My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 58


Fortunately, this miraculous auditory hallucination did not last long.

After a while, Lian Wenbo couldn't hear anything.

He thought he was too tired recently, filming variety shows during the day and writing songs at night, secretly thinking that he should have a good rest tonight, and then walked to Wen Xin, wanting to continue to learn from others.

"Let me take a look, huh?" Lian Wenbo was stunned when he saw the blister on Wen Xin's finger.

"What's the matter? Didn't you eat enough just now?" Wen Xin asked casually as she wiped the thin sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Your hand..." Lian Wenbo pointed blankly at Wen Xin.

Wen Xin waved her hand indifferently: "Oh, this one, I accidentally burned it when I picked up the grilled lamb chops yesterday."

The barrage also saw blisters, and Wen Xin felt a little distressed.

Although Wen Xin is the only person in this villa who knows how to cook, you can't pull the sheep's wool as hard as you can in the show crew, can you

Xinxin is also a pampered female star, the baby held in the hands of fans, not the cook of your program group!

Soon fans of Wen Xin spontaneously organized and went to protest under the official blog of the program group.

There are also some bad guys who think that Wen Xin came to participate in the program and got so much appearance fee, so what's the point of making a fuss? She deserves to-

However, Lian Wenbai's mood at the moment is more complicated.

Because before he came to the kitchen, he didn't know that Wen Xin had blisters on his hands.

But during the auditory hallucination just now, Lian Wenbo could clearly hear several voices discussing the problem of the blisters, and one of them even said that he had to find a way to solve it.

But apart from Lian Wenbai and Wen Xin, there was no one else in the kitchen.

Could it be that…


Lian Wenbo's face suddenly turned pale. He was a tall man of 1.8 meters, and his legs were a little unsteady at the moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Wen Xin was taken aback by Lian Wenbai's appearance.

"No, it's nothing..." Lian Wenbai tried his best to squeeze out a sunny smile. He was clearly terrified, but he still reminded Wen Xin: "I have ointment for burns, do you need it?"

Wen Xin was about to shake her head, but she saw Lian Wenbai directly stretched out his hand and grabbed her:

"Let's go, let me apply the medicine for you."


Lian Wenbai looked quite thin, but he did not expect to be so strong.

Before Wen Xin could react, he had already pulled the person away, all the way to the blind spot of the camera, Lian Wenbai just stopped panting heavily.

Wen Xin glanced at the three big cats who were following them worryingly, and was speechless for a while.

Is this what supervision means

Leaving the camera, Lian Wenbo was finally able to completely release his fear, he wished he could pay the liquidated damages, and then leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

But before that, he had to remind Wen Xin that this was a man's responsibility.

"In the end what happened?"

Wen Xin also noticed something was wrong.

Lian Wenbai took a deep breath and finally calmed down. He was about to tell Wen Xin exactly what he had just heard, but he hadn't opened his mouth yet—

"Why did this little brat come to our family's Xinxin again?"

"Is Xinxin's excuse for rejecting him not hardcore enough? Why don't you just make the lie bigger, Xinxin is already married to Qi Zheng, and let him die!"

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"Yo yo, black boy, you are looking forward to it, right? Are you still talking hard?"

Lian Wenbai: "..."

Lian Wenbo realized that he had made a mistake.

He and Wen Xin were indeed not the only ones in the kitchen just now.

Besides the two of them, there were many people around the kitchen just now—


That's right, it's a cat.

It was exactly the same as the three in front of me.

Lian Wenbo stared at the three cute cats surrounding Wen Xin, and suddenly fell into deep thought.


The black cat stood beside Wen Xin, maintaining its calmness on the surface, but its tail had already started to pat the ground irritably.

This Lian Wenbai, what is going on with Wen Xin? Chi Chi Wai Wai did not speak for so long.

He wouldn't want to confess again beyond his control, would he

Give up, Wen Xin has no interest in you, and you also know that there is a big gap between you and her 'boyfriend', don't you

Lian Wenbai said suddenly: "Xinxin, I suddenly want to pursue you again."

Black Cat: "..."

"Hahahahahahaha!" Leopard Cat laughed wantonly.

"He's really an infatuated child." The little puppet commented.

Lian Wenbo continued: "Actually, Xinxin, you and Qi Zheng are not together, right?"

"This..." How did he know? There was a hint of guilt in Wen Xin's eyes.

It stands to reason that with Qi Yingying's previous two operations, even if Wen Xin hadn't told Lian Wenbai that she was in a relationship with Qi Zheng, some people would imagine that the relationship between the two was unusual.

But Lian Wen Bo went the opposite way, when the whole people began to believe that Wen Xin and Qi Zheng had an affair, they just didn't believe it.

Moreover, Lian Wenbai's tone was very firm:

"You just want to decline me, to prevent me from saying wrong things on the show, and you don't want to affect my future, right?"

"..." Wen Xin was shocked.

Is this kid a little smart? Who said he's one-sided

When Lian Wenbo saw Wen Xin's expression, he had already confirmed most of the facts, whether it was the fact that Wen Xin was still single, or the fact that the voices he heard were actually cats talking.

It's not a ghost, it's a cat.

Then you are afraid of a hammer!

And most importantly, Wen Xin is single now, single!

More importantly, Wen Xin rejected him because he was afraid of affecting his future!

In other words, Wen Xin didn't actually hate him, on the contrary, Wen Xin's liking was obviously deeper than Lian Wenbai's superficial liking before, and she even considered the future development of the two of them.

He was too stupid to understand Wen Xin's painstaking efforts.

Lian Wenbai was so happy that he was speechless: "It turns out that you are doing everything for my own good, Xinxin. I didn't understand your intentions. Now I know. From then on, I won't talk nonsense in front of the camera. Wait until there is no camera. When the time comes, let's talk about love again, okay?"

"... Wait, who wants to date you?" Wen Xin was almost dumbfounded.

Lian Wenbai couldn't listen to Wen Xin's words at all, and began to chatter on his own: "But Xinxin, sooner or later we will have to face the public. An underground relationship is not fair to fans, so wait until later." Our relationship has stabilized... Hey, it hurts!"

"You are so fierce—"

Lian Wenbo clutched his scratched red hand, feeling aggrieved.

The leopard cat who scratched him meowed twice:

"Labor and capital are not fierce! You offended that black cat. If I don't beat you, he will beat me!"

Lian Wen Boxin said, he didn't do anything, how did he offend the black cat

He is not stupid, he knows that things that can understand animal language cannot be revealed, so he pretends he didn't hear anything, and then shows Wen Xin the injury on his hand aggrievedly:

"Heart, it hurts..."

Wen Xin actually wanted to complain very much.

What's wrong with your tone of voice like being coquettish to your girlfriend!

But after all, it was her cat that scratched someone, so Wen Xin took a closer look at Lian Wenbai's injuries. Fortunately, it was the youngest who made the shot, and he was well-measured, so it was only a little red, and there was no blood. She said shyly:

"I'm sorry, my third child is too skinny, I will definitely clean it up when I go back. But there is no bleeding, and the third child has been vaccinated against rabies, but if you are worried, why don't you get another shot?"

Hearing that an injection was needed, Lian Wenbai shook his head quickly: "No, no, no injection."

Wen Xin was still a little worried: "But medically speaking, even if there is no bleeding, there may be exposure..."

"I don't need it. I had the vaccine before when raising Haha." Lian Wenbai quickly explained, and then looked at Wen Xin with a coy expression: "Actually, it just hurts a little. If you hug her Hold me and I won't hurt."

Wen Xin: "..."



"calm down!"

Afraid of causing any program accidents, Leopard Cat hurriedly stopped the black cat who was about to run away.

The black cat glared at the leopard cat: "I'm very calm."

"Then why are you standing up?" Leopard cat stood in front of the black cat, thinking, you are already standing up and planning to beat someone up, are you still calm

"Can't I stand up after sitting for a long time?"

"That was not what I meant… "

"Then what do you mean?"

"... Forget it, let's fight." The leopard cat felt that the black cat at the moment was a badass, the kind that didn't make sense.

I can only pray for that kid's luck, after all, how strong the black cat's fighting power is, he is the one who feels the most.

But the stinky boy seems to rely on his face to make a living... Then wouldn't he be disfigured and lose his job

The leopard cat was thinking about the seriousness of the problem, but found that the screams he had imagined never came.

He froze for a moment: "Where's the brat?"

"Run away." The little puppet replied coolly.

"Huh? Run away?"

The vigilance is quite high!


Naturally, Lian Wenbai wanted to run away.

Hearing that some cats were going to beat him, especially one as big as a black cat, how could he not run away

But it's a pity, I didn't take the opportunity to get Wen Xin's hug, it's a pity, Wen Xin is so gentle, to be hugged by her must be the happiest thing in the world.

Next, we must find an opportunity to meet Wen Xin again when the cats are not around, at least when the black cat is not around.

But Lian Wen Bo didn't expect that he had been waiting for this opportunity for two full days but never got it, because in the following days, the black cat was like a shadow, following Wen Xin like a shadow.

As long as I get closer to Wen Xin by half a meter, a cold gaze will definitely be projected towards me.

For some reason, Lian Wenbo felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

It was obviously just a cat, but the cat gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Not to mention Wen Xin's hug, she couldn't even say a few words!

until two days later.

Lian Wenbo temporarily bid farewell to the variety show filming because of an event, but when he woke up, he found that he, who should have been on the bed in the apartment, had appeared on the variety show scene again.

Could it be that the time loop started again after being able to understand the animal chat

However, why Xinxin and everyone are so far away from him, and why does that black cat look so big...

No, no, he has to stand up, so as to suppress the black cat's aura.

... Oh no, it turned out that he had already stood up.

But why does he stand lower than the black cat sits