My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 35


"grandfather… "

Qi Zheng was speechless for a while.

Others may not understand it, but he knows it all too well. Mr. Qi, who kills decisively in the mall, has always been serious. Even in front of Qi Zheng, the imperial heir, there have never been a few moments of tenderness and kindness.

It was also under the training of Mr. Qi that Qi Zheng grew up to be a qualified manager early on.

But now, such a grandpa, facing his cat-shaped photo, unexpectedly... the persona collapsed.

Can this world be better

On the other side, Mr. Qi seemed fascinated by it. Not only did he look at it, but he also zoomed in on the photo with his fingers, muttering: "Long black hair, golden eyes, and this body shape, that's right, I've seen it before a cat."

"Have you seen it before?"

Mr. Qi's last words finally pulled Qi Zheng out of his incredible disbelief.

"Well." Mr. Qi put down his phone, his expression gradually became serious, and he returned to the familiar Qi Zheng: "It's been too long, I was only seven years old at that time, and I lived with your grandma. One day, I went to On the way home from collecting firewood on the mountain, I saw this cat by the river."

Mr. Qi is 78 years old this year, seven years old, that is, about seventy years ago.

Seventy years ago, the Qi family was not as rich as it is today, and Mr. Qi himself was just an ordinary mountain village kid.

But the world has changed, and the sea has changed.

After seventy years of accumulation, the current Qi family is almost invincible in terms of assets.

Mr. Qi narrowed his eyes, and mentioned this memory in a nostalgic tone: "At that time, the mountains were not like now, the water was very clear, and the fish were very clever. After the black cat jumped into the river, he plopped a few times and caught it. A lot of fat and big fish. When it saw me passing by, it didn’t run away in fear, but distributed the fish to me, and the family relied on these few fish to make up enough for my tuition.”

"So, it is still our family's savior?" Qi Zheng asked in surprise.

"That's right." Mr. Qi paused.

"But after that, I never saw it again. Speaking of it, it's also very strange. How did this kind of cat appear in the small mountain village where I lived?"

"yes… "

Old Master Qi's eyes darkened: "I will find someone to investigate this matter. In short, you go home first. I don't worry if this cat is left in someone else's place."

"About this..." For some reason, Qi Zheng was a little ashamed to speak, "I still want to stay where I am now."

"What?" Old Master Qi raised his eyebrows halfway.

Anyone who knows him well knows that this is a sign that he is about to get angry.

Qi Zheng immediately explained: "Because I found that only in this way can I slowly recover my body. From the first few seconds, now I can have an hour of free movement time."

"in this way… "

Old Master Qi glanced at Qi Zheng again, then exited the photo and returned to Wenxin Weibo home page.

The little girl seemed very fond of her grandson.

He is obviously a celebrity with millions of fans, but his avatar is his grandson.

Not only that, most of the little girl's Weibo content is related to her grandson. What to eat, what to play, what kind of cat litter to buy, it can be said that just looking at Weibo, this little girl's life almost revolves around Qi Zheng.

Of course, Mr. Qi automatically filtered the other cats in the photo.

Old Man Qi twirled his gray beard again, thought about it for a while, seemed to be weighing something, and finally, he gave in and said: "It's fine to stay in the original place, but I have to go and see for myself."

"… yes."

Qi Zheng's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little worried.

But he still responded and did not refute Mr. Qi's proposal.


Soon came the second day.

Wen Xin continued to return to the filming crew of "Abandoned Concubine".

Although her role is very heavy, but because the scenes go through very quickly, every time the filming is very smooth. Director Xu Tianhe also changed from a dispensable attitude towards her to constant praise.

This time, Wen Xin once again went through a full ten-minute long shot.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the lines, posture, positioning, and even the micro expressions on the face are all impeccable.

After the filming, Xu Tianhe began to be full of praise:

"It's so perfect, I can't make any mistakes. You all learn a little bit. This is the actor our director likes to see. Although Wen Xin is not popular yet, I believe that as long as the show is aired, it will definitely be." There are a large audience who are not blind and tasteful and like her."

Wen Xin blushed from being praised, so she quickly said a few words modestly: "It's all the director's guidance, not to mention that Director Xu didn't give me the opportunity, I'm still spinning around in third-rate online dramas."

Everyone in the crew looked different.

Some people envy Wen Xin and recognize Wen Xin's strength:

"I used to think that Wen Xin came in through the back door and was just a vase. I didn't expect her acting skills to be so good, so what if she came in through the back door. She deserves this role."

Some people were attracted by her performance in the play, and especially agreed with Director Xu's evaluation:

"I also think that Xinxin can definitely become popular. You don't need to wait for the show to air. She has performed very well in the last few variety shows, and she has been on several hot searches."

But there are still those few people who still can't get used to Wen Xin.

Fu Lingxuan looked at Wen Xin surrounded by the crowd, and sneered: "Hehe, it seems that she really thinks she can be popular? If she didn't hug Qi Shi's thigh, what did she think she had?"

"Sister Xuan, do you really think she fell in love with the Qi family?" Beside Fu Lingxuan, Ruan Qiu's eyes were already reddened.

Fu Lingxuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and her anger was not in one place: "Otherwise, it will almost spread in the circle. She broke the contract with Li Tian, and now she is the first sister of the Qi family, just waiting for the official announcement."

Fu Lingxuan herself is a first-line floret, and the company she is backed by is fairly solid, but compared with Qi's, it is still a little bit worse.

Earlier, Fu Lingxuan thought of signing a contract with Qi's, and asked her acquaintances to inquire about it.

But without exception, the final answer there was that the business of signing artists was not considered for the time being.

Now I'm slapping myself again.

It is obvious that it has something to do with the young master of the Qi family!

Ruan Qiu chuckled softly: "Sister Xuan, you don't know yet, I also met a young master of the Qi family recently, and he told me that the president of the Qi family had a car accident some time ago and is still unconscious , it is absolutely impossible to fall in love with Wen Xin."

"When did you know the young master of the Qi family..." Fu Lingxuan was taken aback, feeling a little strange.

She and Ruan Qiu have such a good relationship, they talk about almost everything.

Ruan Qiu knew all her secrets, but she had never heard Ruan Qiu talk about this young master of the Qi family.

Ruan Qiu didn't seem to hear Fu Lingxuan's question at all, and just said to himself: "I told him about Wen Xin's betrayal of Qi's family and about signing with Qi's Entertainment. I said, I want to slap this ignorant Ms. Wen in the face in public, Sister Xuan, let's just wait and see."


In the afternoon, as expected, the young master of the Qi family arrived.

He was driving a Lamborghini with a flamboyant color package, holding a bouquet of pink and purple roses that was on fire recently, and went straight to Ruan Qiu.

Someone in the play immediately recognized the young master.

Because in the low-key Qi family, Qi Tian can be said to be particularly high-profile.

Not only is it often popular on Weibo because of all kinds of flaunting wealth, but it also especially likes to get involved with female celebrities. The female stars around him have changed from one batch to another, and each one is a goblin with big breasts and thin waist.

This time, I don't know what tricks the pure-looking Ruan Qiu used to hook him up.

The crowd immediately began to whisper:

"Is Ruan Qiu very powerful? I didn't see it before, I thought she was very simple."

"Who is innocent in this circle? I think Ruan Qiu's ambition is definitely not small. Isn't it for the sake of being superior to curry favor with Fu Lingxuan all day long?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know how long she can stay with Qi Tian. The shortest time I remember is only three days?"

Ruan Qiu ignored these gossip, stepped forward to greet Qi Tian with a calm demeanor, and made a surprised and moved expression.

Qi Tian immediately made out with her, the scene was very eye-catching, and everyone took pictures to commemorate it.

Unsurprisingly, the headline of the evening was Ruan Qiumi's meeting with Qi Tian.

It's not over yet—

Qi Tian hugged Ruan Qiu, and asked the crew with a smile:

"Who is Wen Xin?"

Hearing his name, Wen Xin, who was reading the script, looked up in a daze: "What's wrong with me?"

Qi Tian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Wen Xin to be so beautiful, more flavorful than the one beside him, so he changed the subject and left the matter of his promise to Ruan Qiu out of the blue: "I heard that you know my elder brother? I also want to I know you."

Ruan Qiu's face turned green immediately.

She never expected that Qi Tian would fall in love with Wen Xin and demolish her in front of so many people.

Only then did Wen Xin realize that the man in front of him was a child of the Qi family.

But the way he looked at himself was too frivolous, Wen Xin didn't like it, so he just said coldly:

"Sorry, I'm not sure."

Qi Tian was still smiling, trying to get closer to Wen Xin. But at this moment, a black cat stood in front of him, staring at him aggressively.

"Where did the cat come from?" Qi Tian didn't smile at all, his eyes became colder.

Wen Xin hugged the black cat, patted the black cat's head: "Mine."

The black cat arched its body, looking very unwelcome to Qi Tian, not only that, but a cat covered in leopard prints sprang out from nowhere, like the black cat, it blocked Wen Xin.

Qi Tian was so amused by the scene in front of him that he wanted to laugh: "Hahaha, what do you two cats want to do, protect your mistress?"

The two cats remained silent, but guarded Wen Xin firmly, never leaving each other.

"Excuse me, if you don't get in the way, I'm not very interested in your mistress, but since you're trying to get my attention, I'll have to..."

"What do I have to do?"

Someone interrupted Qi Tian.

Qi Tian's expression froze, he couldn't believe his ears.

Impossible, the old man stayed well in the old house, how could he appear in a mere crew? It must be an illusion, it's just that this man's voice is too much like the old man's.

"It's none of your business... Grandpa..."

Qi Tian turned his head and was about to turn back, but when he saw the person coming, he was completely dumbfounded.