My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 30


Hearing that Huo Kang was going to play, all the car fans at the scene were blown up.

As an eternal legend in the racing industry, many people came to this show just to see Huo Kang's true face, even though Huo Kang did not participate in the competition, he only attended as a guest.

However, just now, the chief director announced that Huo Kang will participate in this competition as a player...

The audience's eyes were full of disbelief:

"Did I hear you right? Huo Kang? Our God K?"

"Ah, God K is going to race again! I just entered the circle watching God K's race, and I thought I would never see him participate in the race in this life!"

"God K came to participate, so whoever joins will win, isn't it too unfair?"

"No one stipulates that this is a fair game. People have different talents. I don't care. Anyway, where God K is, I will support whichever team."

At the same time, a voting box popped up in the barrage of the live broadcast:

Which team do you think K God Huo Kang will join

There are three options: A, "will" to move forward B, desperately seeking "success" C, "heart" moving

The moment the option popped up, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was swiped by AAAAAA. Obviously, most people thought that Wenyi's koi buff was also fully valid on Huo Kang.

However, when the camera turned to Huo Kang who appeared on the stage, his hazel eyes lit up slightly, and he said with a smile:

"Since there is a team that is still lacking, I will make up for it."


[? ? ?]

[It's over, God K lost his mind and chose a team that is least likely to win the championship.]

[Maybe he just wants to challenge himself?]

[That would be too...]

No matter from which angle you look at it, Wen Xin's team is currently at the bottom of the three. As a team game, even if one Huo Kang is added, at first glance, it seems that there is nothing to fear.

So the Job's tears relaxed their hearts:

[Don't worry, don't worry, believe in Yiyi's good luck.]

[Yes, there are a total of five people in the main election of a team. No matter how strong Huo Kang is, it is impossible to take four people in one team, right?]

[Come on! crush them! Huo Kang is not invincible.]

At this time, Huo Kang on the stage had passed the host and walked in front of Wen Xin.

Huo Kang stretched out his right hand and curled his lips: "Miss Wen, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Wen Xin: "Yes, what a coincidence..."

What a joke! Aren't you staying at home! Also, tell me why you sent yourself to my house, are you greedy for my baby

"I took this, don't you mind?"

However, Huo Kang didn't realize that there was something wrong with his appearance, and even took the last battle uniform of the Wenxin team on his own initiative.

"I think it exists for you." Thinking of the live broadcast, Wen Xin could only smile brighter.

Coach Ren Ya has already fully turned on the fan girl mode, and there seems to be a little star in front of her eyes: "It's God K, I finally saw God K again, and I'm still on the same team with God K."

"Coach Ren, do you think God K can lead our team to come back?" Wen Xin took the opportunity to ask in a low voice while the camera had turned to the field.

Ren Ya smiled mysteriously, and pointed to the coach of the Wenyi team with a stern expression not far away:

"You can tell by his expression."

It was only then that Wen Xin discovered that the national team coach Deng Feng, who was as calm as he was sure of winning from the moment he appeared, changed his expression drastically after Huo Kang appeared—


"Meaning" goes to the indomitable team.

Coach Deng Feng crossed out the starting list selected by Wen Yi and replaced him with someone he trusted.

Deng Feng frowned and explained: "The first game in a while is crucial, we must win."

"But..." Wen Yi blinked, "I think these candidates will be better."

Deng Feng dismissed her opinion: "You have no idea what level of enemy we are facing. As for the few people you just selected, they will be completely abused by Huo Kang. I am not exaggerating."

"Of course I know, she is my sister."

Wen Yi turned her head and took a peek at Wen Xin on the right, her pale and tender face suddenly flushed.

"Sister?" Deng Feng frowned even more tightly.

"It's Wen Xin, isn't she pretty?" Wen Yi seemed to offer a treasure.

"It doesn't matter whether it looks good or not. The important thing is that we need to win." Deng Feng glanced at Wen Xin, but didn't take her seriously: "And Huo Kang is the biggest obstacle on our way to victory."

"Okay, then listen to you..."

Wen Yi's smile gradually disappeared, and he responded without much interest.

Friends around Wen Yi told her to stay away from Wen Xin, her elder sister, but Wen Yi couldn't help but want to get closer to Wen Xin, even if she was rejected again and again.

This time too, I heard that Wen Xin was going to participate in a variety show, so Wen Yi agreed to Mu Shihan's request without even thinking about it.

That's right, Mu Shihan is not sick, but deliberately asked her to choose someone.

But when I came to the scene and heard about it, I realized that I was not filming a variety show with my sister, but became my sister's opponent.

But how could she beat her sister

My sister is so smart, and so good-looking...I'm afraid this time, Coach Deng Feng will be disappointed, I feel regretful.


After half an hour of intense preparation.

The game officially begins.

The rules are very simple. On the specified track, each team sends seven players to perform a time relay, and the team that completes the race first wins the first game. This victory will give the winner a full 20 places to qualify; while the remaining two teams will get 17 places each.

The competition system is very cruel, and someone in the losing team needs to be eliminated immediately.

No one can guarantee whether he is the one who is eliminated, so in this first race, all the racers tried their best to perform.

On the first lap, the former professional driver of the Wenyi team took the lead.

The members of Wen Xin's team were in the last place, a full minute behind.

The barrage is not overwhelming. After all, this is just the beginning, and it is basically cheering for each team. Come on, Wen Yijia is louder, but Wen Xin is not without—

Substitution on the second lap.

Wenyi's team has a more obvious lead.

Not to mention Wen Xin, this time even the second place Shen Cheng was thrown away.

Followed by the third lap, and the fourth lap... Wen Xin secretly observed the expression of Coach Deng Feng next door according to the tricks Coach Ren Ya gave her.

Then it was discovered that the smile on Deng Feng's face could no longer be hidden.

The same is true in the barrage—

[Come on! Duck! Go ahead!]

[It's boring, the game of abuse of vegetables, people and machines, such a big gap, even God K, can't make it back.]

[Let Wen Xin eliminate God K, I feel bad when I think that he is still in this team, woohoo, God K, why don’t you listen to your mother!]

Seeing that the morale of his team has been so low, Wen Xin couldn't bear it anymore:

"Come on, come on! Don't give up!"

This clear refueling sound instantly attracted the attention of all the people inside and outside the arena.

However, when the team members looked at Wen Xin who was still cheering for the team, their emotions were very limited. After all, as long as you have a little understanding of racing cars, you will know that the situation in front of you is hopeless, unless...

"It's Huo Kang! Huo Kang is ready to go!"

The female commentator's excited voice sounded at the right time.

On the big screen, Huo Kang sat calmly in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the red Ferrari was like a flaming arrow, igniting the hearts of all the audience.

Even if everyone knows that the possibility of the gap being caught up is very slim.

But as long as Huo Kang sits there, people will have a strong premonition that everything is possible.

Everyone held their breath.

Only the female commentator kept shouting: "Huo Kang accelerated, my God, he is still accelerating in this kind of curve, is he a monster who is not afraid of death?... He shortened the gap by another full fifty seconds, his The opponent was waiting for him just before the 2,000 meters... He passed the second place, he did it, he really did it! He is still continuing to attack the first place!"

In the last 100 meters, Huo Kang and the first place were biting hard, and the finish line was in sight.

The bullet screen is scrolling crazily—

[I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, such a big gap, let me win?]

[Maybe this is the power of God K? It's so terrifying! What others can't do, I, God K, can do it for you!]

[KKKKKK! Forever God! Whoever doesn't believe in God K in the future, I'll show him this game!]


There was a shot.

The final data is accurately placed on the big screen.

But in fact, no data is needed, everyone also saw the front of the two cars appearing at the finish line one after the other, and the red Ferrari won the final victory with a slight gap.

The audience was dumbfounded, and the barley were even more dumbfounded.

They always felt that the gap between the first few players was so wide that no matter who was the last to play, they couldn't move.

Unexpectedly, Huo Kang really hit five...

And won, this is the most angry!


That's how the first game ended.

Wen Xin's Pounding Heartbeat team won their first victory with a big comeback.

According to the rules, not only can all the members of the Wenxin team advance, but Wenxin, as the star team leader, can also issue a punishment rule for the losing team in the next game.

The scope of the rules is very wide, and it can be limited literally.

As long as the team leader is ruthless enough, he can use the rules to create a stronger advantage for his side. Of course, this also has to bear the pressure of the opposing team and even public diss.

Wen Xin never waited to see what he heard, this was recognized by the barley people.

So once they lost the game, they knew that Wen Xin was going to attack them.

If they were willing to bet and admit defeat, no matter how much they hated them, there was nothing they could do. However, just when the barleys thought that Wen Xin would be ruthless and cruel, Wen Xin just smiled slightly:

"Then punish the contestants for watching my furry kid's cat movies ten times~"

Barley, audience, director: ? ?

Are you sure this is punishment

Wen Xin was very calm: "I'll send the video to you later."

The host burst into laughter on the stage: "It seems that our Xinxin really likes our kittens at home, so let us once again congratulate the Pounding Xindong team for winning this game. Next, we will invite..."

Well, what about the Hawthorne


A lounge in the backstage.

Li Jingjing was called out by the staff to help, so there was only a lonely black cat left in the lounge, staring at the live broadcast in the lounge.


The black cat's ears twitched slightly, noticing that someone had crept into the door:


"Hee hee hee... little cat... long time no see."

Black Cat: "..."