized your debut dream?"

Lian Wenbo stood there speechless, unable to refute for a while.

Admittedly, the premise is ridiculous.

But in Lian Wenbo's mind, such memories unconsciously emerged:

On the night of forming a group, he stood on the throne symbolizing the position of c, receiving cheers from fans and audiences, while under the throne, the trainees who were invited to perform backstage, stood in the audience, using a pair of Looking at him with teary eyes.

He remembered that there was a younger brother who was 25 years old.

He is old, so no company wants him, and he is a personal trainee.

But every time he practiced in the dance studio until the latest, he practiced until he vomited, and every movement was impeccable. In the end, he walked away in the second round, because the shots of his efforts were completely ignored by the program crew.

He remembered that there was another little brother in the same company.

The little brother is lively, cheerful, loves to laugh, has a strong talent in dancing, and is a strong candidate for debut.

However, halfway through the competition, the younger brother was terminated on the spot due to a contract dispute with the company, and has since stayed away from the stage.

… The list goes on.

Lian Wenbai has been at ease in his own comfortable space for too long. So much so that he almost forgot that standing in this position, he stepped on the "dream corpses" of many people.

Wen Xin patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Of course I don't want to kidnap you morally, I just want to tell you that people are really lucky to have the opportunity to realize their dreams."

"Sister Xinxin wants me not to give up easily?"

Lian Wenbo blinked his eyes, as if he understood what he wanted to say.

"so smart!"

Wen Xin gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation.


What Lian Wenbo didn't know was that when he was still hesitating and hesitant about how to explain to his parents, when it was his dream to write songs for idols, even his father and mother had already acted one step ahead of him.

In five years, even the little patience of the father and the mother has been exhausted.

The rejection from the Tang family made Lian's parents even worse.

Lian's father was busy with the company's operations, so this matter fell on Lian's mother. And this mother's method is obviously in stark contrast to Lian Wenbai who grew up in a greenhouse.

In the evening, the Lian family mansion.

A tall and slim figure, stepping on high heels measuring seven to eight centimeters, was invited in as a distinguished guest.

Lian's mother took the time to sit on the sofa to welcome the visitor, and before the visitor took a seat, she directly expressed her sincerity: "I know what Miss Fu needs, and I can assure you that when it is done, everything you need will be delivered to you." I can even give you a home."

Fu Lingxuan took off her sunglasses, with a faint smile on her lips: "Mrs. Lian, I naturally believe in the strength of the Lian family, but... being photographed like that will be a fatal blow to my future career."

After all, she was an actor, and when she changed the topic, the expression on her face became aggrieved and pitiful.

But who is Mrs. Lian

How could he fail to notice her little thought.

Seeing Mrs. Lian's eyes beckoning, the servants around her all backed down, then she gently picked up the teacup in front of her, and said in a calm tone: "Then what if I say, I will let Wen Bai marry you after I promise? "

Older gingers are more spicy.

Fu Lingxuan was struggling in the circle, and she had already perfected the ability to hide her emotions and anger.

But even so, she couldn't help but feel happy when she heard the conditions offered by Mrs. Lian one after another.

What is an entertainment star

No matter how much resources you give and how much money you earn, you are still not a part-time worker after all.

But if you marry into the Lian family, it will be completely different.

She had also inquired beforehand that there was only such a single son in the family,

The future company must also be handed over to the only son.

At that time, she will be the hostess of the Lian family and the mother of the heir to the Lian family's tens of billions of property.

The bosses of the company have to respectfully call her Mrs. Lian, not to mention those low-ranking competitors, I'm afraid they can't even see her heels.

At that moment, Fu Lingxuan was completely moved to cooperate with Mrs. Lian.

Although she said some high-sounding words on the surface, in fact, she has been completely persuaded by Mrs. Lian both in her heart and her outward actions.

Mrs. Lian said: "I have already arranged this matter. You only need to enter the door within the specified time, and we will handle the rest."

Naturally, Fu Lingxuan was not stupid, so she immediately asked: "Madam Lian, how can I believe that your promise is sincere, what if... after it is done, you turn your face and deny anyone, what should I do?"

She knew very well that after this incident, it would be a scandal both for Lian Wenbai and for her.

Although her previous scandals about the relationship between men and women were not very good-looking, Lian Wenbai still has too many fans, so many that Fu Lingxuan is afraid that after the incident is exposed, she will be brushed as the headline of #苏铃萱roll out of entertainment circle# Forever.

Therefore, if Mrs. Lian didn't give her some assurance, it was impossible for her to do it directly.

"Twenty million, and the contract for the leading lady, I can give it to you now."

"Director Song Fang—" Fu Lingxuan stared at the name on the contract.

Song Fang is an internationally renowned director and an evergreen tree in major film festivals. With him leading the way and being the number one female, her road to transforming into the film industry in the future will definitely be smoother.

Fu Lingxuan had to admit that for herself who was getting older now, such a contract was enough for her to stand up and take risks, not to mention, after the event was completed, there was an even bigger temptation waiting for her...

Almost without thinking, Fu Lingxuan signed her name on the contract.

And promised Mrs. Lian that she would do it immediately during the next closed shooting period.


Time soon came to the third day.

As usual, the instructors joined the group one after another to start the recording and rehearsal of the fifth episode.

As mentors, Fu Lingxuan and Lian Wenbo Wenxin lived in the same hotel, but each occupied the best suites in the hotel.

Fu Lingxuan knew that Lian Wenbai lived at the end of the stairs on the same floor as her.

Lian Wenbai is the PD invited by the program group, and he doesn't have as many filming roles as his mentor, so he doesn't often haunt the studio. According to reliable sources, Lian Wenbai went back to his room to rest almost every day at ten o'clock, and just now, Fu Lingxuan received a WeChat message from his assistant:

Sister Xuan, Lian Wenbai has returned to the room.

After reading the news, Fu Lingxuan went out in no hurry.

She needs to change herself and find a proper excuse.

In the end, Fu Lingxuan chose to put on a silk wine red suspender skirt under the conservative trench coat. The wine red complements the white very well, showing that her skin is better than snow, and behind the ears and on the wrists, there is a faint scent of pheromone perfume, which adds a touch of sexiness to her body.

Fu Lingxuan looked at herself in the mirror and thought confidently that there was no man in this world who could resist her charm.


Wen Bo is no exception.

What's more, even if Lian Wenbo is really so determined, she still has second-hand preparations.

In the dead of night.

Fu Lingxuan carried a bottle of red wine and walked towards the door of Lian Wenbai's room.

tuk tuk tuk —

He knocked three times, but no one answered.

Fu Lingxuan frowned slightly, and sent a message to Mrs. Lian, saying that Lian Wenbo must have fallen asleep.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lian even considered this point and told her that the door system had been cracked for her remotely, and Fu Lingxuan only needed to push gently to get in.

Fu Lingxuan tried and found that the door was indeed open.

But if Lian Wenbai didn't sleep and was just taking a bath or doing something else, Fu Lingxuan's appearance would be a little awkward.

Fortunately, none of the above situations happened. There was an obvious bulge in the quilt on the big bed in the bedroom.

Fu Lingxuan stepped forward with anxiety, and was about to lift the quilt.

At this time, there was a small but uniform snoring sound from the quilt. Listen carefully, it seems that there is... meow...