My Cats are All Bigshots

Chapter 90


The moment Huo Kang finished posting, he regretted it.

How could the majestic racing god be so cowardly

What's more, he is still a man!

Men can't say no!

Look carefully at those opponents again, this one is old, and that one was injured the year before, in fact, it’s no big deal? So, within half a second, Huo Kang withdrew the WeChat message he sent and changed it to:

"Don't go to practice driving, if you go, you will look down on me."

"?" After realizing it, Wen Xin, who had received the news for no reason, slowly put out a question mark.

The third child seems to be drifting away, feeling that he is invincible.

Wen Xin has to admit that the third child is really talented in racing, otherwise how could he come back against the wind under the premise of his team falling behind so much in the last season of the show.

However, Wen Xin has a habit, a habit that can be said to be quite cautious.

In a project involving herself, she is not good at putting all the weight on others.

Even if this other person is a cat she has raised for a long time, she is the world champion in this project.

Wen Xin has investigated, this time the competition will be upgraded across the board, and the strength of the team members will no longer be as uneven as in the previous one. Many high-level racers have defected to other teams in order to seek opportunities to compete with Huo Kang.

In other words, the advantage of Wen Xin, a bug-level player with Huo Kang, is no longer so absolute.

What's more, the arena is changing rapidly. Isn't the charm of competitive sports just right? Don't you never know the result until the end

It's not that Wen Xin doesn't believe Huo Kang.

Only this time, she didn't want to just be a vase that dragged her feet.

In case the score really kills her, even a second extra in the play-offs will add to the victory.

So she finished sending the question mark, turned around and asked her assistant Li Jingjing to book a course for her at the city's most famous racing track.

She also discovered later that racing is a very popular sport in the world in this book.

Rich people can almost play, but without financial resources, it is difficult to move an inch in this circle.

Wen Xin has a driver's license, and her driving skills are not bad.

But to be on the field, she felt both scared and excited to be honest in her heart.

The fear is because she is afraid that she will make a mistake. Once she makes a mistake, at such a fast speed, what awaits her may be minor injuries, severe paralysis or even death; She was unbearably excited to make a contribution to her team.



It's almost time to make lunch for the boys and make an appointment with the racing track.

Wen Xin didn't tell everyone what she was going to do, because she knew that if she did, with the character of these cubs, she would definitely not be allowed to go, especially the third child and Zai Zai.

So she just said: "Mom is going to work, everyone stay at home."

The slow third child didn't notice anything unusual.

The puppet sister seemed to have sensed it, and raised her head: "Meow?" Where is Xinxin going

Wen Xin patted her head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll be back tonight."

Little Milk Tea rubbed against her trousers, as if reluctant to let her go. Wen Xin picked up Little Milk Tea, and reluctantly put it down when she walked to the entrance: "Little Milk Tea, be good at home."

Little Milk Tea: "Woooo..." Xinxin, I also want to go outside.

Wen Xin pretended not to understand the plea in Little Milk Tea's eyes, and silently apologized in her heart.

If today was a normal job, she might have softened her heart and brought the little milk tea to go, but today she is going to practice the car, the racing track is so big, and the traffic is very dangerous, the little milk tea is so cute, What if I was abducted

Wen Xin put down the small milk tea and promised everyone: "I will bring delicious ice cream when I go home."

Little Milk Tea and Muppet Sister's eyes lit up at the same time: "Meow!" Okay!

Wen Xin was half relieved.

Xin said that these three were finally resolved.

Little milk orange is the one she feels most at ease, she often gets into the nest and does some weird things, and she won't stick to her at all; I was still a little bit disappointed, but when I turned around and saw a series of Qi family news appearing more and more frequently in the financial news, I was relieved.

He wasn't there when we were having dinner just now, and he was probably discussing tens of billions of big business in the conference room right now, so he didn't have time to worry about her.

Thinking of this, Wen Xin's footsteps became a little lighter.

It's as if elementary school students can finally go out to play games in Internet cafes without their parents behind their backs.

However, just as she stepped out of the house on her front foot, a black cat suddenly jumped out from nowhere on her back foot, staring at her closely with mysterious deep golden eyes.

Wen Xin: Sudden guilty conscience.JPG.

The black cat followed her footsteps and walked to the door one step ahead of her. Shure looked back at her again.

It seems to be saying: What are you still doing? Aren't you going out

Wen Xin followed up tremblingly, and said in his heart, Zai Zai, aren't you going to do business with tens of billions

Unexpectedly, as soon as the black cat got into the car, it seemed very tired and fell asleep in the passenger seat. It was the first time for Wen Xin to see a black cat so tired, and when he got a little closer, he could still hear his even and regular purring.

So my heart ached, and I almost drove the car back.

Fortunately, the distance from the villa to the racetrack was a bit far, just enough for the black cat to have a good sleep.

When I woke up, I saw the largest racing training ground in the city and in the whole country, located on the outskirts of the city, covering an area of tens of thousands of acres.

Black cat: "?"

Is this what you call work

Wen Xin looked up at the sky with a guilty conscience.

But the black cat did not stop her as expected, but followed closely behind her, like a bodyguard, never leaving her.

Li Jingjing said: "Just now the coach told me that it is ready, we just park our car in the parking lot."

Wen Xin nodded, then reversed the car and entered the garage. Seeing her skillful movements, both Heimao and Li Jingjing were stunned—

Is Wen Xin so good at driving


After parking the car, Wen Xin turned off the engine.

The car door was opened, and the black cat jumped down dexterously, majestic like a vigorous little leopard. He walked in the front to open the way, followed by Wen Xin and Li Jingjing who walked side by side.

Five minutes later, two people and one cat arrived at the training ground.

Wen Xin originally thought that this kind of training ground was at most a bigger driving school, but when she saw the towering mountain that could almost be called a sky-high mountain, Wen Xin fell into a long silence:

She gives up now and hugs the third brother's thigh, is there still time

woo woo woo...

Mom, this mountain is so high!

As if seeing Wen Xin's retreat, the black cat pointed to the direction to go back with its eyes.

Unexpectedly, the coach that Wen Xin had reserved just happened to show up: "Miss Wen, don't be afraid, ordinary people will not open the Yunlong Mountain track to you, we will practice on ordinary roads."

Wen Xin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay."

God knows how afraid of heights she is.

The coach is a kind middle-aged woman, and she has a good impression of Wen Xin, who is a female star, but not afraid of hardship or tiredness to train. After seeing Wen Xin, she felt an indescribable sense of intimacy, so she couldn't help but stepped forward, wanting to get closer to Wen Xin, who knew that the moment she got closer, the black cat next to Wen Xin, for some reason, Glared at her.

The coach was taken aback by that look: "Miss Wen, are you sure your pet is a cat?"

"It's a cat!" Wen Xin burst out laughing, knelt down and rubbed Zai Zai's furry head, and said, "Come on, Zai Zai, let everyone meow to prove your identity."

Black Cat: "..." No way!


"Isn't this Wen Xin? Why, Mr. Qi didn't accompany you when you came out to practice driving alone today?"

The woman's sarcasm and sour voice came from far to near, coupled with the sound of high heels stomping on the ground, it was annoying.

It wasn't until the light was projected on the woman's face that Wen Xin recognized it was Shumanan.

As soon as Schumann appeared, Wen Xin remembered that she was one of the new mentors in the second season of the show.

However, she is a wealthy lady, what is she doing in a racing variety show

It can't be because I didn't beat Wen Xin in the last audition, so I feel dissatisfied. I want to win Wen Xin in variety shows, right

Before Shumanan approached, Li Jingjing whispered science popularization in Wen Xin's ear: "Sister Xinxin, Shumanan's husband is in the racing team, and her younger brother is a professional racing driver. It was through this line that she met his husband. "

"This way..." The logic became much smoother at once.

For Shumanran, racing can also be said to be her other home field.

With the two layers of relationship between her husband and younger brother, she can definitely show off in an ordinary variety show, and then simply win the championship.

Unfortunately, this time her opponent was not just Wen Xin.

Schumann arrived proudly, and directed her assistants to drive out her perfectly modified car. It was a limited edition Lamborghini, pink and golden, shining golden in the sun.

The instructors participated in an additional entertainment competition, which was not difficult, and the track was flat with less curvature.

It is mainly the performance of the carpool and the proficiency of the driver. In fact, as long as you can drive an ordinary car, you can finish it. However, the speed is slightly higher than that of driving on ordinary roads.

Wen Xin saw Shumanan's beautiful sports car and thought: It's over, she doesn't have a car!

Although the program group will also provide a car, she will not be without a car to drive, but can the program group's one million car compare with other people's Lamborghini

To be honest, Wen Xin is not sensitive to the concept of the price of sports cars, at least he is slower than the price of cosmetics.

But the Lamborghini in front of me is expensive and beautiful, visible to the naked eye.

Don't say that Schuman is stunned, this car is given to Wen Xin, and Wen Xin can't help but stunned.

Shumanan is obviously very proud of her car, especially since she knew that Wen Xin drove an ordinary BMW here just now, and now that BMW is parked in the parking garage in disgrace.

Thinking of the anger she received during the audition some time ago, Shumanan hypocritically stepped forward and said, "Oh my heart, didn't Qi always forget to buy you a car? Otherwise, I still have one here, so I'll lend you one to drive."

Schumann didn't finish his sentence, only the humming sound of the engine came.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the track at the same time, one car, two cars, three... Lamborghini, Maybach, Ferrari... A total of seven top racing cars appeared in front of everyone one by one.

The leader is the fiery red iconic Ferrari.

After the car came to a complete stop, the doors of the Ferrari rose like wings, and a half-race man who was almost 1.9 meters tall stepped out of the car, and greeted Wen Xin: "Xinxin, let's see which one you like?"

Schumann was immediately dumbfounded.