My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 75


Because it was a black cat, no one recognized it at first.

After all, the boss must be a noble and glamorous group, so they won't use a cute cat head as their avatar like sand sculpture netizens these days.

However, as we all know, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

We all know that among countless blind people, there is always one person who is comparable to Leeuwenhoek!

Soon, the news that Qi Zheng used the picture of Wen Xin's black cat cub as his Weibo profile picture spread all over the Internet.

Just now, he was so arrogant, and he was sure that Qi Zheng would not give Wen Xin eyes at all, his face was almost swollen. CP fans were even more moved when they heard the sound, dancing ecstatically, as if celebrating Valentine's Day.

On the other end, this news also appeared on the homepage of the Little Milk Orange Pad.

Little Naiju originally wanted to help the black cat father hide the matter, but he forgot that there is also a leopard cat at home who has a super long standby time every day and is afraid of chaos in the world.

The ocelot seems to have finally caught someone's pigtail:

"Look, everyone! Qi Zheng, a shameless old man, is using a photo of Hei Cub as his profile picture!"

Little Milk Tea came over to take a look: "Huh? Why does it look like pure black?"

"Look carefully, how can there be hair in the pure black background picture?" Leopard cat clicked on the big picture with its paw, and its tone was very firm.

The puppet cat passed by, gnawed on the beef jerky, and said, "The third brother is right."

"Too much! How could he do this!"

Little Milk Tea was very angry, and thought about what Qi Zheng said during the meal during the day, and his heart is for his people, ahhh—a dog man will really give himself money.

"I didn't expect him to have such ulterior motives." The leopard cat flicked its long tail with a serious face: "It actually uses this trick to get close to Xinxin with the help of Hei Cub."

"He doesn't look like that kind of guy?"

The puppet recalled the Qi Zheng he saw during the day, and always felt that something was wrong.

Qi Zheng is not only very different from that kind of fat and round investor in appearance, but also in his attitude towards Wen Xin, Muppet Cat can also clearly feel that there is no such superior contempt.

If Qi Zheng really wanted to hide his heart, then it was impossible for him not to show any traces.

Leopard Cat disagreed with her opinion: "You, you, why are you so silly and sweet! Isn't this just the beginning, let Xinxin and us lower our vigilance?"

The puppet cat wagged its big tail: "Actually, I think it would be nice if Xinxin fell in love with Qi Zheng."

"What? Where is it good?"

Little Milk Tea was the first to disagree.

Xinxin didn't even fall in love with him, how could she talk to Qi Zheng! Although, Qi Zheng is really handsome, and he has money and power... Well, after talking, Little Milk Tea lost his confidence.

Leopard Cat was the second to disagree, and his reason for disagreement was more straightforward: "In terms of conditions, I think I'm better than Qi Zheng. In terms of film and television resources, I can also help Xinxin, my family... "

While the leopard cat was talking, suddenly, the little milk orange who had been silent all this time patted him with his paw:

"The third child—"

"What's the matter? Why interrupt me, I haven't finished yet?" Leopard Cat was dissatisfied.

"Look behind you." Little Naiju kindly reminded.

"What happened behind me?" The leopard cat turned around subconsciously, and then, at some point, the black cat was standing behind him quietly.

Leopard cat: "..."

So, he heard what he said just now

The black cat stared at him: "Continue."

Leopard Cat broke into a cold sweat: "Don't say it, don't say it, I'm actually not that awesome."

But Little Milk Tea didn't realize the problem, and took the initiative to run to Leopard Cat's side: "Brother Leopard Cat, you are right, your conditions are indeed very good, and we all recognize your character."

Ocelot: "No, I'm not, I don't."

Little Milk Tea continued: "Come on Brother Leopard Cat, I failed, you haven't yet! That old..."

"I am Qi Zheng." The black cat said calmly.

"Honest, kind and handsome man, although the conditions are really good, but you still have a thousandth hope." After Xiao Milk Tea finished speaking, she quickly rushed to the second eldest puppet sister in the family, trembling.

Leopard Cat: "Is this how you sell me?"

Little Milk Tea poked its head out from beside the puppet: "Meow meow~"

I don't know anything, I'm just a kitten.

Leopard cat: "..."

grass! Miscalculated!


Except for the fourth little milk orange, although the other cats in the family have more or less suspected the relationship between Qi Zheng and the black cat, but the black cat never admits it, so everyone doesn't take it seriously.

The leopard cat secretly rubbed and tried several times, and finally, the black cat couldn't help showing its cat tail.

Little Milk Ju looked as if she had expected it a long time ago: "I thought this matter was already obvious."

Leopard Cat glared at him: "Then why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Little milk orange: "I thought you must know it, but I didn't expect..." I overestimated your IQ.

Leopard Cat began to explain to the black cat hypocritically at this time: "Zai Zai, who would have thought of this, we all thought that Qi Zheng was a pig's trotter outside and wanted to hide the rules from Wen Xin, if you said it was you, then we would not misunderstand .”

The black cat looked very calm: "You ripped off one of my hairs during the day today."

Leopard cat: "?"

Still carry such a grudge

After hearing this, Little Milk Tea froze immediately.

Oops, he still bit Qi Zheng's trousers today! Are his trousers expensive

No, no, Qi Zheng is so rich, he definitely wouldn't care about wearing a suit!

The black cat added in a timely manner: "The suit is now covered with cat hair, and I have already thrown it away."

Little Milk Tea: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

The puppet cat watched from the side and laughed: "Hei Zai, you are too dark and vengeful, aren't you?"

"And you, consider paying today's bill?" The black cat looked at the puppet.

The puppet cat was shocked: "You asked me for this?"

The black cat didn't show mercy: "I invite Wen Xin to dinner, you ordered five foie gras, five thousand a piece."

Muppet: "...Okay! You're ruthless!"

After all, everyone is not really poor, so they immediately asked the black cat for their bank card number. At worst, when they return to adulthood, they can just call Qi Zheng.

However, I never expected that the black cat was indifferent to money, and only made one request:

"You are not allowed to appear in front of Wen Xin tonight."

All cats: "…"

Why is this cat so upright

Little Naiju couldn't sit still: "Daddy Black Cat, why do you still have me? I have always been a die-hard fan of you and my heart, and I even ranked your CP Chaohua~"

The black cat glanced at him indifferently: "Kids don't interrupt the adults' affairs."

Little Milk Orange: "?"

What are you going to do? You black boy with a black face and a black heart!

The cats were speechless for a moment.

All cats know that Wen Xin is busy with work during the day, and only at night can everyone get together with Wen Xin and practice together to increase the human-like time.

But Hei Zai's move is clearly to eat alone!

For this day, he actually hid it so deeply

No wonder he is the only one who is black among all the cats, and what's more, he is so purely black.

It's a pity that all the cats are missing a move after all.

After all, everyone is guilty!

Dirty suit, hair stripped, these are trivial matters, but what if Hei Zai still makes a big fuss by taking advantage of this trivial matter in the future

The worst thing is that the fourth child, Naiju, did nothing, and was tricked out by the black cat just because of her young age.

So, that night.

After Wen Xin washed up, she was planning to have fun with her little cuties as usual, and then realized, hey, why are all the cuties hiding

The puppet cat sleeps, the little milk tea baby sleeps, and even the third child with ADHD sleeps!

Why, is this dozing off contagious

Wen Xin, who didn't know what happened, thought that Zai Zai might be asleep too, and was feeling sad that he would be alone and sleepless that night. The black cat, covered in pitch black, pushed the door open like a ghost.

"Zai Zai?" Wen Xin was a little surprised.

The black cat strolled over, looking straight at Wen Xin.

"Zai Zai is the only one with you today, they are all asleep, and no one will compete with you for a seat."

Wen Xin patted the bed, signaling the black cat to jump up.

The black cat, who usually jumped on the bed early to occupy a favorable position, became reserved at this time. He looked at Wen Xin, and then at the small bookcase in Wen Xin's bedroom. His gaze was fixed on a black camera bag on the top floor of the bookcase. :


Let me see the pictures you took earlier.

Wen Xin: "..."

ah ah! If Zai Zai sees her secretly filming him sleeping, going to the bathroom, eating, or taking a bath, will Zai Zai think she is a pervert

The black cat didn't realize what was waiting for him, and he still had some expectations.

Wen Xin loves him so much, did he take many pictures of him being handsome and unrestrained? Although he has become a cat, from all aspects, his cat type should be considered a good-looking one, and there is no possibility that he will not be photogenic.

Until Wen Xin clicked on the camera, what caught the eyes of the black cat was the video of him taking a bath until the water in the bathtub turned black...

The black cat's face suddenly became darker.