My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 4


A villa area in Qinlewan.

Located in the most expensive area of N City, the housing prices near Qinle Bay can be described as very expensive. However, going further south from the Qin Lewan villa area, at the end of a deserted place, there is still a hidden building more than ten times more expensive than the Qin Lewan villa—Qi Garden.

Qi Zheng, the proud son of heaven who used to strategize, is now lying on the big bed in the basement of Qi Garden.

With his eyes closed tightly, he looked as if he had completely lost his vital signs. Only the various advanced medical instruments on his body proved that he was still alive in this world.

Suddenly, Qi Zheng, who was judged by the doctor that he would not be able to wake up unless medical science advanced for fifty years, moved his eyelids slightly.

The next moment, the alarm sounded in the room.

The assistant Tang Rui who heard the siren rushed quickly from the next door and looked at him in surprise:

"Boss Qi, the interval between waking up this time is only two days."

"Hmm." Qi Zheng slowly raised his eyelids, and after focusing on Tang Rui's familiar face, he hummed lightly as a response.

Obviously, this is not the first time Qi Zheng has woken up.

Tang Rui discovered the clue when Qi Zheng became conscious for the second time.

That day, he happened to come to Qiyuan to visit his doctor, but by coincidence, he saw the scene where Qi Zheng, who experts thought would never wake up again, opened his eyelids.

Tang Rui was ecstatic at first, and immediately summoned experts for a second consultation with Qi Zheng.

However, Qi Zheng's waking up that day seemed to be a flash in the pan, and the experts could neither find the reason nor the pattern.

Everyone thought that Tang Rui was delusional.

But Tang Rui insisted that Qi Zheng really woke up, but only for a short time.

During Tang Rui's relentless waiting, he finally waited for Qi Zheng to wake up for the second time two days later. This time, Qi Zheng not only regained consciousness, but also could speak!

Tang Rui wanted to call the doctor immediately like that day, but Qi Zheng categorically stopped him.

In astonishment and confusion, Tang Rui gradually understood Qi Zheng's current situation and plans... Later, Tang Rui became Qi Zheng's agent, taking on the responsibility of Qi Zheng to understand the outside world and continue to control the Qi family.

Because he didn't know when Qi Zheng would wake up and how long he would wake up each time, Tang Rui usually worked in the room next to Qi Zheng unless there were necessary meetings.

Once Qi Zheng regained consciousness, the equipment monitoring his physical signs in the room would sound an alarm.

Then Tang Rui will rush to the scene as soon as he did just now, and place the documents that need to be reviewed by Qi Zheng in front of him:

"Mr. Qi, the reports of all departments this month are here."

Because he had been in bed for too long, Qi Zheng's complexion was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

But his spirit was unusually unaffected. Qi Zheng could see the problem with a glance at the report full of various technical terms and complex data, and then guided Tang Rui with a hoarse voice:

"The turnover of Leda has been declining in the past few months. I asked their person in charge to write an analysis and solution to see whether it is a human problem or a market problem. The budget reported by the PR department was too high, and it was cut in half. The numbers are similar. Besides, the land in the east of the city is not worth much, if Qi Fei wants to let him take it, but don't let it fall into the hands of people other than the Qi family."

Tang Rui nodded: "OK, I'll do it right away."

"And one more thing-"

"Is there anything else Mr. Qi can order?" Tang Rui was stunned for a moment. Because Qi Zheng's waking time is very short each time, Qi Zheng will often finish talking after reading the document.

Tang Rui thought that today was no exception, but Qi Zheng stopped him.

"It's not a big deal." Qi Zheng said coldly, in a tone that Tang Rui was too familiar with, and said something that Tang Rui never dreamed would come out of Qi Zheng's mouth:

"There is a female celebrity named Wen Xin, who should have signed a contract under the company Li Tian, and find her a job."

"Female star?"

Tang Rui looked at Qi Zheng in surprise, as if looking at some stranger.

"Well, let's do it." Qi Zheng didn't mean to explain, and added: "Don't give too much, she is not good at acting, playing the heroine will mess up the whole project."

"Yes..." Although he agreed to Qi Zheng, Tang Rui was full of doubts at the moment.

You must know that Tang Rui has worked beside Qi Zheng for so many years, no matter whether it is a distinguished and well-educated young lady from a family, or all kinds of Internet celebrities with charming appearance and slim figure, Tang Rui has never seen Qi Zheng treat them too much. Give even one look.

Today, he actually appointed to take care of an unknown female star.

Is the sun coming out in the west

But as an assistant, even if there are eleven thousand doubts, Tang Rui can only make arrangements according to Qi Zheng's instructions.

As Qi Zheng's right-hand man, Tang Rui's work efficiency is obviously also very remarkable.

After one phone call, Wen Xin's 'not too good' job was arranged - Qi's Entertainment's main investment this year's costume drama "Abandoned Concubine" just happened to be short of a second female lead.


After returning home, it happened that the ingredients Wen Xin bought online also arrived.

Fresh salmon, the best canned cat food, the best tender steak... A big bag is stuffed full, let the boss choose.

"Zai Zai, what do you want to eat?"

Wen Xin opened the bag, placed the ingredients on the coffee table one by one, and smiled obsequiously.

The black cat didn't seem to be used to it for a while, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Xin explained: "It's all my fault that my mother didn't speak clearly yesterday, causing Zai Zai to be wronged in the hospital. Today I will treat it as my mother apologizing to you. Can you forgive my mother?"

The black cat flicked its tail: Don't be an example, remember today's lesson.

"Does wagging the tail mean forgiveness?" Wen Xin exclaimed.


The black cat silently rolled its eyes at her, and then, reluctantly, put its paws on the steak on the coffee table.

Wen Xin saw that the boss had made a choice, and was overjoyed at the moment.

But on the surface, she didn't make it so obvious. After all, the fact that the boss is a cat is a secret. At least for now, Wen Xin doesn't intend to let the boss realize that she already knows this secret.

Transfer the other ingredients to the refrigerator, and take out the steak chosen by the boss to thaw separately.

After thawing, absorb the blood with kitchen paper, without any pickling seasoning, put butter on the frying pan directly to fry. Accompanied by the creaking sound, the meat changed color in a short while, exuding the most original aroma.

The aroma floated along the kitchen to the living room, and from the living room to the nose of the black cat on the balcony.

The black cat just twitched its ears slightly, and glanced thoughtfully towards the kitchen.

On the contrary, it was Li Jingjing in the living room who followed the tangy aroma to the kitchen: "Sister Xinxin, I didn't even know you could cook."

"I always do it, but I was too lazy before."

Wen Xin smiled, and divided the fried medium-rare steak into two, sprinkled with salt and pepper on one half, and left the other half with nothing.

Looking at the delicious steak, Li Jingjing couldn't help swallowing.

Sister Xinxin's handicraft looks delicious.

Seeing through her thoughts, Wen Xin will sprinkle half of salt and pepper on it and hand it to her: "This is yours."

Li Jingjing was very happy: "Thank you, sister Xinxin."

Then Wen Xin cut the other half into small pieces and brought it in front of Zai Zai.

"Sister Xinxin, don't you want to eat?" Li Jingjing was surprised.

Wen Xin smoothly picked up an apple from the coffee table: "It's enough for me to eat some."

"..." Li Jingjing remained silent for a while.

Although she knew that Wen Xin was a female star and needed to keep fit, she didn't eat a single bite of the steak she bought for several hundred yuan, and gave half of it to the cat.

From the perspective of Li Jingjing's world, this is somewhat incomprehensible.

Wen Xin didn't feel any pity. She looked at the black cat with a smile on her face: "Try it? I didn't put any salt."

There was a hint of disdain in the black cat's eyes.

If a steak of this quality was in Qi's family, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to appear on his own table. But compared to hard-to-eat cat food... Forget it, you can't ask too much of this woman.

So he lowered his head, symbolically took a mouthful of meat and put it into his mouth.

"Zai Zai is awesome!"

Seeing that the boss finally moved his mouth, Wen Xin couldn't hide his joy.

She still remembered that apart from all kinds of unforgivable sins and accidents such as neutering and abandonment, the original owner only fed cat food to a few cats because they thought it was troublesome, which also made these big bosses very dissatisfied.

After all, the soul is a human being, and it is normal to reject things like cat food

The original owner didn't know, so I can't blame her for that.

But now that Wen Xin knows about it, she must put an end to it beforehand.

It's not difficult for her, after all, in her previous life, she often cooked all kinds of cat meals for orange cats at home. As long as you don't put salt, pepper, and chocolate, which are unacceptable seasonings for cats, most meat can be cooked and fed to cats.

It's just a little troublesome, but it will definitely not do any harm to the cat's body.


"Sister Xinxin, Sister Xinxin, I have a job!"

Li Jingjing, who was sitting in the living room, suddenly ran up to a person and a cat with a look of excitement.

Wen Xin was stunned for a second: "What job?"

Li Jingjing handed the phone to Wen Xin, so excited that she couldn't even finish her sentence: "Sister Xinxin, take a look, I, I'm afraid I've read it wrong..."

"Xu Tianhe, "Abandoned Concubine", the second female lead?"

Wen Xin took the phone, and after seeing the contents of WeChat clearly, she also showed a surprised expression.

Let's not talk about the female number two, just the first name, Xu Tianhe... According to the memory of the original owner, this is obviously the name of a TV drama director.

Because of the success of two works, Xu Tianhe can be said to be in the heyday in the circle now.

Quite a few popular actresses were so desperate for the role of the third and fourth female in Xu Tianhe's drama, but now, they actually want Wen Xin to play the second female lead


At this moment, Qin Man, who threatened to block Wen Xin not long ago, also received a phone call.

Wen Xin's heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at the black cat quietly eating meat on the balcony, and a bold guess suddenly popped up in her mind...

Wen Xin answered the phone.

Qin Man's smug tone can be felt through the phone: "Wen Xin, although what you did before made me very angry, but I don't remember villains, as long as you are obedient, go to dinner tonight." Participate, I consider introducing a great resource to you. You will never think of what kind of resource it is, let me tell you... "

Wen Xin had expected it a long time ago, and her heart was calm: "It's the second female lead in Director Xu's new drama."

Qin Man, who was about to brag about how he won the role: "..."

How did she know