My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 59


This day happened to be the fifth day of shooting for the "stars".

According to audience statistics, in just five days, this show has been searched for more than 20 times. It seems that it has stood out from many popular variety shows and has become the double champion of ratings and topics in recent times.

Viewers expressed that as long as they continue to broadcast these cuties, it’s okay to just watch them eat and sleep every day!

However, the audience thinks so. As a program group, they must come up with new highlights.

In the previous program, the program team released tasks every day, requiring small animals and their owners to complete them together, and the effect was very good.

But on the fifth day of the program, the small games that should be played have almost been played, and the audience has a preliminary understanding and understanding of the characters of the small animals. The program has just entered a weak period.

Thus, under the urgent planning of the upper management of the program group, the "stars" welcomed their first flying guest one day.

In variety shows, flying guests are as common as resident guests.

Generally, flying guests will not fully participate in the recording of the program, but will join in in the middle and late stages, forming new highlights for the program.

There are also many flying guests who come to participate in the variety show, just to promote the new work that I will release soon.

However, the flying guests invited by "A Day of the Stars" are fundamentally different from ordinary flying guests...

Just after eating in the morning, the director team put something in the living room where everyone can see.

And mysteriously, he refused to say what it was.

"What's this?"

Gong Hanyi looked at the huge express box in front of him, and didn't dare to approach it for a while.

"According to the program team, it's a new mission." Zuo Xuefeng said.

"New mission, why is it still moving..." Gong Hanyi leaned in front of the courier, poked the box with his fingers curiously, only to hear a thumping sound coming from inside the box.


Qi Yingying was startled, and quickly hid behind Wen Xin.

"I have an ominous premonition." Zuo Xuefeng frowned slightly, and subconsciously wanted to go to the fish tank and invite his own turtle fairy out for divination.

But before he had time to leave, he saw that the 'thing' in the express box had already broken through the unbreakable confinement of the express box, stretched out his sharp claws, and rushed towards everyone...



Everyone was dumbfounded.

"... Meow." Lian Wenbai called out depressingly.

Although I really don't want to admit it, this cat seems to be my new identity now.

No wonder he felt that something was wrong just now. He had already left the villa by plane, but when he opened his eyes, he woke up and found himself still here.

That's all, he is a big man of 1.8 meters, and he is not as tall as a cat when he stands up.

It's not scientific at all!

Well, turned into a cat, so there's an explanation for it all.

Although still unscientific.

But who can tell him how he, a good-looking young man, suddenly turned into a cat

Was it the black cat that cursed him

I can't figure it out, how could the matter of him and Wen Xin falling in love with each other make the black cat so angry

If haha, I will definitely raise my paws to celebrate warmly!

But now is not the time to think about these things, Lian Wenbo wants to know now, he has become a cat, so what happened to his people

Also, can he change back

But even though Lian Wenbo was eager to figure out these issues, the current situation did not allow him to investigate. Because he is now a cat, a cat who can't speak human language, even if he speaks human language, no one would dare to believe it.

The only good news is that God didn't throw his poor kitten somewhere strange.

He is very familiar with the human beings in front of him, and they are friends who participated in variety shows with him.

There are junior sisters from the same school, the nice Zuo Yingdi, the beautiful and sensible little sister Qi Yingying, and of course, his favorite and most gentle heart.

He is even very familiar with the little animals in front of him, and there is one that he has raised with his own hands since he was a child!

Thinking of this, Lian Wenbo took a few steps forward, and did not reject the contact with everyone in the show, but took the initiative to greet everyone in a friendly manner.


Barrage is crazy—

[I'm dead, what kind of universe invincible cutie is this?]

[Ah! The program team added chicken legs today! Well done, this is one of my favorite flying guests on variety shows.]

[I want to pick it up and kiss it hard, until it reaches the hairs on the mouth, woohoo, I feel so perverted.]

[I feel more perverted than you, I want to steal it directly, and then do all kinds of indescribable things...]

[One question, how many years is the sentence for stealing a cat?]

I can't blame the barrage for being so crazy, it's really because the program team is too 'crazy' (good job), and I don't know where the staff came from to find such a natural cute creature.

In fact, ignore a certain point to see.

Although the kitten in front of him was cute, it didn't reach the level of screaming from the audience who were used to beauties.

It looks like it's four or five months old, and it has a beautiful soft cream-colored fur.

The big, round amber eyes needless to say, and the fluffy tail, although cute, looks a little bland in contrast to the furry room.

However, when all eyes shifted down to its legs and claws...

Everyone laughed unkindly.

"Hahaha, its legs are so short." Gong Hanyi was amused all of a sudden, laughing until his stomach hurts: "Why do they feel shorter than Xiao Ba's legs? I thought Xiao Ba was the shortest!"

"Chichichiji—" I'm not short, but you can't see it.

Xiao Ba protested angrily.

The movie star Zuo Xuefeng beside him couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but he couldn't help but laugh out loud because of his own face, "It's still a bit longer than Xiaoba, but I doubt it, compared with Guigui? "

"How about we compare it?" Gong Hanyi suggested enthusiastically.

"Okay, I think it's okay, director, do you have a ruler?"

Zuo Xuefeng said that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"I have it, I have it, I'll go get it right away." Qi Yingying raised her little hand, indicating that she could provide her own stationery.

"Oh, won't this be too good, what if it hurts its self-esteem?"

Wen Xin was sympathetic on the surface, but in fact, flames burst out in her eyes, and she really wanted to know whose legs were shorter~

Of course, when this cat appeared in front of her eyes, she also recognized that he was the fifth cat of the original owner.

That is, today's top idol, Lian Wenbai who was filming the show with him the day before yesterday.

Body shape, appearance, breed, all the details are matched with Big Brother No. 5, and it just happened to appear at the time when Lian Wenbai disappeared.

Wen Xin can be 100% sure that he is Big Brother No. 5.

Obviously, because of the butterfly effect of wearing a book, the way the bigwigs arrived has changed.

Big Brother No. 4 was supposed to be picked up by Li Jingjing, but it turned out to be picked up by the third child. Big Brother No. 5 was originally bought by the original owner in the cattery with a lot of money, but in the end it became the "flying guest" of the program group .

But according to the rules of the plot, these five cats will end up by their side.

So, little short legs, just bear with it for now~


No one noticed that the 'flying guest' had completely froze in place.

What are they talking about

His legs are short

Are you kidding me, he is recognized as having the longest legs in the group, and they are straight and slender. Fans often say he has good legs.

Wait, he's a cat now, and cats do seem to have much shorter legs.

But it's still wrong, no matter how short it is, it can't be shorter than the legs of a turtle, right

He had seen Guigui's legs with his own eyes, they were thick and short, almost like stumps, could it be... Lian Wenbo looked down at himself in disbelief.

Well, is it normal

Little fluffy paws, cute pink pads, where are the legs short

In an instant, Lian Wenbo became confident again.

Measure it!

Let you measure, and then I will wait to see you slap your face.

At that time, you will have to line up one by one to apologize to me, and then each of you will have a small dried fish. Wen Xin won't need small dried fish, just a kiss will do.

As Lian Wenbai thought about it, Qi Yingying had already brought her ruler from the bedroom.

First, movie emperor Zuo Xuefeng measured his Gui Xianren.

As we all know, Guixianren is a tortoise who has lived for hundreds of years. He usually looks stupid, but in fact he has a smart head.

As soon as Zuo Xuefeng took out the ruler, he saw that the tortoise, like an old monk in meditation, stretched out his head and four legs from the tortoise shell.

Stretch stretch—

Yo ha! Unexpectedly, the tortoise, which looks like a bronze, is actually a king.

Its legs can stretch out so much, a full ten centimeters!

Zuo Xuefeng was stunned: "Guigui, you're actually the Victoria's Secret supermodel from Turtle World, right?"

Guigui glanced at Zuo Xuefeng disdainfully with her mung bean-sized eyes, as if to say, what is a Victoria's Secret supermodel, you are underestimating your uncle Turtle.

There was a burst of laughter in the barrage, waiting to see the measurement results of the little short legs.

[Come, come, come and place a bet, I guess the legs of the little short legs are even shorter, press five packs of dried fish.]

[You devils, I'll take two packs too!]

[Wait... Don't you underestimate the little short leg? Although he can't compare to excellent players like Zaizai and Lao San, at least Guigui and Lao Ba should not lose.]

[No, upstairs, you know, before measuring, you really can't believe how short its legs are.]

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Zuo Xuefeng finally took the ruler and walked towards the little short leg.

As a result, the little short legs suddenly lost their temper, and the one who twisted left and right on the coffee table was dishonest, meowing and meowing non-stop: I don't want you, I want my heart!

Zuo Xuefeng couldn't understand cat language, so naturally he couldn't satisfy his request, so he had to resort to aggressive tactics: "Are you afraid of losing face if you lose, so you refuse to face the reality?"

The little short legs immediately lost their temper, and they slapped their paws—

"Meow!" Who's scared!

Zuo Xuefeng smiled and stepped forward, asking Wen Xin to fix the short-legged body, aim the ruler at the short-legged paw, and then accurately reported the number:

"7.9 centimeters."

"Meow meow..." Lian Wenbai froze in place.