My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 12


twenty minutes ago.

In the westernmost part of the film and television city, a simulated grassland facing the crew of "Abandoned Concubine" is shooting a circus.

The horses are all real horses, transported by air from Inner Mongolia. Each horse has excellent bloodlines, and its character has been selected and trained for several generations. It is equipped with a special horse trainer. It stands to reason that nothing will go wrong.

However, accidents still happened.

During the march, a horse was disturbed by a jeep galloping by the side of the road and suddenly lost control.

Even though the horse trainer took emergency measures immediately, the horses still lost their positions. Coincidentally, the woman sitting on the head of the horse fell off.

More than a dozen horses rushed past, trampling on the woman mercilessly and cruelly.

But the woman has not completely lost consciousness.

She endured the pain, and waited until the moment when the agent arrived, and said: "If I can't wake up, remember to format my phone." Then, she passed out completely.

The crew was in a mess.

The young director who had witnessed everything stood in front of the camera dumbly, as if he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

It wasn't until the ambulance arrived quickly, and the doctors and nurses carried away the woman who had been talking and laughing in front of him for two minutes on a stretcher, that the director came back to his senses:

Chu Xi, are you injured

That omnipotent, all-knowing and omnipotent Chu Xi was actually injured

ten minutes later.

The major media platforms pushed this news to the whole network:

[News! Chu Xi unfortunately fell from a horse during filming, was injured and fell into a coma, and has been sent to the Central Hospital for emergency treatment.]

Twenty minutes later.

#楚西混马# #楚喜反弤# #楚西安全# The three phrases related to Chuxi are all on the hot search, and the far right of all the hot searches has a bright red word 'new'.

In an instant, the number of comments under the first news broke 20,000.

Fans frantically swiping their screens saying it's not true, it's impossible, I don't believe it. However, the photos and videos of the scene were quickly circulated, and fans had to believe it.

The next period is the most rapid outbreak of heat.

No matter what social platform you are on, whether you follow the entertainment industry or not, everyone's homepage has been swiped by the news of Chu Xi's accident. Even the serious official news media on weekdays reposted this news to express their concern.

Without a doubt, this will be the most shocking showbiz news of the year.

Even if there are still four full months before the end of the year.


On the other side, the hotel at the southernmost tip of the Film and Television City.

Wen Xin received a call.

After a beep, a soft and pleasant female voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Hello, is this Miss Wen Xin?"

"It's me, may I ask why you are looking for me?" Wen Xin thought of the original owner's note to the caller, and suddenly felt inexplicably flustered.

If the cattery calls itself, what will happen

Could it be that the seller of Zai Zai made a return visit, wanting to see how Zai Zai is doing recently

The woman burst out laughing:

"Miss Wen, have you forgotten, you ordered a puppet cat with me a month ago, and tomorrow is the agreed delivery time."

"What?" Wen Xin thought she had heard wrong.

"I said, the puppet sister you ordered from me should be delivered tomorrow." The woman repeated.

"Fuck..." Wen Xin suddenly understood why she was flustered.

The co-author of the second boss arranged for her so soon

If I remember correctly, the setting of the second boss is the goddess of the entertainment industry, who belongs to the kind of classic works that have debuted for many years, and has zero negative reviews.

Wait, why does this setting sound so familiar...

hold on!

Regardless of whether the setting is familiar or not, she just answered this call in front of Zai Zai!

Zai Zai didn't hear it

Wen Xin suddenly felt a cool gaze coming from behind, she shuddered involuntarily, and didn't dare to turn her head for a moment.

The cattery proprietress chattered on the phone:

"Are you overjoyed? Let me tell you, my sister is pretty. If it weren't for the fact that I like the role you played, I would definitely keep it for myself, and I wouldn't be willing to sell it to you."

"Well... wait a minute." Wen Xin tried to save her, "I'm not very convenient recently, can I let the puppet be fostered with you for a while?"

The proprietress immediately changed her face: "That can't be done, I have to take care of other cats."

"Then... okay." Wen Xin sighed slightly.

It seems that no matter how I do the butterfly effect, the plots that should happen will still happen one after another in order. The puppet is only the second cat, and there will be a third and a fourth cat in the future. Even if she has a hundred mouths, Zai Zai probably can't explain it clearly.

Moreover, these cats are a bit pitiful to be honest.

If sent elsewhere, the others would have no idea that they had human souls in their bodies.

So Wen Xin thought about it, and finally told the proprietress the address of the hotel:

"I'm at this place now. If you are free, please come and visit me in person. I will bear the round-trip fare."

"It's okay, it's nothing, I'll see you tomorrow"

When the proprietress heard that the address was the film and television city, she thought that maybe she could meet her favorite star, so she hurriedly agreed.

Wen Xin hung up the phone.

She coughed twice, and was about to explain about the upcoming addition of a family member, when Li Jingjing looked as if the sky had fallen.

"Sister Xinxin, what should I do..." Li Jingjing was crying.

"What should I do?" Wen Xinxin said, I don't even know what to do now!

Li Jingjing choked with sobs, and handed the phone to Wen Xin: "A good-looking person, why did he have an accident and fell off his horse, and now he was unconscious and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, his life and death are uncertain."

Wen Xin was stunned for a moment: "Is it the Chu Xi you mentioned just now?"

"It's her." Li Jingjing cried and nodded.

Wen Xin finally knew where she had heard the name.

Isn't Chu Xi the name of the second boss

According to the original plot, after an accident, Chu Xi's soul passed into the cat's body and was sent to the original owner's home. As the only girl among the five cats, Chu Xi's character can be said to be quite 'gentle'.

Among the five cats, the original owner once liked Chu Xi the most.

Because Chu Xi is pretty and good-looking, she likes to take a bath, her body is always fragrant and soft, and most importantly, as long as she has something to eat, Chu Xi will not reject people hugging her!

Simply perfect kitty!

The original owner naturally loved this puppet very much at the beginning, and often posted the image of Chu Xi's puppet cat on Weibo, attracting a lot of cat fans.

But the good times didn't last long. The original owner soon discovered that although the puppet cat is also a big cat, did she eat too much

Cat food, canned cat food, dried fish, corn—

As long as she can eat, she puts it in her mouth, never caring whether the cat can eat these things.

Gradually, the puppet cat became fat, and the whole cat was like a large mop that moved together.

The original owner originally posted cat pictures to attract fans, but after posting them, fans gave her comments:

Xinxin, your puppet is fat like a piglet!

Feed less, too fat is not good for cats.

Give my little beauty back, it's not the kitty I've ever loved!

The original owner also felt that the puppet was too fat, so he began to forcibly lose weight on the puppet, who knew that this touched the reverse scale deep in the puppet's heart.

It turned out that the real identity of the puppet cat was the well-known goddess Chu Xi in the entertainment industry.

In order to maintain Chu Xi's image as a goddess, the entertainment company has been controlling Chu Xi harshly for a long time, weight, figure, skin... Even the movements of her hands and feet are not up to Chu Xi to decide.

After becoming a cat, the other four cats were more or less repulsive, but Chu Xi accepted it very naturally from the beginning. She really wants to become a carefree kitten, living happily and freely.

Of course, the original owner has no way of knowing all this... because the original author set up these plots for the purpose of slapping the face of the original owner, the cannon fodder female supporting role.

So later when the puppet returned to adulthood, it was the same as the big guy No. 1, and hated the original owner extremely.

At that time, the original owner had already accumulated some resources through the dinner, but he offended Chu Xi. With Chu Xi's status in the circle for so many years, all the efforts of the original owner were wasted with just a casual word.

—What logic is needed for a cannon fodder female supporting role

Anyway, slapping the face and it's over.


After knowing the development of the plot, Wen Xin naturally cannot repeat the same mistakes as the original owner.

But at present, the most important thing is not how to feed the puppet to be fat and happy, but the other cat in the family—Zai Zai.

How should she explain the appearance of the puppet to Zai Zai

Wen Xin hesitated for a long time, contemplated for a long time, and even searched for a lot of information on the Internet—

"On how to balance the relationship between the older child and the second child", "On how to prevent the cat from being jealous", "On how to calmly tell the cat that it will have a younger brother soon. "

In the end, Wen Xin decided to follow the method taught in the book to brainwash the big cat first:

"Cub, do you know? No matter what happens, in fact, mother loves you the most, and you are the pillar of our family."

With sensitive ears, the black cat, who had already heard the contents of the phone at a glance, was unmoved.

play, you continue to play-

Wen Xin made a very painful look again: "You may not be able to accept the news that mom is going to tell you next, but you have to believe that mom really only loves you, no puppets, no fairies are as good as you .”

Black Cat: Oh.

"Mom promises you that even if the puppet sister comes home in the future, everything in the house will be given priority to you, delicious and fun, you eat first and play first, so..." Wen Xin paused, beautiful His eyes were full of pleading, "Zai Zai, don't be angry with your mother, and get along with your sister, okay?"

The black cat didn't react in particular.

He just finds it funny.

I am not a real cat, how could I be jealous because Wen Xin raised another cat

As for what

Moreover, even if the puppet came over, the meaning of the call was still a kitten, and it would not pose any threat to his status at all.

So for this matter, at the beginning, the reaction of the black cat was quite calm——

Of course, pay attention to this premise:

at first.

The next day, when the proprietress of the cattery rushed to the hotel with the little puppet.

While Wen Xin warmly welcomed the proprietress, she warned herself in her heart that she must not be too happy when she saw the little puppet, and just act normal.

However, when the cat bag was uncovered.

Only three months old, the little doll is covered with snow-white breast hair, only has beautiful brown patterns on the face, and has a pair of big blue eyes that are brighter than jewels. The little puppet instantly captured Wen Xin's heart with its beauty.

Not to mention, after seeing Wen Xin, the little puppet opened its mouth:

"Meow—" called out.

Wen Xin: AWSL!

Give you give you all! My heart, my money, I will give you what you want!

Woohoo, how could there be such a cute little sweetheart in the world, how could anyone be willing to reject this kitten? Let her eat, let her eat, let her eat like a piglet, it doesn't matter!

When Wen Xin threw away her original preparations, Pi Dian'er Pi Dian'er took out snacks for the little puppet to offer.

Witnessing Wen Xin happily giving the puppet the snacks she had planned for herself:

Everything that is agreed is my priority