My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 88


The rose petals in his arms were layered and stained with a few drops of crystal dew. They were airlifted from Bulgaria early in the morning, and it took no more than 24 hours from picking them to delivering them to Qi Zheng.

However, since becoming a cat, Qi Zheng, whose hearing has been extremely sensitive, found that Wen Xin had already walked to the door, but turned back.

The villa has a video surveillance system, Wen Xin has no reason not to know that he is at the door.

And Qi Zheng asked himself and didn't do anything that made people feel disgusted.

So, Wen Xin came and went, and didn't come to explain the reason for a long time, could it be...

This bouquet of roses

Qi Zheng looked at Rose with complicated emotions.

Tang Rui said that no girl can resist the charm of roses, especially, the man who sent the roses is still a man like Qi Zheng.

But Wen Xin just resisted.

Qi Zheng waited at the door for a full two minutes, which is one hundred and twenty seconds converted into seconds.

In the past twenty-five years, no one had made him wait so long.

After one hundred and twenty seconds passed, Qi Zheng's patience also disappeared—

Of course, this patience is only for this bouquet of roses.

He chose to throw the roses into the car not far away, and drove to the nearest convenience store, got out of the car, and bought two tea eggs, a cup of millet porridge, and a meat steamed stuffed bun.

These things cost Qi Zheng less than ten yuan in total, which is completely incomparable with the price of roses.

But Qi Zheng felt inexplicably confident that Wen Xin would like this 'gift' more than roses.

It's almost time for the morning meeting.

Qi Zheng didn't delay any longer, but came to the door of the villa again and rang the doorbell.

This time, Wen Xin came very quickly.

Only, when the door is opened...

Qi Zheng looked at Wen Xin, who was dressed in a pink dress, combed his hair into a cute ball head, and put on light makeup, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

And Wen Xin looked at the things in Qi Zheng's hands, and was also embarrassed.

what's going on

Well said roses!

Could it be her old eyesight

But in the video just now, she clearly saw roses...

In order to be worthy of this bouquet of roses, she even put on a set of makeup at the speed of life and death, and put on a new skirt, but now she is told that it is actually just a big tea bun

If it wasn't for Wen Xin's good expression management practice, she would almost have put a question mark on her face.

After Qi Zheng was stunned, he slightly shifted his gaze, not to meet Wen Xin's gaze, and then handed the breakfast to Wen Xin with his hand: "I passed by here, thinking that you haven't eaten yet."

"Thank you, Boss Qi." After receiving the breakfast, Wen Xin's face also became a little hot for no reason.

She couldn't help howling inwardly:

ah ah!

Why does the hair get hot

It's not roses, it's just big buns with tea eggs

Could it be that she has never seen the world!

Qi Zheng didn't notice her mental activity at all. After handing it over, he seemed to have completed a certain mission, and immediately switched to the domineering president mode seamlessly: "You're welcome, remember to eat on time."

"Mr. Qi, have you eaten?" Wen Xin asked a few more words.

Qi Zheng nodded.

He is a man with a very regular life. Everything he does when he wakes up early, except for coming to say hello to Wen Xin, everything is arranged step by step like a precise scientific instrument.

But in this way, there is no way to find an excuse to invite him to the house.

Wen Xin showed a slightly disappointed expression, but it quickly disappeared.

She shrugged: "It's a pity, I was going to make a sandwich in the morning, and I invited you to try it."

Wen Xin’s sandwiches are a must. The toast bread is homemade by her. It is soft and fragrant, served with salted egg yolk sauce, luncheon meat slices, fresh tomato slices and lettuce. It is one of the family’s favorite breakfasts. .

But because of the cumbersome process and Wen Xin's busy schedule.

So in such a long time, Qi Zheng only ate it twice.

He is going to the company next, so he will definitely not be able to return to the cat, that is to say, only other cats can eat the sandwiches today, but he can't...

Qi Zheng's eyes darkened immediately: "I only drank a cup of coffee."

Wen Xin: "?"

Even though he didn't understand what the domineering president would do if he only drank coffee for breakfast, Wen Xin still invited him in.

After entering the door, Qi Zheng seemed very familiar, it was no different from returning home, Wen Xin just pretended that he didn't see anything.

She beckoned Qi Zheng to sit down: "Mr. Qi, sit down first, wait for me for five minutes."

Qi Zheng looked at the villa in human form for the first time.

The simple yet generous decoration style was there before Wen Xin and the cats moved here, but after Wen Xin arrived, she gradually made many changes in her own way that were hard for him to notice when he was a cat.

For example, knowing that Little Short Legs has short legs, he couldn't jump up many places, so after he got home, Wen Xin installed small stairs in many places.

Although this thing is just a burden to Qi Zheng.

But it must be a lot more convenient for short-legged cats.

Also, there are a lot of long-haired cats in the house, and they often shed their fur intentionally or unintentionally, and they also shed when combing. Wen Xin didn't throw away, but asked his assistant to sort the cat fur together.

Later, Wen Xin used these cat hairs to poke five cute little felts, which were completely miniature versions of the five of them.

In order to prevent the felt from getting dusty or falling apart, Wen Xin equipped the felt with a glass protective frame.

Qi Zheng walked up to the neatly arranged row of felts, looked at himself at the front, who was also the biggest one, and thought of Wen Xin collecting the hairs, and poking them into the current appearance, the little girl who was overjoyed. His expression made his heart feel warm, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

At this time.

Suddenly there was a meow.

Qi Zheng turned around and found that the leopard cat who had just woken up did not know when it came over.

Looking at him, showing a trembling and frowning expression, almost nothing was written in his eyes: You are not really such a dog, and the human form is coming to beat me up, right

Qi Zheng's gaze sank slightly.

Fortunately, Wen Xin showed up in time and hugged the third child: "I woke up so early today."

Leopard Cat: "Put me down quickly, I don't want to fight."

Wen Xin stroked two handfuls of leopard cat's fur, and was satisfied.

After a while, the puppet cat also came over, yawning. She has a sharp nose, and she smelled the smell of breakfast a long time ago, so she immediately came over to sniff her heart coquettishly.

Wen Xin put down the leopard cat again and replaced it with a puppet.

Ragdoll cats are large cats, and they are quite scary when they gain weight. However, after Wen Xin has been exercising for a period of time, the muscle lines of her forearms have gradually become obvious. Holding the puppet sister is completely effortless.

In Wen Xin's arms, the puppet cat was acting coquettishly, rubbing its face and meowing.

Wen Xin's expression became more and more satisfied.

Qi Zheng thought to himself, should he walk less in the future

After all, Wen Xin liked him so much, so holding him shouldn't be something she didn't like.

Until breakfast is served on the table.

According to the person's head, but also according to the cat's head, everyone has one share.

Only the black cat is missing...

Qi Zheng felt jealous.

He couldn't help asking: "The black cat's, isn't there his?"

Wen Xin was stunned for a moment: "Zai Zai is sleeping..."

He asked again, "Is there any left for him?"

Wen Xin: "?"

But haven't you already eaten it!

Why do you still want to take two shares


In the end, under Qi Zheng's strong request, Wen Xin made another part for the black cat.

Although this caused wild protests from the other four cats, everyone said—

If it works like this? Then I will come here in human form tomorrow and eat two tons, ah no, two meals!

The puppet sister was already gearing up for it, but was finally stopped by the little milk orange.

Little milk orange said: "Don't eat so much, I haven't studied the specific connection between our human form and cat form body yet."

When the puppet thought of the two catties he had gained recently, his expression became depressed.

Little Milk Tea asked: "So, what happened to the last research result? Brother Leopard Cat, have you fully recovered after hugging him? If it is really possible, then I will..."

Little Milk Tea wanted to say that he also wanted to hug Xinxin for a long time.

It's not to take advantage of it, it's just that I feel that my heart is very gentle.

As a result, the Leopard Cat's tone was cool: "It hasn't fully recovered, but it has lost hundreds of hairs. Do you want to experience it?"

Little Milk Tea: "..."

Then, let's not do it... woo woo woo.

The fourth child, Milk Orange, was also a little depressed.

Before embracing, he had already ruled out many options. He originally thought that embracing might be the most likely one, but he failed unexpectedly.

The ocelot's human recovery time didn't even increase by a second that day.

Not to mention being completely at ease like a Ragdoll!

"Sister Muppet, are you sure you didn't hide anything from us?"

The puppet cat blinked its big innocent eyes: "No."

Although, it seems that there is.

But that was a little secret between her and Xinxin.

Seeing that everyone was a little frustrated, the puppet cat quickly comforted: "Don't give up, maybe there are other reasons?"

"What else do you say? I've tried everything." Leopard cat cried.

The puppet cat suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "That's right! Eat! Why didn't we think of this?"

Little Milk Orange: "Huh?"

The more the puppet cat thinks about it, the more it feels right, because you see, their daily practice is actually similar to accumulating energy, accumulating here in Xinxin, and then consuming it on people.

The most obvious difference between her and other cats is that she not only accumulates energy from Wen Xin, but also energy from food.

She eats a lot more than the cats at home!

Little Naiju understood what she meant: "It seems to be reasonable."

The puppet cat said: "This must be the reason! You have accumulated a lot and your hair is thin, so from today on, you should be like me, eat a little more, preferably twice as much as usual."

Several cats showed surprise expressions one after another.

Everyone did what they said, and at noon, they began to eat together to expand their appetite.

As a result, Wen Xin cooked according to the usual standard, but it was not enough... and two days later, the rice and meat at home suddenly began to decline at a soaring rate. Wen Xin looked at the empty refrigerator and this month's food expenses, and suddenly felt that she should go to work.

In the evening, He Li hurried to the villa with joy.

There was good and bad news at the same time.

The good news is that, thanks to the efforts of the Qi Group, the heroine of "2030" has finally been decided on Wen Xin; the other bad news is that the car racing variety show that Qin Man took over for Wen Xin more than a month ago, The second season is about to be filmed.

Although Wen Xin and Li Tian had already terminated their contract.

But the contract between Wen Xin and the "Fast and Furious" program group is still in effect.

Wen Xin signed a total of three seasons, and only filmed one season before.

This season, I heard that the difficulty and strength of the car have been greatly upgraded, and even the instructor has to accept the test at the same time...

He Li looked at Wen Xin with loving eyes: "Why don't we terminate the contract with them, the termination fee is not expensive, only two million."

Unexpectedly, Wen Xin firmly refused: "No, the contract cannot be terminated."

two millions!

What a long time of food expenses at home!