My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 66


Although it is only audio, because the equipment provided by Huo Kang is very advanced, the recording is very clear, and everyone's tone of voice can be heard clearly.

As a result, countless viewers heard that Ruan Qiu was discussing with his ex on how to murder Zai Zai...

Including how they want to use poison.

Including how they colluded with the director.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

This matter quickly fermented across the Internet, and #谢秋恶被# topped the list of hot searches.

Because things happened too fast and too suddenly, Li Tian, the brokerage company where Ruan Qiu worked, was already full of troubles before they even started to react.

Everyone was shocked.

Although after these days of skinning, everyone more or less knows who Ruan Qiu is.

But I never expected that Ruan Qiu's mind could be so vicious.

What did the cat do wrong and you want to kill it

Just because it's not close to you? But it itself is someone else's cat!

Li Tian originally wanted to claim that the audio was fabricated, so he urgently contacted the program team and asked the program team to issue an official statement. But this show was originally cast by Qi's Entertainment. After the incident, the director who had colluded with Ruan Qiu and opened the back door for Ruan Qiu was dealt with immediately. How could he help Ruan Qiu.

Later, the program group actually issued a statement, but it was not that the audio was fabricated, but severely condemned the hackers who invaded the computer background for exposing the exclusive audio of the program group.

People who eat melons come and taste -

Tsk! Isn't this a disguised admission that the audio is real

So the melon-eating army that resisted Ruan Qiu became even more unscrupulous.

Under all the related entries of Ruan Qiu, all of them were filled with Ruan Qiu's murder, Ruan Qiu got out of the entertainment circle, and Ruan Qiu's official support club, which didn't have many fans, also directly announced its dissolution because of the unbearable disturbance.

Many people even directly reported to the Internet police, demanding that this incident of deliberately harming pets be dealt with seriously...

When Ruan Qiu woke up, the sky collapsed.

As a floret in the entertainment industry, she naturally understands what this kind of gossip means to her career.

Once the evidence is confirmed, let alone acting, you may even go to jail directly.

She cried and called Qi Tian for help, but no matter how she called, the message she got was that the other party was busy; she tried to discuss it with her manager, Qin Man, but Qin Man couldn't take care of himself at the moment, so how could he care about it? she.

So helpless.

Ruan Qiu had no choice but to knock on Wen Xin's door.

At that time, Wen Xin had just woken up, and her assistant Li Jingjing had just vividly explained what happened in the middle of the night.

Hearing that Ruan Qiu's target was Zai Zai, Wen Xin was terrified and was considering whether to take her cat and leave the show.

Ruan Qiu cried until Lihua was raining, and stood outside her room door.


"Please, help me."

As soon as he entered the door, Ruan Qiu knelt directly on the ground.

At the moment, she still doesn't look like a pure little flower, her face has not been washed, her hair has not been combed, she is only wearing a loose pajamas, her eyes are swollen like walnuts, she looks pitiful:

"I really didn't mean to kill your cat, it's just that someone instructed me, and I was fascinated by ghosts for a while."

"Someone ordered you, who is it?" Wen Xin gestured to Li Jingjing who was in the room with her eyes, so Li Jingjing understood and started to record with her mobile phone.

But Ruan Qiu replied with some hesitation.

Because standing behind her is Qi Tian, the Qi family.

She is clear about Qi Tian's methods, if she offends him, even if she washes away the stigma of killing cats, she will not be able to live a good life in the future.

"I, I can't say..." Ruan Qiu gritted his teeth and said with red eyes.

"You don't even want to tell me this, and you still want me to help you, is it possible?" Wen Xin looked at her coldly, not feeling sorry for her.

It was her own choice to get to this point.

She didn't believe that someone really put a knife on Ruan Qiu's neck and forced her to kill Zai Zai.

And according to Li Jingjing, Ruan Qiu's tone in the audio is clearly very relaxed, even a little complacent. It is conceivable that even if she is not the instigator of this matter, she is very happy to do this business.

If it wasn't for the audio leak today, she wouldn't have come to apologize, right

Thinking that this woman looks weak and weak on the outside, but in fact she has already prepared poison, intending to hurt her own cub, Wen Xinqi didn't say anything: "You still have the face to beg me, do you think I will sympathize with you?" ?”

"No, no, I don't need sympathy..." Ruan Qiu seemed to have thought of some brilliant idea, stood up, and said to Wen Xin: "He gave me five million, and I can give you all of it."

"Five million?" Wen Xin was stunned.

Ruan Qiu thought she was tempted, and quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and added: "Yes, I really only have five million, and he said that he will give me the remaining half after everything is done."

Ruan Qiu thought clearly.

If she is still stingy at this time, then she is really doomed.

The figure of five million is only the price of a flat for some first-line stars in the entertainment industry, such as Fu Lingxuan. But for celebrities like Ruan Qiu and Wen Xin, it was a huge sum of money, so Ruan Qiu agreed to Qi Tian's deal without thinking about it.

Ruan Qiu thought, Wen Xin would treasure her cat even more.

She will be shaken in front of five million, right

If it's her own, don't talk about giving five million, one million wants her cat, she can give it to her on her own initiative.

However, what Ruan Qiu never expected was that Wen Xin was not only not interested in the five million, but also smelled a trace of the real murderer behind the scenes from the five million.

Pay five million to kill a cat.

First reaction, this person is too rich; second reaction, how much this person hates this cat!

And the combination of these two conditions, plus Wen Xin's understanding of the relationship between Ruan Qiu's characters, can almost be locked on one person——

"Qi Tian wants you to harm my family?"

"..." Ruan Qiu was beyond shocked.

Why did Wen Xin know, she obviously didn't say anything, whether this matter will make Qi Tian misunderstand that he leaked the news, and how Qi Tian will take revenge on her next.

Numerous questions popped into Ruan Qiu's mind in an instant, entangled together, and made her have a splitting headache.

She still wants to say something more, and try to save it again.

But Wen Xin didn't intend to listen. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the police number: "Is this the Shushan Sub-bureau? I want to report an incident of deliberate murder of property."

Half an hour later, someone from the police station took away Ruan Qiu and Wen Xin for questioning.


As soon as Wen Xin arrived at the police station, her manager, He Li, came with the company's lawyer.

As expected, a lawyer would have to worry a lot more. After Wen Xin explained the cause and evidence of the incident, she was then told to go back and wait for the news to be dealt with.

On the way back, Wen Xin posted a Weibo with four simple words:

Reported to the police.

The accompanying picture is the entrance of the Public Security Bureau.

This Weibo retweet exceeded 20,000 within five minutes. The melon-eaters who have been paying attention to this matter since midnight saw the ending, finally let out a sigh of relief, and left messages on Wen Xin's Weibo, Well done!

A group of guests in the program group also lined up to repost this Weibo.

Although there are not too many comments, reposting itself is already a supportive attitude.

Later, Chu Xi Huo Kang and Ruan Qiu's ex-girlfriend Fu Lingxuan also forwarded this Weibo, which caused a lot of trouble in the circle, let's not mention it for now.

What made Wen Xin most happy to see was a comment from the original owner of Tuantuan.

It turned out that Tuantuan was not Ruan Qiu's own cat, but the one that the company rented out to her from amateurs because she was eager to participate in the show.

Now Ruan Qiu has been exposed to such a scandal.

The original owner of Tuantuan couldn't sit still, and said that he had returned all the money to Li Tian, and was going to the Variety Villa to pick up his cat today.

Besides, one of the murderers behind this incident, Qi Tian, is not living peacefully either.

He didn't answer Ruan Qiu's call, not because he didn't want to answer, but because he couldn't answer at all.

Early in the morning, Mr. Qi said that he would hold a shareholder representative meeting to explain and explain the recent internal debates in the company.

Because Qi's is a family business, Ontology is not listed.

Therefore, it is said that the shareholder representative meeting is actually just a family meeting.

Including Qi Tian's parents, there were also a group of members of the Qi family present. Qi Tian didn't care because he had already found the latest backer. This backer is now taking advantage of the opportunity of Qi Zheng's disappearance to gradually expand its power. The momentum to replace Qi Zheng.

According to the news of this 'backer', Qi Zheng, the proud son of heaven who was held in the apex of Mr. Qi's heart, is very likely to be dead. So 80% of the content of today's meeting is that Mr. Qi was forced to announce the death of Qi Zheng and re-select the heir of the family.

Compared with this big news, the exposure of Ruan Qiu's recording of killing a cat is really insignificant.

Qi Tian didn't even bother to take a second look.

However, while Qi Tian was full of joy waiting for Mr. Qi to announce the news of Qi Zheng's death, the door of the meeting room was slowly pushed open, and the man who was sworn to be dead appeared in front of everyone with a stern face...

He looked calm, as if the disappearance in the past few months had never happened.

All the rumors are self-defeating, and all doubts have been settled.

Because everyone knows that as long as Qi Zheng is around, Mr. Qi will never consider a second heir.

Qi Tian's plan to rely on his backing to get back to the top position was in vain, not only that, Qi Zheng came back this time, and he knew everything that happened in the company these days, including the event that Qi Tian lost a bet and used public funds to make up for leaks.

In front of all family members, Qi Zheng's assistant, Tang Rui, announced how to deal with him:

"Qi Tian and his father's misappropriation of tens of millions of company funds, the results are as follows: first, cancel Qi Tian and Qi Yuanshan's internal positions in the company; second, ask Qi Tian to make up the public funds within seven days, otherwise he will sue the law; Three, Qi Tian and Qi Yuanshan will no longer enjoy the living allowance of the Qi family."

The meeting lasted for more than two hours.

Some are happy and some are worried.

Qi Zheng's high-profile return is bound to have a new impact on the internal Qi family that has begun to divide, causing the internal forces to carry out another cleanup.

But no matter what, no one dared to question Qi Zheng's life and death.


End of the meeting.

Tang Rui looked at Qi Zheng with concern, for fear that he would suddenly faint like before.

Qi Zheng looked very calm: "Don't be nervous, my current maintenance record is five hours."

This is the result of repeated calculations by him and Tang Rui, and it is trustworthy.

From Qi Yuan to the company, and then to the end of the meeting, it took less than three hours, so Qi Zheng still had plenty of time.

But after all, this is the first time to go out since the car accident, so Qi Zheng is somewhat uncomfortable.

Tang Rui then suggested: "Mr. Qi, after visiting Miss Wen, go back to Qi Garden to rest immediately."

Qi Zheng frowned: "Who said I'm going to see her?"

Tang Rui was stunned: "Ah? Aren't you going?"

She cared so much when she was in a coma, but now that she is awake, she can't go away.

Is there something wrong

"The variety show is over, grandpa told me to take Yingying home." Qi Zheng said with a normal expression.

"Mr. Qi..." Tang Rui subconsciously felt that Qi Zheng was a little too much. He used to be unable to do so, but now he has recovered, so why didn't he go to see the child's mother.

Is this an inappropriate scumbag

Wait, something seems wrong.

Wasn't Wen Xin also in the variety show that Qi Yingying participated in!