My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 125


"What did you say?"

Qi Yang opened his eyes wide.

He couldn't believe that something went wrong at such a critical moment.

But there was another voice deep in his heart telling him: what Qi Zheng said was right... With Qi Zheng's character, if he hadn't been completely sure, how could he...


There was a surprise.

The woman beside Qi Yang had already untied the sack first, and revealed half of the face of the woman inside the sack.

Even though half of her face was tightly covered by tape, if you look carefully, the exposed eyebrows and eyes, although somewhat similar to Wen Xin, are not Wen Xin at all.

Qi Zheng was right, he tied the wrong person!

"How, how..." Qi Yang couldn't believe what he saw.

Losing Wen Xin, the most important bargaining chip, even if the hostages in his hands are still countable to the police, will it have any effect on Qi Zheng

Qi Yang's back was sweating coldly.

The brain, which is always calm, is also flustered at this moment.

In a critical moment, the woman next to him said: "Qi Yang, don't care if it's Wen Xin or not, we have a hostage in our hands, so rush over!"

Qi Yang was pulled back to the real world by the woman's shout.

He also calmed down: "You're right, Qi Zheng didn't dare to act lightly in front of the police..."


Before the words fell, a bullet pierced through the glass of the car and shot straight in.

The bullet did not hit Qi Yang, but hit the woman in front of Qi Yang.

There was even a smile on the woman's face, and in the next second, a large amount of blood gushed out from the back of her head, and her body fell straight down.


bang bang—

Two more beeps.

Qi Yang has not yet recovered from the huge blow of the woman's death.

The second and third bullets followed.

Since the window glass of the car had been shattered by the first bullet, there was no obstacle, so the last two bullets hit Qi Yang's eyebrows.

The two suspects were successfully shot by snipers.

The police ambushing everywhere jumped out one after another and cleaned up the mess.

Qi Zheng also came out from the second floor of the checkpoint, and bowed deeply to the female special police officer who replaced Wen Xin in the car: "Thank you, Officer Zhang."

Zhang Rui has been completely untied at this moment, she rubbed her sore wrist, and said heroically, "Thank you, this is what I should do."

"Anyway, thank you officers this time."

Qi Zheng bowed again to all the police officers involved in the operation.

"President Qi, you are being polite, we just want to thank you for killing relatives righteously." At this time, the leading detachment captain stood up and saluted Qi Zheng seriously: "We have been investigating this international drug trafficking case for almost two years, because the criminals are too aggressive. Cunning, I have never been able to crack it, this time, thanks to you for providing important clues."

"That's what I should do." Qi Zheng lowered his eyes, his eyes darkened.

"However, I have a question. How do you know that Qi Yang will definitely go back and kidnap hostages?"

The detachment leader asked curiously.

Qi Zheng glanced at the direction of the van: "Wen Xin is my lover."

The detachment leader suddenly realized: "So it is."

Qi Zheng pursed his lips. He and Qi Yangming have been fighting secretly for so many years, and they both know each other's behavior style and weaknesses very well.

Qi Yang vowed not to give up in order to achieve his goal, he didn't even care about human life, when he was desperate, he would definitely think of taking advantage of Qi Zheng's weakness to blackmail him.

For Qi Zheng, his only weakness in the past was the fragile life of human beings.

Now, there is something more precious than life.

Qi Zheng expected that Qi Yang would make a move, and he also expected that he would buy people around Wen Xin as support, so he simply followed his plan, while luring Qi Yang out of the cave, he secretly used the method of embezzlement, cooperated with the police, and replaced Wen Xin with a substitute. Heart.

Even so, when he saw "Wen Xin" being stunned with a towel and put into a sack on the surveillance, his heart trembled unavoidably.

If so, where is the real Wenxin today.

what will he do

Qi Zheng didn't dare to think about this ending, nor could he think about it.

The only thing he wants to do now is to see her as soon as possible, and then, stay by her side without leaving her.


Hot pot restaurant.

Wen Xin did not expect to meet Wen Yi here.

And by coincidence, they all ate hot pot in the private room on the fourth floor.

Wen Jian saw that her sister was very happy: "Sister, sister, are you here to film in City Z? How about it, did the crew work hard? I heard that you are filming in the desert, it sounds fun."

Wen Xin smiled: "It's fine once you get used to it, but you, why are you here?"

Wen Yi giggled twice.

At this time, a tall man walked out from the men's room next door, standing beside Wen Yi with a stern expression.

Wen Yi introduced generously: "Sister, this is my husband Wei Ting. The two of us got our marriage certificate secretly yesterday. We took advantage of this time to rest and go on a honeymoon trip."

Wen Xin: "..."

What happened to being stuffed with dog food unexpectedly!

Obviously she was the one who stuffed other people's dog food before, but she never thought that there would be a day when someone else stuffed her.

Moreover, she is also her twin sister.

Wen Xin had mixed feelings: "I didn't expect you to be married, I'm envious."

Although the two sisters are twin sisters, they did not grow up together because of their parents' divorce since they were young. In fact, their relationship is very indifferent.

But maybe because of the special connection between the twins, Wen Yi has always had a good impression of Wen Xin.

If the original author hadn't maliciously set up Wen Xin to be jealous of Wen Yixin, and the fate of the two is very different, maybe this pair of sisters will become a good story in the entertainment industry, right

Wen Xin thought with emotion.

Wen Yi said: "Sister, what are you envious of? I'm the one who envies you. How about having such a perfect boyfriend as Mr. Qi? Did Mr. Qi propose to you?"

Speaking of Qi Zheng, Wen Xin thought of the fact that he hadn't contacted her so far, so she became very angry at that time: "Don't mention him to me!"

"Pfft, is my sister having a conflict with Boss Qi?"

"Not counting..."

Wen Xin felt a little depressed, and was too embarrassed to tell Wen Yi directly.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, she has always been the kind of independent and self-reliant persona, how could she be sulking because her boyfriend ignores her for a day

This is too unrealistic!


She was just uncontrollably angry.

Just looking at your phone over and over uncontrollably.

Wen Xin thought, didn't she fall into it

It's obviously just an ordinary black cub! It actually made her fall into it.

The most frightening thing is that there is a tendency to sink deeper and deeper and not want to jump out...


After chatting with Wen Yi, Qi Zheng still didn't send her a message.

A good hot pot is tasteless.

A group of people ate for two or three hours, until the sun was about to go down, and then they were full and ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, after paying the bill, the driver disappeared.

The staff at the same table as the driver said that while they were eating, the driver was suddenly called out by someone for questioning, and then never came back.

The driver didn't answer the call, so everyone was in a hurry.

Just about to call the police, Gu Xia suddenly received a call from the police station.

Seeing Gu Xia's serious face, he kept nodding his head in agreement. After hanging up the phone, he said, "The driver was called away by the police for questioning. He said that he was involved in some kind of case. In short, he is not missing."

He Li said: "It's fine if it's not missing. I'll drive first at that time, and we'll ask the driver what happened after he comes back."

Gu Xia nodded, then looked up at Wen Xin, and smiled:

"I just received a WeChat from my brother Zheng, do you want to know what he said?"

Wen Xin thumped in her heart, but her face remained calm as usual: "You can say whatever you want, it's none of my business."

Gu Xia laughed loudly: "Sister-in-law, are you sure?"

Wen Xin was angry: "Very sure."

Gu Xia deliberately said: "Then I have no choice but to let Brother Zheng go back."

Wen Xin's breath stagnates: "What did you say?"

"I said, your husband is waiting for you in the parking lot!"

Wen Xin didn't bother to refute Gu Xia's title this time.

When she heard Qi Zheng coming, her heart was disturbed.

Although she did say in the video that she wanted Qi Zheng to fly over to see her, she didn't say she wanted him to come over without saying a word. Anyway, say hello, right

Having said that, Wen Xin still went.

Qi Zheng didn't drive his usual Bentley this time, but a black off-road Land Rover.

He was standing right next to the car door, his tall figure was very conspicuous.

When Wen Xin saw him, her heart jumped out of her throat so quickly, she lost all anger at once and wished she could fly over.

But when he walked in, he found that Qi Zheng had a rare cigarette dangling from his mouth.

In the dark environment, the smoke enveloped his whole body, making him look extraordinarily lonely.

Wen Xin didn't know what happened to him.

But she was very sure that something must have happened, that's why Qi Zheng didn't contact her for so long.

So, he didn't do it on purpose, nor was he so busy that he forgot himself...

Wen Xin felt her nose sour, and couldn't help shouting: "Qi Zheng."

Hearing her crying voice, Qi Zheng's hand holding the cigarette trembled, and in the next second, a soft body with a bit of hot pot aroma fell into his arms.

The smoke fell to the ground.

Qi Zheng came back to his senses, stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly.

As if wanting to embed her whole body deeply into his bone marrow, he sniffed her breath greedily and kissed her face with his lips.

At this moment, it seems that nothing is important anymore.

As long as she is still in his arms, as long as she is safe and sound, he has nothing else to ask for.


I do not know how long it has been.

The two finally recovered from their selfless intimacy.

Although Qi Zheng still refused to let go of Wen Xin's arm, Wen Xin finally had a chance to breathe and speak freely in his arms.

She looked up at his slightly tired face and said, "Are you tired?"

Qi Zheng shook his head: "Not tired."

"Do you want to take a rest in the car?" Wen Xin asked.

"No, I want to hold you for a while longer." Qi Zheng refused.

"Go~ I'm on vacation today, and I can stay with you until tomorrow morning~"

Wen Xin said in a coquettish tone.

Qi Zheng couldn't bear Wen Xin's appearance the most, if it was normal, he would have already obeyed her. But today, before the limit of recovery time came, he wanted to hold her like this forever.

Qi Zheng said: "If you think this place is not good, I have a flat in City Z."

Wen Xin: "..." This perverted cat!

Looking at her expression, Qi Zheng knew that she must be thinking crookedly, so he freed up a hand and tapped her cute nose: "Don't think crookedly, I just want to hug you well. Before you agree, I will absolutely I won't force you."

Wen Xin blinked her eyelashes flickeringly: "Who wants to be crooked, I don't have one!"

Qi Zheng smiled helplessly: "That's why I was wrong."

Wen Xin said: "That's right! It's you! You want to be crooked all day long!"

Qi Zheng followed her words and said, "Actually, there is one more thing. I think it's even more crooked. Would you like to hear it?"

Wen Xin froze for a moment: "What?"

Is there anything more crooked than that

Qi Zheng looked at her with serious eyes: "I want to marry you, and I want to do it now."